Word of Life Bible Readings with Daron & Mary

Read through the Bible with us as we take this Amazing Journey together. Father, Continue to walk and guide us daily, In Jesus name I pray amen. Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequately equipped for every good work.

The Revelation to John Ch.15-22

The Revelation to John Ch.15 A Scene of Heaven. Ch.16 Six Bowls of Wrath. Armageddon. Seventh Bowl of Wrath. Ch.17 The Doom of Babylon. Victory for the Lamb. Ch.18 Babylon Is Fallen. Lament for Babylon. Ch.19 The Fourfold Hallelujah. Marriage of the Lamb. The Coming of Christ. Doom of the Beast and False Prophet. Ch.20 Satan Bound. Satan Freed, Doomed. Judgment at the Throne of God. Ch.21 The New Heaven and Earth. The New Jerusalem. Ch.22 The River and the Tree of Life. The Final Message.


The Revelation to John Ch.8-14

The Revelation to John Ch.8 The Seventh Seal- the Trumpets. Ch.9 The Fifth Trumpet the Bottomless Pit. The Sixth Trumpet-Army from the East. Ch.10 The Angel and the Little Book. Ch.11 The Two Witnesses. The Seventh Trumpet-Christ’s Reign Foreseen. Ch.12 The Women, Israel. The Red Dragon Satan. The Male Child , Christ. The Angel, Michael. Ch.13 The Beast from the Sea. The Beast from the Earth. Ch.14 The Lamb and the 144,000 Mount Zion. Vision of the Angel with the Gospel. Doom for Worshipers of the Beast. The Reapers.


The Night Before Christmas

The Night Before Christmas with Mary Yetter. Thank You for listening. We do have New thoughts about the upcoming year! So excited to share the Words of God and to put on the Armor of God with those who choose to do this Daily. Merry Christmas 🙏 may God’s blessings pour over you all showering you with peace, covering you in love and shining light on your next step. 💙


Introduction: The Revelation to John Ch.1-7

Introduction: The Revelation to John Ch.1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ. Message to the Seven Churches. The Patmos Vision. Ch.2 Message to Ephesus. Message to Smyrna. Message to Pergamum. Message to Thyatira. Ch.3 Message to Sardis. Message to Philadelphia. Message to Laodicea. Ch.4 Scene in Heaven. The Throne and Worship of the Creator. Ch.5 The Book with Seven Seals. Angels Exalt the Lamb. Ch.6 The First Seal Rider on White Horse. The Second Seal-War. The Third Seal-Famine. The Fourth Seal-Death. The Fifth Seal-Martyrs. The Sixth Seal-Terror. Ch.7 An Interlude. The 144,000. A Multitude from the Tribulation.


Introduction The 1st Letter of John The 2nd Letter of John The 3rd Letter of John The Letter of Jude

Introduction: The First Letter of John Ch.1 Introduction, The Incarnate Word. God is Light. Ch.2 Christ Is Our Advocate. Do Not Love the World. The Promise Is Eternal Life. Ch.3 Children of God Love One Another. Ch.4 Testing the Spirits. God is Love. Ch.5 Overcoming the World. This Is Written That You May Know. Introduction: The Second Letter of John Ch.1 Walk According to His Commandments. Introduction: The Third Letter of John Ch.1 You Walk in the Truth. Introduction: The Letter of Jude Ch.1 The Warnings of History to the Ungodly. Keep Yourselves in the Love of God.


Introduction: The First Letter of Peter Ch.1-5 The Second Letter of Peter Ch.1-3

Introduction: The First Letter of Peter Ch.1 A living Hope, and a Sure Salvation. Ch.2 As Newborn Babes. As Living Stones. Honor Authority. Christ Is Our Example. Ch.3 Godly Living. Ch.4 Keep Fervent in Your Love. Share the Sufferings of Christ. Ch.5 Serve God Willingly. Introduction: The First Letter of Peter. Ch.1 Growth in Christian Virtue. Eyewitnesses. Ch.2 The Rise of False Prophets. Ch.3 Purpose of This Letter. The Coming Day of the Lord. A New Heaven and Earth.


Introduction: The Letter of James Ch.1-5

Introduction: The Letter of James Ch.1 Testing Your Faith. Ch.2 The Sin of Partiality. Faith and Works. Ch.3 The Tongue Is a Fire. Wisdom from Above. Ch.4 Things to Avoid. Ch.5 Misuse of Riches. Exhortation.


The Letter to the Hebrews Ch.9-13

The Letter to the Hebrews Ch.9 The Old and the New. Ch.10 One Sacrifice of Christ is Sufficient. A New and Living Way. Christ or Judgment. Ch.11 The Triumphs of Faith. Ch.12 Jesus, the Example. A Father’s Discipline. Contrast of Sinai and Zion. The Unshaken Kingdom. Ch.13 The Changeless Christ. God -pleasing Sacrifices. Benediction.


Introduction: The Letter to the Hebrews Ch.1-8

Introduction: The Letter to the Hebrews Ch.1 God’s Final Word in His Son. Ch.2 Give Heed. Earth Subject to Man. Jesus Briefly Humbled. Ch.3 Jesus Our High Priest. The Peril of Unbelief. Ch.4 The Believer’s Rest. Ch.5 The Perfect High Priest. Ch.6 The Peril of Falling Away. Better Things for You. Ch.7 Melchizedek’s Priesthood Like Christ’s. Ch.8 A Better Ministry. A New Covenant.


Introduction: The Letter of Paul to Titus Ch.1-3. Introduction: The Letter of Paul to Philemon Ch.1

Introduction: The Letter of Paul to Titus Ch.1 Salutation. Qualifications of Elders. Ch.2 Duties of the Older and Younger. Ch.3 Godly Living. Personal Concerns. The Letter of Paul to Philemon Ch.1 Salutation. Philemon’s Love and Faith. Plea for Onesimus, a Free Man.


Introduction: The First Letter of Paul to Timothy Ch.1-6 The Second Letter of Paul to Timothy Ch.1-4

Introduction: The First Letter of Paul to Timothy Ch.1 Misleadings in Doctrine and Living. Ch.2 A Call to Prayer. Women Instructed. Ch.3 Overseers and Deacons. Ch.4 Apostasy. A Good Minister’s Discipline. Ch.5 Honor Widows. Concerning Elders. Ch.6 Instructions to Those Who Minister. Introduction: The Second Letter of Paul to Timothy Ch.1 Timothy Charged to Guard His Trust. Ch.2 Be Strong. An Unashamed Workman. Ch.3 Difficult Times Will Come. Ch.4 Preach the Word. Personal Concerns.


Introduction: 1 Thessalonians Ch.1-5 Introduction: 2 Thessalonians Ch.1-3

Introduction: The First Letter of Paul to the Thessalonians Ch.1 Thanksgiving for These Believes. Ch.2 Paul’s Ministry. Ch.3 Encouragement of Timothy’s Visit. Ch.4 Sanctification and Love. Those Who Died in Christ. Ch.5 The Day of the Lord. Christian Conduct. The Second Letter of Paul to the Thessalonians Ch.1 Thanksgiving for Faith and Perseverance. Ch.2 Man of Lawlessness. Ch.3 Exhortation.


Introduction: The Letter of Paul to the Colossians. Ch.1-4

Introduction: The Letter of Paul to the Colossians Ch.1 Thankfulness for Spiritual Attainments. The Incomparable Christ. Ch.2 You Are Built Up in Christ. Ch.3 Put On the New Self. Family Relations. Ch.4 Fellow Workers.


Introduction: The Letter of Paul to the Philippians. Ch.1-4

Introduction: The Letter of Paul to the Philippians Ch.1 Thanksgiving. The Gospel Is Preached. The Live Is Christ. Ch.2 Be Like Christ. Timothy and Epaphroditus. Ch.3 The Goal of Life. Ch.4 Think of Excellence. God’s Provisions.


Introduction: The Letter of Paul to the Ephesians Ch.1-6

Introduction: The Letter of Paul to the Ephesians. Ch.1 The Blessings of Redemption. Ch.2 Made Alive in Christ. Ch.3 Paul’s Stewardship. Ch.4 Unity of the Spirit. The Christian’s Walk. Ch.5 Be Imitators of God. Marriage Like Christ and the Church. Ch.6 Family Relationships. The Armor of God.


Introduction: The Letter of Paul to the Galatians Ch.1-6

The Letter of Paul to the Galatians Ch.1 Introduction. Perversion of the Gospel. Paul Defends His Ministry. Ch.2 The Council at Jerusalem. Peter (Cephas) Opposed by Paul. Ch.3 Faith Brings Righteousness. Intent of the Law. Ch.4 Sonship in Christ. Bond and Free Ch.5 Walk by the Spirit. Ch.6 Bear One Another’s Burdens.


The Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians Ch.8-13

The Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians Ch.8 Great Generosity. Ch.9 God Gives Most. Ch.10 Paul Describes Himself. Ch.11 Paul Defends His Apostleship. Ch.12 Paul’s Vision. A Thorn in the Flesh. Ch.13 Examine Yourself.


Introduction: The Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians Ch.1-7

The Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians Ch.1 Introduction. Paul’s Integrity. Ch.2 Reaffirm Your Love. Ch.3 Ministers of a New Covenant. Ch.4 Paul’s Apostolic Ministry. Ch.5 The Temporal and Eternal. Ch.6 Their Ministry Commended. Ch.7 Paul Reveals His Heart.


The Letter of Paul to the Corinthians Ch.12-16

The Letter of Paul to the Corinthians Ch.12 The Use of Spiritual Gifts. Ch.13 The Excellence of Love. Ch.14 Prophecy a Superior Gift. Instruction for the Church. Ch.15 The Fact of Christ’s Resurrection. The Order of Resurrection. The Mystery of Resurrection. Ch.16 Instructions and Greetings.


The Letter of Paul to the Corinthians Ch.7-11

The Letter of Paul to the Corinthians Ch.7 Teaching on Marriage. Ch.8 Take Care with Your Liberty. Ch.9 Paul’s Use of Liberty. Ch.10 Avoid Israel’s Mistakes. Ch.11 Christian Order. The Lord’s Supper.


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