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Woman Awake - The Soul-led Journey of Awakening Through Womandhood and Motherhood
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Woman Awake - The Soul-led Journey of Awakening Through Womandhood and Motherhood

Author: Woman Awake with Claire Obeid

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Join Claire Obeid on her new podcast - 'Woman Awake - as she shares her soul-led journey of awakening through womanhood and motherhood.

This is OUR journey, in mind, body and soul towards consciousness. Seeking clarity. Hunting down the truth. Diving into the discomfort of healing. Uncovering shadows and rising out of them back. Rising into a NEW woman.

Through my personal brand of storytelling, musings, wisdom bombs and insights we journey into motherhood, the catalyst, if you so choose, to become more conscious, aware... woke.

I’m just one mama following the path to awakening. And I hope you choose to wake up with me too.

From meditation, yoga and spirituality to health, wellbeing, mindset, conscious living and conscious parenting, Claire will dive into it ALL.

Featuring moments of contemplation mixed with inspired action and handy take-aways, Claire will support you as you journey to WOKE.

Claire will also hold Q&A sessions, answering listeners questions and riffing on important topics.

Claire also offers regular mini-meditation sessions to support her listener's in cultivating inner stillness, connection and clarity.

Regular segments featuring thought-leaders, interviews with experts and game-changers add depth, further insight and mountains of inspiration


Claire is a Somatic Life Coach. Yoga Teacher. EFT Practitioner. Meditation Guide. Soul Seeker. doTERRA Wellness Advocate. Mama to little Soleil and Rafael. She is passionate about supporting individuals to cultivate their own thoroughly equipped Wellness Tool-kit so that they may live in full health, consciously, in presence, gratitude and joy.
180 Episodes
Words hold power, wisdom and the magic of sound frequency to manifest, heal and awaken. Words carry weight and meaning.  There are some words that hold a particular vibration that when say/recite/chant them we get to plug into that particular frequency. Especially words that have been uttered thousands upon thousands of times with the highest of intentions. We plug right into that frequency when we also harness the word.  Like all good Catholic girls, I can effortlessly recite the Hail Mary and the Lords Prayer in English. These are words impossible to forget and ones I used to automatically rattle off in times of need in a someway disconnected and desperate way.  Through my own Priestess Pilgrimage within The Magdalene Lineage I was gifted the Hail Mary and Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic and the true translation. The Language of Mary Magdalane and Yeshua. The original language that Yeshua would have spoken when he first shared The Lord's Prayer. It's through these high vibrational words and prayers that I have accessed deep nourishment, healing and holding. I’ve come to embody the light of these words instead of simply reciting them robotically.  It's through this journey with the Aramaic Magdalene Rosary that I've been reflecting upon the power of words and the frequency they hold. A frequency that acts as an activator, awakening something within us that we are ready to embody and live from.  When we are intentional with words we speak and think, chat and prayer, we then have access to powerful codes of healing and even Ancient Wisdom that is then awakened within us. We come to feel so much more powerful and sovereign. It is is a homecoming. A light infused, frequency raising practice harnessing sacred words and prayers with sacred intention that feels equally miraculous and delightfully grounding. Show Notes: Venus and The Rose is a 3hr Virtual Prayer Circle where we will take you on a journey into devotion, gratitude, intention and worship via these Ancient prayers in the feminine language of Aramaic - said to be the Light Language of the Angels.  The rosary is a tool - like all tools it's how and why we use them that matters.  Venus and The Rose: Magdalene Rosary Prayer Circle is on May 29th at 10am AEST. Early bird ends May 25th. The Elemental Womb: Magdalene Womb Yoga Class is on this friday evening. May 19th at 6pm. Attend locally, here on the coast or virtually. This will be an monthly offering. I'd love to share it with you - scroll on down. Tickets only $35!
What exactly is Light Language? Have you heard this term thrown around in the spiritual sphere. Do you know what it is? I didn't until 3 years ago when I started to quietly receive an activation and transmission in Light Language. Join me whilst I share my personal understanding of it and what it is. Claire x Find out more and how you can experience my Light Language sessions here:
In this week's episode I briefly dive into what is a very huge component of the healing work I do with my client's. The core beliefs of 'I am not good enough' and 'I am not worthy' unfortunately feature in 90% of my client sessions. So many of us live from these beliefs. These beliefs that are not our truth, and whilst we know that this isn't our truth, we still can't help by enact and behave as if they are. There is a disconnect between our head - which understands this can't be true - and our heart, soma, energetic experience that unfortunately is governed by this insidious and weed-like belief systems. They infiltrate all areas of our life - we act as if we truly aren't worthy or good enough. It's heart-breaking to see how powerful these beliefs can be, especially as their inception point often began in early childhood or even pre-conception, through family genetics or past lives. It runs deep. I share with you the way I try and help my client's unpack and unpick these beliefs; how we spiral from the top down before entering any memories or traumas. And I also share with you my favourite point in the healing journey- one filled with so much lightness, joy and laughter.  Upcoming events - ‌ Tickets are still available for The Awakened Womb - Central Coast - April 1st.
When you awaken the womb, you cultivate an unbreakable bond with Gaia—noticing how the first autumn leaves spiral through the air or sensing the communication between trees. There is a cosmic quality to Mother Earth. She is, after all, a Celestial body. When you awaken the womb, you activate your inner serpent, your Kundalini. She will create with what is present and make herself known in your reality. Your life force energy will amplify as the fullness of your being comes online. When you awaken the womb, you become aware of what you are holding - the old stories, programs and beliefs passed down to you or that you have soaked up from the collective consciousness. And in that awareness, you finally get to choose to purify, cleanse and reconnect to a new paradigm. When you awaken the womb, you become plugged into the living pulse of the divine feminine. Returning to a womb-based, cyclical way of living - centred on the wisdom of eros, beauty, and aliveness. When you awaken the womb, you enter a timeless, utterly sacred and holy space—the keeper and cradle of life, magic and potential. And you get to access that medicine. When you awaken the womb, you dissolve the separation between life, death and rebirth. Just like the serpent who catches her tail, spinning and creating an energy vortex (the ouroboros), you will become familiar with and feel safe within this never-ending cycle—embracing our journey of renewal. When you awaken the womb, you come to reclaim the power of the holy feminine cosmic womb and the Mother Essence. You place the Mother back on her rightful thrown alongside and working in harmony with the Divine Masculine. Two forces - the Lunar and the Solar energies - merged in divine union. When you awaken the womb, you enter the Mystery School of the Rose Lineage and Venus Codes of unconditional love, beauty and grace, sacred service and wild expansion, just as the ancient Priestesses of Light once did. You open to the light and shadow of our Divinely Human experience and thread light through the tapestry of life. When you awaken the womb, you live a creative-centred life, with your sacral and womb space as the guiding light. Your intuition and psychic powers switch on as your womb heart becomes the internal navigation system you live by. When you awaken the womb, you return home. Ways We Can Play Together - Upcoming events – ‌ The Awakened Womb in Gold Coast – March 19th and Central Coast – April 1st
This episode is most definitely less of an interview and more of a transmission as I had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with Sarah Jane Perman. ‌ She is a mother, a facilitator of the embodied feminine. She holds powerful soul journeys on sacred lands and curates online programs for women and mothers from The Alchemical Womb to Mother work, mentorships, doula support to rewilding the mother and much more. In this episode, I asked Sarah to share her story, and what unfolded was a beautiful transmission of truth telling and deep reflection. A circling inward as Sarah navigates life, motherhood, womanhood and the season she is in. Sarah Shares her story - a life well travelled full of adventure and deep work. We also dive into where Sarah’s heart lives right now and that is with mother’s and resourcing them properly. We look at motherhood, the mother current and the transmission of The Mother Priestess Sarah shares more on The Alchemical Womb and Rewilding the mother - two of her many offerings and programs. Allow yourself to drink from this wisdom stream and soak in the magic and medicine underneath Sarah’s words. You can feel her essence and her depth - it was such an honour to receive them and share them with you all. ‌ Show notes: Upcoming events - ‌ The Awakened Womb in Gold Coast - March 19th and Central Coast - April 1st Connect with Sarah: You can connect with Sarah here: and via instagram @sarahjaneperman
I've noticed, particularly over the last year and mostly here online, a lack of interest in sharing my story/ my struggles/my learnings, or my growth. Essentially all the ways I fixed myself or everything I'm processing or feeling. Looking back, I have become less opinionated over the last few years. Of course, I still have musings, thoughts, and considered ideas and opinions. Still, I no longer have the urge and the drive to share my views, participate in conversations, or get into arguments just to prove a point or show somebody another way. I think the very core of this is ACCEPTANCE. I simply accept that human to human, we are all different and have different thoughts, feelings, and opinions. It's not my place to push my opinion or my desire, or my way of thinking onto somebody else These are all ways in which I've previously attempted to embody authority or be the "teacher" that I think you might need. The irony isn't lost on me that I'm doing just that - sharing about "me", but stay with me. Let me unpack this with you. As a guide/space holder and teacher, I know that one of the most potent ways I deliver my version of wisdom is through storytelling and sharing my embodied experiences and learnings. However… truthfully… 1. It feels wobbly to share anything before I've moved through it and embodied the wisdom. 2. It feels condescending and void of humility to place myself above anyone else through the examples of my life, for example, "this was me, this is where I was, I did this, and now I'm an expert/better/healed." It feels false because I am ALWAYS expanding and contracting. 3. It feels disrespectful in some way - you are intelligent, heart-led humans, and who am I to perpetuate the idea that you aren't enough/do enough? You are discerning, and you know what you need. Here's where it gets blurry for me and where there is discord. I DO embody the essence of "teacher", "space holder", "guide" "Practitioner". And I love these Sacred Archetypes that feel deeply aligned. I AM here to serve and to be a way shower of sorts I LOVE being part of your world and your journey home to wholeness… I'm forever grateful when you say YES to the journey with me. But I've come to understand that I am the vehicle for the teachings. I am not the teachings. I am the conduit for the transmission and the downloads for when your soul is ready to receive and channel through me. I am not THE transmission or the downloads. And whilst I will always be an open book and will share honestly, there has been an inner refinement and evolution that, for now, is asking me to let the teachings lead the way. Do I have to endure extreme suffering and publicly unpack it to be considered a great, wise, authentic teacher? There was once a time I believed this. However, now I feel my soul has evolved a little further, deepened in humility, and embraced the truth that I am here to serve and support and that it isn't all about ME. It's time to allow the wisdom to flow. It's not my job to temper it, try to sell it, convince anyone or prey on your pain points. It's my job, arms and heart wide open, to say this is what I must share. And if the resonance is there, I know we'll find our way towards each other. In Claire's World The Temple Space A monthly grace-centred gathering of ceremony, ritual, healing, holding and home-coming. Join for $66 per month* *Minimum 3-month commitment with a rolling subscription after that. Unburdened A 2HR EFT Masterclass $33 - Monday 6th March - 11-1 pm AEDT $22 for The Temple Space Members Awakening the Womb Gold Coast 3hour in-person event Sun 19th Mar 2023, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm AEDT Awakening the Womb Central Coast Full day immersion Sat 1st Apr 2023, 9:30 am - 4:00 pm AEDT
In this episode, Kris and I discuss: 🌟Her story and how she found her way to this point in her life and sacred service. 🌟What it means to live a Spiritual Life 🌟What Kris’s spiritual practice looks like? 🌟The deities, energies, and lineages that Kris most resonates with and why 🌟What being a WOMAN AWAKE means to Kris 🌟How Kris plays and what gets in the way of that. 🌟Kris' first book - The Call to Intuition 🌟Why Intuition is something we must recognise and honour 🌟Wildhearted Purpose - Kris’s new book 🌟Living according to the bliss of your being - what does this mean to you and what does it actually look like 🌟Being connected to Mama earth - can you suggest ways that people can cultivate this connection? 🌟Living in tune with your community - why does community matter? How does this enrich our lives? 🌟What Kris would like every human on this earth to know ABOUT: Kris Franken is a mystic, author and mentor. She’s a cacao-obsessed wild woman, certified meditation guide and energy healer, women's circle and retreat facilitator, and ritual and ceremony teacher. Kris has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and sociology and over 15 years experience as a professional writer. She has written for many print and online magazines has seven sets of cards published and is joyfully launching her second book Wildhearted Purpose this month. In everything she shares, she loves to empower others to live in the deepest alignment with their heart’s untamed pulse. She lives gently in paradise on Bundjalung land in Byron Bay, Australia. Kris’s Book Wildhearted Purpose: Embrace Your Unique Calling & the Unmapped Path of Authenticity is out February 8th, 2023. Her first book was published in 2020 – The Call of Intuition: How to Recognize & Honor Your Intuition, Instinct & Insight. Find and connect with Kris here: In Claire's World The Temple Space A monthly grace-centred gathering of ceremony, ritual, healing, holding and home-coming. Join for $66 per month* *Minimum 3-month commitment with a rolling subscription thereafter. Unburdened A 2HR EFT Masterclass $33 - Monday 6th March - 11-1pm AEDT $22 for The Temple Space Members
Lauren Falconer and I decided to jump on and have a chat to bring to life the essence and energy within The Temple Space. Our online monthly ceremonial space begins on February 14th. We really both crave community within a consecrated space. Having journeyed together through Priestess training over the last 12 months and with 10 years of friendship, we decided we were fully equipped to collaborate and curate such a space together. And within this space holds the opportunity for magic, potent medicine and powerful awakening. It also offers the chance to be in sacred circle each month, to journey through cyclic wisdom together and to come into ceremony as a group and within your day to day life. Please join us as we share all the details on The Temple Space - our first official ceremony is on February 14th, 11am AEDT. You can connect with Lauren here: Join The Temple Space here:
I recorded today's podcast a few days out from my 41st birthday, which astounds me because it feels like I was sharing that I was turning 40 and embarking on a new decade just moments ago. I wanted to share something that has had me thinking, which is the ageing journey. Before I start, I want to preface this by saying that I realise that I'm still young at 41, and I acknowledge that I still look relatively young for my age. However, I have no doubt that when I'm 50, I'll look back at my 40-year-old self and say, "oh honey, gosh, you thought you had wrinkles then!" I understand all of that, but this is more just bringing light to some of the musings of my considerations and thoughts as I age and watch others around me age too. I look in the mirror and can almost see what I may look like in 10 to 20 years. I'm noticing the social and physical shifts in my face and, of course, in my body that have me considering and questioning the value of perceived beauty that the world places upon us. How I show up in the world and present outwardly to the world is important in my life and business, but its importance seems to be wrapped in these patriarchal constructs of what a woman should look like. Worse yet, these constructs seem to determine how worthy she is of her life and that perhaps after a certain point when we look different, we need to act differently because we are different. And because we're looking different, it changes the game and what we're capable of achieving or our value or how successful we are. I'm not saying I agree with or abide by any of those rules, but I'm noticing the societal programming we all have. It's had me asking this question what if ageing was met in a completely different way? What if, as our bodies changed, we were met with celebration? What if, as each wrinkle came up on our faces, we were met with celebration and asked by our families to tell the stories of those wrinkles? What if, as our breasts drooped, we were asked to share the stories of the children we fed? I desperately wish to age with grace and with profound honour and reverence for myself in this body that will inevitably return to ashes and dust and return to the earth as it should. What if we were not just celebrated because we're alive and were born but because of all we've experienced? For all that we've held and suffered through? And come alive through? And that every single mark on our body, every wrinkle, every fold, every change and every shift was pointed out and honoured and kissed and loved? Because within the skin folds and the wrinkles, you will find great wisdom that will carry you through and teach you so much, and it will hold you steady with a gaze that is so grounded and connected to the divine and connected to humanity. Wise women are our oracles. They are here to teach us and show us how to return to a womb-based culture where we come in circle and ceremony and reverence for all of life. This is what my heart and my mind ponder upon as I age I'm so grateful that I get to be alive at 41, and I am conscious of gazing upon my body and saying and singing sweet words to her. To run my fingers across her loosening skin, wrinkles, and dimples and say I know your stories. I'm doing my best to share them and to honour all of you. To feed you the foods that nourish you and bring you aliveness, wholeness, and fullness. And yet I must also speak the truth, from the part of me and perhaps you, that witnesses this slow shift in this gentle decline, this ageing. I hope this podcast fills you with gratitude and love for who looks back at you in the mirror today. _______ In Claire's World Join @lauren_thelifepod and I inside The Temple Space - Monthly ceremonies, where we will come to know ourselves through movement, breath, Mudra, light language, womb yoga, and so much more. ‌Founding members join for only $44 p/month. We begin February 14th. A say of (self!) love. ❤️🌹❤️🌹
Intentionally Empathetic ‌What does that mean? What does that look like? The act of sacred service in the form of truly seeing and feeling, and hearing another. And this begins by going inward, descending into your body's wisdom to truly see, feel and hear yourself. Here you’ll find deep compassion and love for the self. Which filters out to another - to all. In coming to know ourselves deeply, we can then really see another. Then we are not drained by the exchange, the giving, or the service. It’s not servitude, or slavery, but true reciprocity centred on love. It begins with you first. And it begins through healing, holding and homecoming - in ceremony and ritual. Returning to yourself over and over and over. When we descend into ourselves, come to know ourselves and ultimately make peace with our own pain, journey, heart, and joy, we come to know others in the same way. Life is then layered with a softer filter. We show up differently, with more grace. We are humble and open. We are willing and present. We find joy in the mundane, every day and in the relationships that are so key to our human journey. And how do we do this? We create space and time and opportunity to be in ceremony. To sit in ritual. To commune with ourselves and others. To be seen and to see ourselves. To return to wholeness through our spiritual practice. And we repeat this, over and over and over. _____ ‌ Join @lauren_thelifepod and I inside The Temple Space - Monthly ceremonies, where we will come to know ourselves through movement, breath, Mudra, light language, womb yoga, and so much more. ‌Founding members join for only $44 p/month. We begin February 14th. A say of (self!) love. ❤️🌹❤️🌹
My teacher Ana Otero was sharing in one of our recent Aramaic classes about a vision and channelling she received in 2012 from Mary Magdalene. Ana asked Mary Magdalene what Self Love really is. To help her understand this a little more. Some context for you here - in 2012 thereabouts - you may recall this sudden surge of interest and talk on The Divine Feminine and Self-Love. This interest seemed, for me at least, to come out of nowhere. The Goddess frequency was activated on our Planet around this time, and with that, a new language, consciousness, paradigm and feminine focus were seeded. So it’s not surprising that Ana asked that question to Mary Magdalene, the embodiment of unconditional love. The Apostle to the Apostles. Such a powerful ascended master, consciousness, teacher and energy is here to support us in exploring the Divine within, on earth and in the heavenly realms. In today’s episode, I unpack Mary Magdalene’s answer to Ana - and dissect it through my own lens. It feels like the perfect timing as we begin a new solar return and journey into 2023. As this year is number 7, there is the possibility for us to receive more LIGHT - which means more spaciousness, more creation, and more love. Number 7 is also - amongst many other things - representative of Mary Magdalene. So as we begin this journey, it feels important to share some of her wisdom and that of my teachers. Show notes: In Claire's world: Upcoming Events The Gathering LIVE STREAM EVENT Jan 23rd 8-9pm AEDT.  Join Here The Temple Space Returning February 2023 Register Here
In this episode myself and Kate go on a deep dive. Exploring all things energy, house clearings, psychic attacks and dark Vs evil energy. It's a big and important conversation and one that I feel really needs to happen. Especially as we began another solar return. What we cover: 🌟What Kate is offering in the world and how she found this work. 🌟The shifts and changes she has felt over the last couple of years. 🌟House Clearings and Psychic Attacks. 🌟What’s the difference between the dark and the evil? 🌟Why is it important people understand this? 🌟Energetic protection and hygiene and how to protect yourself. 🌟How things/objects/experiences that are “spiritual” are being infiltrated and contaminated and how we can increase our discernment. 🌟The power of your intention, trust and faith. Learn about Kate: Kate Manley is Lightworker, a multi-modality Energy Intuitive, Feminine Embodiment Mentor, Teacher, Spiritual & Soul Mentor, and Sacred Space Holder. Her path and purpose in life is to guide women on their inner journey to back to their true essence, their divine nature, their sacred self. Kate is the visionary and creator behind Moon & Tide Gatherings, a series of sacred women’s gatherings held regularly on the Sunshine Coast. Her private sessions include Reiki & Shamanic-based Energy Therapy, Channelled Angel Readings, Spiritual Mentoring, Feminine Embodiment Mentoring and Bespoke Ceremonies & Blessingways. Kate Manley has completed the following qualifications and trainings, and has practitioner membership with IICT. • Certified Feminine Embodiment Arts Mentor with Soul Arts International • Certified Usui Reiki Master and Seichim Reiki Practitioner with Light of Wellness Reiki School • Certified Sacred Cacao Facilitator with the Vibrational Healer, Natalie McIvor • Certified Women’s Circle Facilitator with Honouring Heart • Certified Holistic Health Coach with the Institute of Integrative Medicine • Recipient of the Shamanic Rites of Munay-Ki, including the Rite of the Womb, and has completed training to deliver the Rites to other practitioners • Level 1 & Level 2 Angel Messenger with Shunanda Scott, Angel Medium • Level 1 Sound Healing with Crystal Singing Bowls • She also holds a Psychology Degree and post graduate qualifications in Business/HR. Find out more about Kate here: Show notes: In Claire's world: Upcoming Events The Magdalene Frequency An online immersion into Womb Wisdom, The Rose Path & Embodying The Light January 7th 3pm – 5:30pm AEDT and January 8th 10am – 12:30pm Read more and book here.
Another perspective on Jesus Christ This podcast episode was completely unplanned and unexpected. On a whim, myself and Shunanda decided to unpack our perspective and opinion on all things Jesus/Yeshua. Which is quite fitting considering we are nearing Christmas Day in his honour and of course, the Solstice; the longest day and shortest night here in the Southern Hemisphere or our Northern friends experience the opposite - the depths of winter and darkness before returning to the light. This is a HUGE episode. Meaning, it's packed with some beautiful, profound perspectives, a few truth-bombs and some more darker and shocking statements and thoughts. We really, mostly, wanted to share what we feel is at the core of Yeshua's teachings, consciousness and energy and how we can all connect with him and his teachings regardless of religion, dogma and structures that bind. We come to this conversation from a very non-judgmental, open-hearted and open minded perspective. We ask you to do the same as you tune in. Essential, what we really want to highlight is that Christ is not a saviour but a mirror. He illuminates our own Christ consciousness and divinity. He shows the example and path for us to find, but we find that within. We start with our own journey - both spiritually and religious and from there, in honour of Jesus Christ and his birthday we get real on these points: 🌟Christ Consciousness 🌟Yeshua the teacher 🌟The reality of religion and it's hand in suffering, pain, abuse and persecution 🌟Our personal beliefs on Yeshua and what his teachings truly are, at the core. 🌟Our perspective on the ‘CHURCH’ and organised religion and do we feel this is in alignment with JC’s ongoing message… 🌟The distortions and satanic elements of the 'Church' 🌟We go far back to Colonialism, Segregation, Separation, Disconnection from the Divine Sovereignty over Saviour 🌟The difference between prayer and communion - and is channelling the work of the devil? 🌟How to be discerning and sovereign in finding your path to Christ consciousness. 🌟The entrenched judgement, shame and fear that exists around the pathway to Christ through the church. 🌟If we have to renounce many elements of our lives to find him, work with him, be with him. 🌟Did JC event WANT an organised religion in his name? 🌟The bible - the hijacking of it, the distortion of and the incorrect translation of it. About Shunanda Angel teacher and mother of three Shunanda Scott is passionate about teaching people how to receive the infinitely loving guidance and support of the Angels. Upon the birth of her second child, Shunanda experienced a spiritual awakening and began learning how to manage her newly discovered intuitive abilities. Shunanda trained for years with mentors, teachers, and the Angels themselves, and now works with starseeds and light workers all over the world from her beach home in Sydney. Shunanda believes that you do not need to be religious to work with Angels. You will never see Shunanda quote from the bible (she’s never read it), use religious images of Angels, or suggest that you need an intermediary to connect with the divine. “EVERYONE has the ability to work with Angels. Everyone has Guardian Angels. Everyone can learn to understand and hear Angels messages.” Web: Insta: @_shunanda_ Immersion: Show notes: In Claire's world: Upcoming Events The Magdalene Frequency An online immersion into Womb Wisdom, The Rose Path & Embodying The Light January 7th 3pm – 5:30pm AEDT and January 8th 10am – 12:30pm Read more and book here. Book: Anna, Grandmother of Jesus
Here is my Spiritual Wrap Up of 2022! It has been such a different year from the previous two, and I hazard a guess that many of you feel this. For me, it’s been a year of output - creating and offering alot within my business which I have loved. Lots of face to face time with clients and classes. It’s been a big year within our family too, navigating everyday challenges and wins with two littles. My word for this year was Bloom. The year previous was flourish. And I feel that this theme is going to continue with Harvest calling me for 2023. However I want to unpack this year of BLOOMING for you because there has been a lot of huge energetic and spiritual upgrades and within that alot of deep healing and clearing/cleansing in order to continue blooming. The easiest way to do this is to move through the year sequentially but be prepared for a conversation that spirals and swirls. There is alot of rather unusual and wild stuff to share and it’s not the easiest thing to summarise and explain what has unfolded in my world energetically and spiritually. It’s safe to say that I will have to revisit certain elements and unpack them in their own episode (such as Plant Medicine and Past Life healing)but in this episode I share: 🌟My 40th birthday 🌟The tone set for the year at my 40th birthday 🌟The experience I had with COVID. 🌟Running The Magdalene Frequency. 🌟Plant Medicine Journeys 🌟Kundalini Activation Process Immersions 🌟Awakening my own kundalini and Light Language and Sound Activations 🌟Stepping forward to offer my skills for greater collective healing 🌟Microdosing Mushrooms 🌟Kirtan, Community, Connection 🌟The ongoing energetic healing for myself and my children. And so much more. I hope that by listening to this episode it helps you reflect on your past year and everything you have achieved, everything you have learnt and how far you are still to go. What's your word for 2022? Love + Light Claire In Claire's world: Upcoming Events The Magdalene Frequency An online immersion into Womb Wisdom, The Rose Path & Embodying The Light January 7th 3pm – 5:30pm AEDT and January 8th 10am – 12:30pm Read more and book here. Inner Alchemy: Breathwork and Sound Healing Journey Saturday 17th December 2022 Purchase your tickets here.
Be in RHYTHM. Come into alignment with your own rhythm. When I sit in ceremony, my sacred space is set with intention. Creating space in our 3D reality to consecrate this life - both the spiritual and the physical. When I offer spaces for you to access divine healing, mystical teachings and embodiment practices, I do so to invite your soul back into RHYTHM. This concept of rhythm has been shared with me many times by my teacher, but it’s really only landing now - years into the spiral that is the mystery teachings. Rhythm, for me, is about unifying your body and soul. Bringing you back into connection (as an antidote to the disconnection we so often experience and feel). This is our rhythm. Totally connected. Physical body with the soul. Soul safely invited into the body. A space and a pace that we cultivate and keep for our soul to be expressed. Our soul needs expression through 🌟Breath. 🌟Silence. 🌟Meditation. 🌟Creative expression. I’d add here too movement and nourishment. We do this, and then we can connect and come back into rhythm. On the surface, I can see that the world I often invite you into may seem simply like a “nice” thing to do or a luxury that can be swept aside for busier, more important 3D tasks. And yet I’d strongly disagree. I’m inviting you into the Divine Feminine Frequency - such as my upcoming online retreat, the Magdalene Frequency’ which may seem simply like a “nice” thing to do. Or so that you can sync into your rhythm. The soul thrives in a feminine atmosphere. Where there is beauty - spiritual beauty (the shapera) the soul thrives. The body is nourished by the soul. The soul is nourished by the emBODY-ment. We come into a rhythm, and from here - because we tend first to our soul spirit - then life is no longer one big battle. We drop the boxing gloves. We ease into the slipstream of Grace. We flow through what is usually exhausting, triggering, challenging, and demanding. We move rhythmically. To a beat that feels sustainable, surrendered and sweet. So as we enter a season that, for many, can feel all intense/demanding/challenging. I ask you to first and, most importantly, find your rhythm. To consecrate and make sacred through ceremony. To create space for a new beat to be felt, heard and embodied. Love + light, Claire In Claire's world: Upcoming Events The Magdalene Frequency An online immersion into Womb Wisdom, The Rose Path & Embodying The Light Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th December Read more and book here. Inner Alchemy: Breathwork and Sound Healing Journey  Saturday 17th December 2022 Purchase your tickets here.
