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Women Road Warriors


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Women Road Warriors is hosted by Shelley M. Johnson and Kathy Tucarro. It’s a lively talk show designed to empower and inspire women in all professions from the office to the cab of a truck. We power women on the road to success.

Our show is designed to entertain and educate all women and it doesn’t hold back! We feature celebrity and expert interviews on all kinds of topics that are important to women. Shelley and Kathy are fun and informative and any topic is fair game. You can learn more about us at

Shelley is a seasoned journalist, writer, producer, and interviews national celebrities, entertainers, and experts on all kinds of topics.

Kathy is a heavy hauler in the oil fields of Canada where she drives the world’s biggest truck. She is a motivational speaker for women and the author of the popular book Dream Big.

137 Episodes
Wouldn’t it be great to know how to gain an edge in the business world to achieve your goals? How about thinking with a mental toughness of an Olympic athlete where you don’t get distracted like an Olympic athlete? Focus is your superpower. Take the focus off of desperation and center it on inspiration even if you have people who don’t want you to succeed. Haters may be hating but you can turn it into love and a focus that wins. Amy Emme is a former Olympics Archery Coach and business strategist who gives people insights into how to stay laser-focused with a mental toughness that builds confidence to be the very best. Amy knows how to keep her eye on the bull's eye. She has worked with MLB pitchers, professional poker players, and business professionals on how to be their best and win. Her guidance helps her clients grab the champion mindset to help them reach global success. Get inspired in this episode when Shelley Johnson and Kathy Tuccaro talk to Amy with tips on how women can succeed. #OlympicStrength #Winning #Success #AmyEmmieTheSuccessCoach #ShelleyMJohnson #ShelleyJohnson #KathyTuccaro #WomenRoadWarriors @amyemme
Ever wished you could possess the level of courage, focus, and winning attitude of Olympic athletes? They know how to harness resilience and focus and the mindset to defy the odds no matter what. Jamie Mittelman is the founder of Flamebearers. She interviews star Olympians and Paralympians who tell their inspiring stories of their challenges and their victories. Learn what it takes to win in life with the attributes of people like Sue Bird or Caster Semenya or legends like Uganda's Ritah Assimwe or Afghanistan's Masomah Alizada when Shelley Johnson and Kathy Tuccaro talked to Jamie and the inspiration she is spreading with her Flamebearers media interviews. #Olympians #Paralympians #Winning #Athletes #Strength #Resilience #Courage #JamieMittelman #Flamebearers #ShelleyJohnson #ShelleyMJohnson #KathyTuccaro #WomenRoadWarriors
Our family history is more important than just looking up DNA and genealogy. That gives us a genetic blueprint but doesn’t tell the whole story. Too often these stories are told but never written down and they’re soon lost after a relative dies. Dr. Elizabeth Keating is on a mission to get people to record their family history and stories that are the true family heirlooms and clues to who we are and where we came from. Many times family photos aren’t even labeled leaving many people wondering who the heck was in the picture. Dr. Keating is a professor of anthropology at the University of Texas in Austin. She has written a book called The Essential Questions: Interview Your Family to Uncover Stories and Bridge Generations. It’s a scientific approach to help you record your family history. It shows you how to interview your relatives with the right questions to ask to get the complete picture. Join Shelley Johnson and Kathy Tuccaro in this episode of Women Road Warriors to learn how to chronicle your family history for future generations. #Geneology #History #FamilyStories #DrElizabethKeating #Family #ShelleyMJohnson #ShelleyJohnson #KathyTuccaro #WomenRoadWarriors
