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Wire Talk with Karen Stubbs

Author: Karen Stubbs

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Wire Talk was created to encourage and equip moms throughout the challenging and life-changing journey of motherhood. Each week on Wire Talk Karen Stubbs offers godly, practical advice on the topics every mother has questions about: mom guilt, our children’s faith, potty-training, divorce, our teenagers dating, and more!
444 Episodes
Understanding how your child is wired can be a key to resolving conflict in your home! In today's episode, Karen dives into the dynamics of family conflict and emphasizes how important it is to recognize your child's personality type. By taking the time to understand their unique traits, we can cultivate patience and empathy in our relationships. Join us as we explore practical ways to bear with one another instead of butting heads!Episode Recap:6:08 I’m worried about my 9 yr old son’s lack of sociability…should I be? 9:05 My daughter and I are constantly butting heads! Help!12:15 What are the four core needs of the Red personality? 14:08 How did your husband being away for so long affect your children and the home? 18:32 My 1st grade daughter’s social awkwardness is affecting her relationships, what can I do? Scripture for Reflection:Ephesians 4:2 (NIV): Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.Questions for Discussion:How well do you know each of your children’s personalities? Share with the group the personalities of each of your family members. Do any of the personalities in your family butt heads more so than others? Can you see how taking personalities into account could create a more peaceful home? Refer to the four needs of each personality type in the resource packet linked below: do any needs stand out that you could work to be more mindful of in your parenting?  Resources:Download the BOAW Moms app for FREE [App Store] [Google Play]Not sure your child’s color? Take our Colors Personality quizPrint off the FREE personality resource packet from BOAW
Today we’re diving into the idea of being a countercultural parent. Join us as Karen shares how important it is to parent in a way that aligns with God’s will instead of seeking the approval of others. From practical tips on renewing your mind to choosing God as your guiding “North Star,” Karen offers encouragement to moms who may feel out of step with the world – but exactly in step with God’s design. Episode Recap:3:51 Karen shares about her newest curriculum, The Counter Intuitive Parent8:36 How have you seen parenting trends/choices change over the years?11:38 Were you always countercultural as a parent or did you change as you realized you needed to parent differently from the world? 16:25 What worldly patterns do you see affecting families right now? 19:05 What can a mom do today to renew her mind? 23:00 God is our “North Star” as believers26:30 There is a lot on the horizon for BOAW Moms this year! Scripture for Reflection:Romans 12:2 (NIV) – "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”Galatians 1:10 (NIV) - “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.”Questions for Discussion:What parenting “trends” have you noticed in the circles you are parenting in these days? Do you feel pressure to conform to any of them? Karen spoke about renewing your mind and making choices for your family based on God’s will rather than the world’s expectations. How can you practically begin to “renew your mind” in your daily parenting?In what ways do you feel countercultural as a parent? Have there been moments where you doubted your approach because it went against what society expects?How can you make God your “North Star” in your decision-making as a parent? What are some distractions that keep you from doing this, and how can you overcome them?Resources:Download the Birds on a Wire Moms app now for FREE wherever you get your apps: [App Store] [Google Play]Check out The Counter Intuitive Parent available now through Right Now Media):
Today Karen is answering questions from moms whose kids are in college or working and living on their own for the first time. She shares how to support them without enabling them, how to gently guide them toward wise-decision making, and how to encourage them toward maturity while simultaneously stepping back. She also reminds us that now, more than ever, is the time to get on your knees and PRAY for your kids! Moms, this season is hard, but the fruit of these years is worth the investment of time and energy. Episode Recap:3:41 How do I help my college-age daughter who is already struggling with time management while she’s away? She’s calling me in tears weekly!8:00 I feel like my son is growing apart from us as a young adult living in another state. Is this normal? How can I adjust my mindset? 13:02 My daughter calls me all the time about every little thing now that she’s living on her own. How can I help her be more confident in her decision making? 