Workhorse Radio

A station for the Nation, where conversation can hopefully give birth to motivation, education and insight. Rocket fuel to expedite results in your journey and maybe the kick in the pants that you need to take ownership of your life. This will be a sounding board for all things that surround what we call our “Growth Triangle”- the foundation of which our brand is built on. This includes the evolution of the coach, evolution of the client and evolution of the culture

Episode 20: Personal Trainer Woes to Wealth

Hey Personal Trainer! Why is it that there are people on the Internet selling their bottled up farts and making 100k a year while you sit there improving the health of others in reward for Spam as your weekly dinner? The world is fucked up. Doesn't mean your career has to be. If you're not making career money for your fitness career, it's time to make some real decisions and stop the bleeding. Tune in for this week's episode as we discuss why most personal trainers leave the industry and what you can do to make sure it doesnt happen to you.


Episode 19: Big Dad Energy

If your kids look up to you as their role model and they mimic what they see, what version of you do you want to present?  Today we discuss why exercise is an important part of helping men show up as good fathers at home.


Episode of 18: The Value of Pain

We often avoid pain, but sometimes, it shouldn't be a deterrent- sometimes, it's a sign that great things are to come. Don't shy away from obstacles, move toward them. How does one become unbreakable? Listen in on this week's piece on creating an indesctructible mindset.


Episode 17: Cheating On My Gym

Was I touching a barbell that was not my own? Benching under a roof that did not belong to me? But why?? Why would I be caught in another gym if I own one myself? Guess you gotta listen to find out...


Episode 16- YOLO

How many things do you do in a day are things that you enjoy doing? How many of them make you happy? How many of them do you hate? Ever wonder why your dreams sit on the backburner but you continue to make life choices that others feel you "should" do? Today's podcast is an open conversation about how this might cramp your style and how to get back doing YOU.


Episode 15- Onboarding Process

Avoid the many pitfalls of a newbie entering the gym space for the first time. Why do most people quit? The feelings of being overwhelmed, uneducated and unprepared ring a bell? Our Onboarding Process eliminates this from happening and will ensure that if you want to join our gym, we wont let you slip through the cracks


Episode 14: A Week At Workhorse

What do we even do here? Is it CrossFit? Is it Bootcamp? Weightlifting? Bodybuilding? Come find out what the hell is going on


Episode 12: What Death Reminded Me About Life

If there is one thing we all share in common, it is that one day, we shall all return to the Earth. What we do in this lifetime determines what stories will be told, what memories will be shared, and what legacy we will behind.


Episode 11: Old Dogs, New Tricks

Are you haunted by old ideologies and they are keeping you from advancing in your goals? Ever consider letting them go? In this episode, we talk about how my dad finally decided to get tech-saavy and how teaching him to double-click a mouse all of those years ago has improved his life.


Episode 10: Nothing Personal, Just Business, Volume 2

Here are two common habits that will ultimately kill your business if you don't learn to eliminate them. Now we don't want that do we?


Episode 9: Shotgun Saturday

In this episode we answer questions about poop horror stories, muscle gain and the biggest mistakes with injury rehab. Tune in and learn something, or just be downright disgusted.


Episode 8: Nothing Personal, Just Business

Growing pains. Hard truths to expect as a current business owner or as someone who is looking to dabble into the world of entrepreneurship. These aren't things to scare you- they are are things to prepare you. This episode will give into 3 hard truths of being your own boss. It ain't all glory, you gotta be handle to stomach the guts too.


Episode 7: Shotgun Saturday

You have questions. I have answers.  In todays epi, we cover some of our audience members most deep and burning questions.. 1. What kind of shorts do you wear and is everything okay at home? 2. What should I eat on the road when I'm travelling? 3. Best advice for a new coach? 4. How far in advance do you program for the week? 5. What kind of money does a coach make a year?


Episode 6: The Chameleon

It has been awhile, but we are BACK! Today's episode is merely an audio brain dump. I've had a lot of thoughts on fitness lately and how our definition can change based on societal influence. We spend this time to table some topics that may bring to light some conflicting messages in the industry. The intention is for this to help you navigate your way through your own journey, clear up some of the mud, and get back to the bigger picture.


Episode 5: Stew in the Shit

How you react to the mishaps in life can either sideline you from happiness or can help you to continue on your trajectory toward all of the things you want. Shit everyone. When you can dismiss the worries, you can start to focus on the things that actually matter. Energy saved, is energy better invested elsewhere.


Episode 4: Broke vs. Poor

Being broke is temporary. It's a state of being. Being poor is a mindset and it's accepting your reality for what it is. Today's episode will be a lifestyle audit to see if there are things in your life that you could change right at this moment to increase your chances of finding wealth.


Episode 3: Ebbs and Flows of Evolution

The same principles that many of us live and die by on the gym floor can be used in other areas of our existence. Our goals, careers, relationships (with others and also with ourselves)- we can transcend them from the training room and into our living spaces. In this episode, we discuss bringing the mindset of building, cutting and maintenance into our daily agendas and how it can change the way we approach and expedite growth.


Episode 2: Revelation in Fitness

They say if you love something, let it kill you. Fitness tried me many times. Listen to me reflect on my experiences with fitness and how you can use my journey to consider how to approach fitness for yourself.


Workhorse Origins

Who, what, when, where and why? The early beginnings of how Workhorse came to be.


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