Many religions talk about angels. What are angels? Who are guardian angels? They do exist and we all have one. Lorna Byrne is an international speaker and author who has been seeing angels since she was a baby. She sees them like we see other people. She helps people find their angels. She teaches people that everyone has divine wisdom they can tap into to connect with angels. Lorna is the author of the international bestseller Angels in My Hair: The True Story of a Modern-Day Irish Mystic. Tune into this episode of Women Road Warriors with Shelley Johnson and Kathy Tuccaro to learn what Lorna knows about angels, why they are here, the miracles they carry from God, and why we need to connect with them. #Angels #GuardianAngels #LornaByrne #God #Guidance #Inspiration #ShelleyMJohnson #ShelleyJohnson #KathyTuccaro #WomenRoadWarriors
Too many women and children experience severe abuse and trauma. Many never recover. Demarra West helps people rekindle who they are. By the age of 13, Demarra experienced 8 out of 10 adverse childhood experiences that resulted in substance abuse, incarceration, and homelessness. Demarra is the author of Me Too: A Therapist’s Journey to Heal, Find Liberation and Joy. She offers valuable insight for survivors, therapists, educators, and law enforcement. She is a sought-after motivational speaker and founder of Be Well Beautiful Woman. Tune into a path to recovery in this episode of Women Road Warriors with Shelley M. Johnson and Kathy Tuccaro. #Abuse #Survival #TraumaSurvivors #DemarraWest #BeWellBeautifulWomen #ShelleyMJohnson #ShelleyJohnson #KathyTuccaro #WomenRoadWarriors
Imagine careening over an immense canyon or between two tall buildings while walking and doing tricks on a slack line no bigger than one inch thick! Now imagine doing this with an intense fear of heights! Taylor St. Germaine overcame her fear to become a freestyle highliner world champion in a sport that is also called slacklining. She rose to this height in just a little over four years. Taylor outperformed the reigning World Cup athletes recently at the 2023 Winter FestiSlack Competition. This milestone set her even further apart. Taylor is a pioneer and the first woman to land several intricate and dynamic tricks on the high line. She will represent Canada at the World Cup in Switzerland in July. Learn about overcoming fear, the importance of perseverance and empowerment as Shelley Johnson and Kathy Tuccaro interview Taylor in this episode of Women RoadWarriors. @Taylor_Stg@tayuptherehttps://women-road-warriors.captivate.fm #Highlining #Slacklining #TaylorStGermaine #Fear #OvercomingFear #Perseverence #Empowerment #ShelleyMJohnson #ShelleyJohnson #KathyTuccaro #WomenRoadWarriors23czze7n 
100 million Americans are in serious medical debt. One of every five dollars we earn goes to the cost of healthcare. Healthcare costs are so overwhelming people can’t save, buy a house or plan for the future. Medical bills are the biggest reason for bankruptcies and hospitals are gaming the system. Power to The Patients works to stop the injustice. Hospitals have a lack of accountability on pricing. They have gotten more profit-centered than patient-centered. This downward spiral has increased in the past 10 years. Power to The Patients is an organization that helps patients fight unfair medical bills. They and Patient Rights Advocates regularly lobby lawmakers for change and pricing transparency enforcement. They believe patients have the right to know the total price for their care up front. Learn your rights and your options to stop the sea of debt and fight unfair medical bills. Tune into this eye-opening interview with Marni Carey, president of Power to the Patients on Women Road Warriors with Shelley Johnson and Kathy #PatientRightsAdvocates #PatientFairness #MedicalBills #MedicalBankruptcy #RunawayMedicalBills #ShelleyJohnson #ShelleyMJohnson #KathyTuccaro #WomenRoadWarriors 
Women experience burnout more than men because we set poor boundaries and give way too much. This is especially true in the medical field. Dr. Sharon McLaughlin experienced this firsthand and decided to pivot in a direction to help other women. She is the author of the book "Thriving After Burnout: A Compilation of Real Stories and Strategies to Reduce Female Physician Burnout." She is also the host of the podcast Build Unshakeable Confidence. Her message applies to women in all professions. She empowers women to create a sustainable life. Learn how to protect yourself from burnout and thrive if you have encountered it in this episode of Women Road Warriors with Shelley Johnson and Kathy Tuccaro when they speak with Dr. McLaughlin. #Stress #ThriveAfterBurnout #women  #DrSharonMcLaughlin #ShelleyJohnson #ShelleyMJohnson #KathyTuccaro #WomenRoad Warriors 
Joi Lansing was a 1950s Hollywood star and blonde bombshell who had three decades of TV and movie appearances and Vegas singing stardom. Like so many starlets, she sacrificed herself in her quest to be perfect. In the end, this quest for glamour likely killed her when she died of breast cancer at 43. A Body to Die For is a loving remembrance of a talented performer primarily known as a sex symbol. It is written by her loving companion, Alexis Hunter who was called Joi’s sister Rachel to disguise their relationship. It is a compelling look at Joi’s life in Hollywood, the adventures at the height of Tinsel Town, the joys, and the ups and downs. It is also an expose’ of how women were treated by Hollywood and the dangers of body-altering injections and implants women still get today. Tune into this informative episode of Women Road Warriors with Shelley Johnson and Kathy Tuccaro when they have a candid discussion about Joi, today’s objectification of women, forbidden love, the dangers of injections, and the endless pursuit of perfection women are still expected to seek. #JoiLansing #ABodyToDieFor #AlexisHunter #Objectification #Beauty #Perfection #Glamour #ShelleyJohnson #ShelleyMJohnson #KathyTuccaro #WomenRoadWarriors
Did you know you can get recipes inspired by your favorite TV show or movie character? How about recipes inspired by Young Sheldon, The Big Bang Theory, Big Brother, The Bachelor or The Golden Girls? Sammi Turano, TV Journalist and host of TV Grape Vine has compiled a book called Taste of TV – 30 Sassy Recipes Based on TV Shows and Movies Recapped and Loved by TVGrapevine. It features easy-to-make recipes for dinner, dessert, and even drinks with a custom TV and cinematic flair. Sammi has interviewed people like Jerry Springer, Geraldo Rivera, and the stars of Real Housewives.  Her cookbook honors these shows and celebs. There is even a recipe inspired by Breaking Bad and it is NOT what you think. Tune into this entertaining and inspiring Women Road Warriors interview for foodies with Shelley Johnson and Kathy Tuccaro. You will find your next recipe that will be a hit and chuckle why you plan your next meal. #Cookbook #TVCelebrities #TVShows #Movies #SammiTurano #TVGrapevine #Recipes #DinnerRecipes #DrinkRecipes #DessertRecipes #WomenRoadWarriors #ShelleyJohnson #ShelleyMJohnson #KathyTuccaro
Autism in children is on the rise. There is much speculation as to why. Too many times children go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Lisa Jacovsky is an expert in applied behavioral analysis who dispels the myths and confusion about autism. She teaches at Union College of New Jersey and Southern New Hampshire University. Tune into this episode of Women Road Warriors with Shelley M. Johnson and Kathy Tuccaro as Lisa clears up the disinformation about autism, discusses effective methods to treat it, new research about it and resources parents can find to get the help they need for their children with autism. #AutismInChildren #HelpForAutism #LisaJacovsky #ShelleyMJohnson #ShelleyJohnson #KathyTuccaro #WomenRoadWarriors
Television is night and day from what it used to be. More people are represented but there are still stereotypes to overcome. Yasmine Tanres is amplifying voices from marginalized communities as the lead host and co-producer of A Look into Our America on Chime TV. This young broadcast journalist is taking the stage to stop stereotypes with a show designed to foster unity. Yasmine also interviews A-list celebrities for Golden TV. She was recognized as the Top Face of Hollywood by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce. Yasmine brings an international and multicultural flair to her work. Her world travels have given her a unique understanding of many people. She is a captivating force in media and brings a British charm with Spanish and Chinese heritage. Be sure to tune into this compelling interview on Women Road Warriors with Shelley M. Johnson when she learns more about Yasmine and her trailblazing journey to give the marginalized a voice. #Stereotypes #TV #Journalism #YasmineTanres #ALookIntoOurAmerica #ChimeTV#ShelleyJohnson #ShelleyMJohnson #KathyTuccaro #WomenRoadWarriors 
Prayer is common to all religions. Humans have done it since the beginning of time and say it is powerful. What are the benefits and what happens when you harness the power of collective prayer with people participating around the world? Wenda Royster began Pray Live in 2005 in Baltimore. What started as a small prayer group now offers prayer 24/7 in North and South America, Asia, and Australia. Millions of people participate every day. Be sure to tune into this episode of Women Road Warriors with Shelley Johnson and Kathy Tuccaro to learn about Pray Live when they interview Wenda for the week of National Day of Prayer. #CollectivePrayer #CorporatePrayer #Pray #PrayLive #WendaRoyster #NationalDayOfPrayerwww.praylive.com
Too many parents are told the only way to treat their children’s ADHD is through drug therapy. It doesn’t have to be that way. Dr. Connie McReynolds has a revolutionary neurofeedback therapy that has been highly effective in retraining the brains of people with ADHD and other conditions. People with ADHD have auditory and visual processing difficulties. Her treatment strengthens these underdeveloped areas in their neural pathways. Dr. McReynolds is the author of Solving the ADHD Riddle: The Real Cause and Lasting Solutions to your Child’s Struggle to Learn. Tune in to this episode of Women Road Warriors with Shelley Johnson and Kathy Tuccaro to learn about this treatment that is changing the lives of thousands of people.www.conniemcreynolds.com #Neurofeedback #DrConnieMcReynolds #Children#ADHDInChildren #ChildrenAndADHD #HyperactivityDisorder #ShelleyJohnson#ShelleyMJohnson #KathyTuccaro #WomenRoadWarriors
Do you feel stuck, unfulfilled, or out of control? There are ways to overcome life’s roadblocks. Dr. Michelle Maidenberg has a toolkit for life for everyone. She is the author of A.C.E. Your Best Life: Unleash Your Best Self and the Life You Want to Be Living. The 30-year clinical psychology veteran shares proven therapy techniques to increase mindfulness, regain control, and decrease aggression, and anxiety to reach our full potential. She keeps us in the correct frame of mind so we can take on life’s challenges without allowing emotion to overtake us so we can be our best selves. Her techniques can change our neural pathways and nervous systems to stop aggression and help with impulse control. Dr. Maidenberg has advanced training in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Structural Family Therapy, and Polyvagal Theory/Therapy, Mindfulness. She is a Level II trained Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) therapist.  Learn more about Dr. Maidenberg’s powerful insight in this Women Road Warriors interview with Shelley Johnson. #CBT #EMDR, #ImpulseControl #DrMichelleMaidenberg#ShelleyMJohnson #ShelleyJohnson #KathyTuccaro #WomenRoadWarriors 
Comedian Monique Marvez is a worldwide Internet sensation. Her stand-up comedy routine packs houses and appeals to all ages, especially GenZennials. Monique is loved for her sharp wit and hilarious observations on life, relationships, and cultural topics. She offers clever anecdotes on the absurdities of everyday situations. Monique has done four Showtime Specials, one HBO Max special, and the Dry Bar Comedy routine that is taking over the Internet. It has gotten over 190 million views on TikTok so far! Be sure to tune into this funny and insightful Women Road Warriors interview with Monique as Shelley Johnson and Kathy Tuccaro get her take on life, her perspectives, and tips on how to succeed no matter what life hands you. #MoniqueMavez #ShelleyMJohnson #ShelleyJohnson #KathyTuccaro #WomenRoadWarriors 
Do you get the feeling everyone is angry today? Part of the problem is we are not smiling enough. Smiles have healing power not only for the person who receives them but the person who gives them away. Plus, we all have an endless supply of them and they’re free! Learn about the healing power of a smile with the founder of The Smile Revolution, comedian, singer, and performer Mindy Fradkin A.K.A Princess Wow. She wears colorful hats and clothes in her interactive shows where she engages the audience with her music, comedy, and her iconic puppets. She is changing mindsets with thousands of people one smile at a time. Mindy has inspired thousands of people. Shift the world’s energy in a positive direction with a genuine smile. Learn more in this episode of Women Road Warriors with Shelley Johnson and Kathy Tuccaro. #Smiles #TheSmileRevolution #PrincessWow #MindyFradkin#HealingPowerOfSmiles #ShelleyMJohnson #ShelleyJohnson #KathyTuccaro#WomenRoadWarriors
According to Domestic one in four women in the U.S. will be targeted by an abusive partner in their lifetime. Nearly one in five murder victims in the U.S. was killed by an intimate partner. Shocking stats, aren’t they? We have a long way to go. Thousands of women every year seek refuge in domestic assault shelters. Believe it or not, it has only been 50 years since the first domestic shelter opened. Women’s Advocates in St. Paul, Minnesota was the very first. It always has been a major advocate for change. The shelter founders helped establish legal protection for victim survivors and their children in Minnesota as well as some of the first domestic violence legislation in the United States. This shelter sets the bar for helping abuse survivors and stopping the cycle of violence. Learn what they are doing now and how you can help in this episode of Women Road Warriors when Shelley Johnson and Kathy Tuccaro talk to Executive Director Holly Henning and Grants/Evaluation Manager Mary Beth Becker-Lauth. #DomesticViolence #DomesticAssaultShelter #WomensAdvocates #MaryBethBeckerLauth #HollyHenning #Women #ShelleyMJohnson #ShelleyJohnson #KathyTuccaro #WomenRoadWarriorsAbout our guests:Holly Henning/ Gimiwanaabo-Ikwe is an enrolled member of Marten Falls Anishinaabe First Nation and has paternal ties to Constance Lake Oji-Cree First Nation in Ontario, Canada. She currently serves as the Executive Director of Women’s Advocates, a respected nonprofit founded as the first shelter in the nation for victim-survivors of domestic violence. She is a survivor of domestic violence, sexual assault, and homelessness. Prior to her role at Women’s Advocates for the past 15+ years, she worked at Ain Dah Yung Center and Division of Indian Work leading culturally based street outreach, shelter, and housing efforts.Mary Beth Becker-Lauth serves as Grants and Evaluation Manager for Women's Advocates domestic violence shelter in Saint Paul. She is a survivor of intimate partner violence and sexual assault. Prior to taking on a grant writing role, Mary Beth managed WA's Outreach and Education department, where she developed a core curriculum for domestic violence education. In 2021, she created Pop-Up Advocacy, a community-based program offering domestic violence education and advocacy services to victim-survivors unable to access services through an emergency shelter. She has hosted online support groups, journaling workshops, and storytelling sessions focused on using the power of personal narrative as a step toward healing.
One in three women around the globe experience violence according to the World HealthOrganization. Women and girls around the world are victims of gender-basedviolence every day because it is considered acceptable in many cultures. SharminPrince experienced this herself in her native Guyana. She is now on a missionto stamp out GBV and the marginalization of women. Sharmin is a social justicewarrior committed to promoting healing and growth. She is the founder of EaglesEmpowered to Soar which works to level the playing field for gender equality,safety, and empowerment. Learn what still needs to be done to eradicate violenceagainst women and girls in Episode 120 of Women Road Warriors with ShelleyJohnson and Kathy Tuccaro when they talk with Sharmin. #GenderBasedViolence #GenderEquality #ViolenceAgainstWomen #Women #Girls #SharminPrince #EagesEmpoweredToSoar #WomenRoadWarriors #ShelleyMJohnson #ShelleyJohnson #KathyTuccaro
Imagine you are a woman fleeing domestic violence or homelessness only to find refuge in a long-term women's shelter that is cold, institutional, and filled with prison beds, duct-taped walls, and urine-stained mattresses with no privacy. Too many long-term shelters are like this. For women and children trying to rebuild their lives, it is a dismal, scary place. Terry Grahl, the founder and CEO of Enchanted Makeovers is working to change this. Her volunteer-driven nonprofit refurbishes long-term shelters by making them a place where women and children can thrive in a place that feels like home. Pat Rullo, author and founder of Speak Up Talk Radio contributes handmade pillowcases and portions of her book and podcast competitions to help fund and promote Terry’s efforts. Tune into this episode of Women Road Warriors with Terry and Pat to learn about the hope and healing Terry offers as she transforms lives one shelter at a time. #WomensShelters #Hope #Healing #EnchantedMakeovers #TerryGrahl #PatRullo #SpeakUpTalkRadio #WomenRoadWarriors #ShelleyMJohnson #ShelleyJohnson #KathyTuccaro 