17:18 I think my son could be classified as “failure to launch” at this point in time. How can I get him to think about his future seriously?!Scripture for Reflection:Philippians 1:9-10 (NIV) – "And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ."Questions for Discussion:Were there any suggestions Karen offered during this episode that surprised you? Which ones did you love? When your young adult is constantly seeking advice, how do you balance offering support with encouraging them to develop their own confidence in decision-making?Do you struggle with feelings of separation or distance when your child is living far from home? What are some practical things you could do (besides visiting!) to close that relational gap? What are some practical ways we can support our young adults in their independence without overstepping or enabling them?In what specific ways can you be praying for your young adult as they transition into greater independence? Do you think prayer influences your ability to trust God in this season?Resources:Jump in on the Survival Guide to Motherhood study this fall! Today is the last day to register: the Birds on a Wire Moms app FOR FREE wherever you get your apps! Come hear Karen teach at an event near you:
Literacy coach Welsley Jongko joins us in the studio today to talk about the process of learning to read and to encourage those of us who have beginning readers at home! She explains the current reading crisis in America and the simple but effective things parents can do to support their children on their way to become lifelong readers. There are so many great tips and resources shared in the conversation today, be sure you check the links in today’s show notes! Episode Recap:2:11 Welsley is a literacy coach supporting teachers in the K-5 school system4:00 Karen shares the story of Abby’s dyslexia diagnosis 7:56 Tips for parents who are already overwhelmed by the new school year9:40 How can parents help foster a love of learning in their child? 12:12 Is there a difference between a late learner and a struggling reader?16:00 What are the red flags your child is struggling to read? 23:08 Additional early signs of dyslexia26:00 What is the problem with “whole language” instruction? 30:37 Tips and strategies for helping your beginning reader enjoy the process34:15 More resources from Welsley Jongko on learning to readScripture for Reflection: Proverbs 3:13 (NIV) “Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding.”Questions for Discussion:Did Welsley’s insights on the reading crisis in America resonate with your own experiences? Have you had or do you have a child who struggles with reading? Were there any strategies or suggestions for helping your child that stood out to you as particularly helpful?Fostering a love of learning is crucial for young readers. Does reading aloud happen regularly in your home? What are some favorite books in your family? Have you ever tried listening to audiobooks together? Is this an area you can grow in as a family? Resources:Welsley’s book, Teach Me to Read: Little Literacy Nook! @littleliteracynookMore resources on Welsley’s website: https://littleliteracynook.comSold a Story podcast on flawed reading instruction: The reading crisis among elementary students in America:,a%20proficient%20level%20in%20reading.Love Every Reading Skills Set: hear Karen teach at an event near you: our private BOAW Moms FB group for community and collective wisdom:
Today Karen is answering questions from moms juggling packed schedules, managing family commitments, and trying to make a little time for themselves! From balancing kids' activities with family time to learning when to say no, in this episode you’ll hear practical advice to help you protect your energy and prioritize what matters most. Pop in those earbuds or grab a basket of laundry to fold and let's figure out what your best "yes" is for this season.Episode Recap:- 3:57 Survival Guide to Motherhood is now available as an online course! Register today- 6:14 My schedule is packed and I was recently asked to lead a group at church. I want to say no, but how can I?  - 8:37 I’m conflicted about travel sports - help! - 12:31 I’m exhausted, how do I stay connected to my husband in this season of parenting?- 15:42 How can I set boundaries now to avoid overcommitment in the future? Scripture for Reflection:Matthew 6:33 (NIV) "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”Questions for Discussion:How do you evaluate whether a commitment is a “best yes” for your family? What criteria do you use to make sure your commitments support your family’s well-being?How can you ensure that your marriage remains a priority amidst the busyness of life? Is this easy for you or is it a struggle? Karen talks about dividing your time into three categories: essentials, non-negotiables, and bonuses. How do you currently categorize your commitments? What activities or priorities fall into each category in your life? Are there any adjustments you feel called to make after reflecting on this concept?What strategies can you implement to create intentional rest and unstructured family time in your weekly routine?Resources:Register for Survival Guide to Motherhood today: Use coupon code THRIVE for your exclusive Wire Talk listener discount.Come hear Karen teach at an event near you: our private BOAW Moms FB group for community and collective wisdom:
