World's Finest: A Batman and Superman Inspired Podcast

World's Finest is a weekly podcast hosted by Ty and SL where they discover their love for Batman and Superman in the places he never really thought to explore: the comics. On this podcast we will analyze the films and comics of the Dark Knight ans the Man of Steel. Join Ty and SL whether you've read the comics or not and let's save the World.

Grant Morrison's Batman and Robin Part 1 - Sexy Disco Hot

Grant Morrison is a staple to DC Comics and where better to start than with his Batman? After Final Crisis, where Batman defeats Darkseid and dies via Omega Beam, Dick Grayson takes up the mantle of Batman while attempting to breathe humility into Damian. This episode covers Grant Morrison's Batman and Robin #1-#3. We are a Repeat Studios podcast: We cover Halo, the DCEU, DC Comics, and the MCU. Everything you need, we have. If you like us enough, subscribe to our Patreon. For $6 you get more than most. Early access to all episodes, our exclusive Everything All at Once AND Dbags with Dpads. For a limited time you also get our $1 Holiday Patreon which has everything mentioned above. Expires 1.1.23 NEXT EPISODE: John Byrne's Superman #1-#6


Arkham Origins: Part 1

Welcome to Dbags with Dpads! A Patreon podcast that'll be released here simultaneously. I'm joined with Chad from Convor Call who's also an Executive Producer at Repeat Studios. This episode covers the entire first mission from Arkham Origins as we talk about Batman Video Games and video game history in general. Join us for $1 on the Patreon for more. We are a Repeat Studios podcast: We cover Halo, the DCEU, DC Comics, and the MCU. Everything you need, we have.  If you like us enough, subscribe to our Patreon. For $6 you get more than most. Early access to all episodes, our exclusive Everything All at Once AND Dbags with Dpads. For a limited time you also get our $1 Holiday Patreon which has everything mentioned above. Expires 1.1.23


Batman (1989)

Welcome back! It's been awhile. We've rebranded and now we actually have a co-host for the incoherent ramblings that I produce. Today we are talking about Burton's Batman (1989) film. Which, labeled as a classic put the CBM genre on notice this early in the game. It's also the beginning of the end of how WB manages their properties, Superman II not withstanding. With the architecture that inspired the Batman Animated Series, the movie leaves much to be desired. If only we thought this was a good film... We are a Repeat Studios podcast: We cover Halo, the DCEU, and the MCU. Everything you need, we have. If you like us enough, subscribe to our Patreon. For $6 you get more than most. Early access to all episodes, our exclusive Everything All at Once AND Dbags with Dpads. For a limited time you also get our $1 Holiday Patreon which has everything mentioned above. Expires 1.1.23


Issue #19 - Ego: A Psychotic Slide into the Heart of Darkness

We slide into the darkness as Bruce is overwhelmed by his trauma. He comes face to face with his true self as he wrestles with the hypocrisy of his moral code and how it has defined not only him, but the countless victims of the Joker.


Issue #18 - the Long Halloween: Chapter Thirteen - Punishment

It all culminates in this chapter. Gotham is changed forever. Our heroes beliefs are shaken despite them saying otherwise. Holiday is caught or is she? And the Roman Empire falls yet again under the weight of chance before it has the opportunity to succumb to justice. Welcome to the finale. @ZeroYearPodcast @SteelbookDaddy Music by Fuzzeke Logo by @FocalDrifts


Issue #17 - the Long Halloween: Chapter Twelve - Labor Day

The Holiday Killer is known. Everything is coming together. The murders have stopped. Trust is at an all time high AND Gotham is safe once again. All of this is a lie and the dark victory looms as everything is still hanging by a thread. @ZeroYearPod @SteelbookDaddy Music by Fuzzeke Logo by @Focal Drifts


Issue #16 - the Long Halloween: Chapter Eleven - Roman Holiday

The birth of Two-Face and the downfall of Holiday...The long defeat has continued and our protagonists have endured. Short sightedness, however, has now cost Gotham half of it's good faith and justice. @ZeroYearPodcast @SteelbookDaddy Music by Fuzzeke Logo by @FocalDrifts


Issue #15 - the Long Halloween: Chapter Ten - Independence Day

The emotional trauma of our core cast in being tested. The long defeat is heavy on their minds. Batman and Gordon are bending while Harvey is on the verge of breaking. What is the cost of freedom and who pays the price? @ZeroYearPodcast @SteelbookDaddy Music by Fuzzeke Art by @FocalDrifts


Issue #14 - the Long Halloween: Chapter Nine - Father's Day

So much happens in this chapter! We see a scene the Batman took direct reference from. We see the insecurities of characters through other's lenses and we see the frailty of loyalty and maintaining the moral strength of these characters. If Mother's Day was about a frightened boy missing his mother, Father's Day is about remaining strong in our weakest moments. @ZeroYearPodcast @SteelbookDaddy Music by Fuzzeke Art by @FocalDrifts


Issue #13 - the Long Halloween: Chapter Eight - Mother's Day

Bruce is spread with Scarecrow's fear toxin as he escape from Arkham. The Holiday killer strikes once again before Sofia can stop him-her. The issue ends with Bruce clutching his mother's tombstone like his parent's killer did Martha's pearls. @ZeroYearPodcast @SteelbookDaddy Music by Fuzzeke Art by @FocalDrifts


Issue #12 - the Long Halloween: Chapter Seven - April Fool's Day

When does a killer not kill? April Fool's Day! That is if you substitute a .22 Ruger for a G17 that's been modified for fully auto. But nobody is keeping track here. As Carmine Falcone becomes more desperate he enlists help from the Riddler. As the Riddler muses on useful drab, Alfred insists that the Holiday could very well be Harvey Dent. When Falcone becomes annoyed from the Riddler's musing, he's thrown into an alleyway where the Holiday decides to spare his life in the spirit of April Fool's Day. @ZeroYearPodcast @SteelbookCaskey Art by @FocalDrift Music by Fuzzeke


Issue #11 - the Long Halloween: Chapter Six - St. Patrick's Day

Green, green, green. Not the Hulk! But Uma Thurman herself, Poison Ivy. While Ivy convinces Bruce to cut a deal with the Roman to launder his dirty money, Falcone has set up a hit against Maroni. Before they can end the war the Holiday strikes to draw another line in the sand. Meanwhile Catwoman saves Bruce Wayne from the clutches of Ivy and Batman admits that he owes Catwoman and enormous amount of gratitude.  Music by Fuzzeke Art by @FocalDrifts @ZeroYearPodcast @SteelbookDaddy


Issue #10 - the Long Halloween: Chapter Five - Valentine's Day

Love is in the air! Tension is as well. How does the Holiday strike? Does Bruce and Selina get some alone time together? All will be revealed in this episode! @ZeroYearPodcast @SteelbookDaddy Music by Fuzzeke Art by @FocalDrifts


Issue #9 - the Long Halloween: Chapter Four - New Year's Eve

Where two-faces divide and Alberto seemingly dies we have a chapter cut in two! While Batman fights to save Gotham by midnight, Harvey finds evidence to question Bruce Wayne on his past affairs with Carmine Falcone. But out in the open, upon a lively Gala, Holiday strikes again.  @ZeroYearPodcast @SteelbookDaddy  Logo designed by @FocalDrifts Music by Fuzzeke


Issue #8 - the Long Halloween: Chapter Three - Christmas

Oh, Batsy, Batsy, Batsy! The Clown Prince of Gotham has made his Grinch infested return as Sale slaps us into the next realm with an exaggeration so huge it's terrifyingly alive with the color scheme.   @ZeroYearPod @SteelbookDaddy  Music by Fuzzeke


Issue #7 - the Long Halloween: Chapter Two - Thanksgiving

The mysterious Holiday Killer has turned Bruce's, Gordon's, and Dent's mundane lives into a treacherous beginning into the Long Defeat. While Gordon and Batman attempt to squeeze out information from Mickey, the individual who planted the bomb at the Dent residence, in attempt to find any footing in the mystery that continues to become more confusing. @ZeroYearPodcast @SteelbookCaskey Music by Fuzzeke


Issue #6 - the Long Halloween: Chapter One - Crime

We finally dive into the Long Halloween! A hopeful thirteen day straight binge of this absolute banger while we navigate the Gotham streets trying to find the Holiday Killer after the mundane life of three men are turned upside down in a single night. @ZeroYearPodcast or @SteelbookDaddy Music by Fuzzeke  Synopsis This thrilling story features some of the most deadly and cunning members of Batman's Rogues gallery and a dramatic retelling of the origin of the tragic villain Two-Face. In this first issue, Batman and Harvey Dent team up to find evidence against Carmine Falcone. Catwoman and Batman crash Falcone's penthouse.


Issue #5 - Year One: Chapter Four

Year One concludes with an absolute banger! Gordon and Batman's path finally cross to a reasonable solution as the two become partners after one of the most frightening panels I've ever seen popped onto the page.  Follow @ZeroYearPodcast @SteelbookDaddy Music by Fuzzeke Synopsis He's out to clean up a city that likes being dirty. He can't do it alone.


Issue #4 - Year One: Chapter Three

The action packed and trapped Bat has returned to pay for a tux he stole and watch Gordon gleefully cheat on his wife and instantly regret it. How will the Bat survive this avalanche against the city and government? How will Gordon rekindle his love with Barbara and will Gotham shine a little bit brighter at the end of the book? Who knows. But I'm happy you're here on this journey. Follow us @ZeroYearPodcast and @SteelbookDaddy Music by Fuzzeke Synopsis  They've got him CORNERED. They've got him OUTNUMBERED They've got him TRAPPED They're in TROUBLE...


Issue #3 - Year One: Chapter Two

Today we're flirting with destiny as the expertise of Gordon shows and the green-ness of the Bat is on another level. How is the Batman coping with his abilities? Is Gordon's stay at home life getting better? How is the criminal underworld responding the masked vigilante? These questions are answered and more! Synopsis: "He has trained and planned and waited eighteen years. He thinks he's ready..." Find me at @ZeroYearPod or on my personal @SteelbookDaddy on Twitter. Music by Fuzzeke


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