Wizards' Council Podcast

Wizard Council is a biweekly podcast where we discuss the trials and tribulations that occurred while playing and running D&D and other RPGs. We will address issues ranging from problem players and DMs to the nitty gritty of fighting styles and everything in between.

Campaigns End. Council Adjourned

The lights wink out and the tavern closes, signaling the time for the council to adjourn for now. Abe, John, and Matt gather their spellbooks and pay their tab as the council closes out this campaign and bids those who sat in and listened goodbye for now. New lessons to learn and stories to be had. For those who’ve listened to this little podcast we thank you and with this, our goodbye session.   If you have any questions please reach out to us via e-mail at WizardsCouncilPod@gmail.com or through Twitter at @WizardsPod.   Intro and Outro music by: David Fesliyan Artwork by: Gilbert Neri


We’re on an Adventure!

---------------------------------------------------------------- 60 episodes in the bank and it’s time to put some of that gold where their mouth is. So, in today’s session the council sits down and they build out an entire one-shot adventure from the ground up. They make use of the tools at hand and come up with pulpy fun desert adventure. So, sit down, grab a drink, and enjoy!   If you have any questions please reach out to us via e-mail at WizardsCouncilPod@gmail.com or through Twitter at @WizardsPod.   Intro and Outro music by: David Fesliyan Artwork by: Gilbert Neri


Man, rituals are hard

Hello you beautiful listeners,   Our normally scheduled episode is delayed for another two weeks. We are crafting up something very special for you guys but as all good wizards know sometimes these rituals are finicky. We are very excited to share it with you guys but need just a little more time to get it right. So until next time, please practice safe casting! If you have any questions please reach out to us via e-mail at WizardsCouncilPod@gmail.com or through Twitter at @WizardsPod.   Intro and Outro music by: David Fesliyan Artwork by: Gilbert Neri  



MUAHAHAHAHA! A great campaign can be made even greater with the use of great villains and oppositions to the players at the table, be it the evil lich bent on godhood or even the holy knights of the kingdom. Great villains are what push our characters and the best ones are the ones we love to hate for doing so. So, sit down, grab a drink, and let's talk about villains!   If you have any questions please reach out to us via e-mail at WizardsCouncilPod@gmail.com or through Twitter at @WizardsPod.   Intro and Outro music by: David Fesliyan Artwork by: Gilbert Neri


Tomb of Annihilation

Ahhh the sweet death knell of the BBEG going back to hell. Abe and John sit down with Niko, the @broke_dm, to discuss the campaign, The Tomb of Annihilation. This episode is filled with spoilers so if you are currently playing said campaign, we strongly suggest for the sake of your own fun, not to listen in as we’ll be talking about our path through the adventure and the ending. If you are playing it, come back and give us a listen afterwards and join those who have also played through it and compare our run to yours, what made your run different from our’s? So pull up a chair and let’s compare notes!   If you have any questions please reach out to us via e-mail at WizardsCouncilPod@gmail.com or through Twitter at @WizardsPod.   Intro and Outro music by: David Fesliyan Artwork by: Gilbert Neri


Self-Doubt, DM’s Edition

DMing is hard work and sometimes despite our best efforts we don’t see the quality of our work the same way as our players do, no matter how much they say it was fun or amazing, we just can’t see it ourselves. In today’s session we wanted to talk about something akin to imposter syndrome for DM’s. What we ourselves feel and the suggestions we have to often remind ourselves to overcome it.   If you have any questions please reach out to us via e-mail at WizardsCouncilPod@gmail.com or through Twitter at @WizardsPod.   Intro and Outro music by: David Fesliyan Artwork by: Gilbert Neri


Player Pitfalls

Let’s face it whether we are humans or liches we sometimes get in our own way. Today in our session the council sits down to discuss some common pitfalls they’ve experienced themselves or witnessed in other players that made it hard for them or the player to roleplay at the table. So hopefully as you sit in and listen you can hear some things that you’ve seen other players do or maybe even yourself and hopefully the suggestions help you out. So grab a drink, kick your feet up and chill with us a bit.   Intro and Outro music by: David Fesliyan Artwork by: Gilbert Neri


Hot Breaks

Hmm, John has abandoned you to Matt and Abe. We are sorry for what you are about to go through.   But really, this session we are going to talk about some gripes Abe has with some players nowadays, for better or for worse. So come along on this journey and enjoy our hot takes.


Holiday Service Announcement

The Council is taking a brief respite while our new clone bodies are formed, we may have over fed during the holidays. We hope you all had a happy holiday season.   Artwork by: Gilbert Neri


The Art of Roleplay

Today on WCP we talk Roleplaying. From helpful and useful tips, such as making use of those backgrounds you select when creating a D&D character to general table roleplaying etiquette. When to step into the spotlight and when to point the spotlight on your fellow players. So sit down, grab a beverage, and maybe a notepad as the boys talk Roleplaying!   If you have any questions please reach out to us via e-mail at WizardsCouncilPod@gmail.com or through Twitter at @WizardsPod.   Intro and Outro music by: David Fesliyan Artwork by: Gilbert Neri


