Women Who Sarcast

<p>Women Who Sarcast - we are here to change the misconception of sarcasm. Host: Kathy Barron; Co-hosts: Cori Asuncion and Chelsea Pegues</p>

Real Deep Sh*!: Sarcasmaste 4 Evah

It's the end of a sarcastic era.In this episode, Kathy thanks her cohosts (Mario, Sheilani, Cori, and Chelsea) and her guests that have graciously offered their creativity, sarcasm, and time to be on the show for the last six years. Kathy is also very grateful for the loyal, sarcastic-friendly listeners that have been an enormous support through the years. Kathy is also glad that she won't need to talk in 3rd person anymore when writing up these episode descriptions.Thank you from the bottom ...


Cut To The Chase: Menopause Mayhem

Oh, Menopause. How you mess with our bodies.Kathy and Cori add a little sarcasm to their menopausal lives.Tune in and find out why menopause sucks so much (you may already have an idea), how toxic positivity and "uplifting" quotes aren't helping, and where Cori is finding thick random hairs. Kathy and Cori may be a bit ranty in this episode - blame it on menopause. Sarcasmaste. Follow us on social media @womenwhosarcast and @womenwhopodcastmagazine!Get the current issue of Women Who Podc...


Bucking the System as Creatives

Are you a rule follower or rule breaker?Or do you make your own rules?As creatives, Kathy and Chelsea talk about bucking the system and why we don't need to follow others or their rules.Tune in and learn all about Chelsea's favorite cliche, how the younger generations are just doing their thing, and why social media is a double edged sword.Follow us on social media @womenwhosarcast and @womenwhopodcastmagazine.Follow Chelsea @chelseaelizabethwrites and chelseaelizabethwrites.com.Get the curre...


Real Deep Sh*!: Risk vs Reward

Kathy has a lot on her mind but there's one thing that keeps coming up for her.Tune in and find out what those thoughts are, how she's processing them, and why risk isn't just about doing things; it's also about endings. Thank you for supporting Women Who Sarcast podcast.Sarcasmaste.Follow us on Instagram @womenwhosarcast. Looking to launch your own podcast? Get your copy of Women Who Podcast magazine at womenwhopodcastmag.com to learn all about podcasting and read about the journe...


ENCORE EPISODE: Morbid Sense of Humor

Do you have a morbid sense of humor? Or perhaps you like dark humor?Kathy and Cori talk about both and if there's a difference between morbid and dark humor. They share what their sense of humor of choice is for family, friends, and coworkers.Tune in and find out what studies say about people that have a morbid sense of humor (MENSA, here we come!), the types of humor that are "allowed" at the workplace, and a few good quotes from OG comedian Steven Wright. Follow us on social media @wom...


Epic Fails in History & Entertainment

You know how history repeats itself and no one in entertainment can be trusted?Kathy and Chelsea share epic fails that have happened in history and entertainment. Chelsea decided to write a book report on Alexander "Hammy" Hamilton and Aaron "A-Dawg" Burr and we're all just along for the ride.Tune in and learn all about "the duel," what Michael Moore and O.J. have in common, and why Blockbuster only has one brick and mortar left in the world.Get the current issue of Women Who Podcast magazine...


Real Deep Sh*!: Deep Thoughts - Tay & Trav Edition

Kathy does her best in recording an episode of Real Deep Sh*! without writing a script and just going with the flow - or whatever flows out of her mouth.Tune in and find out why Kathy would be talking about the Super Bowl, Taylor Swift, Travis (aka Mr. Swift), and why living in the woods for the summer may not be such a bad idea after all. Thank you for supporting Women Who Sarcast podcast.Sarcasmaste.Follow us on Instagram @womenwhosarcast. Looking to launch your own podcast? Get y...


Cut To The Chase: Overthinking Masterclass

Do you overthink, spiral, catastrophize, and/or overgeneralize?Kathy and Cori are cutting to the chase and dissecting overthinking because they are the masters of it. Tune in and find out the signs of overthinking (like supercharged forehead wrinkles or master of hypothetical scenarios), the delightful effects of overthinking (like enhance psychic abilities or mental gymnastics), and tips on how not to overthink (like adopt an ignorance is bliss philosophy or repeat cheesy affirmations). You ...


The Placebo Effect & A Twisted Relationship

Have you liked a novel so much that you highlight, underline, and stick post-it notes all over the pages? Well...Chelsea made Kathy read the book Wellness by Nathan Hill and they are here to talk about it. Wellness is a layered, slow burn, page turner of a book which warrants you to have a pencil and/or highlighter at the ready. There are a ton of juicy tidbits that you'll want to go back and read over and over again. Kathy and Chelsea both share their favorite sections of the book. Chelsea d...


Real Deep Sh*!: New Year, Same 'Ol Me

Happy New Year!Welcome to the first episode of Season Three of Real Deep Sh*! Kathy had every intention of talking off the cuff and not writing everything that she wanted to talk about. But as it turned out, her hand and brain had other ideas. Tune in to find out why the phrase "New Year, New Me" annoys Kathy, what people typically buy in January and promptly return in February, and why 2024 is not about following the crowd, trends, or fads. It's time to pave your own path and make your own r...


Cut To The Chase: Thou Shalt Be Judgy

Have you heard of the commandment "Thou Shalt be Judgy?" I think it's number eleven or maybe ten and a half.Anyhooo...Kathy and Cori are cutting to the chase and cutting through the bullsh*t to bring in the new year. They share their favorite things, people, and situations that bring about judginess. Tune in and find out why Cori uses the word "egregious" multiple times throughout the episode, what Kathy can not stand to look at hanging from truck hitches, how unspoken prayer requests c...


Kill Your Alexa

Welcome to Season Three of Women Who Sarcast!There's a new co-host in podtown!Please give a warm sarcastic welcome to Chelsea Pegues! She'll be co-hosting with Kathy for the first episode of the month.*********************************************Instead of starting the new year with sharing wellness tips, mindset reframing, or the word of the year, Kathy and Chelsea talk all things conspiracy theories.What are they? Why do so many people believe them?If you could create a conspiracy the...


Real Deep Sh*!: Using Sarcasm to Get Through the Holidays

The holiday season is upon us yet again. How did it sneak up on us?!Tune in to this week's episode of Real Deep Sh*! when Kathy talked about ways to use sarcasm to get through the company holiday party and those awkward, surface-y, and way too personal family gatherings (with people you haven't seen since last year's family dinner). This episode is the finale for season two. Time sure flies when you're being sarcastic! Kathy and Cori will be back in January with new episodes, new topic ideas,...


Cut To The Chase: Morbid Sense of Humor

Do you have a morbid sense of humor? Or perhaps you like dark humor? Kathy and Cori talk about both and if there's a difference between morbid and dark humor. They share what their sense of humor of choice is for family, friends, and coworkers. Tune in and find out what studies say about people that have a morbid sense of humor (MENSA, here we come!), the types of humor that are "allowed" at the workplace, and a few good quotes from OG comedian Steven Wright. Have you checked out Cori's ...


Three Kitchens: Holiday Edition

Warning: this episode will make your mouth water and your stomach growl.Erin and Heather, hosts of Three Kitchens podcast, joined Kathy to share their holiday traditions and recipes (along with a few funny stories). Not all recipes that they talk about on their podcast gets a gold medal. There is one (or two) recipes in particular that gave the home cooks an "eww" factor and wasn't quite on the podium.Tune in and find out what Heather likes to do as a holiday tradition (it's quite "puzzling")...


Real Deep Sh*!: Mastering the Art of Procrastination

Procrastination is the art of putting off today what you can do tomorrow, or the next day, or maybe never. It's a skill that many of us have honed to perfection.Tune in to this week's episode of Real Deep Sh*! when Kathy talked about the fine art of procrastination, how science has proven that tasks left to marinate in our subconscious are like fine wine (they might become better or they might turn into vinegar), and why creating the never ending to-do list is like planting a garden of procra...


Cut To The Chase: First World Problems

You've heard the phrase "first world problems" at some point in your life. Either you've heard it from your bestie or actually said it to yourself. Kathy and Cori talk about what it means to them and whether saying it to someone is condescending and dehumanizing. Tune in and find out what they would consider first world problems, why Cori is never going to wear two different socks, and how being on NarcDoor (aka NextDoor) will give you heart palpitations. Have you checked out Cori...


Don't Blame The Mom w/ Kate & Hannah

Are you a true crime fanatic? Have you always wondered how true crime podcast hosts decompress from so much murdering?Kathy talked with Kate and Hannah, hosts of the British podcast Don't Blame the Mom, about how they got interested in true crime, what they do to decompress from always researching serial killers, and the misconceptions that people have of the Irish and Brits.Tune in to find out the difference between British and American humor (or is it humour), why Kate thinks a bogey man li...


Real Deep Sh*!: The Twisted World of Productivity

Ah, productivity—the holy grail of our modern era. The notion that we must squeeze every drop of efficiency out of our waking hours, leaving no room for idle contemplation or leisurely meandering. Let's embark on a journey through the twisted world of productivity, where efficiency reigns supreme and time is a merciless dictator.Tune in to this week's episode of Real Deep Sh*! when Kathy describes an alternate reality where breakfast is an intricate ballet of multitasking, sleep becomes a nic...


Cut To The Chase: Embracing Mediocrity

Sarcastic Self-Improvement: Embracing Mediocrity with a Smile (or RBF).Are you tired and overwhelmed with positive affirmations and advice on how to improve yourself? Do you work your butt off to accomplish goals only to find the results aren't what you expected? Kathy and Cori want you to give yourself a break and embrace mediocrity. In this episode of Cut to the Chase, they discuss the Pareto principle or 80-20 rule, the power of half-hearted efforts, and offer mediocre mantras and ab...


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