Today Karen and Emily dive into the dynamics of marriage and parenting, reminding us that we are not our husband's Holy Spirit! Karen talks about letting go of the urge to control her husband's spiritual journey, addresses differences in parenting styles, and offers practical wisdom for managing the emotional ups and downs that come with doing life together. Lean in for practical advice rooted in love and respect, remembering that it is God who ultimately guides our growth.Episode Recap:5:15 How do I let go of my husband’s lack of a quiet time? 7:41 Our job is to love and respect our husbands8:00 My husband is harsh when he disciplines, what do I do? 11:29 How can I get my husband to take more initiative?15:55 My husband’s moodiness brings me down! Scripture for Reflection:1 Corinthians 3: 6-7 (NIV): "I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow."Questions for Discussion:Can you relate to the feeling of wanting to control your husband's spiritual walk? When has this happened in your own marriage, and how have you handled it?In what ways have you seen differences in parenting styles between you and your spouse? What strengths does your husband’s style bring to the family? What strengths does your style bring? Do you think you make a good team or is there a lack of balance?Do you ever struggle with resentment or feeling overwhelmed in your role as a wife and mother? What steps have you taken to address these feelings, and how did your husband respond?When your husband is in a "blue mood," how do you typically react? Have you found any strategies that help both of you during those times, and how do you maintain your own emotional balance?Reflecting on the idea of giving space in your marriage, how have you or your husband used space to deescalate tensions? What are some practical ways you’ve implemented this in your relationship?Resources:Check out BOAW’s curriculum Parenting Together (from Preschool to Prom): hear Karen teach at an event near you: our private BOAW Moms FB group for community and collective wisdom:
In the final episode of our 3-part series on Ephesians 6:14-18, we're taking an in-depth look at verse 18 and Paul's call to pray in the Spirit on all occasions. Karen and Emily explore what it means to be vigilant in prayer and the different types of prayers we should keep in mind. They also dive into how we, as moms, can cultivate a consistent and effective prayer life and teach our kids to pray. This conversation is rich with wisdom and Scripture, so pull up a chair and have your Bible nearby as we close out this powerful series! Episode Recap:5:55 Ephesians 6:18- Paul’s admonition to the church to pray in the spirit on all occasions8:54 What are the different types of prayers we need to keep in mind? 13:20 How can we develop a consistent and effective prayer life as moms?14:41 How do we teach our kids to pray?  17:47 Putting on the armor of God empowers us21:30 Karen shares various times from her life when she depended on prayer Scripture for Reflection:Ephesians 6:18 (NIV): “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”Questions for Discussion:Reflecting on Ephesians 6:18, how do you personally practice "praying in the Spirit on all occasions"? What are some specific ways you integrate prayer into your daily routine, and how has that impacted your spiritual life?Karen and Emily discussed different types of prayers we should keep in mind.Which type of prayer do you find yourself leaning on the most, and why? Are there any types of prayers you feel you could focus on more in your life?Can you recall a time in your own life when prayer was essential in getting through a difficult situation? How did that experience strengthen your faith?What challenges have you faced in maintaining a regular prayer practice? What strategies have you found helpful in overcoming these obstacles?How have you approached teaching prayer to your children? What methods or practices have you found effective in helping them develop their own prayer lives?Resources:Check out BOAW’s 52 week prayer journal: hear Karen teach at an event near you: our private BOAW Moms FB group for community and collective wisdom:
Today we're diving deep into Ephesians 6:14-18, exploring how to equip ourselves with spiritual armor needed for the daily battles we face. Karen and Emily discuss the practical steps to "put on" the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, and the gospel of peace, empowering you to stand firm against the challenges of life. This conversation is chock full of Scripture, so grab your Bible and follow along as we discover how to stand firm, knowing that God is with us in every fight.Episode Recap:4:19 Today we’re looking at Ephesians 6:14-18 together 6:54 We have to strap on the truth of Jesus Christ. We have to know what He says, which means reading our Bibles7:58 Use Scripture to combat the lies we face in our daily lives15:10 How do we practically put on the belt of truth? 17:39 What is the breastplate of righteousness and how do we “put it on” practically speaking?22:43 Let’s break down what it means to “have your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace”26:00 We can’t hold it all together, we have to open up our hands and trust that God has us and our kids34:20 Stand firm and fight, prepared with these spiritual weapons, because God is with youScripture for Reflection:Ephesians 6:14-18 (NIV): “Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”Questions for Discussion:How can we practically "put on" the belt of truth in our daily lives as mothers?Consider specific ways you can incorporate Scripture into your daily routine to combat the lies and doubts you might face.What does it mean to wear the breastplate of righteousness as a mom?Discuss how living righteously affects your parenting and the example it sets for your children. How can you model this for them?In what areas of your life do you need to trust that God "has you and your kids"?Reflect on situations where you may be trying to control too much. How can you release those burdens and trust in God's provision?How can being rooted in the gospel of peace help you navigate the challenges of motherhood? Discuss how staying grounded in God's peace can shape your reactions to stressful situations and bring a calming influence to your family.Resources:Grab Karen’s 365 day devotional Moments with God for Moms: out BOAW’s 52 week prayer journal: hear Karen teach at an event near you: our private BOAW Moms FB group for community and collective wisdom:
