DiscoverYUAN HE MIAO YIN | 元和妙音


Author: Hong Sheng | 弘聖靈覺

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Yuan He Miao Yin - Miraculous Original Sound

Master Hong Sheng is a therapeutic performer, sings unique spiritual sounds to praise the harmony of the one. Unbounded by words, the pure sound flow takes listeners straight to the heart. If one is able to listen whole heartfully, without any purpose intended, life will automatically lead the way, purify the impurities and imperfections of the past, ascending in the sacred and compassionate field of energy. Why not immerse yourself in the purity of the true nature and shine the light of spirituality in the present moment, at that time, you will be reborn , cleaned and refreshed.

《元和妙音》是音聲藝術家 弘聖靈覺對整然生命的歌詠、禮讚,是對萬物的呼應與對話。少了文字所帶來的意識框架,無國界純享的美妙音流將直觸領受者心海,若能不帶目的心的全然投入與聆聽,生命將會自動導航,淨化過往雜質,修補一切不圓滿,在神聖與慈悲的能場中,回到生命的元初。何妨浸享本真之淨,於當下一瞬,提昇生命靈光,彼時,已滌塵煥然一新的您,將仿若重生。

: : 弘聖靈覺 : :

Master Hong sheng is known as a multicultural educator, a painter, a music composer, and a singer. Enlightened at his young age, Master Hong sheng has realized the reality of the universe through painting, spreading the true wisdom of the universe to the world from the medium of diversified arts and Eastern philosophies. His person and the music, calligraphy, poetry, paintings all possess the supreme energy of healing and purifying. The chanting of the miraculous original sound ”Yuan He Miao Yin” has a soothing and calming effect on the mind and soul. His musical art was born to meet the need which is the most comforting healing sound today.

散發德善之光,談吐溫潤,氣質脫俗的 弘聖靈覺青少時於繪畫中悟道,徹底了透宇宙真相。他以多元藝術、東方哲思為媒介,向世人傳遞宇宙真實智慧,弘傳生命教育;其樂、詩、畫、書等作品皆具高度療癒與淨化力道,特別是源於自性本源,應緣呼頌的《元和妙音》,深具撫慰人心、安神定慮之效,弘聖靈覺的《元和妙音》音樂乃應時而生,是當今世代最需要之療癒之聲。

