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Wondering Together - A Mindfulness Podcast
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Wondering Together - A Mindfulness Podcast

Author: James Daconti

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James is a qualified Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) teacher recognized by the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society and the Oasis Institute. He is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and practicing psychotherapist.

This podcast is a mix of guided meditations and talks about mindfulness, human psychology and other meaningful topics. This is a place where we can come to wonder together about how to live with meaning and purpose. We will also explore practical tools for how to reduce stress and promote well being.
145 Episodes
What Is Life Teaching You With Scott Sweet
Coffee, Mushrooms, Connection, Opinions and Everything Else With Ellis Gore
Terry Boyle McDougall is an Executive & Career Coach and CEO of Terry B. McDougall Coaching. She helps high-achieving professionals remove obstacles that keep them stuck so they can enjoy more success and satisfaction in their lives and careers. Before becoming a coach, Terry was a long-time corporate marketing executive where she led teams, developed strategies and advised senior leaders to drive business results. She is the author of Winning the Game of Work: Career Happiness and Success on Your Own Terms. She is also the host of the Marketing Mambo podcast. Website: LinkedIn: Facebook: Instagram: Book: Podcast:
Joyce Fields (  My mission statement:  “I write books that inspire people on their journey to make the world a better place.”  My name is Joyce Fields, and I was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan.  I now reside in Arcadia, California.  I have been in love with reading and writing virtually all of my life.  I coupled my passion for writing with my mission to inspire people to make the world a better place, resulting in my authoring 10 books and sharing inspirational messages with various audiences.
IG: @healingw.ness Website: Bio: Hey there, I am Vanessa! I struggled for years with Chronic Lyme Disease, Bartonella, POTS, EBV, SIBO & Leaky Gut, Chronic Fatigue & Pain, and Parasites. At 24 yers old, I was bound to a cane, at rock bottom, and thought I was missing out on the most important years of my life. After abandoning my pastas, breads and cheeses, I realized how much food has an effect on my symptoms. This diet shift, though drastic, gave me hope for remission and changed my life. Now I am happy to say I am in remission from most of these symptoms. I continue to heal each and every day, becoming more myself through nutrition and a holistic & healthy lifestyle. Where I once saw my illness as a curse, I can now find gratitude for the path on which it’s taken me- to  becoming a certified holistic health coach! I am so inspired to help others find their own way and I am happy to be able to guide you on your own unique journey. Emotionally and physically, because healing is a lifestyle.
No Caffeine For 30 Days: What We Learned With Ellis Gore. Ellis Gore and James D'Aconti give up caffeine for 30 days and talk about the benefits and negatives, as well as cultural implications of caffeine.
Desire, Fear and Wisdom in Silence With Georgia Violet
A discussion on intuition with intuition expert Sunil Godse Sunil Godse Bio - When I was just 5 year old, after hearing that my father would not buy me an expensive set of video games, my intuition sent me a loud and clear signal to go door-to-door to raise money, and $200 later, got my video games. These intuitive signals were vert strong and kept guiding me, telling me what decision I should make, and as long as I listened to them, the doors of opportunity kept opening and life was amazing. But, as I grew, way too many people tried to shape the decisions I I needed to make that had me follow a path that I wanted. Even though my intuition was signalling to me that I needed to let these people go, I continued to be affected by them, eventually ignoring the intuitive signals time and time again to fall into the trap of following societal norms and listening to the opinions of others who weren’t interested in my own wants and desire. Continuing with these relationships had me start to doubt myself, continuing to ignore my intuitive signals that forced me to make one bad decision after another, with the ultimate bad decision leading to a good friend being shot and killed. To stop this from happening to you, I created the Intuitionology project, spending thousands of hours on research and interviews to find out that it takes under 14 seconds for your intuitive signals to tell you to leave behind the relationships that hold you back from your success. And when you do, you get back your sense of self-confidence to make the decisions that lead to success in every area of your life.
Do What You Love And It Will Never Feel Like Work
Meditation on stillness.
A Reflection Of And Techniques For Finding Balance: The Relationship Between Noise And Stillness.
This episode explores stress indicators.
Tips on how to set goals and stick with them over time.
An episode that explores the connection between what we consume and what we think, and also the connection between what our thoughts are and how that influences our experience in life.
Mindfulness And Therapy From The Perspective Of A Client with Cristina Barcia
A lesson learned while sitting in the waiting room at the eye doctor's office.
James Bonner Interviews James D'Aconti On Being A Therapist
A Discussion on Channeling Anxiety into Positive Energy with Nicole Alvarez, LMHC
A leson learned at the pizza place. 15% off all NY Wine tours Merchandise with code MINDFUL at checkout. $100 off any private wine tour of 8 or more guests to listeners of the podcast. Instagram link: Matthew Mcconaughey link: