Y Life Science

Y Life Science
Author: Bean Life Science Museum
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© 2025 Y Life Science
This podcast highlights research and science projects happening in the College of Life Sciences at Brigham Young University. We will also cover life science and conservation efforts happening in the community.
44 Episodes
Dr. Robert Johnson (botanist) and Dr. Shawn Clark (entomologist) discuss the day to day work they do managing the plant and insect collections at the Bean Museum. In this episode they talk about their research interests and why they love the work that they do. This episode was recorded on November 7, 2024.
Former co-host, Austen Lambert, and Dr. Josh LeMonte join Katy and Sylvia on this episode of the podcast. Austen shares his master's degree research he conducted with Josh LeMonte in eastern Utah. The discuss how studying the earth's soil can tell us about human history and the impact we have on the environment. This episode was recorded on August 29, 2024.
Our guests in this episode come from the College of Computational, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences. Dr. Sean Warnick and Dr. David Grimsman are joined by Brian Brown, Tanner Day, and Dakota Mundell. They discuss various projects their interdisciplinary research group (IDeA Labs) are working on, specifically in the life sciences, working with honeybees and looking at their waggle dance and how to recreate it using AI and robotics. This episode was recorded on April 23, 2024.
Dr. Paul Frandsen (Plant and Wildlife Sciences) is joined by Gabi Jijon (PhD), Danyon Gedris (undergrad) and Ashlyn Powell (recently graduated). They discuss their research projects with the genetics of caddisflies. Among other things, they talk about their future research plans and the reasons they enjoy learning about the the natural world. Episode Thumbnail (from right to left): Danyon Gedris, Gabi Jijon, Taden Lemmon This episode was recorded on April 23, 2024.
Hosts Sylvia and Austen talk with Dr. Neil Hansen and graduate student, Elisabeth Currit about soil science and Elisabeth's research in Bears Ears National Monument. This episode was recorded on April 15, 2024.
Dr. Steve Peterson (Plant and Wildlife Sciences) and graduate students, Haley Moon and Otto de Groff, visit with student hosts Austen Lambert and Sylvia Duke. Sylvia will be joining Austen for the next few episodes and then take over when Austen graduates in the spring of 2024. Various topics are discussed on this episode including mine reclamation, wild horses, and Bristlecone Pine. Visit Dr. Peterson's Geospatial Habitat Analysis Lab. This episode was recorded on March 5, 2024.
Amanda Rees, director of the BYU Sensory Lab and two of her assistant student managers, Mattie Prince and Lauren Cromarty, join Austen in this episode. They talk about the BYU Sensory lab and how students can participate in helping gather data for the food industry and for research in the food science and nutrition department. You can also follow the Sensory Lab on Instagram @byusensorylab. This episode was recorded on November 17, 2023.
Dr. Brad Geary and two of his students, Jacob Henrie and Melissa Burrell, discuss their research projects and how they are finding new ways to solve problems related to plant growth.
Historically women have been excluded from exercise science research. Since Title IX, more studies have been done as there have been more female athletes. This episode of the Y Life Science Podcast explores the research conducted by Jessica Linde and Jayson Gifford. Jessica asked the question about exercise tolerance during different phases of the female menstrual cycle. Read more about this study here. This episode was recorded on October 19, 2023.
Dr. Earlene Durrant (Dr. D) talks with Austen and Katy about her career in physical education and athletic training. She was inducted into the BYU Hall of Fame in 2000. You can read her bio here. Dr. D was selected as the honored alumnus for fall of 2023 for the College of Life Sciences. She was highlighted here in the college magazine (Impact) and this is a link to her seminar given on October 19, 2023 and a summary published on December 14, 2023. This episode was recorded on October 12, 20...
Dr. Rikelle Richards ( and undergraduate student, Kyle Lyman, talk about their research study with nutrition and their work with the Provo Food and Care Coalition. Dr. Richards was recent awarded the 2023 General Education (GE) Professorship. Read more about Dr. Richards and this award here. If you are a BYU student experiencing food or house insecurity, visit If you are interested in work with Dr. Richards and her research, you can...
Dr. Timothy Jenkins and undergraduate student, Kelaney Stalker join Austen and Katy to discuss epigenetics. Kelany describes a project she worked on to be able to differentiate between menstrual blood and peripheral blood using epigenetics. This work has implications in forensic science that could potentially help in domestic violence and sexual assault cases. This episode was recorded on September 27, 2023.
This episode introduces another research podcast called, "Winging It! From Curiosity to Scientific Fact" produced by Dr. Steven Peck and his student research assistants. In this episode Courtney Roos and Sara Evans join Dr. Peck as they describe the scientific process and how they record and share their findings. They are specifically looking to answer questions about birds and their songs. This episode was recorded on September 18, 2023.
Dr. April Hulet and Curtis Drake explain how they are researching ways to restore native plants and grasses by managing cattle grazing. This episode was recorded on June 6, 2023
Dr. Mark Belk and undergraduate student, Noah Larsen discuss some of their research projects, specifically their paper about native Utah fishes. They also discuss the importance of understanding these species and their ecological role so that we can effectively preserve biodiversity. Dr. Belk mentions Doctrine and Covenants 59:18-20 (see below). 18 Yea, all things which come of the earth, in the season thereof, are made for the benefit and the use of man, both to please the eye and to gladde...
Dr. Julianne Grose is joined by graduate student, Kenneth Ewool and undergraduate student, Ciara Green as they discuss how microbiology can solve problems. Specifically, they discuss phages (virus that infects bacteria) and metabolism. This episode was recorded on April 11, 2023
Dean Laura Bridgewater and undergraduate student, Emma Clawson, join Austen and Katy for this discussion about faith and science. Dean Bridgewater tells us about the learning objectives for a unique class taught in the College of Life Sciences which shares the title of this podcast episode, "Life Sciences and the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ." She also shares her goals for students who graduate from BYU in the College of Life Sciences. President Russell M. Nelson's April 2023 general confe...
Dr. Liz Bailey and graduate student, Sierra Nichols talk about their biological science education research. The studies below look at various gender gaps observed in both remote and in-person science classrooms. This episode was recorded on March 16, 2023. Female In-Class Participation and Performance Increase with More Female Peers and/or a Female Instructor in Life Sciences Courses Participation and Performance by Gender in Synchronous Online Lectures: Three Unique Case Studies during Em...
Dr. Rachel Buck and undergraduate student Sara Frutos discuss their wetlands research around Utah Lake. They talk about the problem with the invasive species, Phragmites, as well as their research methods, and field work. If you are interested in working with Dr. Buck, you can reach out to her at This episode was recorded on February 23, 2023.
Dr. Rick Jellen and student researcher, Ryan Brady, talk about their genetic research with oats and quinoa. Dr. Jellen's research was recently featured on the cover of "Nature" and is linked below. They also discuss Bishop Gérald Caussé's talk in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints October 2022 general conference about Earth's stewardship. The mosaic oat genome gives insights into a uniquely healthy cereal crop (Nature)Major breakthrough by BYU ‘orphaned crops lab’ published in ‘Na...
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