Wise & Worthy, Thriving After Divorce

Divorce may be the end of one chapter, but it’s also an opportunity for a bright future. You are the author of the story of your life, get some inspiration from “Wise & Worthy” the weekly divorce podcast that will keep you thriving as you embrace your fresh start! Hosted by Karen McMahon for Worthy.com

Leaving a Toxic Relationship with Dr. Heidi Brocke

Dr. Heidi Brocke joins the podcast again to share everything she's learned about how to leave a toxic relationship to free yourself of any abuse you may be experiencing.


Handling Parenting Style Differences with Nina Cruz

Rarely do ex-spouses agree on how to best parent their children post-divorce. During the relationship there may have been agreements made that both parties agreed to, but living separately means those might no longer apply. These differences in parenting style often lead to disagreements and conflict, so what happens then?Nina Cruz is based in Sydney, Australia, where she works as a Parent Coach, Social Worker, and Meditation Coach. In this episode of Divorce & Other Things You Can Handle we discuss how parenting style differences may show up in your life, how to cope with those differences, and best practices for addressing those differences with your kids.


Creating A Plan For Financial Freedom with Leah Hadley

"Budget" can sometimes feel like a scary word, or perhaps it just feels overwhelming. During divorce, it is important to come up with a plan that will help you reach financial freedom, as the reality of your financial situation changes. Financial freedom can mean different things to different people. Primarily, it is about having control over your finances and being able to manage your money by decisions you make as opposed to operating out of necessity. Leah Hadley is a nationally recognized financial empowerment expert, committed to providing personalized compassionate financial guidance through life transitions. In this episode of Divorce & Other Things You Can Handle, we discuss what financial freedom looks like, how you can get started, and share helpful tips on saving money.


Overcoming Your Divorce Guilt with Tonya Carter

Tonya Carter is a Divorce/Relationship Exit Strategist, working with women to help them navigate through the process of uncoupling by providing support, advice, resources and tools ‎that will help mitigate interruptions in their business, work performance and household obligations.‎In this episode of Divorce & Other Things You Can Handle, Tonya explains why feeling guilty is human, and we discuss strategies for how to overcome that guilt in order to achieve growth and emotional freedom.


Re-Inventing Yourself After Divorce With Alison Hall

In this episode of Divorce & Other Things You Can Handle, I speak with reinvention specialist Alison Hall. Alison is the founder of Change Agent Coaching for Women, and her work is primarily focused on helping women to confidently lean into their strengths, find their purpose, dump the self-doubt, and reinvent themselves to create the lives they want and deserve. In this episode, we discuss how divorce can be an opportunity for growth and reinvention, and the importance of a positive perspective.


How To Handle The Emotional Triggers Of Your Divorce With Theresa Lear Levine

In this episode of Divorce & Other Things You Can Handle, I discuss the Emotional Freedom Technique, or Tapping, with Author and Energy Strategist Theresa Lear Levine.Theresa is an EFT Master Practitioner, Law of Attraction coach, and Energy Strategist. She’s the founder of Becoming More Me where she helps professional women to get out of their own way and resolve their innermost pains, traumas, and challenges so they can fully enjoy their success and present moments.


Preparing For Your Divorce, Whether You Wanted It or Not with Christine Joy Luck Sarno

When a marriage ends, the person who makes the decision to get divorced matters. The person who makes the decision gets an emotional head start and has more information ahead of the other partner. When a partner tells you that they want a divorce, this can be really challenging. You may go into the fright, flight, or freeze mode. This is especially challenging if the divorce request seems to have come out of left field.In this episode of Divorce & Other Things You Can Handle, financial coach Christine Joy Luck Sarno discusses how to prepare for a divorce, emotionally and financially, whether or not you were the spouse who wanted the divorce or asked for the divorce. Christine is a licensed financial advisor who realized her passion was helping her clients became informed and confident stewards of their own money. Listen to our discussion now.


What We Can Learn From Celebrity Divorces With Patrick Baghdaserians

Are celebrity divorces just tabloid fodder and entertaining diversions? Or are there real and meaningful lessons about divorce we can learn from Hollywood’s biggest stars? In this episode of the Divorce & Other Things You Can Handle podcast, I speak with Los Angeles-based family law attorney Patrick Baghdaserians about his experiences with celebrity divorce and the lessons we can all learn from them. 


Divorcing An Alcoholic With Stacy Phillips

Divorcing an alcoholic is never easy. Challenges can continue long after the divorce decree is issued. This is especially true if you have children. How can a person cope with alcoholism in a marriage? How do you know when it’s time to give up and seek a divorce? What is the best way to rely on your support network when you’re going through it?In this episode of Divorce & Other Things You Can Handle, I speak with celebrity divorce attorney Stacy Phillips about her own personal experience with her ex-husband’s alcoholism and their divorce. In our discussion, we address the questions above and more in Stacy’s compelling retelling of her own experience of divorcing an alcoholic.


Overcoming The Betrayal Of Divorce With Lora Cheadle

When people think about the betrayal of divorce, they often think of infidelity. But the betrayal is about so much more. It’s about feeling betrayed by ideals we were raised with including:That marriage is forever That it will be our happily ever after That we’ll have a perfectly happy family The idea of what even counts as family Our roles as wife and mother. Being betrayed by these ideals can leave us feeling angry and resentful. And this can hold us back from realizing our full potential.In this episode of the Divorce & Other Things You Can Handle podcast, I speak with Lora Cheadle. Lora is a former divorce attorney and current divorce recovery coach. She is also a TEDx speaker and a life & leadership coach. She shows women how to break free from burnout, betrayal, and to live their lives to the fullest potential. She is the author of the book FLAUNT!: Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self.


The Minutiae Of Divorce With Dawn Dais

When you get divorced, there are many big things you need to deal with: lawyers, child custody, finances. But there are a million little things to deal with as well. This is the minutiae of divorce, and it can be just as overwhelming as the big stuff. In this week’s episode of Divorce & Other Things You Can Handle, I speak with author Dawn Dais about handling the minutiae of divorce.


Assembling Your Professional Team In Divorce with Erin Levine

Once upon a time, it seemed the only person you needed to help you through a divorce was a great divorce attorney. And lawyers can still be essential, especially through a contested divorce. But divorce lawyers are far from the only person who can help you successfully navigate the divorce product. In fact, it’s often best to assemble a professional divorce team.In this episode of the Divorce & Other Things You Can Handle podcast, I am delighted to be joined by Erin Levine. Erin is not only a divorce lawyer but also the founder of Hello Divorce, a venture capital backed, tech-enabled platform, that combines self service online tools with integrated expert advice so that everyone can sort out their lives and finances with less stress and mess. In Episode 8 of the podcast, I chat with Erin about assembling your best professional team to guide you through the divorce landscape.


Handling Financial Assets with Stacy Francis

Being able to handle financial assets in a divorce – knowing what the retirement accounts are and how they should be split, is an essential part of the divorce process. But if you aren’t the spouse who normally handles the financials – or even if you are, how do you know accounts aren’t falling through the cracks? Or that you aren’t leaving crucial retirement money on the table? In this week’s episode of the Divorce & Other Things You Can Handle Podcast, I am so glad to be joined by my guest Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA®, CES™. Stacy is the President and CEO of Francis Financial, a fee-only boutique wealth management, financial planning and divorce financial planning firm dedicated to providing ongoing comprehensive advice for successful individuals, couples, and women in transition such as divorce or widowhood. Stacy is also the founder of the non-profit, Savvy Ladies™.


Going Public With Your Divorce As A Parent with Rosalind Sedacca

When getting a divorce, one of the big questions you have to negotiate is, “When to go public with my divorce?” Going public with your divorce means telling everyone including your parents, siblings, other close family, friends, and especially your children. How can you help your children understand what’s happening while causing them as little pain as possible? In this week’s episode of Divorce & Other Things You Can Handle, I am so glad to be joined by Rosalind Sedacca, CDC. Rosalind is a Divorce and Co-Parenting Coach, recognized as the voice of Child-Centered DIvorce. She is also the founder of the Child-Centered Divorce Network, which provides valuable resources for parents who are facing, moving through or transitioning after a divorce.


What To Do When You’re Not The One Whose Been Handling the Financials with Jennifer Lee

Jennifer Lee, AIF®, AWMA® and the founder of Modern-Wealth joins the podcast to discuss what happens in a divorce when you're not the one who's been handling the family financials. Jennifer shares her insight on this issue to discuss how the non-monied spouse can successfully take ownership of her financial life - and when it makes sense to seek the help of a financial advisor.


What Happens to Your Pets in Divorce with Gabrielle Hartley

Mediator Gabrielle Hartley joins the podcast to discuss the issue of pets in divorce - a topic that's becoming more and more popular. Gabrielle shares her insight on this issue and how couples should approach their pet's well-being in divorce, even when the court might dismiss it.


Handling Debts in Divorce with Lisa Decker

Lisa Decker joins Mandy this week to discuss how the most common types of debts are handled during divorce - car loans, medical debt, student loans - and how these types of debt are handled from a financial and legal perspective.


Finding Love After Divorce

This week Dr. Thomas Jordan joins the podcast to discuss how to find lasting love after divorce and explore your learned relationship behaviors.


Handling Financial Issues During The Divorce Process with Lisa Zeiderman

Attorney Lisa Ziederman joins Mandy to discuss the complications of handling financial matters during the divorce process.


Mortgages and Refinancing in Divorce with Jody Bruns

This week mortgage guru Jody Bruns joins the podcast to discuss the nitty-gritty details of mortgages and refinancing in divorce.


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