Wilderness Podcast

Wilderness Podcast's mission is to spread contextual awareness surrounding wilderness issues and ideals by helping to facilitate a more in-depth appreciation through long form interviews with subject area experts. Wilderness Podcast is a conservation-based passion project.

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Wild and Free? Wild Horses and Burros | Val Barbour & Janelle Ghiorso | Oregon Wild Horse Organization | Ep. 055

In this episode, I interview Val Barbour and Janelle Ghiorso with Oregon Wild Horse Organization.Topics we discuss:What is so special about wild horses?Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971.Federal Land management agencies abdicating their responsibilities. Are wild horses a native species?Conflicts between cattle interests and horses.Ecological niches that horses and burros provide.The health of horses vs cows on public lands.Horse/predator relationships.Horse gathers, s...


Montana's Collaborative Nightmare | Michael Garrity | Alliance for the Wild Rockies | Ep. 054

In this episode, we discuss:Mike’s career evolution.How the Alliance for the Wild Rockies has been able to maintain its mission and integrity over the decades.The origins of the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act (NREPA).Why the Alliance sues the Forest Service more than any other environmental group in the country.Wild Montana, Greater Yellowstone Coalition and The Wilderness Society’s promotion of harmful logging projects and the destruction of wilderness quality lands as part of a c...


Capitalism's Grip on the Wilderness Movement | Dr. Joseph Scalia III | Gallatin Yellowstone Wilderness Alliance | Ep. 053

In this episode, I interview Dr. Joseph Scalia III, practicing psychoanalyst in Livingston, Montana and frequent guest of the program. Dr. Scalia is a board member with the Gallatin Yellowstone Wilderness Alliance and long-time wilderness activist in Southwest Montana.Topics we cover: Societal change as an important component of the wilderness movement, Joe’s career as a psychoanalyst, the perversion of truth, Felix Guattari’s The Three Ecologies, National Environmental Policy Act ...


Is Wilderness Still Relevant? | Erik Molvar | Western Watersheds Project | Ep. 052

In this episode, I speak with Erik Molvar, executive director of Western Watersheds Project. We discuss his guidebook writing, the state of our public lands system, the work of Western Watersheds Project, the influence of domestic livestock on Wilderness and public lands, attitudes and historical context of wilderness, Native American omission from the Wilderness Act, the relevancy and importance of the wilderness designation, how to manage public lands for the benefit of ecosystems and the h...


Hundreds of New National Parks | Michael Kellett | Restore the North Woods | Wilderness 30x30 | Ep. 051

In this episode, I interview Michael Kellett, Executive Director of Restore the North Woods, a non-profit environmental group working in Maine with the mission of creating a new national park near Mount Katahdin. We talk about his early years, his time spent working for The Wilderness Society on the east coast, the founding and vision of Restore, the story about the creation of the first national monument in Maine, the history and culture of New England landscapes and its working forests (i.e...


Oregon's Wilderness Deficit | Erik Fernandez | Oregon Wild | Wilderness 30x30 | Ep. 050

Wilderness 30x30 | A Wilderness Podcast miniseriesIn this episode, I interview Erik Fernandez, Wilderness Program Manager with Oregon Wild. We talk about his position at Oregon Wild, the green fallacy that is the state of Oregon, the state’s dwindling roadless areas and high road density, Oregon’s lack of political champions for wilderness, the outsized influence extractive industries have in the state, the need for bold legislative protections to make up for lost ground, recent anti-wilderne...


Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act (NREPA) | Michael Garrity | Alliance for the Wild Rockies | Wilderness 30x30 | Ep. 049

Wilderness 30x30 | A Wilderness Podcast miniseriesIn this episode, I speak with Mike Garrity, Executive Director of the Alliance for the Wild Rockies. We talk about the history of the Alliance, the work they are involved with, how the Alliance has sued the FS more than any other group in the country, all about the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act (NREPA), protecting entire ecosystems over state-centric wilderness bills, protecting endangered species as a means of securing...


America's Red Rock Wilderness Act | Terri Martin | SUWA | Wilderness 30x30 | Ep. 048

Wilderness 30x30 | A Wilderness Podcast miniseriesIn this episode, I speak with Terri Martin, Intermountain West Organizer with the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (SUWA). We talk about the founding of SUWA, how they have been successful in an anti-wilderness and anti-federal lands environment, local control efforts undermining the public trust, new wilderness as part of the 30x30 campaign, Native American reception to wilderness in Utah, Bears Ears as a catalyst for 30x30, America’s Red Ro...


Idaho Wilderness Stewardship | Sally Ferguson | SBFC | Ep. 047

In this episode, I speak with Sally Ferguson, Executive Director of the Selway-Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation (SBFC). We talk about her background, the mission of the SBFC, central Idaho wilderness areas, how Idahoan’s value wilderness, creating advocates by virtue of deep wilderness experiences, how SBFC works with the Forest Service, noise pollution from small engine aircraft in Idaho wilderness areas, SBFC’s trails and stewardship programs and summer volunteer opportunities in the back...


