Wingin' it like Jesus

We are a youth ministry based out of Houston Texas who thought; "hey, why not"? So we did! In our podcasts we will talk about almost everything (our faith, struggles, personal testimonies, apologetic's, and share an occasional dad joke of course). Our hope and goal is to allow the students who are a part of our ministry to share with you, the listener, how the Gospel of Jesus has changed our lives and hopefully will get you thinking on how he has or can change yours! Email questions/comments to:

Episode 7: From Pain to Life

In this episode we have Ms. Camryn on talking about her personal testimony and struggles that she has had in her 19 years of here on earth. She talks about the fight for depression, growing up in a home of atheist, and the pain that self harm/suicide plays not just on you personally but on a family.


Episode 6: Take a Chill Pill

TODAY! We had the opportunity to have Ms. Dulce to come onto the show to talk about rest! Come hangout, listen and see what scripture has to say about finding TRUE rest!


Episode 5: Judge me

Everyone hates being judged (for a good reason, it calls us out) but this episode we challenge you to judge us. With me I have Ms. Havyn Scott recording an episode to talk about the truth behind judging others.


Episode 4: Fun Fact!

Everybody loves fun facts, come listen to three fun facts on this weeks episode with Ms. Michaela!


Episode 3: Spirit Animal

Lion or Flying squirrel? Or would you rather walk on water? Come listen and see how you could win a free t-shirt!


Episode 2: Sour Cream for Breakfast

Let's talk about why we have hope! What makes you hopeful? Hear from Ms. Mackenzie Duncan as she shares a little about herself and as we talk about sour cream for breakfast!


Episode 1 "The beginning of Wingin' it"

The beginning of our podcast! Are you interested to see what it means to wing it like Jesus? Skeptical about God? Come take a listen and hear what our podcasts is all about as we introduce "Wingin' it like Jesus"!


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