Wrestling House Show

From the indies to the majors, from the United States to Mexico to Japan and beyond, the crew of Wrestling House Show provides as much news, reviews and commentary that can be crammed into an hour or so. Brought to you by long time wrestling enthusiasts Joey and Chris, join them for their opinionated and highly entertaining discussions covering a vast array of topics covering the past, present and future of professional wrestling.

WHS #75 - Fun With Lists

Joey and chris welcome the new year by looking back at what the WWE considers its best twenty five matches of 2010! Do they agree? They also discuss the releases of Kaval and MVP, Joey points out the lack of diversity in the TNA Knockouts division and chris books TNA so it's actually watchable! Really!! www.cnjradio.com


WHS #75 - Fun With Lists

Joey and chris welcome the new year by looking back at what the WWE considers its best twenty five matches of 2010! Do they agree? They also discuss the releases of Kaval and MVP, Joey points out the lack of diversity in the TNA Knockouts division and chris books TNA so it's actually watchable! Really!! www.cnjradio.com


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