Yoga Inspiration

Join Kino MacGregor, one of the world’s master yoga teachers, as she shares her yoga life hacks to translate the wisdom of yoga into a happier, more peaceful, more loving life. Listen to authentic, raw conversations and talks from Kino on her own and with real students about what yoga is really all about. Ignite or rekindle your inner spark to get on your mat and keep practicing.

#177: Through the Looking Glass: Using Meditation for Transformation

​​Meditation holds the promise of transformation, but its path is not always straightforward. For some, it is a retreat from the chaos of daily life–a space to recharge. For others, it is a crucible, challenging the mind and revealing its deepest patterns.  No matter what experience we affix onto the practice, meditation invites us to sit with ourselves, observe the mind's incessant chatter, and confront the impermanence of our thoughts and emotions. This practice is not about escaping discomfort but embracing it, learning to detach from fleeting emotions and reducing our suffering.  And what if with careful guidance, we could all find a sanctuary within ourselves amidst the chaos of life? The dualistic nature of meditation could be the answer we seek, so, let’s take a closer look.   Start the journey now with your free 30-day membership on Use code: PODCAST. Keep up with us online @omstarsofficial or follow me on Instagram @kinoyoga. Visit my blog at to learn more.   Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at If you want to share what you’ve learned on your yoga journey, you could be invited to guest spot on The Yoga Inspiration Podcast.


#176: Letting Go of False Promises And Embracing Impermanence

Many come to the mat believing yoga will erase all suffering, bringing perpetual bliss and prosperity. Yet, the true essence of yoga offers something more profound and enduring. It's time to explore the ancient wisdom that yoga imparts, teaching us to embrace the inevitable changes and hardships with grace, wisdom, and compassion. Because it's not about achieving a flawless practice or a pain-free life but about cultivating an inner state of peace and acceptance. As we navigate the misconception that yoga will solve all our problems, we reflect on the real purpose of our practice. How do we remain content in the face of adversity? How do we let go of the ego-driven chase for external validation? Through the lens of spiritual abundance, we learn to find joy and contentment in the present moment, recognizing that true fulfilment comes from within. Join us as we unpack these teachings and discover how to apply them both on and off the mat, fostering resilience and a deeper understanding of our true selves. Whether you've been practising for a decade or just a day, this episode invites you to renew your contract with yoga, embracing its transformative power with humility and devotion.   Start the journey now with your free 30-day membership on Use code: PODCAST. Keep up with us online @omstarsofficial or follow me on Instagram @kinoyoga. Visit my blog at to learn more. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at If you want to share what you’ve learned on your yoga journey, you could be invited to guest spot on The Yoga Inspiration Podcast.  


#175: Revealing Our Highest Truth with Sadhana

Sadhana allows the waters of spiritual practice to simmer within us, gradually revealing the light within. It teaches us the value of patience and perseverance, emphasizing that the journey of yoga is a lifelong pursuit.  Because truly, yoga is not something that can be mastered in a weekend, a month, or even a year. While a year of practice can establish a solid foundation, true understanding and transformation require a lifetime of dedication. Sadhana nurtures our physical, spiritual, psychological, and emotional well-being enough to unveil deeper layers of the self–ones that kindle growth and wisdom from our truth. And in daily life, through skilful, mindful action we learn to engage in tasks that free us from illusion and suffering. Because that might just be the hardest part. To step off the mat and encounter irritations and heartbreak? It is in these moments that our true work begins—translating the insights of sadhana into our everyday experiences, fostering resilience and a deeper understanding of this precious life.   Start the journey now with your free 30-day membership on Use code: PODCAST. Keep up with us online @omstarsofficial or follow me on Instagram @kinoyoga. Visit my blog at to learn more. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at If you want to share what you’ve learned on your yoga journey, you could be invited to guest spot on The Yoga Inspiration Podcast.


