Within Reason

Within Reason
Author: Alex J O'Connor
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For the curious.
A philosophy podcast that sometimes flirts with other disciplines, Within Reason has featured guests including Richard Dawkins, Douglas Murray, William Lane Craig, Peter Singer, Konstantin Kisin, and Neil deGrasse Tyson.
A philosophy podcast that sometimes flirts with other disciplines, Within Reason has featured guests including Richard Dawkins, Douglas Murray, William Lane Craig, Peter Singer, Konstantin Kisin, and Neil deGrasse Tyson.
98 Episodes
Jacob Hansen is a Mormon YouTuber at the channel Thoughtful Faith.
Kipp Davis (@DrKippDavis) is a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Agder in Kristiansand, Norway, where he specialises in the assignment and reconstruction of fragments from the Dead Sea Scrolls and their interpretation. (Google Books) The Dead Sea Scrolls are a set of ancient Jewish manuscripts from the Second Temple period. They were discovered over a period of 10 years, between 1946 and 1956, at the Qumran Caves near Ein Feshkha in the West Bank, on the northern shore of the Dead Sea. Dating from the 3rd century BCE to the 1st century CE, the Dead Sea Scrolls include the oldest surviving manuscripts of entire books later included in the biblical canons, including deuterocanonical manuscripts from late Second Temple Judaism and extrabiblical books. At the same time, they cast new light on the emergence of Christianity and of Rabbinic Judaism. (Wikipedia)
A Q&A to celebrate hitting 1.25 million subscribers on YouTube.
James Frank McGrath is the Clarence L. Goodwin Chair in New Testament Language and Literature at Butler University. He is the author of two books on John the Baptist: "John of History, Baptist of Faith: The Quest for the Historical Baptiser", and "Christmaker: A Life of John the Baptist".
Dan McClellan is an American public scholar of the Bible and religion. His forthcoming book, "The Bible Says So", is available here.
Adam Aleksic is a linguist known online as "The Etymology Nerd". His educational videos are watched regularly by millions. His forthcoming book "Algospeak" is currently available for preorder.
Bart Ehrman is a New Testament scholar focusing on textual criticism of the New Testament, the historical Jesus, and the origins and development of early Christianity. Get Bart Ehrman's new course, The Dark Side of Christmas (affiliate link).
Filip Holm is the creator and host of "Lets Talk Religion", a YouTube channel which aims to educate on the subject of religion from an academic perspective. He joins the show to discuss Sufism, which can broadly be defined as the mystical tradition within Islam.
Rainn Wilson is the actor and comedian best known for his role as Dwight Schrute on the The Office (US), for which he received three consecutive Emmy Award nominations for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series. He is also the host of Soul Boom, a podcast discussing spirituality, and authored a book of the same name exploring how we can use spiritual tools to help solve some of life's problems.
Sheehan Quirke is the Cultural Tutor, a writer with 1.7 million followers on X. His work on art, history, and architecture is some of the most widely-enjoyed in the world. He writes a newsletter called the Areopagus.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Somali-born Dutch-American writer, activist and former politician. Once an advocate for the new atheist movement, she last year announced her conversion to Christianity.
Cliffe and Stuart Knechtle run the extremely popular online Christian ministry 'Give Me an Answer'. In this episode they discuss troubling passages in the Old Testament, New Testament sexism, Job, doubting Thomas, the unforgivable sin (blaspheming the Holy Spirit), and more.
Steven Bonnell II, known online as Destiny, is an American live streamer and political commentator. He joins me to talk about Trump, Kamala, Biden, Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, Mark Zuckerberg, Voter ID, immigration, demographic change, and who to vote for in the upcoming election.
Magnify is a YouTube channel of mostly short-form content, covering interesting details across history, linguistics, and religion.
David Nutt is an English neuropsychopharmacologist specialising in the research of drugs that affect the brain and conditions such as addiction, anxiety, and sleep. He was the UK Government's chief advisor on drug policy. He was fired in 2009 after criticising the Government's approach to drug harms.
Justin Sledge is currently a part-time professor of philosophy and religion at several institutions in the Metro-Detroit area and a popular local educator. His YouTube channel is "Esoterica".
oe Folley runs the YouTube channel Unsolicited Advice. he graduated from Cambridge University with an MPhil in Philosophy, specialising in logic, in 2023.
Nick Bostrom is a philosopher known for his work on existential risk, the anthropic principle, human enhancement ethics, whole brain emulation, and superintelligence risks. His recent book, Deep Utopia, explores what might happen if we get AI development right.
Thank you for 850,000 subscribers!
Elaine Pagels is an American historian of religion. She is the Harrington Spear Paine Professor of Religion at Princeton University. Pagels has conducted extensive research into early Christianity and Gnosticism. Buy "The Origin of Satan" by Elaine Pagels here.
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love it. you guys are two people that i can stand listening to I'm so glad you asked him those questions and I love how destiny answered them. love you both I wish it was a longer episode. bring him back some other time. Actually bring him every now and then he's awesome
"birds are order. Fish are chaos because they're in the dark sea". Yes Pageau. It sounds stupid. This meaningless word play is why religion is absurd
He gets a bit grumpy, doesn't he.
A brilliant example of how those who believe absurdities can commit atrocities
This guy is monstrous.
0 oh I' si off by. ..l I'll
oh I' si off by. ..l
I think this episode has the wrong title. it has multiple guests, not GMS
Wow, Armin really pulled me out of my nihilistic crisis. Thanks man.
I was not convinced by Justin. It seems to me, that reasoning, as many other things, is partially determined and partially random, does not require free will as I understand it.
one of your best contents
really insightful podcast! I have to say that I I absolutely am fond of your philosophical podcasts, Alex. keep it up, please.
Twenty minutes in and I'm done with this guy's bs. He obviously read half a tweet about trans issues or any other issue and decided he knew enough. Trans rights oppress gay people because trans people claim every gender non conforming person to be trans? Wtf is he talking about? Gay and bi trans people exist, ffs. I might keep listening for Alex but I'm annoyed as hell.
So much strawman and anectodes and no intellectual rigor. I doubt his book is any better.
why not push the button? what about valuing the novelty of human consciousness? it is rare in the universe. what about a value of our species? wouldn't pushing the button violate our natural instinct to survive.