Back-to-school feels like the start of a new year for moms, so it’s a perfect time to prepare our hearts and minds. Over the next three weeks, we're diving into Ephesians to explore the armor of God, a biblical metaphor Paul uses to remind us that we are in a spiritual battle every day. This isn't about fear—it's about living a victorious life through Christ.Join us as we encourage you to wake up, equip yourself with God’s truth, and get ready to stand strong in this new season. You’ve got this, and with God’s help, it’s going to be an amazing school year!Episode Recap:4:30 Karen recaps upcoming speaking events and her travel calendar 6:00 The new school year as the real "new year" for moms9:11 Why is the armor of God crucial for spiritual battles?12:32 We don’t think about the fact that we are in a spiritual battle everyday16:43 How do we practically apply this in our families? Karen offers tangible examples22:14 ‘Stand firm’ means we have to be ready. Wake up! Expect the battles to come and be prepared.24:23 We have to retrain ourselves to see the spiritual battles around us and plug into God’s powerScripture for Reflection:Ephesians 6:10-13 (NIV):  “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”Questions for Discussion:Why do you think Paul chose the metaphor of the armor of God to describe our spiritual battles? How does this imagery resonate with your own experiences as a mom?Karen emphasized the importance of 'standing firm' and being prepared for spiritual battles. In what areas of your life do you feel the most unprepared, and how can you start to equip yourself spiritually?In the episode, Emily mentions that we often don’t realize we’re even in a spiritual battle. What are some practical ways you can remind yourself to stay aware of this reality?How do you see the devil’s schemes manifesting in your daily life, particularly in your role as a mom? How can you counteract these schemes with the truths from Ephesians 6?Karen talks about the need to retrain ourselves to see spiritual battles and plug into God’s power. What steps can you take this week to start viewing challenges from a spiritual perspective rather than just a physical one?Resources:Grab a copy of Karen’s all-new Survival Guide to Motherhood: hear Karen teach at an event near you: with Birds on a Wire Moms on Instagram:  and Facebook:
What does God say about you? Do you know?! It is all too easy to get caught up in who the world says you are, so today Karen and Emily remind us the truth of what God says. They talk about identity, the phrase “just a mom,” and fighting against comparison. We hope today’s conversation encourages you to celebrate your unique gifts and talents and focus on the truth that you are fearfully and wonderfully made! Episode Recap:3:45 Survival Guide to Motherhood releases today! 6:30 Karen’s purpose at BOAW Moms is to be your biggest cheerleader11:50 It is critical that we base our identity and find our worth in who we are in Christ16:40 Get off social media and stay in your lane if you struggle with this! 21:15 You are fearfully and wonderfully made, start out each day by meditating on that truthScripture for Reflection:Psalm 139:14 (NIV): “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”Questions for Discussion:Are there specific areas where you’ve struggled to see yourself the way God sees you? How has your understanding of your identity in Christ changed after listening to this episode? Karen and Emily talked about the phrase “just a mom.” Have you ever told anyone you are “just a mom”? Has this episode helped you reframe that mindset?Social media can lead to feelings of inadequacy and comparison. What steps can you take to "stay in your lane" and avoid comparing yourself to others? How can focusing on your unique gifts help with this?Karen shared that her purpose in starting BOAW Moms was to be a cheerleader for other moms. How can you encourage and support other women in your community to see their worth and celebrate their unique gifts?Resources:Karen’s all-new Survival Guide to Motherhood is available now! with Birds on a Wire Moms on Instagram:  and Facebook:
