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Widower’s Journey

Author: Herb Knoll

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"Widower’s Journey Podcast" is part of a support network for men who have been widowed or lost a spouse or life partner. Author Herb Knoll discovered upon losing his wife to cancer, that there were really no support services available to grieving men. He wrote a book "The Widower's Journey" as a way to help other men who were going through the same situation. It was followed by a Facebook group that now serves over 1,800 in 38 countries.

This podcast features interviews with widowers and experts, and provides a community for men going through this difficult time, with followers in 47 countries.

To learn more about the Widowers Support Network, see It is also recommended that you subscribe on this podcast site so you are notified when a new podcasts become available. Look for "Subscribe to RSS Feed," in the center of the page - see row of four icons.
47 Episodes
So, you say you're tired of being alone. You need a friend or a lover in your life, but where does one begin? Maybe you’ve tried dating sites, but none of your dates clicked.  Dating at your age is unlike anything compared to dating when you were young.  Every woman seems to have so much baggage: obligations, preferences, and problems you prefer not to get involved with. (As if you don’t have a few of your own.)  Still, being lonely is no way to spend the rest of your life.  You need help, and Herb Knoll has found it.  Say hello to Herb’s guest on this Widower’s Journey Podcast #47, Let’s Talk Dating Hosts Christine Baumgartner and Barry Selby.  Christine and Barry understand the dating world and are the right medicine for what ails you. You’re going to enjoy this podcast. Give it a listen.     
What do Ted Koppel, Charles Gibson, and Diane Sawyer have in common with the Widower’s Journey Podcast host, Herb Knoll?  Answer: They have all had the opportunity to work with Warren Kozak.  A noted writer for ABC News, former on-air reporter for NPR, and most importantly, a widower, Warren has just released Waving Goodbye, Life After Loss, a new book (released in April 2024) in which Warren shares deeply personal moments from his journey following the loss of his wife, Lisa.  At times, Warren’s poignant thoughts suddenly turn funny, leaving Herb and him in laughter.  Listen in as the Widower’s Support Network visits with Warren Kozak, Herb’s new friend.  Warren…what a great guy.
Learn what widowers are talking about and what advice our nearly 2,200 widowed members provide each other. Sit back and enjoy listening to your host, Herb Knoll, as he presents the 45th Widower’s Journey Podcast, Widowers Ask – Widowers Answer, Vol 9. Learn as Herb shares some of the more insightful discussions straight from the Widower’s Support Network - Members Only Facebook private page established exclusively for men. 
The Widower’s Journey is pleased to present an interview with Bradley Vinson, the Grieve Coach. Bradley’s life’s path took a profound turn following a life-altering event – the tragic loss of his 4-year-old granddaughter, Alanna.  Join your host, Herb Knoll as Bradley – a Baptist Minister, shares how his loss, coupled with his studies at Dallas Theological Seminary changed the trajectory of what would become his future ministry dedicated to those who grieve.  A popular keynote speaker and trainer, Bradley authored the book Good Grief, True Stories of Hope and Healing.  Join us for a light-hearted and informative visit with Bradley Vinson, The Grieve Coach.   
Jenny Lisk is a mother of two young children who was widowed when she lost her husband, Dennis. Join our host, Herb Knoll, as he visits with Jenny Lisk, as she releases her newest book, Widowed Parents Unite – 52 Tips to Get Through the First Years – One Widowed Parent to Another.”   Learn why Jenny is quoted as saying, “I was left to pick up the pieces of what should have been our life. Now it was me, my 9-year-old, and my 11-year-old.”  Listen as Jenny explains what motivated her to share her story and rededicate her life to supporting Widowed Parents everywhere.  An award-winning author, Jenny previously wrote Future Widow – Losing My Husband, Saving My Family, and Finding My Voice.  Jenny is also the Founder of Widowed Parent Institute.
