World Awakening

Wherever You’re At On Your Path There is Space for You Here. We’re committed to helping people uncover the largest story they can live, especially those who have a sense that their life is not working anymore. We emphasize processes, practices, conversations, and maps that deepen the discovery of one’s path, trusting this ongoing work will bring forth more artisans of cultural change, working toward a healthier world. The process of growing up, discovering our soul, finding the largest story we can live, or living from our true self we call Invenire, which means To Find. We invite you further in the risky adventure of uncovering your path and calling, helping you turn toward this perilous and precious journey.

Episode 15: What's the Point?

In this episode, Mark Walstrom and Nicholas Melville discuss the point of life and the universal principles behind enjoying the moment.


Episode 14: The Joy of Meaninglessness

In this episode, Mark Walstrom and Nicholas Melville discuss the joy of meaninglessness, a counterposition to common belief, and the freedom of emptiness. Join us in this strange discussion.


Episode 13: On Dialogue

In this episode, Mark Walstrom and Nicholas Melville discuss holding dialogue and how to make communication a conscious activity.


Episode 12: The Idea of Progress and Identity

In this episode, Mark Walstrom and Nicholas Melville discuss the idea, or illusion, of progress and the way identity sneaks in.


Episode 11: Awakening the Mind

In this episode, Mark Walstrom and Nicholas Melville discuss starting and sustaining the integration of awakened mind into the daily life.


Episode 10: Death of the Ego

In this episode, Mark Walstrom and Nicholas Melville reflect on the “death of the ego,” what this means and how to live an awakened lifestyle.


Episode 9: The Generative Organization

In this episode, Mark Walstrom and Mark Clarke discuss the process for an organization to become more conscious and collectively awake, where the primary focus is not the "bottom line" and the goal is a higher level of success.


Episode 8: Integrating Masculinity

In this episode, Mark Walstrom and Micah McLaughin explore what waking up looks like from the contemporary male experience. 


Episode 7: The Will

In this episode, Mark Walstrom and Nicholas Melville discuss the Will and its role in life transformation.


Episode 6: The Role of the Guide, A World Awakening Production

In this episode, Mark Walstrom, Nicholas Melville, Jean Reed-Bahley, and Elizabeth Hawkins discuss the role of the guide, a service offered through Invenire, and how it helps the individual along their path of self-discovery. 


Episode 5: Change

Jean Reed-Bahle and Mark Walstrom discuss the process of change.  Change often brings up fear--but how much energy do we waste being frozen and stuck in our fear?  How can we begin to move past our 'stuckness' into a new and inviting mystery?  What can the creative process of being in our bodies teach us?  Episode 5 is about breaking the habits of resistance so we can move into our natural flow state,  how to emerge into our true, most authentic nature of wholeness.


Episode Four: Longing

Jean Reed-Bahle and Mark Walstrom discuss longing.  For some of us, longing is something we have been taught to avoid or stifle.  Longing is to be distrusted or labeled selfish. It is associated with surface level wants and desires.  But what if one can go deeper into longing?  What if longing actually points us toward our True Selves?  How can one know the difference between surface level wants and desires and those that point us toward transformation and expansion?Episode Four is about how we find and honor the longing inside us--understanding that it is the tuning fork for how to make our way back to our True Nature.


Episode 3: The Original Wound

Mark Walstrom and Nicholas Melville discuss The Original Wound. For many of us, the Original Wound is a narrative of not being enough, and that life is not safe. This wound ‘story’ leads to an internalizing of a defective sense of self. These inner scripts are powerful and lead to maladaptive coping strategies. Episode Three is about how to break free of the Original Wound.


Episode 3: Paying Attention to Your Pattern

Mark Walstrom and Nicholas Melville discuss egoic patterns and the importance of paying attention, unlearning, and humor in overcoming these patterns.


Episode 2: What is Waking Up?

In our second episode, Mark Walstrom and Nicholas Melville hold a conversation around the idea of Waking Up and how it is different from Self-Help or Personal Growth. Why would one want to enter into intentional conscious movement toward Waking Up? What happens when the content of life doesn't change, but our responses to it do? How does this movement coincide with our original, creative nature? What is it to live inside our truest way of being in this one ephemeral and eternal moment?


Episode 1: We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For

For our first episode Mark Walstrom introduces the imagination behind World Awakening, and how individual shifts in consciousness can lead to broader and much needed social change.


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