Are you raising confident kids? Today Karen encourages moms to take a step back so our kids can step up. She and Emily discuss the pitfalls of doing things for our kids and the reasons we often fall into that trap. They also talk about the difference between nurturing and enabling and share the critical connection between kids who take ownership and confident kids! Episode Recap:6:40 Why is there a whole chapter on confidence in this book? 8:32 Where are moms missing the mark when it comes to raising confident kids?12:56 What role do chores play in confidence? 14:04 Small, practical ways you can allow your children to grow in confidenceScripture for Reflection:Galatians 6:5 (NIV): "For each one should carry their own load."Questions for Discussion:Can you identify any specific behaviors or actions where you might be enabling your child rather than nurturing their independence? What changes could you make to shift from enabling to nurturing?Reflect on a recent situation where you stepped back and allowed your child to handle something on their own. How did it go, and what did you learn from the experience?How do you incorporate chores into your child's routine? How have you seen chores impact your child's sense of responsibility and confidence?What are some small, practical steps you can take to help your child grow in confidence? How can you implement these steps in your daily routine?Resources:- Pre-order Karen’s all-new Survival Guide to Motherhood today! Orders ship July 30th: Connect with Birds on a Wire Moms on Instagram:  and Facebook:
In this third part of our series on Karen's new book, "Survival Guide to Motherhood," Karen and Emily discuss the importance of raising kids with a strong foundation in biblical principles, even when it goes against the grain of today's world. They chat about how teaching kids to obey their parents leads to a more peaceful home in the long run. Don’t miss Karen’s prayer at the end of the episode asking for wisdom, courage, and blessings for all the families tuning in! Episode Recap:6:29 Discipline is hard and different for every child and in every season7:43 Discipline has to be taught - it does not come naturally to children11:42 Discipline has to be consistent.13:00 The 3 stages of discipline each require a different focus from parents 17:07 The “B”s of discipline are: Be Consistent, Be United, Be Clear18:08 In the later years, we have to give our kids the “why” behind the noScripture for Reflection:Hebrews 12:11 “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”Questions for Discussion:Are there any negative behaviors you see in your child now that you are tempted to ignore, thinking they will grow out of it? Karen mentioned the idea that "pain now will equal peace later" when it comes to parenting. Have you experienced this in your own life? How have you seen this in your parenting journey? Which stage of discipline are you in right now? (Laying the Foundation, Teaching the ‘Whys’, The Coaching Years)Do you think the pace of your life is preventing you from disciplining effectively? How so? Of the three “B”s (Be Consistent, Be United, Be Clear), which do you struggle with most? Have you ever prayed and asked for wisdom to know how to discipline your child? Pray together as a group today for the wisdom to discipline effectively. Resources:Pre-order Karen’s all-new Survival Guide to Motherhood today! Orders ship July 30th: Wire Talk episodes on discipline: Laying the Foundation, The Middle Years, The Coaching YearsFind ALL the episodes we’ve ever recorded on discipline HERE. Connect with Birds on a Wire Moms on Instagram:  and Facebook:
How do you make sacrifices for your kids without sacrificing yourself in the process? In today’s conversation, Karen and Emily explore this question and Karen offers wisdom on knowing when it’s time to prioritize yourself. We'll dig into taking care of your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health because a healthy mom equals healthy kids! Episode Recap:(3:31) There is a difference between sacrificing for others and sacrificing yourself in the process(5:42) Surround yourself with the wise counsel of those who are ahead of you on the journey(10:19) Good emotional health for a mom results in good emotional health for her children(15:26) Take care of your spiritual health and invest in a resource to help youQuestions for Discussion:Can you share a time when you felt you were sacrificing too much of yourself for your children? How did you recognize this, and what steps did you take to find a better balance? If you’re in the middle of this right now, can you share more about what’s going on?Karen mentions the importance of surrounding yourself with wise counsel. Who are the people in your life that provide you with wisdom and support, and how have they helped you navigate motherhood?Karen shares that emotional health is passed from parent to child. What was the emotional climate in your home growing up? What effect did that climate have on you and the way you respond emotionally now? How do you want to change or maintain that climate in your home now as a parent?On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 10 (all of the time) how well do you think you are prioritizing your physical health? What changes if any do you need to make in this area?How are you nurturing your faith right now, and what resources or practices have you found most beneficial in staying connected to God during this season of life?Resources:Pre-order Karen’s all-new Survival Guide to Motherhood today! Orders ship July 30th: a copy of Karen’s Six Truths of Motherhood and use code WTSix for free shippingPick up the Moments with God for Moms daily devotional or Karen’s weekly prayer journal for your quiet time. Connect with Birds on a Wire Moms on Instagram:  and Facebook:
