Words Unravelled with RobWords and Jess Zafarris

Jess Zafarris and Rob Watts unravel the stories behind everyday words. Want to watch our episodes too? Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8R3ZnESMdsuTevq4ib9CvA

10: How did the planets get their names? | SPACE WORDS

This episode of Words Unravelled is out of this world! Blast off with Rob and Jess as they explore the cosmic origins of space terms. 🌌 Where did the planets get their names? And how do you actually pronounce Uranus? What’s the difference between a meteor, a comet and an asteroid? And what’s so milky about the Milky Way? 🌠 From constellations that twinkle with mythology to the everyday words than fell to us from space, let’s dive deep into the linguistic black hole! 🚀 WATCH THIS EPISODE: https://youtu.be/NO7mNlZhEiM


9: Did the Greeks have a word for blue? COLOR WORDS

Chase the blues away and be tickled pink by another episode of Words Unravelled. In this edition Rob and Jess explore the origins of a whole spectrum of color words (or as Rob calls them, "colour words"). 🌸Does pink really exist? 💙Did the Greeks have no word for blue? ⚫️Can black actually mean white? 🐘Which spelling of grey/gray is correct? These questions answered and many more in Words Unravelled 🌈 Watch this episode here: https://youtu.be/DKCsWcnzWVU


8: American vs. British English: A transatlantic war of words

For centuries, British English and American English have been locked in a battle for supremacy. In this edition of Words Unravelled, Rob and Jess expose the linguistic differences either side of 'the pond' and try to understand why they exist. Watch this episode here: https://youtu.be/o6KlBd7TPFI


7: Was an orange ever a "norange"? | WORD MASH-UPS

Hello and welcome (or should that be hellcome?) to another Words Unravelled. In this episode, Rob and Jess discuss word mash-ups. - 🍊Was an orange ever a norange? - 🍔 Why do cheeseburgers make no sense? - ❓Is it okay to "aks" instead of "ask"? These questions answered and many more as we explore portmanteaus, rebracketing and metathesis. WATCH this episode here: https://youtu.be/L3Qepv4F5Yc


6: What's poopy about a poop deck? | NAUTICAL ETYMOLOGY

Welcome, me hearties, to another episode of Words Unravelled. In this edition, Rob and Jess discuss nautical terms and pirate slang. 💩 What's so poopy about a poop deck? 🏴‍☠️ What does it mean to "shiver" someone's timbers? ⚓️ Which English idioms come from the high seas? Find out in Words Unravelled! Watch this episode here: https://youtu.be/QPcOx29fVPA


5: Can you be gormful, wistless or ert? | UNPAIRED WORDS

Join word nerds Jess and Rob as they uncover English's lost positives and orphaned negatives. Why can you be "nonchalant" but not "chalant"? If something perfect is "immaculate", what does it mean to be "maculate"? And if you're no longer "exasperated" are you therefore "asperated"? Find out in this edition of Words Unravelled. Watch this episode here: https://youtu.be/6EnIqXnW5Kw


4: Why is it a "murder" of crows? | COLLECTIVE NOUNS

Join Jess and Rob to collectively explore the weird world of collective nouns. Watch this episode here: https://youtu.be/K2MaE9tn1rk Read the Book of St Albans here: https://www.google.co.uk/books/edition/The_Boke_of_Saint_Albans/855KAQAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&pg=PP130&printsec=frontcover&dq=sleuth


3: Is "posh" really an acronym? | WORD MYTHS

Jess Zafarris and Rob Watts (aka RobWords) bust some etymology myths: 💰 Does "tip" mean To Insure Promptness? 🤬 Is the F word an acronym? 🦋 Was a butterfly ever a "flutterby"? Find out in Words Unravelled. WATCH THIS EPISODE: https://youtu.be/FcP3Orn_rjs


2: Are you getting these wrong too? | EGGCORNS

Join word nerds Jess Zafarris and Rob Watts (aka RobWords) as they discuss the amusing mis-heard phrases known as "eggcorns". Watch this episode on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/Sucad437VDA Find us on X: Jess Rob


1: Why do we say "hello"? | GREETINGS

Word nerds RobWords and Jess Zafarris welcome you to the first ever edition of Words Unravelled with an episode all about greetings: 👋Where does the word "hello" come from? 🇮🇹What's the surprising original meaning of "Ciao!"? 🇹🇭Why did Thailand officially change its national greeting? 🇫🇷What are the yucky origins of Ça va in French? These questions answered, and many more, in the first episode of Words Unravelled. Watch this episode here: https://youtu.be/ThxUBOUnRLM


Introducing Words Unravelled with RobWords and Jess Zafarris

Introducing Words Unravelled: a podcast by two of the internet's biggest word nerds. In each episode Rob Watts (aka RobWords) and Jess Zafarris unravel the stories behind everyday terms.


J Coker

brilliant, grew up with British English, but think the is a lot that the Septics get right

05-29 Reply

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