Chris Bentley is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP).  One day, Chris discovered a need among the recently widowed to help them sort out what can be a horrifying task, their finances when first widowed.  This was the beginning of Wings for Widows, a not-for-profit.  With his volunteer team of experienced CFPs from across the United States, thousands of newly widowed men and women have been guided to a better financial tomorrow.  And this is all provided for FREE.  Listen in and learn what services are available to the widowed and how to seize them.
As host of the Widower’s Journey podcast, Host Herb Knoll has an opportunity to interview many exciting and talented people.  Robert Pardi ranks high on that list of interesting guests.  Join Herb as he explores the teachings of Robert Pardi, widower turned author and life coach, as he explains his concept of “Possibilities in Action.”  A resident of central Italy, formerly of New York City, Robert Pardi, shares his fresh look into the world of the widowed and elaborates on his concept of “Living Life Intentionally.” He dispels the notion that there are stages of grief, opting instead for “emotional stages.” Listen as Robert shares some exciting best practices designed to aid the widowed on their grief journey.   
Learn what widowers are talking about and what advice our nearly 2,200 widowed members provide each other. Sit back and enjoy listening to your host, Herb Knoll, as he presents the 40th Widower’s Journey Podcast, Widowers Ask – Widowers Answer, Vol 8. Learn as Herb shares some of the more insightful discussions straight from the Widower’s Support Network - Members Only Facebook private page established exclusively for men. Topics discussed include the merits of attending a grief support group.   Learn about one widower who admits he really screwed up and there is no way to recover. Then listen to a widower who fell in love with his “2nd chance,” only to have his past life end it all. Or hear about a widower’s chance encounter with an attractive woman in a grocery store, and much, much more. 
In this Episode of Widower’s Journey Podcast, Herb Knoll chats with widower Marv Weidner, co-author of When The Rocks Sing.  After his loss, Marv Weidner learned that grief is an organic, unstructured experience.  Listen in as both Herb and Marv examine Marv’s teachings about harnessing resiliency, facing grief head-on, embracing loss as an integral part of life, staying present in the midst of trauma, reaffirming or discovering a new sense of purpose, and more.  Learn how Marv applied his discovered learnings and discovered the Joy that awaits him in this life.   
Medical Power of Attorney, Living Will, Revocable Trusts, Probate, Estate Taxes, etc., do you even need to be concerned about these Estate planning tools?  Only if you wish to control what becomes of your assets and monies following your death.  Listen in as your host; Herb Knoll, discusses these and other legal documents and processes with Attorney and Estate Planning Expert Diedre Braverman.  A Stanford University Law School graduate, Diedre clears the fog surrounding estate planning and related sensitive topics.  You may remember Diedre’s name if you read Herb’s book, The Widower’s Journey, as she contributed to its content.
The Widower’s Journey Podcast is pleased to announce that we have landed an interview with Dr. Justin Yopp, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the North Carolina University Department of Psychiatry and co-author of the intriguing book, The Group – Seven Widowed Fathers Reimagine Life. Listen as your host, Herb Knoll, and Dr. Yopp discuss the background in writing The Group, and highlighted many of the best practices the seven widowed fathers devised as they raised their children as single parents.   
Suicide!  Why do people die of Suicide?  Learn the answers to this and other questions provided by four Suicide surviving widowers to Dr. Sally Spencer-Thomas, Psy.D., Co-Founder & President of United Suicide Survivors International.  Dr. Spencer-Thomas is a highly acclaimed expert on the causes of Suicide, and the impact suicide has on those left behind.  Hear the story of why Dr. Spencer-Thomas focused on Suicide as a field of study following her first-hand and painful experience with Suicide.  Learn, as your host, Herb Knoll, queries Dr. Spencer-Thomas on what to look for in troubled others and what steps survivors can take in their recovery.   
