XR Podcast

The XR Podcast is the place to explore realities. Learn how to create reality and simulations with modern software. Understand the nature of reality with thought provoking interviews. XRPodcast.com Each episode is a long format discussion similar to Voices of VR Podcast and others like Joe Rogan.

VRTO with Keram Malicki-Sánchez

In this episode we get deep into the state of the VR industry and community as we chat with VRTO and FIVARS founder Keram Malicki-Sánchez.


AI with Jaron Lanier

In this episode we hear from Jaron Lanier at his Tribeca Film Festival Talk. He discusses the implications of AI to our reality and social paradigms. We also cover other relevant topics like Jamie Metzl's book Hacking Darwin and MIT researcher Lex Freidmen's work in autonomous vehicles. This Episode is brought to you by: VRTO - Virtual & Augmented Reality World Conference & Expo. Returns for its 4th year, June 1-3 to Toronto, Canada. Known for its thematic flow and unusual subject matter, this intimate symposium welcomes speakers from Intel Studios and Ubisoft to best-selling authors, and indie VR game developers. The stage will be set with change-agents, mavericks and thought leaders. VRTO explores everything from volumetric capture to eSports, surgery to interactive storytelling, and if you’re interested in how technology, culture, industry, and arts are coalescing and advancing, VRTO is a conference not to be missed. Find ticket at conference.virtualreality.to


Augmented World Expo with founder Ori Inbar

We discuss AWE - Augmented World Expo - with Ori Inbar, it's co-founder and chat about the history of AR and the industry. We go through the expo from the perspective of an investor, startup, developer, creator, corporate buyer and anyone that's attending. This will serve as an audio guide of sorts to AWE, other events and the industry as a whole. Enjoy. This episode is brought to you by Wikitude. Wikitude is the leading independent augmented reality platform for phones, tablets, and smart glasses with over 125,000 registered developers, 30,000 published apps, and 1 billion app installs. Wikitude enables developers, agencies, and enterprises to create AR experiences that delight, amaze, and provide tangible return on investment. Learn more at www.wikitude.com


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