If you opened your eyes this morning you probably didn't get far into your day before you encountered some level of suffering. It's hard to live in this world and not be touched by struggle and pain either in your life or in aomeone close to you. How do we deal with that? Is this what God intended for us to endure? In this message Pastor Nick Bogardus shares that God has an answer to these questions and he shares that there may even be purpose in the pain.Text: John 9:1-41Sermon Summary:Big Idea: Jesus opens eyes.Key Question: How do you respond to the revelation of Jesus? 1. Are you curious? (vv. 8-12)2. Are you skeptical? (vv. 13-17)3. Are you afraid of others? (vv. 18-23)4. Are you dismissive? (vv. 24-34)5. Are you blind? (vv. 35-41)
The stories surrounding the person of Jesus can lead to confusion about who he actually is. One of the best ways to know someone is to ask them to reveal themselves to us, or tell us who they are. When we desire to know Jesus, the best way that we can get to know him is by listening to his words about himself and pying attention to the things he does. In this message Pastor Fikre Prince encourages us to view Jesus through the lens of scripture and not through the lens of our needs.Text: John 6:14-21Sermon Summary:Big Idea: God’s people rightly know Jesus.Key Question: How can you fail to rightly know Jesus? 1. When you engage him as only a great prophet. (v. 14)2. When you exploit him as a political power. (v. 15)3. When you erase him as the divine I AM. (vv. 16-21)
The term “going viral” has become a part of the vocabulary of the world because of how quickly content and information spreads around the world. The vitality can lead to good spreading or bad things spreading, but in any case it grows faster than expected. In this sermon Pastor Fikre Prince shares a message from the book of John where Jesus’ fame spread throughout the crowds and they saw something special about him as a leader, but Jesus knew what he really wanted to accomplish.Text: John 6:1-15, 25-35BI: We need to know our motives for following Jesus1. Jesus is the greatest Leader-He is Compassionate -He is Collaborative-He is Considerate2. We need to be godly followers-godly followers are humble-godly followers are honest with themselvesQuestions for yourself:Do I have a right view of how Jesus is?Am I following Jesus because I want what he gives?
Sin and brokeness has far reaching affects on our lives. It can change not just a momentary situation but it can alter our identity of our selves and others. Is there a remedy for this deep impact of brokeness? Pastor Chris Brooks shares a message that illustartes that there is a remedy and it's in the person of Jesus Christ. When we encouter Jesus, He asks us "Do you want to be healed?"Text: John 5:1-18Sermon Summary:Big Idea: The scandal of Jesus is his divine authority.Key question: How does Jesus demonstrate his divine authority?1. He has the authority to heal. (vv. 1-9a)2. He has the authority to command. (vv. 9b-14)3. He has the authority to work. (vv. 15-18)
Faith is an essential part of the Christian's life. It's the first choice we must make, in following Jesus, "Do you Believe?" When we pray and when we read the word of God, each moment is another opportunity to ask ourselves will we believe what God has spoken. IN this third message of the Signs of the King series, Pastor Fikre Prince share's that signs and miracles are a part of how God reveals himself, but God is still moving even when we don't see it, and we can just trust his words.Text: John 4:46-54 Big Idea: You don’t need a sign! 1. Will you believe without conditions? (vv. 46-48) 2. Will you ask without doubt? (vv. 49-50) 3. Will you trust without wavering? (vv. 51-54)
Who do you turn to first when you face challenges in life? Are you unsure who you can trust? In one of the most talked about signs of his greatness Jesus responds when he is trusted with a major problem, and what he does causes many to believe in him. In this message Pastor Fikre Prince shares that no problem is too small or too big to bring to Jesus, and if we trust him we will be surprised and blessed by the outcome.Test: John 2:1-11Big Idea: In every circumstance, always lean on Jesus.Key Question: What does it mean to lean on Jesus?1. We must come to Jesus. (vv. 1-5)2. We must fully obey Jesus. (vv. 6-8)3. We must receive the gift of Jesus. (vv. 9-11)