Appendix N

Once upon a time long ago, during the first editions of D&D there was a section an appendix found in those ancient tomes known as the Appendix N. It was there that stories of inspiration and creativity were forged. In today's session the council sits down and presents their own take on the Appendix N, providing you the listeners where they have formed their ideas for stories and ideas. So, sit down and listen in and maybe something will draw your attention and warrant picking up one of their entries to view, listen, and enjoy. If you have any questions please reach out to us via e-mail at WizardsCouncilPod@gmail.com or through Twitter at @WizardsPod. Intro and Outro music by: David Fesliyan Artwork by: Gilbert Neri


Tropes and Cliches

Whether it be the generic to the outlandish, tropes and cliches weave their way into the narrative of all platforms of storytelling and our Tabletop games are no exception? Stop me if you’ve heard this one before “The campaign begins when you enter the tavern.” Cliches and Tropes like this are the topic of the day today in our session, so join us in said tavern, grab a beverage and enjoy.   If you have any questions please reach out to us via e-mail at WizardsCouncilPod@gmail.com or through Twitter at @WizardsPod.   Intro and Outro music by: David Fesliyan Artwork by: Gilbert Neri


Kingdom (Special)

TWO YEARS!! Holy crap we’re on two years of this adventure! With that we find the council taking on the challenges of space as the guys delve into an RPG system called Kingdom, by Lame Mage Productions (how fitting!). So join us in this extra long session as they once more bring a live play session to your ears! Grab a drink, relax, and laugh as they make their way through the trials of space in this one shot special!   If you have any questions please reach out to us via e-mail at WizardsCouncilPod@gmail.com or through Twitter at @WizardsPod.   Intro and Outro music by: David Fesliyan Artwork by: Gilbert Neri Odyssey by John Tasoulas | https://soundcloud.com/john-tasoulas Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en_US


Drink Break

Abe’s away… doing something (??) leaving Matt and John to have a one on one. But neither are smokers, so they mix some drinks and have themselves their own version of a smoke break. In this session the two of them shoot the breeze and talk about things in Matt’s campaigns he’s running.   If you have any questions please reach out to us via e-mail at WizardsCouncilPod@gmail.com or through Twitter at @WizardsPod.   Intro and Outro music by: David Fesliyan Artwork by: Gilbert Neri


Campaign Handout

In today’s session, Abe and John sit down to discuss something a lot of DMs could use and Abe is currently working on. A session zero Campaign Handout. A small bit of reading to introduce your characters to the game they are about to dive into. Some of its recap, some of its new info. But just another great tool in the DM’s toolbox. So grab a beverage and relax with us as we talk about what goes into this helpful doc!   If you have any questions please reach out to us via e-mail at WizardsCouncilPod@gmail.com or through Twitter at @WizardsPod.   Intro and Outro music by: David Fesliyan Artwork by: Gilbert Neri  



If you could wish for anything, what would it be? Would you still do it if you know there was ramifications to the world or your person if you used the wish poorly? Welcome to the episode where the Council sits down with their friend @broke_dm, Niko, to discuss the Wish spell. Find out the complexities and intricacies of this ultra powerful, world altering spell.    If you have any questions please reach out to us via e-mail at WizardsCouncilPod@gmail.com or through Twitter at @WizardsPod.   Intro and Outro music by: David Fesliyan Artwork by: Gilbert Neri  


A Star is Born

This week on the Wizard’s Council Podcast, the guys sit around and create another character. This time from the opposite direction. John conjures up a store about a possible character to be made and then Abe and Matt set out to build it. What makes sense? What options do we leave open for the future? Come and sit and watch this fairly chill episode of WCP.   If you have any questions please reach out to us via e-mail at WizardsCouncilPod@gmail.com or through Twitter at @WizardsPod.   Intro and Outro music by: David Fesliyan Artwork by: Gilbert Neri


Hook, Line and Thinker

You cast out your BBEG and like good little fishes those Players come nibbling and biting at that sweet sweet bait. All to draw them into the great arcs you have in store for them. Wait, what? Why aren’t they biting? But my quests? All my sidequests and plots and plans? Hours of work lost to the whimsy of some rogue and his cockemamy scheme to rob the local brewer of its recipe for its popular brew!... this episode is brought to you by FrustrationTM. The aggravation maker. But jokes aside today we discuss quest hooks and the fruits and foibles of them as you use them in your game.   If you have any questions please reach out to us via e-mail at WizardsCouncilPod@gmail.com or through Twitter at @WizardsPod.   Intro and Outro music by: David Fesliyan Artwork by: Gilbert Neri


DM-Player Dynamic

Peanut butter and jelly. Salt and Vinegar. Earth, Wind, and Fire. The Beatles. Many a great pairing and grouping and among those greats is the DM and their Players. But like some of those things, they can have issues and clash, so today we wanted to discuss today the DM-Player dynamic. What should be expected of players and what should be expected of DMs. Join us today as we touch on this classic pairing.   Intro and Outro music by: David Fesliyan Artwork by: Gilbert Neri


What have we played

An episode idea requested by a listener, the council sits down to discuss their experiences with TTRPGs. What have they played, what may be their favorite system, and potential bars for entry for new players. So sit back and relax as this pseudo “coming soon to a theater near you” plays out.   Wizard Council is a biweekly podcast where we discuss the trials and tribulations that occurred while playing and running D&D and other RPGs. We will address issues ranging from problem players and DMs to the nitty gritty of fighting styles and everything in between.   If you have any questions please reach out to us via e-mail at WizardsCouncilPod@gmail.com or through Twitter at @WizardsPod.   Intro and Outro music by: David Fesliyan Artwork by: Gilbert Neri


Genneral Killroy


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