DiscoverYCAC: A Young Person’s Guide to Intersectional Environmentalism
YCAC: A Young Person’s Guide to Intersectional Environmentalism
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YCAC: A Young Person’s Guide to Intersectional Environmentalism

Author: YCAC Podcast

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We're a youth led climate activism organization who want to inspire youth around the world to make a change. Throughout our episodes we will discuss important topics about whats going on in our world and also have debates, discussions, and games with various guests. Viewers are able to vote on the topic each month on our Instagram so we advise you all to follow us @ycacyouth.
2 Episodes
Hey everyone! Thank you for tuning into today's episode. In this episode, we have answered many of your questions, given sustainable tips, and had interviews with @philthefixer and @queerbrownvegan. We are so delighted to share our takes with you all, and these informative interviews. Disclaimer:As stated in the beginning, any advice given in the beginning was based on personal experiences and not in a professional context. 
Hello everyone! We're kicking off this season with some of our members discussing what YCAC is to them and how its helped them become more environmentally involved. Throughout this season we'll have members, politicians, and influencers come on to talk about their environmental stance as well as have debates and games. You all get to vote on what the topic we should talk about on our podcast is on our Instagram, so make sure to check it out @ycacyouth.