Today we’re cracking the spine of Karen’s newest book, Survival Guide to Motherhood. Karen shares insightful excerpts from the opening chapters, exploring the ideas that kids develop like Crock-Pots, joy is a choice, and moms are the CEOs of their homes. Grab your copy of Survival Guide today. Check the show notes for the link.Episode Recap:3:17 Survival Guide to Motherhood is available for pre-order9:58 Process of recording the audiobook version13:25 Moms all want to “get it right” and we all want someone to walk alongside us16:43 Kids are like Crock-Pots21:19 Joy is a choice24:20 Moms, you are the boss of your home26:25 You’re not in control (God is!) but you can control the atmosphere in your homeQuestions for Discussion:Reflecting on Karen's analogy that kids are like crock pots, how have you seen your child's growth and maturity reflect the concept that progress takes time, much like a slow-cooked meal? Is there something going on right now with a child where you are finding it hard to be patient with their slow maturation process? Is it easy for you to “choose joy” in your day to day situation right now? Can you share a time when choosing joy made a difference in your approach to a difficult situation with your children or spouse?In what ways do you see yourself as the "boss" of your home, and how does this influence your daily decision-making?Can you share an example of a time when taking charge in your household led to a positive outcome for your family?Resources:Pre-order Karen’s all-new Survival Guide to Motherhood today! Orders ship July 30th: to bring Karen to speak in your community? Reach out: Connect with Birds on a Wire Moms on Instagram:  and Facebook:
In this episode, we're tackling one of the biggest challenges moms face: determining when to address a child's behavior and when to let things slide. Today Karen is answering your questions about managing high expectations, handling stress-induced blow-ups, guiding toddlers through tantrums, fostering honesty in kids, and navigating family dynamics with your less disciplined relatives. We hope today’s encouragement helps you find the balance between leaning in and letting go!Episode Recap:4:20 Are my expectations for my 5 year old too high? 8:06 Help! I have zero patience for my energetic kiddo right now! 12:28 You don’t have time “not have time” for your daily quiet time with God.14:45 How do I handle a toddler who won’t stop crying? 18:53 I always have to fact-check my child. How do we stop the habit of lying?21:09 My siblings’ children are wild at family functions and it sucks the joy out of our time together. What can I do? Questions for Discussion:How do you decide when to address your child's behavior and when to let things go?Do you turn to prayer during challenging parenting moments, and can you share a time when it made a difference for you or your child? Did you relate to the question about the toddler who won’t stop crying? Are any of your children especially sensitive or outwardly emotional? How do you help your child learn to express their emotions in a healthy way?Do you have any relatives or close friends who have different parenting styles from you? Does it make those interactions challenging or have you found effective ways to handle those relationships?Resources:Pre-order Karen’s all-new Survival Guide to Motherhood today! Orders ship July 30th: to bring Karen to speak in your community? Reach out: Connect with Birds on a Wire Moms on Instagram:  and Facebook:
Want to know the secret to being happily married for 37 years? Listen and learn from Karen in today’s episode! We’re exploring how to navigate differences, keep the love alive, and build the strong, united front that benefits your kids. With personal stories, practical tips, and plenty of laughs, this episode is all about celebrating the joys and quirks of married life. Tune in and learn from the best. :) Episode Recap:5:21 A strong marriage brings security to children7:53 Principle #1- Be United10:14 How to actively listen to your spouse17:05 Strategies to navigate and embrace differences21:39 Principle #2- Be FOR one another 27:01 Be your spouse’s #1 cheerleaderQuestions for Discussion:What shared values are most important in your marriage, and how do you reinforce them?How do you and your partner handle differences in parenting styles?What are some ways you keep the romance alive amidst the chaos of family life?Can you share a time when overcoming a challenge together strengthened your relationship?How do you celebrate the small, everyday moments in your marriage?Resources:Pre-order Karen’s all-new Survival Guide to Motherhood today! Orders ship July 30th: to bring Karen to speak in your community? Reach out: Connect with Birds on a Wire Moms on Instagram:  and Facebook:
In this episode, Karen and Emily share practical tips for creating a fun and memorable summer for your family. From nostalgic ice cream runs and imaginative backyard play to volunteering and fostering independence in kids, they offer ideas for keeping summer simple and enjoyable. Don’t miss Karen’s nuggets on balancing work with quality family time! Share your own summer ideas with us on YouTube, Spotify, Apple, or Instagram and join the conversation! Episode Recap:3:20 - Karen shares her summer plans5:51 - Karen was a laid back mom, so summer was a always fun for her7:16 - Question 1: I'm a working mom and summer feels frantic for me, help! 11:04 - Question 2: I’m dreading hearing “I’m bored!”  Any suggestions?17:48 - Emily offers ideas: do your research and prepare ahead of time for a fun summer! 23:56 - Question 3: What are your thoughts on summer jobs for teens?26:58 - Question 4: How do I manage working from home with my kids this summer? 30:00 - Remember, you are not the cruise director for your kids’ lives! Questions for Discussion:What are some of your favorite summer memories or traditions from your own childhood? Can you recreate or adapt any of them for your family today?Do you have to balance work responsibilities with family time during the summer? How have you planned ahead or what can you implement that you heard in this episode?How do you promote creativity and independence in your children during summer? Are you hovering too much or do you allow your kids to get bored?! Reflect on the idea of not being the "cruise director" for your children's lives. How do you manage expectations and foster self-sufficiency in your kids?Resources:Pre-order Karen’s all-new Survival Guide to Motherhood today! Orders ship July 30th: to bring Karen to speak in your community? Reach out: Connect with Birds on a Wire Moms on Instagram:  and Facebook:
In this episode of "The Summer Before...", Karen and Emily discuss the summer before college and answer your questions about preparing for this big transition. They talk about fostering independence, celebrating your Senior, and teaching essential life skills. Emily shares some hilarious advice on dorm room safety, and Karen reminds moms to lower our expectations when it comes to phone calls. As always, tune in for practical tips and heartfelt encouragement as your child embarks on this exciting new chapter.Episode Recap:5:16 - Karen’s goal was to have her kids ready for independence by the time they left high school 7:19 - How can I celebrate my Senior well? 10:10 - Karen shares how she ended up at Auburn University11:29 - What are some life skills I can teach my 18 year old this summer? 14:52 - Emily gives advice for how not to set your college dorm room on fire ;)15:45 - How do I set my teen up to be supported in their faith while they are away from home17:23 - Your prayer life is essential to your child’s faith18:18 - What should my expectations be for how often I talk to my kids while they’re at school? 22:58 - Be excited for your child as they enter this new phase of life! Questions for Discussion:How are you feeling about your child leaving for college? What emotions have surfaced as you prepare for this significant transition, and how are you processing them?How do you think the dynamics in your household will change with your child away at college? Have you thought ahead to how you will navigate that shift? What challenges do you foresee in balancing guidance and allowing your child to make their own decisions? How do you plan to handle situations where you might need to step back and let them navigate on their own?What are you most excited about for your child as they embark on this new journey? Resources:Pre-order Karen’s all-new Survival Guide to Motherhood today! Orders ship July 31st: to bring Karen to speak in your community? Reach out: Connect with Birds on a Wire Moms on Instagram:  and Facebook:
Whether it’s you or your child struggling with angry outbursts, we’ve all been there. On today’s show, Karen and Sunny tackle questions from moms about aggressive behavior and physical tantrums, and Karen reminds us where self control ultimately comes from. Listen to our new show, Real Life. Real Moms. now available exclusively in Patreon! 
As your kids transition to a new season in their school journey, summer presents a unique opportunity to support and celebrate them. In this episode, we discuss the developmental changes happening at this stage and the importance of letting your middle schooler discover their identity. We also tackle preparing your daughter for dealing with mean girls and how your child evolves during high school years. Plus, we explore the benefits of summer jobs, ways to connect with your son, and setting reasonable expectations for this new season. Tune in for practical tips and encouragement as you navigate this pivotal summer with your child! Episode Recap:3:25 - What is changing developmentally as our kids move on from elementary years?7:14 - Let your middle schooler start to figure out who they are and find their path13:47 - How do I prepare my daughter for dealing with mean girls? 20:43 - How are our kids changing as they move into the high school years? 25:10 - Is having a summer job important? 28:43 - How can I connect with my son this summer?31:49 - How do I set reasonable expectations for my child in this new season?Questions for Discussion:After hearing about the developmental changes our kids go through as they move from elementary to middle and high school, what new insights did you gain about your child’s behavior or needs?What strategies have you used (or do you plan to use) to help your middle schooler begin to figure out who they are and find their path?What are your thoughts on encouraging your child to get a summer job? Do you think it’s important, and why?How do you plan to set reasonable expectations for your child in this new season of middle or high school?What challenges do you foresee in setting these expectations, and how do you plan to address them?Resources:Moments with God for Teenage Girls: to bring Karen to speak in your community? Reach out: Connect with Birds on a Wire Moms on Instagram:  and Facebook: