Words can be weapons! And that is exactly what they become in the mouth of a fool. Surely, we have all used our words in a foolish manner at one time or another and hurt someone. That is because words are powerful and can cause great injury to others. If not used carefully, words can bring a whole world of pain into a person’s life. But words can also be used to help and heal. However, it all comes down to whether we choose to be wise or foolish with them. Illustration: The story of Nabal and Abigail (1 Sam. […]
We all want things in life, but sometimes we just don’t put forth the effort to achieve them. It is not a complicated principle to know that if we don’t do anything, then we don’t get anything. Diligence is about doing what we know is right in a situation to achieve our goal even if we don’t see anything change immediately. But if we just wish for something to happen without putting in the necessary effort, we will never be able to obtain what we desire. Illustration: The diligent effort of Dr. Jonas Salk who tirelessly pursued researching a vaccine for poliovirus for years despite challenges with funding, criticism from colleagues, and repeating thousands of lab tests. Verses: Prov. 13:4; 19:24; 26:15 Teacher: Jerry Wierwille
Ever come across someone who thinks they know it all? Maybe we tend to think that we have got the answers at times. But a wise person realizes that the journey in gaining knowledge and understanding is never complete. No matter how experienced we are, how much we have studied, or how skilled we have become, there is always room to become even better. Illustration: Expert surgeon Atul Gawande’s decision to hire a coach after 8 years so that he could become an even better surgeon. Verses: Prov. 9:9; 1:5; 12:15; 3:7 Teacher: Jerry Wierwille
Everyone experiences tough times in life. Some tough times are really hard or filled with deep anguish, sorrow, and pain. But we are not alone through them. We are strengthened and comforted by Yahweh, and if we trust in Him and make Him the one that we depend on, then we know that no matter how many times we get knocked down, we can get back up and keep living for His glory. Illustration: José Hernández and his persistence in applying to the NASA Space Program to be an astronaut every year for over a decade. Verses: Prov. 24:16 Teacher: Jerry Wierwille
Sometimes we may think of people who do evil and benefit from it as the ones who end up winning in the end. But that is not the case. Evil people have justice coming, whether it is in this life or at the final judgment. Calamity and destruction will befall those who think they can take advantage of others and get off scott-free. Illustration: Bernie Madoff and his multi-decade investment deception with the largest Ponzi scheme in known history. Verses: Prov. 6:14-15; 16:30; Jer. 17:11 Teacher: Jerry Wierwille
The world is not a safe place because there are many people who are seeking to do evil to others. Individuals who have chosen to follow the wickedness of the Devil are called the “Devil’s children” because they do the works of their “father”—the Devil. Wisdom instructs us to be observant and discerning as we live in the world since there are many who desire to take advantage of us and do us harm. Illustration: The Tran Organization casino ring and their deceptive methods to cheat by using non-verbal gestures and signals. Verses: Prov. 6:12-13; 16:27; John 8:44; 1 John 3:10 Teacher: Jerry Wierwille
No one likes to wait for what they want. We live in a world that seeks immediate gratification. While waiting for something takes patience, the payoff when it comes to pass can be huge. If we are willing to stick with things even when the goal seems far off, we will experience deep satisfaction when it finally arrives. So, we must not quit too soon, or we won’t get to experience the joy of success. Illustration: Australian swimmer Emma McKeon failed to qualify for the Olympics, and it almost made her quit swimming altogether. Verses: Prov. 13:12 Teacher: Jerry Wierwille
Have you ever said, “I don’t want your advice” to someone? Well, if that person is someone you trust, then you just shot yourself in the foot, because why would you not want to hear what they have to say? We often think our perspective is complete and the best, and therefore, what need do we have for the insights of others? But as life will teach us, we are better off asking others, “So what do you think?” Illustration: Queen Elizabeth I’s formation of the Privy Council—her royal advisory board—when she ascended the throne. Verses: Prov. 11:14; 15:22; 20:18; 24:5-6 Teacher: Jerry Wierwille
Everyone likes a good deal when buying something, but some people are looking to take advantage of others in a dishonest manner in order to profit off of them. Everyone is out to get something for nothing, if they can. The challenge as a seller is to be wise enough to realize the value of an item and to not allow others to sway you through deceptive means or rhetorical trickery, because people can have hidden agendas. Illustration: When Jerry goes to sell his motorcycle, a buyer tries to depreciate the value and get him to sell it for considerably less than it is worth by constantly criticizing and complaining. Verses: Prov. 20:10, 14 Teacher: Jerry Wierwille
Everyone likes to be right. But who’s to say whether we actually are or not? Do we get to decide? If it were up to each of us, we would probably claim that most of our actions and behaviors are right. However, the desire to be right is so strong in us that we can tend to make up reasons to legitimize what we have done or are about to do. But only Yahweh can determine if we are deceiving ourselves or living out of a pure heart. Illustration: In the 1964 NFL season, Minnesota Vikings defensive end Jim Marshall recovers a fumble but then accidentally runs 66 yards to score a touchdown in the wrong endzone. Verses: Prov. 21:2; 15:11 Teacher: Jerry Wierwille
Everyone carries their own perspective based on what they know and have experienced. But that perspective may be incomplete, faulty, or misguided, which shows us that information is a fickle thing. One person’s report can seem true at first, but then when we compare it to a second opinion or another source, we spot potential limitations in the first person’s knowledge; this changes our perspective, and we then draw a different conclusion. Thus, the truth is in the whole story, not just the first version we hear. Illustration: Movie plot from “My Cousin Vinny” (1992) about charges of murder and robbery brought against Billy and Stan, and how Billy’s cousin Vinny saved them from being falsely accused of the crimes in court. Verses: Prov. 18:17; Josh. 22:11-33 Teacher: Jerry Wierwille
Our world tends to prize brawn over brains, thinking that the stronger you are, the better you are. But muscle can only get you so far. Wisdom and understanding in a situation can get you much farther than brute strength alone. A sharp mind with understanding will outdo strength any day because it is not just working hard physically that yields success, but working smart as well. Illustration: American wrestler Rulon Gardner’s shocking victory over undefeated Russian champion Alexander Karelin to claim gold medal at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games Verses: Prov. 21:22; 16:32 Teacher: Jerry Wierwille
Everyone has an innate desire to be right and to be knowledgeable about what they are doing. Sometimes this desire grows out of control, and we lose perception of reality by thinking that we are always right and have all the answers. We can deceive ourselves into thinking we are smarter and more understanding than we really are. Until our mindset changes, we are hopelessly lost in a fiction of our own making. Illustration: Alaskan bush pilot Mark Rose mocked God and was full of pride until near-death circumstances caused him to change his mind and believe in God. Verses: Prov. 26:12, 16; 28:11, 26; 3:7 Teacher: Jerry Wierwille
When things go wrong in life, we tend to look for someone to blame. Rarely do we naturally like to assume responsibility for our poor choices. Instead of realizing that we made a stupid decision, and it is our fault for why things are the way they are, our sinful human inclination is to transfer the fault to something or someone else. In doing this, we forfeit the opportunity to recognize and learn from our mistakes. Illustration: Bruce Nolan suffering the consequences of his foolish choices and then blaming God for the misfortune in his life, from the movie Bruce Almighty. Verses: Prov. 19:3 Teacher: Jerry Wierwille
Some things in life it seems like we can escape from, or at least avoid the direct consequences of them. But when it comes to sin, the consequences always seem to find a way to come around and bite us in the end. That is because sin is destructive no matter which way you look at it. It will destroy you and likely also injure those around you. And if it is the sin of adultery, you can be sure the damage will be severe. It will bring great harm upon you, everyone involved, and countless others. Illustration: Carl Lentz, prominent and highly successful Hillsong Church pastor in New York City, and the adultery that destroyed his life and his career in Christian ministry. Verses: — Prov. 5:20-23; 14:12; 16:25; Rom 14:10-12; 1 Tim 5:24 Teacher: — Jerry Wierwille
Yahweh intended man and woman to be united in marriage and to enjoy sexual intimacy within that union. Our world condones people seeking to satisfy their sexual cravings in various ways that do not honor Yahweh’s design for the flourishing of humankind. Husbands and wives are to see their spouse as the sole avenue for sexual pleasure to protect and honor their marriage covenant. Faithful husbands and wives will be blessed as they enjoy many years of satisfying each other and being captivated by their love. Illustration: Bill Yaconis, a dear friend and wonderful example of a faithful husband for over five decades. Verses: Prov. 5:15-19; Song 4:1-5; 5:1 Teacher: Jerry Wierwille
Some say that experience is our greatest teacher. And its true that when we make mistakes, and they come with far-reaching effects, we realize very quickly how wrong the choice was that we made. But we can’t go back and change what we did. All of the choices in our lives are one-way streets, and once we figure out that we have been heading down a particular road, it’s too late to undo what has been done. We have to live with the consequences. Illustration: Two stories of men who share how their adultery cost them everything they hold dear. Verses: Prov. 5:12-14; 12:15 Teacher: Jerry Wierwille
Some choices in life will result in loss no matter which way you look at it. Certain things may appear to offer adventure, excitement, and discovery, but hidden beneath the surface is a world of destruction and suffering. Marriage brings many trials and challenges to life, and some might think that the grass is greener elsewhere. But that is a dangerous thought. The temptation to be unfaithful carries with it an untold amount of hurt and pain. And in the end, it will become a regret that you can never take back. Illustration: Francisco Huizar, who was sued by Keith King for $8.8 million for committing adultery with his wife and had to file for bankruptcy. Verses: Prov. 5:7-11; 6:34-35 Teacher: Jerry Wierwille
You can never be too cautious so as to recognize when someone might be trying to seduce you. People can say all kinds of nice things about you and tell you how great they think you are, but if they are trying to manipulate you, watch out! The power of seduction is a deadly venom that if foolishly swallowed will lead to one’s peril and demise. We must guard ourselves against “dangerous” people who would seduce us and have us join them on their journey toward destruction. Illustration: Joseph and the seductive attempts of Potiphar’s wife in Egypt (Gen. 39:1-20) Verses: Prov. 5:1-6; 4:20; 2:2 Teacher: Jerry Wierwille
Few things are more deceptive than the promise of pleasure that lust brings. While there might be pleasure for a brief time, inevitably it ends with pain and suffering. Adultery is one of those deceptions. Few people who commit adultery truly understand the far-reaching implications and consequences of their actions. Only after they have sinned do they begin to realize just how destructive adultery can be to their life—and no one is immune to its effects. Illustrations: Jonathan Amerault, who had an affair with the wife of Armando Barron. In a fit of rage on account of Amerault committing adultery with his wife, Barron brutally assaulted and killed Amerault in vengeance. Verses: Prov. 6:27-29, 32-35; Lev. 20:10; Deut. 22:22 Teacher: Jerry Wierwille
Timypaul Lupe
Very edifying I needed this! Thank you so much Pastor Jerry!
Timypaul Lupe
I'm very blessed by this 🙂 thank you Pastor Jerry