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Author: Matthew Jones

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Sermon Audio from Wednesday nights at Searchlight Youth. Based in NJ.
23 Episodes
It's incredibly easy to form a habit. And before we know it, that habit can be controlling us. We want to make sure that we are aware and proactive in the choices that we make when it comes to the entertainment we consume. Scripture: Romans 12:1-2. Talk given: 05/15/19.
G.O.A.T. Week 3

G.O.A.T. Week 3


In this series, we'll discover how Jesus is greater than anything we're currently facing, or potentially could face. In fact, Jesus is the G.O.A.T. -- Greatest Of All Time. Week 1: Jesus > My Personal Limitations. Week 2: Jesus > My Disappointments. This week's WAP: Jesus Is Stronger Than My Storms. Scripture: John 6:16-21; Matthew 14:22-33; Hebrews 12:1-2. Talk given: 05/01/19.
Subject To Change 5

Subject To Change 5


In this life, there’s one thing we all have in common: change. No matter who we are, where we come from, or how much we run from it, change is bound to happen in all of our lives. In this series, we'll look at the life of Joseph, and we’ll discover that although so many things in life are subject to change, God isn’t. WAP: When life changes, God may be trying to change you. Scripture: Genesis 42, 44, 45, 50; 1 John 4:19-21; Ephesians 4:31-32. Talk given: 03/27/19.
Winter Retreat Testimonies: (0:00 - 10:54) Message: (10:55) This week, we continued our series on the life of Joseph, but started the night off with students sharing testimonies of what God did in their life the weekend before at Winter Retreat.  Series Description: In this life, there's one thing we all have in common: change. No matter who we are, where we come from, or how much we run from it, change is bound to happen in all of our lives. In this series, we'll look at the life of Joseph, and we’ll discover that although so many things in life are subject to change, God isn’t. WAP: When life changes, look around you. Scripture: Genesis 40; 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 . Talk given: 03/20/19.
Subject To Change 3

Subject To Change 3


In this life, there’s one thing we all have in common: change. No matter who we are, where we come from, or how much we run from it, change is bound to happen in all of our lives. In this series, we'll look at the life of Joseph, and we’ll discover that although so many things in life are subject to change, God isn’t. WAP: God can change the way you see change. Scripture: Genesis 41; James 1:2-4. Talk given: 03/13/19.
Subject To Change 2

Subject To Change 2


In this life, there’s one thing we all have in common: change. No matter who we are, where we come from, or how much we run from it, change is bound to happen in all of our lives. In this series, we'll look at the life of Joseph, and we’ll discover that although so many things in life are subject to change, God isn’t. WAP: No matter what, God is with you. Scripture: Genesis 39:1-23; Isaiah 43:2; John 16:33. Talk given: 03/06/19.
Subject To Change 1

Subject To Change 1


In this life, there's one thing we all have in common: change. No matter who we are, where we come from, or how much we run from it, change is bound to happen in all of our lives. In this series, we'll look at the life of Joseph, and we'll discover that although so many things in life are subject to change, God isn't. WAP: Life changes. God doesn't. Scripture: Genesis 37; Hebrews 13:5, 8. Talk given: 02/27/19.
Missionary Tara Matthews shares her story and her call this week at our youth group! Awesome hearing someone local from NJ answer the call to missions. Wrapping up our Just Do It Series. Q&A starts at 17:00.
Just Do It 3

Just Do It 3


"Believe in something even if it costs you everything." This idea of pursuit is inspiring, but we can be pursuing the wrong things if we're not careful. In tonight's message, we'll look at the story of a woman who pursued Someone, not just something, and how that Someone has given everything to pursue us. WAP: Pursue the One who gave everything for you. Scripture: Mark 2:17; 5:25-34. Talk given: 01/23/19.
Just Do It 2

Just Do It 2


It's admirable when somebody says they're going to do something, and then actually does it. That's called integrity, and tonight at youth group we'll learn about how living with integrity sets you up for success. Just Do It! WAP: Introduce Integrity. Scripture: James 1:22-25. Talk given: 01/16/19.
Just Do It 1

Just Do It 1


DO IT! It's the start of a new year, but often times we struggle to stay faithful to our commitments or making our dreams reality, if we can even identify what they are. This week, we'll look at some advice a church planter named Paul gave to a young pastor named Timothy that may help us make the most of our time. WAP: Spiritual Training > Physical Training. Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:7-10. Talk given: 01/09/19.
Down To Earth 2

Down To Earth 2


We've all met someone whose presence lights up a room or ruins the mood. Christmas is about God's presence, and we see from the original Christmas story that those in the presence of Jesus responded with worship. This week we'll talk about how we can worship Jesus in the middle of this Christmas season. Scripture: Luke 1:46-55. Talk given: 12/19/18.
Down To Earth 1

Down To Earth 1


Christmas was never meant to be cute, it's always been about God's presence. Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1:5-12; 1 John 4:13, 19; Philippians 2:5-11. Talk given: 12/12/18.
The Secret Ingredient

The Secret Ingredient


What's the secret ingredient to a Krabby Patty? What makes certain foods so delicious? We may never figure out the Krabby Patty, but the secret ingredient to having a great life may be more obvious than we would think. Often we can feel like there's got to be a secret ingredient to being successful at life, but sometimes all it takes is just adding a little extra of what we already know. WAP: Thanksgiving is the secret ingredient to a great life. Scripture: Philippians 4:6-7; Psalm 100:4. Talk given: 11/21/18.
HATERS | Week 2

HATERS | Week 2


We all tend to look at people and make some assumptions about who they are. But when we make these assumptions, we risk missing out on the bigger story of who someone actually is. This week, as we look at one of the Bible’s most unlikely heroes, we’ll discover that our judgments and assumptions are nothing compared to God’s plan and power. WAP: Assume the best, and trust God with the rest. Scripture: Joshua 2:1-6. Talk given: 11/14/18.
HATERS | Week 1

HATERS | Week 1


No matter how hard we try, there’s something in each of us that tends to hate on the flaws and failures of other people. And that’s not necessarily a good thing because, at the end of the day, nobody likes a hater. This week, as we look at the way Jesus responded to a group of particularly harsh haters, we’ll see that all of us have the chance to drop the judgment and replace it with grace. WAP: Drop the Rock. Scripture: John 8:3-11. Talk given 11/07/18.
Like A Boss | Week 2

Like A Boss | Week 2


Let’s be honest: Not all of our authority is going to be good. And when they’re not, following them is that much more difficult. But as we finish up our #LikeABossSeries this week, we’ll discover that we can trust God to take care of all things—even our bad bosses. WAP: Control What You Can Control, And Trust God With What You Can't. Scripture: Colossians 3:23-25. Talk given: 10/24/18.
Like A Boss | Week 1

Like A Boss | Week 1


Let's be honest: Nobody likes being told what to do and nobody wants to be bossed around. In this series, we'll take a look at how we can all begin to honor and respect the authority in our lives, even when it's hard! As we do, we'll discover that life's better when we learn to handle authority like a boss. WAP: Life's Better When We Honor The Boss. Scripture: Hebrews 13:17. Talk given: 10/17/18.
This week at youth group, John Sniffen shared about Paul's life from the Book of Acts. The Walk Away Point: God Takes Our Broken Pieces and Puts Them Back Together. Talk given: 07/25/18.
This week at youth group, Katrina shared from a passage in Philippians 2. The Walk Away Point: Act With Your Attitude. Talk given: 10/10/18.