#174: Transcending Discomfort of the Mind, Body and Senses with Tim Feldmann

As we delve deeper into this yogic path, we appreciate the practice not just for physical prowess, but for emotional and spiritual resilience too. Whether we're striving to show up daily despite life's demands or digging deep to overcome generational trauma, commitment is key to our growth. But what about once we’re on the mat? How easily do our thoughts wander with our curious senses? By exploring the foundational principles of Ashtanga yoga, such as Tristana—the integration of breath, movement, and focus—we learn to navigate our practice with greater awareness and intention, no matter how painful it is to resist temptations. Soon enough, our awareness blooms and yoga begins to encourage our truth to unfurl. By understanding these deeper layers, we transform past discomforts into present strengths. Discipline is no longer just about the practice; it becomes a dedication to ascend in all areas of our lives. Let’s explore how to move beyond the discomfort of the mind, body, and senses, together.   Start the journey now with your free 30-day membership on Use code: PODCAST. Keep up with us online @omstarsofficial or follow me on Instagram @kinoyoga. Visit my blog at to learn more. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at If you want to share what you’ve learned on your yoga journey, you could be invited to guest spot on The Yoga Inspiration Podcast.


#173: The Sacred Now and the Transformative Power of Mudita

As life progresses—with its inevitable busyness, ageing, or delving into the role of teacher—finding time for personal practice becomes even more crucial. We must continually adapt, acknowledging that our physical abilities might change and accepting these shifts not as setbacks but as opportunities to deepen our understanding of yoga’s true essence. It's about evolving our practice to fit our changing lives, ensuring that it remains a steadfast source of support and reflection. This episode invites us to reflect on the constancy of change and the persistence required to sustain a yoga practice. We explore how to hold space for our personal growth on the mat, recognizing that the practice of yoga is less about achieving perfection and more about embracing life's journey with grace and resilience. We also explore the delicate dynamics within the yoga community, where competition and jealousy can sometimes overshadow mutual success. It's crucial to cultivate 'mudita' or sympathetic joy, celebrating the achievements of others as affirmations of possibility, rather than a path toward division. Join us as we discuss how the discipline of yoga can be a profound tool for life transformation, guiding us through personal introspection and community interactions with compassion and humility.  Start the journey now with your free 30-day membership on Use code: PODCAST. Keep up with us online @omstarsofficial or follow me on Instagram @kinoyoga. Visit my blog at to learn more. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at If you want to share what you’ve learned on your yoga journey, you could be invited to guest spot on The Yoga Inspiration Podcast.  


#172: Doubt, Shame and Blame: How Your Shadows Can Deepen Your Practice

The first time we step onto a yoga mat is the first step on an unexpected journey towards transformation. As we immerse ourselves deeper, repeating movements and dedicating our energy, we witness a shift in our lives but more notably, we encounter the humanness of frustration, shame and blame. Yet, it is in these moments where yoga reveals its subtler spiritual layers offering us tools not just to perform but to persevere and transform. These reflections, often sparked by realizing our teachers' humanity or our own limitations, might tempt us to stray from the path. Doubts can arise, shadows can appear more comforting, and the myth of perfection might seem like a shattered promise. However, embracing these human elements is not an admission of defeat but a deeper initiation into yoga's true purpose. We must remember that advancing through series or mastering more complex poses doesn’t necessarily equate to spiritual progress. True advancement comes from recognizing that perfection is not the goal of yoga—embracing our humanity is.    Start the journey now with your free 30-day membership on Use code: PODCAST. Keep up with us online @omstarsofficial or follow me on Instagram @kinoyoga. Visit my blog at to learn more. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at If you want to share what you’ve learned on your yoga journey, you could be invited to guest spot on The Yoga Inspiration Podcast.  


#171: Encouraging Sangha: The Importance Of Community in Yoga

Without a doubt, yoga is an invitation for introspection and growth. It holds a mirror to who we truly are and generously serves as our unwavering support throughout the trials of life. But as we move through this journey, how often do we consider our contribution to the yoga community? Much like the unwavering support of our own practices guiding us through arduous human experiences, community parallels as the backbone of yoga’s presence in society. It’s truly in the embrace of a supportive community that the true essence of yoga blossoms.  And in this moment, who do we consider responsible for togetherness in yoga? It's not solely the teacher's guidance or the student's perseverance that fosters connection, but the intersection of both that forms a sense of belonging, a sense of sangha.  So next time we dive into our asanas with devotion, let’s extend that outwards to the yogi on the mat next door, open up the space for deeper connection - for more togetherness - and consider community a loving duty for us all.   Start the journey now with your free 30-day membership on Use code: PODCAST. Keep up with us online @omstarsofficial or follow me on Instagram @kinoyoga. Visit my blog at to learn more. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at If you want to share what you’ve learned on your yoga journey, you could be invited to guest spot on The Yoga Inspiration Podcast.