Learn what widowers are talking about and what advice our nearly 2,000 widowed members provide each other. Sit back and enjoy listening to your host, Herb Knoll, as he presents the 35th Widower’s Journey Podcast, Widowers Ask – Widowers Answer, Vol 7. Learn as Herb shares some of the more insightful discussions straight from the Widower’s Support Network - Members Only Facebook private page established exclusively for men. Topics discussed include: when your deceased wife’s family goes behind your back to influence your son or how you seemingly were abandoned by your friends and family following your wife’s passing. Hear the advice provided to a widower re-energized after experiencing intimacy with an old girlfriend or listen as a widower asks what to do when his new love interest has the same first name as his deceased wife, and much, much more.
Lynda Cheldelin-Fell shares her touching story of grief and how she used it to provide gracious love and support to others who have also lost a loved one. Lynda published thirty-five Grief Diaries books and formed the International Grief Institute. She provides certification programs for those entering the grief industry and even stages Grief Cruises in the Caribbean, to name just a few of her healing creations. Lynda Cheldelin-Fell is a woman of action with a loving heart, which shows in everything she does. Interviewed by our host, Herb Knoll, in what is becoming his trademark fashion, this is one podcast you won’t want to miss.      
Join our host, Herb Knoll, as he visits with Dr. Mary-Frances O’Connor, Ph.D., and author of the breakout book, The Grieving Brain – The Surprising Science of How We Learn from Love and Loss. The Grieving Brain brings together accessible science and practical knowledge that provides an understanding of what happens when we grieve and how to navigate loss with more ease and grace.  Dr. O’Connor debunks Kubler-Ross’ enduring idea of the “Five Stages of Grief” and sets a new paradigm for understanding grief on a neurological level.  This understanding can lead to timely recoveries from sorrow initiated by loss. You won’t want to miss this lively exchange between two highly rated experts from the world of grief.
Soaring Spirits International is a dynamic organization that comforts widows and widowers worldwide. Among its offerings is its very popular Camp Widow, held each year in multiple cities and featuring its world-class programming. Listen as your host, Herb Knoll, visits with the founder and CEO of Soaring Spirits, Michele Neff Hernandez, as she shares her story and her newly released book, Different After You… Rediscovering Yourself and Healing after Grief and Trauma.
Widowed men have many challenges. One of the most difficult is rediscovering JOY in their life. Hi, this is your podcast host, Herb Knoll. When I was first widowed, I recall mentioning to a colleague that I hoped I would one day be able to laugh again. Rediscovering Joy, which I associate with laughter, seemed like an impossible dream during the early days after being widowed. Join us as the Widower’s Journey Podcast interviews three widowers who rediscovered Joy and their talking. Listen as each man shares his best practices when seeking Joy and excitement about their future.
Listen as Widower’s Journey Podcast host Herb Knoll presents Widowers Ask – Widowers Answer, Vol 6. Learn what widowers are talking about and what advice our 1,800+ widowed members provide. Learn as Herb shares some of the more insightful discussions recently held on the Widower’s Support Network - Members Only Facebook page. Topics discussed include what to do after learning your late wife may have had an affair, how to respond to a friend who asks, “Why are you still in love with a dead person?” and what to do with the new home you shared with your wife briefly before she died.
Join our host, Herb Knoll, as he visits with Dr. David Knapp, founder of the Grief Relief Ministry. An ordained minister, David has traveled the Widower’s Journey twice, having lost his first wife Ruth and later, his second wife, Judith, to cancer. Dr. Knapp authored the book “I Didn’t Know What to Say: Being a Better Friend to Those Who Experience Loss.“ He and his current wife Crystal recently released the book titled “Recording My Sorrows, Hoping for Joy; A Guided Journal for Grievers.” Sit back and enjoy the insights provided by this extraordinary man who has dedicated his life to helping the widowed.
The Widower’s Journey Podcast once again virtually travels outside the U.S., to Toronto, Ontario, Canada, to visit with Richard Dri, who as a widower, he thought he could handle life as a widower and being a single dad to three kids, but this was not the case. At times, he struggled greatly. Join us as Richard shares details about his journey. As a financial planner, Richard also shares a few suggestions in managing one’s financial resources while embarking on their grief journey.