I want to share with you the magic of the womb mysteries. It is believed that the roots of the Grail Womb Legends can be tracked back as far as Neanderthal Womb Religion. Through the Celtic, Egyptian and Tantric magic honoured and practiced by priestesses. Womb Mysteries passed down until the FEMININE, once revered, was eventually snuffed out by the patriarchal system. Connecting to the Womb Mysteries through my studies within the lineage of Mary Magdalene has been a coming home. An inner remembrance. And I truly feel that the consciousness and the teacher that is Mary Magdalane, Mother Mary, Yeshua, Isis, Hathor and many other Goddess are strongly activating and awakening many of us to return us into a state of balance. As I record this we have just completed the 4th week inside The Elemental Womb where we are journeying each with one of the six wombs and a Sacred Element. And whilst within this container and journey myself I have decided to run The Magdalene Frequency as an online offering this December 19th and 20th. I had no plans to do this by the Womb Mysteries and the frequency of The Magdalene is so strong and calling so loudly at the moment that I didn’t really have a choice. What has called the most to me though is the evidence. Each week I receive emails and feedback from those within my classes and ceremonies sharing their personal experiences. I hear everything from "my WOMB finally has woken up and the inability to express myself is starting to clear. I can finally let go of the past." I often hear about physical ailments clearing, like cysts or dysfunction in the womb. I hear of processing grief or receiving healings and visitations from light beings and Yeshua, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene have been known to show up in my classes more than once. Visit for more. Show Notes: Upcoming Events The Magdalene Frequency An online immersion into Womb Wisdom, The Rose Path & Embodying The Light Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th December Inner Alchemy: Breathwork and Sound Healing Journey Sat 17th Dec 2022 Purchase your tickets here.…ealing-journey Love + light, Claire
To the wild ones, the way showers, the quiet light workers and the teachers/guides and healers… 2022 has been nothing short of wild, hasn’t it? So many of us are receiving rapid and intense upgrades. Flooded with high frequency codes as we attempt to anchor a new earth. A new way. A new paradigm. I’ve often wondered how to contribute. What role am I playing? Until I realised that my own energetic expansion, integrity and spiritual clean up is the biggest contribution of all. So I chose to dive in deep over the last 24months. And it’s been beautiful and intense. Almost unspeakable. I’ve personally experienced some of the most unbelievable upgrades. Golden codes of light have rippled and ripped through me. I’ve become deeply acquainted with sound - sound as the creation of all life. Sound frequency as the essence of all. My body has become a conduit, a channel for powerful transmissions and healings. Light language, sacred sounds and shamanic breath have become a way I process, offering healings and transmutation for myself and others. If I told you in detail I’m not sure you’d believe me… I hardly believe me. I’ve also been through the longest repetitive cycle of sickness. Faced many depths and dark points. With every upgrade comes a huge karmic and ancient purge. Lifetimes of suffering have surfaced for healing. I’ve had no choice but to surrender and accept the stripping of layers… I’ve been so sick and yet summoned by The Magdalenes many times to contribute to collective healing. I’ve sat across from clients in humility - not knowing what to do, except that it is time to FINALLY open up to my channel without control or restriction… only to be blown away by what comes through. It’s happening my darling ones / the seismic shift we have been waiting for is already happening and it begins with you. The tending of your inner landscape, the regular sweeping and cleaning through of your energy field, the uncomfortable and required TRUST of your ancient gifts and full faith in your service. The time is now. It’s time now… keep showing up… with plenty of rest and loving on your human self too! There will come a time when these wild days will make sense. Right now, when I’m in a spontaneous activation and my mind scrambles to make sense of it, I slowly reminding myself that’s it safe to trust in the unknown. We are blindly painting a picture of the new world and soon we’ll have perspective and clarity. Here’s to the wild ones and the even wilder days. Know that you held by those that seeded these frequencies of unity consciousness and divine love thousands of years ago. And they are walking alongside us all. Upcoming Events Inner Alchemy: Breathwork and Sound Healing Journey Sat 17th Dec 2022 Purchase your tickets here. Subscribe: Itunes | Soundcloud Beautiful one. Thank you for being here and listening. It would mean the world to me if you would hit subscribe and stay connected to Woman Awake– join me on this journey of awakening. Your feedback, comments, reviews and shares will always be gratefully received but also help us to reach more mamas who need support as they navigate the choppy waters of motherhood and all it asks of us. Love + light, Claire
Birthing my first medicine drum offered me up many reflections on living from your Sovereign Womb. Crafting my own Shamanic Drum was a profound experience that I can feel will continue to seed and bloom new wisdom. Birthing a drum is often seen as a gateway into your inner workings to review and reflect on your own birthing experiences, creative processes and ways in which you “birth”… This was certainly true for me in my experience but instead of facing shadows and spaces within yet healed I was able to meet with my “birthing process” from a healed and sovereign space. In this live I reflect upon what it means to live and move through life from your Sovereign, Wise and Surrendered Sacred Womb. Free of the control, perfectionism, expectations and self judgments that we often live with. Instead able to move in a symbiotic relationship with surrender, ease and flow AND with focus, presence, mindfulness and forward momentum. Tune in and share your thoughts. If you’ve birthed a drum what reflections and wisdom did you land on? Upcoming Events The Elemental Womb 6-Week Journey Begins Sun 6th Nov 2022 (Virtual and In Person Attendance Available) Purchase your tickets here Inner Alchemy: Breathwork and Sound Healing Journey Sat 17th Dec 2022 Purchase your tickets here. Stay tuned for (I am) The Remedy - final round in 2022 Subscribe: Itunes | Soundcloud Beautiful one. Thank you for being here and listening. It would mean the world to me if you would hit subscribe and stay connected to Woman Awake– join me on this journey of awakening. Your feedback, comments, reviews and shares will always be gratefully received but also help us to reach more mamas who need support as they navigate the choppy waters of motherhood and all it asks of us. Love + light, Claire
In today's episode, I share a story that I am sure many of you will find familiar. It was a story of waking to yet another morning of unwell children. It had been one too many early morning wake-ups from sick kids. One too many mornings of interrupted sadhana. One too many nights of vivid, intense and psychic dreams. I was triggered by something my son said, snapped, and like always, I immediately regretted my moment of cranky. What followed was a moment that allowed me to surrender and release my emotions. The crying and sobbing that unfolded might have indicated trauma to anyone watching, but it was simply a build-up of frustration, tiredness and sickness that allowed me to heal and work through the moment by reconnecting with myself and my children. I told the kids to gather their things: whatever they wanted to play with and their muesli, and we went straight to the garden at 6:30 am. When we allow ourselves to experience the full spectrum of our emotions with our children (without placing them in a position to fix us), we can give them the necessary tools to hold themselves and others when needed. I sat with a child on either side of me and continued with my breathwork and grounding… until I heard my guidance say, it's time to tap through this. And from the moment my fingers tapped on my crown, the tears poured through. I tapped through how shit I was feeling and had been feeling. How tired I was of feeling tired, sick and spent. How done I was with the never-ending cycle of fevers and snot this year. They checked in: mama, why are you crying? They ask because sometimes they see my happy tears; sometimes they see sad ones. They just needed clarification. I said; my darlings, I'm just getting the sad feelings up and out so I can feel happy again. Little hands gave me a cuddle and a stroke before returning their busy hands to busy play. I ask - Can you create more opportunities to be with your body, heart and experiences and lean in towards what is there, allowing it to be felt and released? Can you start to stretch your capacity to be in your emotional experiences and honour what is moving through you? Can you allow your emotions to be felt safely and respectfully without downloading on them, without inflicting pain and guilt? As you stretch this capacity to feel, can you support your children to fully accept themselves and others without judgement and needing to fix anything? Thank you for listening. Upcoming Events The Elemental Womb 6-Week Journey Begins Sun 6th Nov 2022 (Virtual and In Person Attendance Available) Purchase your tickets here Inner Alchemy: Breathwork and Sound Healing Journey Sat 17th Dec 2022 Purchase your tickets here. Stay tuned for (I am) The Remedy - final round in 2022 Subscribe: Itunes | Soundcloud Beautiful one. Thank you for being here and listening. It would mean the world to me if you would hit subscribe and stay connected to Woman Awake– join me on this journey of awakening. Your feedback, comments, reviews and shares will always be gratefully received but also help us to reach more mamas who need support as they navigate the choppy waters of motherhood and all it asks of us. Love + light, Claire
When it comes to raising children and being a caretaker for two divine little humans, there is one thing in particular that I believe we must be so mindful of. It is something that can result in a lifetime of deep scarring. I'm speaking about SHAME (without judgement or blame) and how we, as parents, unintentionally and often automatically shame our children. Why does this matter so much? I've spent the better part of the last 12 years mentoring and coaching women, and a common and unfortunate thread is the SHAME they carry. Shame that first began at the hands of their parents and caretakers. Shame that is not and never was innate or part of their natural way of thinking and being. Brene Brown said, "I define shame as the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging—something we've experienced, done, or failed to do makes us unworthy of connection. I don't believe shame is helpful or productive." "Shame is the fear of being unworthy of love, connection and belonging, and the absence of love and connection and belonging as a human being, and there's always suffering." When your child does something wrong, such as spilling milk by accident, there is something that happens when we address the behaviour versus addressing the child. In this episode, I address how we unintentionally shame our children and why. I also explore how we can rewire and reprogramme how we communicate with our children and use moments for learning and building resilience rather than shame. As previously mentioned, I have coached 100s of women who, at the core of their emotional blocks and wounds, is SHAME. They are ashamed to stand in their truth, to use their voice, to go after their dreams, and to feel worthy enough of love. The list of ways that shaming our children affects their future selves is long and painful. Shame is not love. Shame is when we lead with fear and frustration, and resentment. Shame is self-centred, so if your goal is to lead, guide and teach your children with love, this podcast is for you! A child's learning capacity is best supported through love, not shame and judgement. We want our children to grow into responsible, capable, focused, motivated, disciplined, joyful, willing, and eager adults with a zest and passion for life - including its challenges. 
We want to raise our children with a GROWTH mentality, who aren't afraid to do the work, who aren't afraid of mistakes and problems and who are equipped with resilience, empathy and gratitude. Tune in to today's episode as I dive more into Parenting without Shame.
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