#170: Does Mastering More Asanas Make a Better Yogi? The Confronting Lessons of Ashtanga

Yoga does change your life if you tend to the practice every day. But is it compassionate enough to show up on the mat when your body is begging you for a break?  You get to choose: you could show up to your Ashtanga practice once a week giving your everything or you could show up every day with just 50% - even 10% - of what you’ve got. With this decision, you get the invitation to reflect upon what brought you to Ashtanga in the first place. Because if spiritual transformation is what you seek, you must release the shackles of perfectionism and validation. So let’s talk about this road to consistency and explore how samadhi greets you when you return every day with humility. After all, when we live in a world that’s conditioned us to want more, why not release the chase for applause for our impressive string of asanas? Why not allow Ashtanga to bring us back down to earth - not just from the busyness of modern life, but to settle the ego?   Start the journey now with your free 30-day membership on Use code: PODCAST. Keep up with us online @omstarsofficial or follow me on Instagram @kinoyoga. Visit my blog at to learn more. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at If you want to share what you’ve learned on your yoga journey, you could be invited to guest spot on The Yoga Inspiration Podcast.  


#169: From Pregnancy to Pranayama with Katy Scherer

The belief that one metaphorical door closing is the chance for another one to open couldn’t speak to Katy Scherer’s story more. When pregnancy placed a sudden limitation on her running career, a redirection emerged that she never expected; she traded laces for bare feet and the gravel beneath them for a yoga mat. But this isn’t a conversation about life’s surprises, this is in fact an exploration of Katy’s wisdom of the breath.  Her initiation into yoga offered incredible gifts of community and well-being, but it profoundly guided Katy towards a deeper connection to oneness and, ultimately, her journey of guiding others along the path of pranayama. Through candid discussions on body awareness and the recognition of bodily limitations, this conversation explores the profound potential for self-discovery that lies within the practice of pranayama and breathwork. So join us - but not before taking a nourishingly deep inhale-exhale.   Start the journey now with your free 30-day membership on Use code: PODCAST. Keep up with us online @omstarsofficial or follow me on Instagram @kinoyoga. Visit my blog at to learn more. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at If you want to share what you’ve learned on your yoga journey, you could be invited to guest spot on The Yoga Inspiration Podcast.


#168: Healing Roots: From Quick Fixes to The Intricacies of Lineage and Diversity

From summer camp serendipity to university days solace, yoga can meet us in the most unsuspecting times. It plants tiny seeds of inspiration into our awareness so that our yogic journeys can fully bloom when the time is right. And it’s in these moments - where many of us find yoga’s healing qualities as a soothing balm to insomnia or back pain - that we meet the real essence of yoga. The deeper dimensions offer opportunities for self-compassion, introspection, and connection with the breath, with oneness. It’s the devotion to this essence of yoga that nurtures teachers with not just the connection to oneness but the vision of that nature too. Isn’t yoga for everyone? And do we really need to categorize our practices to achieve that? Tune in to this episode and immerse yourself in thoughts of diversity, ashtanga versus vinyasa and audience Q&A.   Start the journey now with your free 30-day membership on Use code: PODCAST. Keep up with us online @omstarsofficial or follow me on Instagram @kinoyoga. Visit my blog at to learn more. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at If you want to share what you’ve learned on your yoga journey, you could be invited to guest spot on The Yoga Inspiration Podcast.  


#167: Slowness, Discernment and Gurus: A Dharma Talk From Mysore

Limitlessness and opportunity – the inertia of pacy modern life can serve as fuel for realising our purpose in this lifetime. But much like this two-month immersion in Mysore that serves as a grounding balance to our proactive compulsions, finding the right teacher will surely keep us all on the right track. At the very least, it will help us avoid complete burnout. Yet while living in a world of endless possibilities, this can also be a tricky endeavour in itself. When there are many gurus in arms reach - whether digitally or a plane ride away - it inevitably raises the questions: How do you find your teacher? How do you know they’re right for you? Everyone has teachers along their path, but not all of us are willing to acknowledge them. Whether that’s perfectionism rearing its head or a case of warped expectations, the only thing that matters is ensuring they meet our needs, our values.  So teachers and life-long students, settle into this dharma talk that arose after two months in Mysore - the truth that arose when the desire for action was extinguished. Start the journey now with your free 30-day membership on Use code: PODCAST. Keep up with us online @omstarsofficial or follow me on Instagram @kinoyoga. Visit my blog at to learn more. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at If you want to share what you’ve learned on your yoga journey, you could be invited to guest spot on The Yoga Inspiration Podcast.  


#166: When Life Gets Hard: Finding Guidance in Spiritual Endurance

If we expect somehow to only show up for our practice when things are feeling good and do a good job from the external standards, then we'll lack the kind of spiritual fortitude that’s really required. And, in this modern age, it’s all too easy to lose our grip of patience when immediacy permiates our every chance to make a decision. We may be fortunate to live in a world of advancements that better our lives but, if our desire for convenience takes precedence, we risk weakening our spiritual edurance. We risk hardening our hearts when faced with difficulty. We must also ask: if our default understanding of endurance is to bring presence and perspective to adversity, where does that leave us when things are going well?  Spiritual endurance goes beyond ‘pushing through’ and instead offers a chance to deepen our yoga journey, to enrich our lives way beyond the mat.   Start the journey now with your free 30-day membership on Use code: PODCAST. Keep up with us online @omstarsofficial or follow me on Instagram @kinoyoga. Visit my blog at to learn more. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at If you want to share what you’ve learned on your yoga journey, you could be invited to guest spot on The Yoga Inspiration Podcast.  


#165: Overcoming Challenges by Remembering the Gifts of Yoga

As we journey on the spiritual path, we seek answers for our ever questioning minds. What is the meaning of life? What is my purpose? Can I really be bothered to do primary series today? Healthy questioning offers us meaningful personal growth but it is indeed part of the practice to remain the observer of thoughts. Once we step into the rabbit hole questioning ourselves, our yogi paths, and even our teachers, it is during those moments we must decide whether we are truly cultivating fertile ground for faith. From dropping the notion of romanticism to the benefits of a dynamic practice - let’s dive in and explore the gifts available to us during challenging times. Start the journey now with your free 30-day membership on Use code: PODCAST. Keep up with us online @omstarsofficial or follow me on Instagram @kinoyoga. Visit my blog at to learn more. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at If you want to share what you’ve learned on your yoga journey, you could be invited to guest spot on The Yoga Inspiration Podcast.


#164: Navigating Humanness and Perfection Through Yoga

What brought you to yoga? For many, the instant access to other people’s lives online fuels them to chase aspirational goals. But where does a path lit up by comparison lead? For instance, to be excitedly motivated by the idea of mastering a headstand or flexibility draws in so many people to yoga - this would be fine if our self-perception didn’t become so easily warped in the pursuit of perfection. The truth is, the perfect practice is the one where you show up. And the perfect body is the one you already have. So to remain in touch with the true essence of yoga, arrive with compassion for yourself and your students and be prepared to ask yourself: Why am I really on the mat today?   Start the journey now with your free 30-day membership on Use code: PODCAST. Keep up with us online @omstarsofficial or follow me on Instagram @kinoyoga. Visit my blog at to learn more. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at If you want to share what you’ve learned on your yoga journey, you could be invited to guest spot on The Yoga Inspiration Podcast.  


#162: Beyond Asanas: Compassion and Global Healing with Maya Gross

This conversation with Maya Gross will leave us not surprised at how transformative Ashtanga yoga has been in her life’s journey but enamoured with how she transmutes her own learnings into soothing offerings for the world.  When discussing the current turmoil in the Middle East, her compassionate outlook and advice are met with global support. And then there’s all of this compressed for social media - a space that requires careful considerations at this time, or any time for that matter. Lean into Maya’s spiritual tools for peace promotion and tap into the knowing that a plea for world peace is one for inner peace too. In fact, that’s where it begins.   Start the journey now with your free 30-day membership on Use code: PODCAST. Keep up with us online @omstarsofficial or follow me on Instagram @kinoyoga. Visit my blog at to learn more. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at If you want to share what you’ve learned on your yoga journey, you could be invited to guest spot on The Yoga Inspiration Podcast.  


#163: From Women’s Empowerment to Global Healing: Dina Ghandour's Story as a Palestinian Yogi

Openly, vulnerably and courageously, Dina Ghandour shares her experience as a Palestinian Yogi throughout this conversation. Her journey began with practising asanas with a VHS tape in her bedroom at 15 to now, a Jivamukti Yoga certified yoga teacher and bodyworker based in Duba leading community classes and worldwide retreats. Tapping into her belief that yoga is a practice of liberation and that liberation is about the elevation and healing of all beings, Dina’s mission for women’s remembrance of their strength is needed now more than ever. To let in the very real, authentic details of her personal story and to inspire you to continue the work of yoga, enter this interview with an open heart and a curious mind. For further information and resources on the topics mentioned in the episode, please access them below.   Resources (books written by both Palestinian and Israeli acclaimed historians): The 100 Years' War on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine + The Biggest Prison on Earth by Ilan Pappe Gaza in Crisis by Naom Chomsky and Ilan Pappe Palestine Academy's Palestine 101 online course All Out for Palestine Digital Action Toolkit by the Palestine Feminist Collective Death toll raised to 21,000 Website for the SIM cards   Terms According to the UN Genocide Convention:  The current definition of Genocide is set out in Article II of the Genocide Convention: Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:  (a) Killing members of the group; already 15,200 have been killed in Gaza alone, 6,600 of which are children -- and violence and killing also happening also in the occupied West Bank, which is not ruled by Hamas (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; consistent images and videos coming out of Gaza prove this is true  (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; the blockade on Gaza and the control of its food, fuel, electricity, medication etc pertains to this clause accurately  (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;  (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group Reference (   Occupation: In international humanitarian law, a territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the adverse foreign armed forces. The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised. (From the International Red Cross)    For background:  Military Presence and Control: Israel maintains a significant military presence in the Palestinian territories, particularly in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) control checkpoints, strategic locations, and border crossings, restricting the movement of Palestinians and exerting authority over key areas. Settlement Construction: Israel has been involved in the construction and expansion of Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, which are considered illegal under international law. These settlements often result in the displacement of Palestinian communities, changing the demographic and geographic realities on the ground. Separation Wall: The construction of the Israeli West Bank barrier, also known as the separation barrier or the wall, has further separated Palestinian communities and hindered their access to agricultural land, education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. While Israel argues that it is a security measure, critics argue that it serves as a de facto border, annexing Palestinian territory. Restrictions on Movement: Palestinians face various restrictions on their movement, both within the territories and internationally. Checkpoints, roadblocks, and barriers limit the ability of Palestinians to travel freely, affecting daily life, economic activities, and access to essential services. East Jerusalem Annexation: Israel's control and annexation of East Jerusalem have been a contentious issue. The international community does not recognize Israel's sovereignty over East Jerusalem, which Palestinians consider the capital of their state. However, Israel has continued to expand its presence in East Jerusalem through settlement construction and policies that alter the demographic composition of the city.  


#161: The Yogi’s Journey to Devotion and Discipline with Tim Feldmann

No matter how much passion we have for our yoga practice, it’s our relationship to discipline that profoundly shapes our experience. And, even if two people had the same passion for yoga yet one was regimented and the other was averse to consistency, neither one of them will have a perfectly smooth journey. But isn’t finding balance the point? Isn’t an opportunity to dive deeper into our being the essence of the practice itself?  Along with Tim, in this episode we explore powerful tools that support our personal approach to devotion. From community to obsession, let’s uncover the challenges and solutions to showing up on our mats consistently.  After all, why wouldn’t we want to cultivate the opportunity to meet our truest selves?   Start the journey now with your free 30-day membership on Use code: PODCAST. Keep up with us online @omstarsofficial or follow me on Instagram @kinoyoga. Visit my blog at to learn more.   Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at If you want to share what you’ve learned on your yoga journey, you could be invited to guest spot on The Yoga Inspiration Podcast.  


#160: Can a Yogi be Wealthy? Spiritual Entrepreneurship with Beatriz Yepes

Whether it is morally correct to pursue wealth, business, or even simply charging for services has perhaps been a question on many wellness practitioners mind. It's this question weaves its way throughout this episode as we explore both the philosophical and the practical side to running a spiritual business. It’s improtant to acknowledge that this inner conflict is deeply rooted yet we must remember that there are two types of yogis - the one that takes monastic vows and the one who follows the householder path. The latter liberates us from the conflict and shows us that we can live life however we want - even seeking prosperity - so long as we remember our yogic principles. That doesn’t mean it will be easy, though. Let’s dive into honest conversations about trial and error, building yourself a strong network, and shifting your focus away from ego with fellow yogi, Beatriz Yepes.    Start the journey now with your free 30-day membership on Use code: PODCAST. Keep up with us online @omstarsofficial or follow me on Instagram @kinoyoga. Visit my blog at to learn more. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at If you want to share what you’ve learned on your yoga journey, you could be invited to guest spot on The Yoga Inspiration Podcast.  


#159: Yoga’s Foundational Trilogy: Exploring Tristana with Tim Feldmann

At the heart of our yoga practice, we engage mindfully with asanas to awaken the whispers of our subconscious and dive into layers unseen. Yet what is central to the symphony of ashtanga is the tristana method – a trilogy of asana, breath, and gaze. While it may be a simple structure for the mind to understand, truly how many years does mastery take? Along with Tim, in this episode we explore how the interplay between conscious and subconscious worlds through tristana isn't a mere detail; it's the essence that anchors us in the rich traditions of yoga. We also meditate on the truth that with enough daily dedication, we can cultivate an inner sanctuary to welcome the merging of these worlds. To feel real peace. To bring ourselves home. How is your journey of anchoring in tristana going? Let’s delve into the weaving together of the body, breath, and consciousness.   Start the journey now with your free 30-day membership on Use code: PODCAST. Keep up with us online @omstarsofficial or follow me on Instagram @kinoyoga. Visit my blog at to learn more. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at If you want to share what you’ve learned on your yoga journey, you could be invited to guest spot on The Yoga Inspiration Podcast.  


#158: The Power of Yin Yoga and Finding Balance with Jo Phee

In this conversation, we explore the type of yoga that almost all of us have thought “it looks so easy” but turns out to be one of the most challenging styles. World-renowned yoga trainer, Jo Phee, walks us through the world of yin yoga and how she went from corporate life to teaching this quietly powerful style. Yin yoga is stillness, reflective, and meditative. And if we’re all seeking more of that in our lives then doesn’t that mean yin is better than any other form of yoga? Jo illuminates the principles of Taoist philosophy reminding us that yin and yang cannot and they should not exist in isolation. Even the Taoist symbol isn’t a perfectly straight line. They're always having a dance. So what do you need more of in your life? Perhaps you can allow the answer to unfurl within this conversation; whether yin yoga brings you stability, healing or balance, it’s time to find out how it could enrich your life.   Start the journey now with your free 30-day membership on Use code: PODCAST. Keep up with us online @omstarsofficial or follow me on Instagram @kinoyoga. Visit my blog at to learn more. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at If you want to share what you’ve learned on your yoga journey, you could be invited to guest spot on The Yoga Inspiration Podcast.


the leafybean

Hello Kino! I truly appreciate this conversation and the realness you bring to what it means to teach yoga, but also to be a practitioner. Be well <3

05-12 Reply

Barbara Bajda

Not sure if the mentioned numbers really put covid-19 in perspective. Comparing number of deaths worldwide due to COVID-19 and number of deaths of US troops in Afganistan and Iraq seems like abuse of statistics. What about number of deaths in those countries caused by the troops?

04-28 Reply

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