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Witchever Path

Author: Witchever Path

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An interactive fiction anthology podcast, where you vote between episodes to direct our stories. Learn more at
89 Episodes
Hello everyone,  This is Jas LaFond, 1/2 of Witchever Path's creative team. I'm here to let you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we stand with the Black Lives Matter movement and support the Black community in this time of mourning and radical change. Thank you to each of you fighting on the frontlines, donating, providing health care, learning and having difficult conversations. Thank you for amplifying melanated voice and for holding space. In honor of our fallen siblings such as George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and James Surlock, and with respect for those upholding this cause, Witchever Path will be  pausing the show to help the voices of the Black Community  be amplified. We will be returning next week. In the mean time, please in with our social media for ways to support Black Lives Matter and Black creators. We hope that you continue to stand with us in our unwavering support for the movement.  Thank you. 
In this episode, Jas and Steven talk about the historical and mythological context behind the first Witchever Path story, "Squirrels," we discuss a meso-American deity that encouraged sin for the purposes of then devouring it, and Sticker Mule interrupts the conversation by calling Jas. The new season of Witchever Path starts on Thursday, October 1. 
A primer about Witchever Path. This a horror anthology series that puts you in charge of some key decisions that decide the fate of our characters. You don't need to start from the beginning to get in on the fun. Our sixth season begins on February 7, 2024 called "A Piece of Somewhere Else." 
The first of our anthology series where you control the path.
Episode Two continues the story based on the audience poll choice of "understood." What will John do up at the Farm? Is the client really that dangerous? Who is waiting for them? Don't forget to vote on to decide what John does next.
"Squirrels" continues. What will John do next as "Mr. O" has confessed his sins? What's Joanna planning. Listen today and then vote on John's next course of action at our site,
After our first ever tie, we had a special run-off to find out whether John would follow instructions and stick with the group during the blackout, or head off in search of Mr. O. The debate online was fierce, but in the end John’s anger won out. Listen today and then head over to to vote on our next decision point.
All of your decisions have led us here. The final chapter of our first story arc. John's decided to shut the door on Mr. O... but what if he doesn't want to stay out? This is the climax, with many of its details coming from the audience's decisions. We hope you enjoy it. Also, our next story begins on March 7.
Colick Part One

Colick Part One


Here is part one of our brand new story, "Colick." This is the tale of Makayla, and her struggles with motherhood and the unknown. Listen, digest, and then vote below to decide what path the story should take next on our website.
After the baby monitor’s squelching brought some suspicious whispering to her attention, Makayla decides to sneak into the nursery. But what will she find. Listen to the new episode and then cast your vote at
Makayla decides to cleanse the nursery, which quickly goes awry. We also announce our Patreon, thank our first Wanderers, and invite people to vote on the next chapter. Head over to when you finish to help us decide Makayla's fate.
You chose "Go to the Library" and that's where Makayla is headed, but did the words of Old Man Spider help? You're about to find out. Vote today at
Whether it was the Orishas, or some quiet chorus of voices inspiring her, Makayla exposed the threat to her family. Now it's time to get her daughter... but how do you prepare to go into another world? Listen to the episode and vote at
Makayla calls her patron. The quest for Lilly continues. Vote at Guest Music by My Beautiful Moon -
This is it. The final chapter of Colick, with Makayla face-to-face with her baby's abductor. What will she lose to get back what she lost?
Darren's working on something special, a teachable Smart Home with real personality, a sense of comedic timing, and a proactive approach to care. That always works out well, right? Starring Nick Frey, Robin Caputo, Miranda Riddle, and Mckendy Fils-Aime. New Music by Kevin Grgurich and Nick Frey. Don't forget to vote over at
What's advisable and what you want to do are rarely in sync. Darren makes a choice, meals are eaten, and Kathy weighs in. And Ana? Well... This episode features music from the Death Metal Group, GUTTED. "Suffer in Exile" was used, courtesy of Repulsive Echo Records. The music in the bookstore was composed by NeoCortex. Vote for the path Darren should take next at
Honesty is the best policy, when you're already screwed. How will Kathy and Maliq react to Darren's confession? And will meatballs and milk ever be effectively purchased? Find out and help Darren choose the path at
Darren needs to do something, but he can't do it alone. So he takes Maliq's advice about taking Ana offline only to improve her. But does Ana have a say in this? Music by Michael Kelly.
Bonus Episode - Legacy

Bonus Episode - Legacy


In this special bonus episode, we bring you "Legacy," which comes to you as a gift from our Patreon Subscribers. "Legacy" starts David S. Dear of A Ninth World Journal. Also, we want your questions for a special Q&A Episode.