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42 Episodes
This sound is the Yuan He Miao Yin that Master Hong Sheng took advantage of during Master Hong Sheng's overseas trip to the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China from 2016 to 2018, and was recorded immediately by accompanying personnel. There is an endless stream of visitors to ancient temples and scenic spots. Although the sound is slightly disturbing, it does not hinder listening, but makes it closer to the actual experience. 此音聲是 弘聖靈覺2016年至2018年於四大菩薩道場海外行腳旅程中,應機弘化之元和妙音,並由隨行人員即時收錄。古剎名勝遊客絡繹不絕,雖聲音稍有干擾仍不妨礙聆聽,反而更貼近現場感受。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
This sound is the Yuan He Miao Yin that Master Hong Sheng took advantage of during Master Hong Sheng's overseas trip to the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China from 2016 to 2018, and was recorded immediately by accompanying personnel. There is an endless stream of visitors to ancient temples and scenic spots. Although the sound is slightly disturbing, it does not hinder listening, but makes it closer to the actual experience. 此音聲是 弘聖靈覺2016年至2018年於四大菩薩道場海外行腳旅程中,應機弘化之元和妙音,並由隨行人員即時收錄。古剎名勝遊客絡繹不絕,雖聲音稍有干擾仍不妨礙聆聽,反而更貼近現場感受。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
This sound is the Yuan He Miao Yin that Master Hong Sheng took advantage of during Master Hong Sheng's overseas trip to the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China from 2016 to 2018, and was recorded immediately by accompanying personnel. There is an endless stream of visitors to ancient temples and scenic spots. Although the sound is slightly disturbing, it does not hinder listening, but makes it closer to the actual experience. 此音聲是 弘聖靈覺2016年至2018年於四大菩薩道場海外行腳旅程中,應機弘化之元和妙音,並由隨行人員即時收錄。古剎名勝遊客絡繹不絕,雖聲音稍有干擾仍不妨礙聆聽,反而更貼近現場感受。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
This sound is the Yuan He Miao Yin that Master Hong Sheng took advantage of during Master Hong Sheng's overseas trip to the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China from 2016 to 2018, and was recorded immediately by accompanying personnel. There is an endless stream of visitors to ancient temples and scenic spots. Although the sound is slightly disturbing, it does not hinder listening, but makes it closer to the actual experience. 此音聲是 弘聖靈覺2016年至2018年於四大菩薩道場海外行腳旅程中,應機弘化之元和妙音,並由隨行人員即時收錄。古剎名勝遊客絡繹不絕,雖聲音稍有干擾仍不妨礙聆聽,反而更貼近現場感受。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
This sound is the Yuan He Miao Yin that Master Hong Sheng took advantage of during Master Hong Sheng's overseas trip to the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China from 2016 to 2018, and was recorded immediately by accompanying personnel. There is an endless stream of visitors to ancient temples and scenic spots. Although the sound is slightly disturbing, it does not hinder listening, but makes it closer to the actual experience. 此音聲是 弘聖靈覺2016年至2018年於四大菩薩道場海外行腳旅程中,應機弘化之元和妙音,並由隨行人員即時收錄。古剎名勝遊客絡繹不絕,雖聲音稍有干擾仍不妨礙聆聽,反而更貼近現場感受。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
This sound is the Yuan He Miao Yin that Master Hong Sheng took advantage of during Master Hong Sheng's overseas trip to the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China from 2016 to 2018, and was recorded immediately by accompanying personnel. There is an endless stream of visitors to ancient temples and scenic spots. Although the sound is slightly disturbing, it does not hinder listening, but makes it closer to the actual experience. 此音聲是 弘聖靈覺2016年至2018年於四大菩薩道場海外行腳旅程中,應機弘化之元和妙音,並由隨行人員即時收錄。古剎名勝遊客絡繹不絕,雖聲音稍有干擾仍不妨礙聆聽,反而更貼近現場感受。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
This sound is the Yuan He Miao Yin that Master Hong Sheng took advantage of during Master Hong Sheng's overseas trip to the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China from 2016 to 2018, and was recorded immediately by accompanying personnel. There is an endless stream of visitors to ancient temples and scenic spots. Although the sound is slightly disturbing, it does not hinder listening, but makes it closer to the actual experience. 此音聲是 弘聖靈覺2016年至2018年於四大菩薩道場海外行腳旅程中,應機弘化之元和妙音,並由隨行人員即時收錄。古剎名勝遊客絡繹不絕,雖聲音稍有干擾仍不妨礙聆聽,反而更貼近現場感受。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
This sound is the Yuan He Miao Yin that Master Hong Sheng took advantage of during Master Hong Sheng's overseas trip to the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China from 2016 to 2018, and was recorded immediately by accompanying personnel. There is an endless stream of visitors to ancient temples and scenic spots. Although the sound is slightly disturbing, it does not hinder listening, but makes it closer to the actual experience. 此音聲是 弘聖靈覺2016年至2018年於四大菩薩道場海外行腳旅程中,應機弘化之元和妙音,並由隨行人員即時收錄。古剎名勝遊客絡繹不絕,雖聲音稍有干擾仍不妨礙聆聽,反而更貼近現場感受。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
This sound is the Yuan He Miao Yin that Master Hong Sheng took advantage of during Master Hong Sheng's overseas trip to the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China from 2016 to 2018, and was recorded immediately by accompanying personnel. There is an endless stream of visitors to ancient temples and scenic spots. Although the sound is slightly disturbing, it does not hinder listening, but makes it closer to the actual experience. 此音聲是 弘聖靈覺2016年至2018年於四大菩薩道場海外行腳旅程中,應機弘化之元和妙音,並由隨行人員即時收錄。古剎名勝遊客絡繹不絕,雖聲音稍有干擾仍不妨礙聆聽,反而更貼近現場感受。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
This sound is the Yuan He Miao Yin that Master Hong Sheng took advantage of during Master Hong Sheng's overseas trip to the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China from 2016 to 2018, and was recorded immediately by accompanying personnel. There is an endless stream of visitors to ancient temples and scenic spots. Although the sound is slightly disturbing, it does not hinder listening, but makes it closer to the actual experience. 此音聲是 弘聖靈覺2016年至2018年於四大菩薩道場海外行腳旅程中,應機弘化之元和妙音,並由隨行人員即時收錄。古剎名勝遊客絡繹不絕,雖聲音稍有干擾仍不妨礙聆聽,反而更貼近現場感受。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
