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Yahweh's Restoration Ministry

Author: Yahweh's Restoration Ministry

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Yahweh's Restoration Ministry, in seeking to adhere to all the Word as found in the holy Scriptures, is dedicated to being faithfully diligent in presenting this knowledge to all those who earnestly search for the truth of the Bible. “And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in” (Isa. 58:12).
374 Episodes
Biblical Archetypes

Biblical Archetypes


Biblical archetypes echo through history, shaping our perspectives today. The symbols and patterns established in ancient Israel have reappeared throughout time. By exploring these archetypes, we can gain a deeper understanding of Yahweh's plan and potentially a better understanding of future events.
Discover the Jewish Messiah

Discover the Jewish Messiah


Exploration of the Messiah's true identity and heritage reveals a critical need to align our beliefs with scriptural truth rather than tradition. Understanding Yahshua as a Jewish Messiah challenges misconceptions and encourages us to embrace our shared roots with Judaism. 
Yahweh is My Shepherd

Yahweh is My Shepherd


Psalm 23 beautifully portrays Yahweh as a shepherd, reflecting His constant support and provision as affirmed throughout scripture.
Need for Self-Control

Need for Self-Control


Explore the importance of mastering our emotions and behaviors. Self-awareness and discipline lead to tangible benefits, from achieving long-term goals to fostering resilience, all while reflecting the virtues of our faith.
Despite their flaws, Peter and Paul stand as pillars of faith, reminding us of the power of trust and obedience in Yahweh's plan. Join us on this journey as we navigate the twists and turns of their stories, discovering profound insights that resonate even today.
The Feast of First Fruits (Pentecost) highlights the special role of Yahweh's chosen people, their journey from justification to sanctification, and the essential gift of the Holy Spirit. As we celebrate this feast, let us remember our calling, strive for holiness, and live in obedience, reflecting the wonderful works of Elohim.
Delve into the lives of some of the most extraordinary women in the Bible, highlighting their unwavering faith, dedication, and influence. In addition to Ruth's steadfast loyalty to her mother-in-law Naomi and Esther's courageous acts that rescued the Jewish people, we'll explore the impactful stories of other women. These narratives not only reveal their significant roles in biblical history but also offer timeless lessons in faith, bravery, and commitment.
Have you ever considered the cyclical nature of creation and how it relates to the theme of rebellion? By reviewing biblical accounts of rebellion, we can learn ways to overcome the ongoing spiritual battles we face today.
Why did Yahshua speak in parables? He used stories not just to grab attention but also to fulfill prophecy and reveal truth to those open to it, while veiling it from those who are spiritually blind or rebellious. Obedience to Yahweh's commandments is vital for understanding!
Forbidden Foods

Forbidden Foods


Discover the wisdom behind "clean" and "unclean" foods as outlined in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14, and explore the science behind the requirements for clean animals, like "chewing the cud".  
A Lesson in Friendship

A Lesson in Friendship


In the context of faith, friendship is paramount, and its role in fostering spiritual growth is often underestimated. Friendships can surpass familial ties, offering essential companionship amidst life's trials. Honesty, humility, and mutual accountability are vital to building friendships that not only uplift but also challenge one another to deepen their faith.
Forgiveness should be a bedrock of our faith. It is not a sign of weakness, but of strength. Are we willing to let go of past grievances and embrace Yahweh's mercy and love for others?
Taking On Too Much

Taking On Too Much


Ever felt overwhelmed by life's demands? This sermon explores the nuanced indicators of excess, drawing from biblical wisdom and practical insights to help you discern when you've taken on too much. Join us as we navigate through various dimensions of existence, questioning what truly brings rest and balance amidst the hustle and bustle of modern living.
Reflect on the profound symbolism within the Feast of Unleavened Bread, serving as a poignant reminder of Yahshua's sacrifice and resurrection -- the singular means by which we find redemption and access to resurrection.
How might your approach to participating in the Passover memorial transform if you fully understood the significance of revering the example set by Yahshua and his disciples, recognizing their profound importance? In this discussion, we explore three key attributes to help us prepare for the Passover, ensuring our participation is worthy and reverent. Originally recorded 2022.
Passover Self-Exam

Passover Self-Exam


Discover the profound spiritual depth behind Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, highlighting the vital role of introspection and readiness. Are these observances mere relics of the past, or do they hold meaningful relevance for our lives today, beckoning us to deeper understanding and engagement?
Biblical Leavening

Biblical Leavening


Explore a reevaluation of the traditional understanding of leavening within ancient Hebrew contexts. This study delves into the complexity of the term "leavening," challenging previous assumptions by analyzing Hebrew scriptures and the nuances of fermentation processes. How does redefining leavening impact interpretations of ancient practices and modern beliefs?
Be Not Afraid

Be Not Afraid


Do you understand the difference between a fear of Yahweh and phobias that cause us anxiety? Isaiah 41:10, and other passages, should bring reassurance and comfort to us because they speak of the support we receive from Yahweh to overcome our fears.
Why do our natural impulses often fight against the steps needed to make peace and restore harmony in our relationships? Originally Recorded at FOT 2022.
Every day you assess personal risks as you make decisions, but do you consider the risks of not letting the Holy Spirit guide your life, and how that affects your relationships with others or your ability to deal with stress?