Climate Disruption | Dahr Jamail | The End of Ice | Ep. 046

In this episode, I interview Dahr Jamail, author of The End of Ice: Bearing Witness and Finding Meaning in the Path of Climate Disruption. We talk about Dahr’s life as an investigative journalist, his introduction to the climate crisis through his reporting, climate as the biggest story of all time, his book The End of Ice, coming to grips with our bleak climate reality, how quickly the climate is changing, having difficult conversations about climate disruption, personal rights versus obliga...


Roadless Rules! | Gary Macfarlane & Katie Bilodeau | Friends of the Clearwater | Ep. 045

In this episode, I speak with Gary Macfarlane, Ecosystems Defense Director and Katie Bilodeau, Staff Attorney with the Friends of the Clearwater in Idaho. We talk all about roadless areas, their history, RARE I, RARE II (Roadless Area Review and Evaluation), fractures in the wilderness community over RARE II, the National Forest Policy Act, the influence of industry on roadless areas, the nitty gritty of the Clinton 2001 Roadless Rule, state specific roadless rules, loopholes in the Roadless ...


Wilderness Compositions | Stephen Wood | Stephen Wood Music | Ep. 044

In this episode I interview Stephen Wood, a self-described “Wilderness Composer”. We talk about his childhood, what it means to be a wilderness composer, translating his wilderness experiences into music, his time spent in Montana writing compositions and his many residencies across the country. Stephen plays parts of his compositions for us inspired by his visits to the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge in George and the Siuslaw National Forest in Oregon and walks us through what he was fe...


Mountain Bikes, Wreckreation & Wilderness | Christopher Ketcham | Ep. 043

In this episode I speak with Christopher Ketcham, author of This Land: How Cowboys, Capitalism and Corruption are Ruining the American West. We talk about Senate Bill 1695 which would amend the Wilderness Act to allow for mechanized recreation (mountain bikes) in designated Wilderness, the recreation industry's grip on self-professed environmental groups, the Wilderness Act and the ban on mechanization, impacts of mountain biking and other recreation on wildlife populations, allowing mountain...


Conservation Through Filmmaking | James Brundige | First Light Films | Ep. 042

In this episode, I speak with James Brundige, an accomplished conservation and environmental filmmaker. We discuss the California and Oregon wildfires, the interconnectedness of the climate and biodiversity crisis, the impacts of climate change across the globe, about his life as a conservation filmmaker working for National Geographic, NOVA, PBS and others, film as the ultimate art form, his early years as a filmmaker, working with Robert Redford and his film Forever Wild, his important film...


Gray Wolf Delisting | Amaroq Weiss | Center for Biological Diversity | Ep. 041

Breaking News! On October 29th, the gray wolf lost protection under the Endangered Species Act. In this episode, I speak with Amaroq Weiss, Senior West Coast Wolf Advocate with the Center for Biological Diversity about this news and more. We talk about the history of delisting, the assault on the underlying science, public opinion towards wolves, cultural attitudes, mass wildlife killing programs sponsored by the federal government, regional recovery status, state wildlife agency attitudes, e...


An Activist's Life | Phil Knight | Montanans for Gallatin Wilderness | Ep. 040

In this episode, I interview Phil Knight, a long-time wilderness and wildlands activist in Montana. We discuss Phil’s guiding in Yellowstone, recently watching wolves kill a Bison, the accelerating destruction of wild nature, the fallacies of forest health initiatives, promoting forest resiliency, Phil’s early years, his activist history, his time with Earth First!, his early frustrations learning about how the government was managing public lands, the timber wars and locking his neck to a lo...


On Conservation Pathology | Joseph Scalia | Gallatin Yellowstone Wilderness Alliance | Ep. 039

In this episode, I speak with Joseph Scalia, president of the Gallatin Yellowstone Wilderness Alliance in Bozeman, Montana. Joe is a practicing psychoanalyst in Livingston and brings a unique perspective to the wilderness movement through his vocation. We talk about the climate, ecological and biodiversity crisis on earth, group psychosis and pathological thought processes, how the Big Greens use propaganda to further their agenda, corporatization of the Big Greens, society’s death drive to “...


Public Lands Grazing: Death & Destruction | Jon Marvel | Western Watersheds Project | Ep. 038

In this episode, I speak with Jon Marvel, public lands activist and the founder of Western Watersheds Project. We talk about his background, his first experiences on public lands in Idaho, what public lands mean to him, looking at ecosystems with fresh eyes, the vast destruction from intensive livestock grazing on public lands, a vision for public lands without the cows, multiple use mandates, the Bundy clan, the contentious founding of the Idaho Watersheds Project (pre Western Watersheds Pro...


A Conversation with Derrick Jensen | Derrick Jensen | Deep Green Resistance | Ep. 037

In this episode, I am honored to speak with Derrick Jensen. Derrick is a long time environmental activist, writer and philosopher. He has authored dozens of books and essays and is known in the environmental and conservation movement as one of the great movers and shakers of our time. Derrick challenges us to see the bigger picture, question authority and seek new ways of living with ourselves and the planet. We talk about Derrick’s background, his history as an activist, the gaps he discover...


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