This sound is the Yuan He Miao Yin that Master Hong Sheng took advantage of during Master Hong Sheng's overseas trip to the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China from 2016 to 2018, and was recorded immediately by accompanying personnel. There is an endless stream of visitors to ancient temples and scenic spots. Although the sound is slightly disturbing, it does not hinder listening, but makes it closer to the actual experience. 此音聲是 弘聖靈覺2016年至2018年於四大菩薩道場海外行腳旅程中,應機弘化之元和妙音,並由隨行人員即時收錄。古剎名勝遊客絡繹不絕,雖聲音稍有干擾仍不妨礙聆聽,反而更貼近現場感受。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
This sound is the Yuan He Miao Yin that Master Hong Sheng took advantage of during Master Hong Sheng's overseas trip to the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China from 2016 to 2018, and was recorded immediately by accompanying personnel. There is an endless stream of visitors to ancient temples and scenic spots. Although the sound is slightly disturbing, it does not hinder listening, but makes it closer to the actual experience. 此音聲是 弘聖靈覺2016年至2018年於四大菩薩道場海外行腳旅程中,應機弘化之元和妙音,並由隨行人員即時收錄。古剎名勝遊客絡繹不絕,雖聲音稍有干擾仍不妨礙聆聽,反而更貼近現場感受。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
This sound is the Yuan He Miao Yin that Master Hong Sheng took advantage of during Master Hong Sheng's overseas trip to the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China from 2016 to 2018, and was recorded immediately by accompanying personnel. There is an endless stream of visitors to ancient temples and scenic spots. Although the sound is slightly disturbing, it does not hinder listening, but makes it closer to the actual experience. 此音聲是 弘聖靈覺2016年至2018年於四大菩薩道場海外行腳旅程中,應機弘化之元和妙音,並由隨行人員即時收錄。古剎名勝遊客絡繹不絕,雖聲音稍有干擾仍不妨礙聆聽,反而更貼近現場感受。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
This sound is the Yuan He Miao Yin that Master Hong Sheng took advantage of during Master Hong Sheng's overseas trip to the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China from 2016 to 2018, and was recorded immediately by accompanying personnel. There is an endless stream of visitors to ancient temples and scenic spots. Although the sound is slightly disturbing, it does not hinder listening, but makes it closer to the actual experience. 此音聲是 弘聖靈覺2016年至2018年於四大菩薩道場海外行腳旅程中,應機弘化之元和妙音,並由隨行人員即時收錄。古剎名勝遊客絡繹不絕,雖聲音稍有干擾仍不妨礙聆聽,反而更貼近現場感受。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
This sound is the Yuan He Miao Yin that Master Hong Sheng took advantage of during Master Hong Sheng's overseas trip to the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China from 2016 to 2018, and was recorded immediately by accompanying personnel. There is an endless stream of visitors to ancient temples and scenic spots. Although the sound is slightly disturbing, it does not hinder listening, but makes it closer to the actual experience. 此音聲是 弘聖靈覺2016年至2018年於四大菩薩道場海外行腳旅程中,應機弘化之元和妙音,並由隨行人員即時收錄。古剎名勝遊客絡繹不絕,雖聲音稍有干擾仍不妨礙聆聽,反而更貼近現場感受。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
This sound is the Yuan He Miao Yin that Master Hong Sheng took advantage of during Master Hong Sheng's overseas trip to the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China from 2016 to 2018, and was recorded immediately by accompanying personnel. There is an endless stream of visitors to ancient temples and scenic spots. Although the sound is slightly disturbing, it does not hinder listening, but makes it closer to the actual experience. 此音聲是 弘聖靈覺2016年至2018年於四大菩薩道場海外行腳旅程中,應機弘化之元和妙音,並由隨行人員即時收錄。古剎名勝遊客絡繹不絕,雖聲音稍有干擾仍不妨礙聆聽,反而更貼近現場感受。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
This sound is the Yuan He Miao Yin that Master Hong Sheng took advantage of during Master Hong Sheng's overseas trip to the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China from 2016 to 2018, and was recorded immediately by accompanying personnel. There is an endless stream of visitors to ancient temples and scenic spots. Although the sound is slightly disturbing, it does not hinder listening, but makes it closer to the actual experience. 此音聲是 弘聖靈覺2016年至2018年於四大菩薩道場海外行腳旅程中,應機弘化之元和妙音,並由隨行人員即時收錄。古剎名勝遊客絡繹不絕,雖聲音稍有干擾仍不妨礙聆聽,反而更貼近現場感受。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
This sound is the Yuan He Miao Yin that Master Hong Sheng took advantage of during Master Hong Sheng's overseas trip to the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China from 2016 to 2018, and was recorded immediately by accompanying personnel. There is an endless stream of visitors to ancient temples and scenic spots. Although the sound is slightly disturbing, it does not hinder listening, but makes it closer to the actual experience. 此音聲是 弘聖靈覺2016年至2018年於四大菩薩道場海外行腳旅程中,應機弘化之元和妙音,並由隨行人員即時收錄。古剎名勝遊客絡繹不絕,雖聲音稍有干擾仍不妨礙聆聽,反而更貼近現場感受。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
This sound is the Yuan He Miao Yin that Master Hong Sheng took advantage of during Master Hong Sheng's overseas trip to the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China from 2016 to 2018, and was recorded immediately by accompanying personnel. There is an endless stream of visitors to ancient temples and scenic spots. Although the sound is slightly disturbing, it does not hinder listening, but makes it closer to the actual experience. 此音聲是 弘聖靈覺2016年至2018年於四大菩薩道場海外行腳旅程中,應機弘化之元和妙音,並由隨行人員即時收錄。古剎名勝遊客絡繹不絕,雖聲音稍有干擾仍不妨礙聆聽,反而更貼近現場感受。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
This sound is the Yuan He Miao Yin that Master Hong Sheng took advantage of during Master Hong Sheng's overseas trip to the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China from 2016 to 2018, and was recorded immediately by accompanying personnel. There is an endless stream of visitors to ancient temples and scenic spots. Although the sound is slightly disturbing, it does not hinder listening, but makes it closer to the actual experience. 此音聲是 弘聖靈覺2016年至2018年於四大菩薩道場海外行腳旅程中,應機弘化之元和妙音,並由隨行人員即時收錄。古剎名勝遊客絡繹不絕,雖聲音稍有干擾仍不妨礙聆聽,反而更貼近現場感受。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn