Another monthly 5 coming atcha! Co-hosts - Erica and Chris Music - Brian Producer - Bishop
We talk about Joy and giving others the power to affect you. Throw in a look at "James the Just" and you have a winning episode in the making!Co-hosts - Erica and ChrisProducer - BishopMusic - Brian
Our new book of the Bible is James! Come take a listen and get ready for more Greek than you can handle! Okay, not really, but you get the idea.Co-hosts: Erica and ChrisMusic: BrianProducer: Bishop (James left us for the summer)
Coming at ya, again! Take a listen and reach out if you need anything!Co-hosts - Erica and ChrisProducer - JamesEditor - BishopMusic - Brian
Our 100th episode!!!Check out this recap of Hosea! If you have questions or requests, @theyamcast or - Erica and ChrisProducer - JamesMusic - Brian
Come hang out with us! We want to know what you are reading/watching/learning/listening to/experiencing on your heart. Feel free to let us know!Co-hosts - Erica and ChrisProducer - JamesMusic - Brian
We conclude Hosea and cover chapter 14. Enjoy the talk and let us know how you felt about Hosea! @theyamcast or and Culture episodeCo-hosts - Erica and ChrisProducer - JamesMusic - Brian
Another Monthly 5 for you! If interested, the Alpinist is on Netflix and Free Solo is on Disney+ or Discovery+ if you have those.Co-hosts - Erica and ChrisProducer - JamesMusic - Brian
Journey with us on the poetic beauty of Hosea 13! God's final word of judgment in Hosea still is full of words of grace and mercy, if you know where to look. We also talk about the tougher verses in this chapter.Co-hosts - Erica and ChrisProducer - JamesMusic - Brian
We continue in the judgments and indictments against Israel and Ephraim in this episode. Come along for the ride!Co-hosts - Erica and ChrisProducer - JamesMusic - Brian
Co-hosts - Erica and ChrisProducer - JamesMusic - Brian
We talk about the parent/child relationship between God and Israel and make some fun comparisons to our personal lives. Enjoy this episode and know that Hosea is coming to an end.Co-hosts - Erica and ChrisProducer - JamesMusic - Brian
We have a little fun in this episode with the year that is now upon us. Are you a goal setter? Are you a resolutions person? This episode may help... or not... but you should listen anyways.Co-hosts - Erica and ChrisProducer - JamesMusic - Brian
We talk over all kinds of fun stuff - "Don't Look Up!" Carl Sagan, etc. Enjoy!Co-hosts - Erica and ChrisProducer - JamesMusic - Brian
We break down Hosea 10 and consider what placing God in the correct places in our hearts and lives means.Co-hosts - Erica and ChrisProducer - JamesMusic - Brian
Join us in celebrating? 2021!Co-hosts - Erica and ChrisProduction Executive Vice President - JamesMusic - Brian
We have a special guest and 5 important questions to ask!Co-hosts - Erica and ChrisProducer - JamesMusic - Brian
We continue in our series (who knows how long it will go?!?). We take a look at 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 but only begin the scriptural examination we intend to do. Enjoy and come along with us as we journey into Paul's words that have created a ton of confusion.Co-hosts - Erica and ChrisProducer - JamesMusic - Brian
Erica and Chris begin to bring a conversation forward that they've had over the past few years. There are many very public conversations about this topic and options are usually quite spicy. We attempt to start the conversation by reframing it and preparing for a many part series on this very important issue.Co-hosts - Erica and ChrisProducer - JamesMusic - Brian
We're back at it! Come check out the monthly five and feel free to consume some of these wonderful things with us! Congratulations to Erica and Aaron on the birth of their son - and get ready to hear from our hearts about wonderful things like this!Co-hosts - Erica and ChrisProducer - JamesMusic - Brian