What are you searching for? Have you been earnestly seeking for meaning and purpose? Have you considered Jesus? People have always sought after a purpose for being and thriving, but often times have turned to temporary things to provide eternal meaning. In this message Pastor Fikre Prince shares what happens when we bring our questions to Jesus, even our most bizare and tough thoughts. There is an answer, and once we expereince the presence of the king, we will be filled with a joy that will make faith contagious.Text: John 1:43-51Big Idea: an invitation to investigate Jesus can lead to spiritual illuminationPt.1 Jesus responds to our questionsPt.2 Invite others to experience JesusPt.3 Jesus will reveal to you who you really are
What is intersession? What is our role in the sharing of the gospel? How do we connect with others around our common faith in Christ? in this final message of the Why Pray? series, Pastor Victor Nuwamanya affirms that prayer is a principle action of believers and one of the most important ways we can connect with God and others. He encourages us to "bother God on behalf of someone."Text: John 17:20 - 26Big Idea: Why Pray? To Know God & Make Him KnownKey Question: What does Jesus desire for His followers?Jesus desires that we experience God’s Unity (v. 20 – 23)Jesus desires that we experience God’s Glory (v. 24)*Jesus desires that we experience God’s Love (v. 25 - 26)*
Prayer is an awkward human expression. Apart from faith it seems to be a silly act. To the Christian though, prayer is an essential expression of belief and reliance on the God of Heaven. The simple act of prayer is a part of our devotion to the sustaining benevolent father of creation. In this opening message to the Why Pray? series, Pastor Fikre Prince encourages us to read through John 17 to understand the heart of Jesus through his prayer in the garden before he is crucified.Text: John 17:1-5Big Idea: Why Pray? To glorify God.Key Question: How does prayer glorify God?1. When we acknowledge God as Father. (v. 1)2. When we acknowledge Jesus as the Son. (vv. 2-3)3. When we acknowledge the glory of Christ. (vv. 4-5)
One of the most humbling characteristics of God to witness is His generosity. The way that we see God provide for his people time and time again should spur us on to want to be more like Jesus. In this sermon, Pastor Abe Phillip asks do people see the love of God when they see you? What does your witness to the world say about you and about God?Text: John 17:6-9Big Idea: Why Pray? To know the generosity of God.Key Question: What has God given?1. God has given us to Christ. (vv. 6, 9)2. Christ has given us God’s Word. (vv. 7-8)
Does it seem like there are more and more dangers to your life and health each day? Every moment carries with it concerns for ourselves our families and livelihoods, and sometimes even concerns over our salvation. In this message Pastor Fikre Prince shares that one of the principal reasons to pray is to see God's protection in your life. In John 17, Jesus prays for our protection, and it serves as a model for how we are to pray for ourselves and others.Text: John 17:10-16Big Idea: Why Pray? To seek God’s Protection. Key Question: Can we be confident when we pray for God’s protection? Yes because… 1. God keeps us in salvation. (vv. 10-12)2. God keeps us in his joy. (vv. 13-14)3. God keeps us from the evil one. (vv. 15-16)
How does a creation know it's purpose and design? This statement of intent can only be given by its creator. We often are concerned with what our calling and purpose is, but many seek an answer without consulting our creator. In this message Pastor Fikre Prince shares that prayer is the perfect vehicle to find an answer to one of life's most challenging questions.Text: John 17:17-19Big Idea: Why pray? To know our purpose.Key Question: How do we find and fulfill our purpose? 1. Through being purified by God's Word. (v. 17)2. Through being sent in his service. (v. 18)3. Through being set apart with Christ. (v. 19)
In all the goals you are setting for the new year, how many will lead you closer to God and his purposes for you? It can be a challenge to set Christ centered goals but in this special message Mika Juuhl encourages us to run the race that has been set before us, and to- measure success God’s way.Text:2 Timothy 4:1-8BI: A life lived fully for Jesus is the best way to live1. We need to seek truth in our lives2. There is a great reward for a life well lived
Do you have peace in your heart and mind? Many people spend their days, and money trying to find a way to make peace with the life they live. If personal struggles aren't enough there are political, economic, and familial battles that we have to navigate. God does not leave us to succumb to our anxieties, but He has provided peace from war, peace for our future and peace to live in the meantime.Text: Isaiah 9:5Big Idea: The coming of Christ ultimately brings the death of war.Key Question: How does the coming of Christ bring peace?1. Through the ultimate end of wartime.2. Through the promise of peacetime.3. Through the vision of how to live in the meantime.
Love is a often complex to explain, but with the birth of Jesus, and the life he lived, it becomes easier to understand. Jesus came to provide liberty from the captivity of Sin and to restore the relationship of people and Yahweh. In doing these things Jesus in all things shows to power and practice of Love.Text: Isaiah 9:4Big Idea: The coming of Christ brings liberty to enslaved sinners.Key Question: Who does Jesus free us from?1. Jesus frees us from the burden of sin.2. Jesus crushes the pain of Satan’s accusation. 3. Jesus defeats the tyrant of death.
Advent is a season of hope, where we look forward to the coming of the messiah. During the season of waiting, we remember that as Jesus came into the world, he brought the light that radiates and changes the lives of all who encounter him. In this second wee Pastor Fikre Prince talks about the Light of Joy that comes with the promised messiah, and how we can have that joy no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in.Text: Isaiah 9:3Sermon Summary:Big Idea: The coming of Christ is the light of joy.Key Question: How does Jesus fill our lives with joy? 1. Jesus grows his family. 2. Jesus brings us to a table of celebration.3. Jesus gives us forever joy.
When life seems to be overwhelming, and crashing in on all sides, does God leave us alone to fend for ourselves? In this message Pastor Fikre Prince shares that God not only sees that we are struggling, but He sends a remedy to provide light and freedom in every situation. He sends Hope through Christ.Text: Isaiah 9:1-2Big Idea: The coming of Christ is the light of hope.Key Question: How is Jesus the hope we need?1. With Jesus, our gloom is overcome with glory. (v. 1)2. With Jesus, our darkness is overcome with light. (v. 2
What is the greatest command of God? Jesus is asked this important question and his response life altering. In this message Pastor Fikre Prince looks to Matthew 22:34-40 to help us to understand 2 keys to understanding the scriptures.Text: Matthew 22:24-40BI: We will understand the scriptures better through the lenses of Loving God, and Loving our Neighbor.PT1: Learn to Love the Lord with every part of your beingPT2: Learn to Love your neighbor in the same ways you love yourself
When Paul says to walk in the spirit, what does he mean? And how do we do it? This is a great question to have an answer to and in this message Pastor Fikre Prince shares how we are to grow in our faith by walking in the spirit.Text: Galatians 5:25 – 6:18Sermon Summary:Big Idea: Keep in step with God’s Spirit.Key Question: How do we stay in step with the Spirit?1. Walk in Christ-centered community. (vv. 5:26-6:10)2. Walk in Christ-centered freedom. (vv. 6:11-18)
Does it feel like there is a war or struggle going on inside of you to live like Christ? If you feel this tension, it's because there is a real battle going on each day between your flesh and your spirit. In this message Pastor Fikre Prince shares the litmus test to determine if you are living according to the flesh or according to the spirit.Text: Galatians 5:16-26Big Idea: Walk with the Spirit and win against the flesh.Key Question: How do we walk with the Spirit? 1. By recognizing our inner struggle. (vv. 16-18)2. By honestly acknowledging the fruit of our life. (vv. 19-23)3. By putting the flesh to death in Christ. (vv. 24-26)