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Worth in Progress

Author: Maria Grande

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Worth in Progress explores the real and raw process of personal development. Because, it is never as easy as reading a book or listening to motivational speakers, I share the real life examples and stories of our triggered reactions and help guide you through understanding the reason behind these behaviors. We might as well laugh at ourselves a little while we heal that inner child and find our self-worth!

32 Episodes
Sometimes we question every aspect of our lives from relationships to life purpose. What we don't realize is that we are programmed to react certain ways when we are hurt or unsure and this can be very harmful. Reprogramming takes place when we recognize the patterns and decide to change.
A good friend of mine and awesome glass ceiling shatterer, Michelle Nocito joins us to talk about what she is passionate about and a recent event that changed her outlook on life.
We were taught to be grateful for all we have and that caused us to attach guilt to wanting more. We need to unlearn this BS guilt pattern.
Jen is Lifestyle Consciousness Coach that empowers women to reconnect with themselves, relieving stress and anxiety through breath work, yoga and mindfulness. She shares her story with us.
Fired up by someone else's comments or perception...Today is definitely REAL and RAW me. We can't let people rent space in our minds any longer. Time to break free.
We are talking about all of our lives being conditioned to feel guilt and shame, and how we torture ourselves daily as a result. Suffering from this harmful pattern is a choice and I am telling you how I finally figured that out.
Rob Carney is a holistic lifestyle entrepreneur from the Boston area. He is the founder of Whole Health Connections and also a writer, coach and network marketing professional who is focused on helping people live a happy, healthy, sustainable lifestyle. Find Rob on social media at whole health connectionsRob's childrens book link is:
EP 23:  Letting Go

EP 23: Letting Go


In this episode we talk about letting go of everything we were subconsciously taught to hang onto as well as the things we choose to let hold us back. Letting go can be getting rid of physical clutter but what do we do to get rid of the emotional clutter? I take you through an exercise that may help you allow yourself to get rid of the extra baggage.
We welcome the incredible Naomi Harrington, an internationally board certified life and success coach, an NLP practitioner, an INFJ personality style, a mother and the fabulous host of That's Deep Podcast. We discuss what it is to be an empath or highly sensitive person and how it can impact your life. Also, she breaks down the personality styles of Myers Briggs assessment, explaining how, that too, can impact your career and relationships. She shares what her triggers are and what has ...
EP 21:  Getting Triggered

EP 21: Getting Triggered


In this episode we discuss what it means be get triggered and how it stems from trauma. We will go over some typical responses and I share a few personal examples. I also give you 5 Things to do when we become emotionally triggered and we end with a grounding exercise practice.
In this episode we discuss some of the feelings people are having due to the circumstances of Covid 19 and how hard it can be to love yourself as you are right now. We are always looking ahead to the things we want and we are missing out on the present time. It is ok to love yourself even though you still want to make some changes. You do not have to feel sad just because things aren't as you would like them to be. I have hidden myself because of my weight and I am in a very vulnerable place ...
In this episode we talk about the natural tendency to want to help people when they are struggling but, when we are trying to save people, it can become an issue. The Savior complex is the need to rescue and this episode addresses where this need comes from. We also talk about codependency and I give you signs to recognize the traits. This also relates to our people pleasing episode so I address an email I received at the end of the discussion.
Quick episode to talk about what it means to stay present. We discuss what happens when we dwell in the past or worry about the future and I give you some ways to practice staying in the moment. Also, EXCITING NEWS: I am giving away my 8 week mentoring course, The Lotus Project. Details on entering the drawing are in the episode.
In this episode we are discussing what a people pleaser is, ways to identify if you or someone you know is one and then effective ways to stop being one. And...of course, how it has everything to do with self worth!
Michael Gross is author of the book Wingman's Path To Positivity, a combination of law of attraction, Psychology and good, old fashioned common sense! We discuss the power of vibration and his journey to creating a successful following by doing a daily one minute video to support others on their journey. Michael is incredibly down to earth and funny which I believe makes him an awesome leader and author!
In this episode we discuss how self love can be affected by the shadow self. The shadow self is the part of ourselves we were conditioned to hide in order to be accepted. I give real life examples of what not dealing with your shadow self can look like and we talk about shadow work.
Stephanie Jameson of Divine Soul Journey is an Intuitive Empath, Psychic Medium and Coach. We are talking about the spiritual awakening process and the detours we make on our road to self worth.
There is a quote from Mr. Rogers referring to what his mother told him when he was a young boy and frightened by the news on tv. She told him to always look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping in the hard times. This is so true. In these days of uncertainty, there are helpers all around us so we must choose to see the good we can do and not just become paralyzed by fear.
EP 12:  Faith Over Fear

EP 12: Faith Over Fear


Right now, the world is in crisis and society taught us that worrying will somehow help. Of course I am not saying that there is nothing to feel anxious about. I am simply saying that constant fear and worrying serves no purpose at all. Self-awareness will help you pull yourself out of the fear state and refocus. This will allow you to keep your power and be much more effective. We end this episode with a breathing technique you can try in order to recenter yourself.
EP 11: Unhappy at Work

EP 11: Unhappy at Work


In this episode I address an email from a listener regarding her unhappiness at work. She is finding it hard because she doesn't really feel fulfilled so work has become more and more painful. It is hard to juggle work, kids, marriage and limiting beliefs at the same time. This could also be an issue of self-worth so we need to dive deep into self awareness.