DiscoverYou Should Write A Book About That™
You Should Write A Book About That™

You Should Write A Book About That™

Author: Kim O'Hara

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Bridging the gap for women between happiness and wealth through the process of permission.
89 Episodes
What would you think if I told you EROTICISM is the SECRET sauce to wellness? Would you buy a book written on that topic? I know I would, and while she hasn’t written the book yet, that is the position of Tina Koopersmith MD, who after 30 years as a fertility specialist is focused on prioritizing Pleasure to remind our nervous system that we are safe in our bodies. I am sure many of our listeners are going through fertility-issues, or have questions about late in life motherhood, or like me, are abuse survivors with the body trauma, so this is going to be a fantastic conversation for you but also for everyone, looking at a deeper relationship to our bodies and sexuality.So why hasn’t she written her book yet? On today’s episode we talk about the headspin many people come to me with –” I think I have four books, I can’t decide which book to write, I want to do the book more aligned with my coaching practice, but I feel more called to this other book…”As a Coach, Tina’s mission is to guide women to nourish all 4 of our bodies: the mind body, the heart body, the physical body and the energetic body because we are ALL worthy of self-care, self-acceptance and self-love. Join us as we find out where she is in the writing process, her many experiences with patients in infertility and amazing tools for happy healthy sexuality.You can learn more about Tina at womensreproduction.comIf you enjoyed this show, may we suggest other similar episodes you may like? Check out recent episodes with my book client Angie Wisdom who wrote the  book The Non-Negotiable You and talks about coming to writing as a complete newcomer. Or perhaps listen to Alisa Zipursky, an author who has written a frank self-help book on Healing Honestly from sexual abuse. There is always a guest for everyone at every stage in their writing journey so subscribe to not miss any upcoming guests. If you liked this episode, I would love a review! It’s the lifeblood of podcasts.I have written a  book!  Check out No Longer Denying Sexual Abuse: Making The Choices That Can Change Your Life. I also have a 21 week series Abused No Longer.  Get full access to I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara at
Life & Business Coach Angie Wisdom came to me to write a book because it was something she didn’t think she could do… which made it very appealing! A high achiever who brings her clients to find a life they love, Angie endeavored to write about how critical it is to trust yourself and be authentic in all you do.She had to overcome some perfectionism to write the first draft of the book. Wanting every line and idea to resonate wasn’t helping her forward momentum. She soon learned we would craft the book into the vision she saw in drafts two and three.  Now she is releasing this incredible book The Non-Negotiable You in June 2023 and already has a best-selling companion journal Start With You.I personally did three rounds of the Start With You Journal, tracking every day what my intentions were, and was shocked at how clear and directed my life became. Her book is an extension of the journal, diving deeper into some of the concepts of values and purpose.From this episode, you will walk away with a deeper insight into the book writing process from a novice (who now knows not only how to write a book but publish one with her marketing partners), as well as hear a highly sought coach talk about core concepts that can make you see how you focusing on you first can enhance your life.She also stresses it’s up to you to choose your seat, and create a meaningful success and a life you love.You can learn more about Angie at you enjoyed this show, may we suggest other similar episodes you may like? Check out recent episodes with Alisa Zipursky who talks about the magnificent messy process of writing about childhood sexual abuse, or one of my great book clients Joy McManigal who has written a book for young adults called The Good Life. Subscribe to not miss any upcoming guests, and if you liked this episode, I would love a review! It’s the lifeblood of podcasts.I have written a  book!  Check out No Longer Denying Sexual Abuse: Making The Choices That Can Change Your Life. I also have a 21 week series Abused No Longer.  Get full access to I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara at
Since 2016, Author Alisa Zipursky has been blogging about her experiences as a millennial woman trying to live a full life while healing from her abuse. As many of you know, I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and I am thrilled that Alisa is my first guest who has written a book about her healing. She wrote Healing Honestly: The Messy and Magnificent Path to Overcoming Self-Blame and Self-Shame to put a book out in the world that honestly addressed the balance of trauma recovery and living a happy life. Going out in the world and trying to be practical or rational about your abuse story to make others less uncomfortable is just b******t, and she takes that head on as an effort to show how it can ultimately combat shame. She is a beautiful writer and on today’s show, we get deep into the balance of personal narrative and research in her book, as well as who connected with her when she first started the writing process online. When she got public in her survivorship, the first survivor who connected with her was from India, but she also heard from people in her social circle that they were affected by abuse. She realized it was all around her in this seemingly perfect community in Bethesda, Maryland. The truth is, we are all surrounded by survivors. We chat about:*Her grandmother was Alisa’s biggest champion through the early process of her writing her blog (which eventually led to the book.)* How she at first felt that just body memories were not enough to be a legit survivor only to discover this was one of the biggest areas where people connected with her story.* When she shared about a niche experience in her process of facing abuse that she never thought anyone would connect with, that it was exactly what people needed to hear.As writers in recovery we are tasked with writing about what goes on inside us, even if we think we will be stigmatized as angry feminists as abuse survivors (which may be on some levels true, but not so binary). Our job is to show that it is not black and white thinking for healing where you are either thriving or victimized. We get to have many layers and stages of our recovery and it is ever changing.She offers practical strategies for survivors of sex abuse to support themselves in living full and vibrant lives. You can find Alisa at - Founder HealingHonestly.comAuthor of Healing Honestly: The Messy and Magnificent Path to Overcoming Self-Blame and Self-Shame (June) pre-order now!If you enjoyed this show, may we suggest other episodes you may like with Book Client/Authors of Kim’s? Check out recent episodes with Joy McManigal, Author of The Good You or Matthew Brownstein, founder of the Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy. Subscribe to not miss any upcoming guests, and if you liked this episode, I would love a review! It’s the lifeblood of podcasts.  My podcast is also connected to my 3x weekly column Inner Circle so be sure to subscribe!I have written a  book!  Check out No Longer Denying Sexual Abuse: Making The Choices That Can Change Your Life. I also have a 21 week series Abused No Longer.  Get full access to I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara at
Book client Joy McManigal has led a varied life from owning a pub in Ireland, working in​​ the movie business, facing bankruptcy, and raising four daughters with celebrity Giancarlo Esposito. All of her life’s twists and turns landed her on the decision to write a book that would help young people dodge some of the pitfalls she encountered. Young adults have a lot to overcome and learn, including doubting themselves in today’s hyper critical society on social media. Their path will be one of a Good Life if they can discern their values, mission and purpose - tools rarely taught in high school or even college. Her new book, The Good You, was written to press the concept of Help not Hurt out in the world for young adults. She gives four key pillars to look at why you are motivated to make choices in your young life.We talk about the creative process she went through and how exhilarating it feels to write a book. Her moment when she knew she had to write this book came in a dinner conversation when friends were expressing they were struggling with their kids and they asked her, “Why are your kids not so messed up?’ She understood all her capacities as a mentor, teacher and coach combined provided her kids the tools they needed from her mothering perspective. The book started as a guide for mothers to not raise kids who are not screwed up, and it morphed into a book focused on how to be a good person in a simple non-complicated way.We chat about:* Writing a true vernacular and terminology for young readers as a midlife writer.* When she realized her self-help book needed her story so the readers could invest in her as an author.* Writing five drafts and how the vision has changed of the book.Her advice to any writer starting the process is to be clear about your motivation for writing a book. Remember why you initially started which anchors you on days you are staring at a half-baked book. She also suggests a writer to be flexible with their book as it evolves. Joy is in the process of shopping her book and so we are rooting for her to land an agent to get this amazing book in bookstores all over America! What a great graduation gift! If you enjoyed this show, may we suggest other episodes you may like with Book Client/Authors of Kim’s? Check out recent episodes with Matthew Brownstein, founder of the Interpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute or Amy Powers talking about network marketing from an Ivy League perspective. Subscribe to not miss any upcoming guests, and if you liked this episode, I would love a review! It’s the lifeblood of podcasts.  My podcast is also connected to my 3x weekly column Inner Circle so be sure to subscribe!I have written a  book!  Check out No Longer Denying Sexual Abuse: Making The Choices That Can Change Your Life. I also have a 21 week series Abused No Longer.  Get full access to I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara at
Book client Matthew Brownstein didn’t originally come to me to write a book. He was looking to better promote his five already written books. I convinced him to re-write his book on hypnotherapy, and today the book emulates a curriculum for his state-licensed Institute of Hypnotherapy. He acknowledges how he had to let Spirit guide him to let the words come through and be okay if the words didn’t come. He appreciated the structure I provided to him and had to be in the spiritual flow of knowledge and wisdom. He speaks of rewriting the introduction three times, and being okay with being patient in the process. Matthew as a young person was your average middle class kid, headed to a liberal arts college, until he had a moment of enlightenment. This affected everything about his life, and he felt the desire to meditate all the time and connect to the mystical branches of the world religions. His desire was to connect to love’s presence and live in a monastery. He went on a journey to understand oneness. When Matthew and I met, we connected from a mutual respect for the author Michael Singer (The Untethered Soul). He lived on and off in his Temple of the Universe, where Michael would talk about blockages (“sankars”). So Matthew first went to school for acupuncture to remove blockages for people but the higher wiser voice told him he was going to go to Hypnotherapy school. He was quickly blown away by the power of the mind. He found with Hypnotherapy he could remove the blocks. Interpersonal Therapy is his unique brand. It came from him asking the higher wiser voice, what is the spirituality of hypnotherapy? He heard, interpersonal is the answer. The word is about the sacred nature of transformational relationships. Profound, right?Listen in to hear more lessons and insights from Matthew who has dedicated his life to healing people in the body and mind from his lifetime work. We chat about:-What is at the root of negative belief systems-What is at the core of the negative memories?-How we can discover an unforgiven relationship and release itWith his school, and books, Matthew hopes to encourage more people to either learn how to use hypnotherapy for their own healing, or explore hypnotherapy as a profession. You can learn more about Matthew at you enjoyed this show, may we suggest other similar episodes you may like? Check out recent episodes with Jenna Dillon, a results-driven Executive Coach or one of my great book clients Jae Wu talking about happiness and moving through after coming to this country from Korea. Subscribe to not miss any upcoming guests, and if you liked this episode, I would love a review! It’s the lifeblood of podcasts.I have written a  book!  Check out No Longer Denying Sexual Abuse: Making The Choices That Can Change Your Life. I also have a 21 week series Abused No Longer.  Get full access to I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara at
Sophie McCallum has first and foremost on her website the question, “Are you ready to love being you?” This is over her looking very chic riding an escalator up from the NYC Subway. She emulates strength and grace in mid life, but that hasn’t always been the case. She tells about hitting herself repeatedly in the head with a brush when she looked in the mirror or biting her arm so hard it bled when she was a young girl. When she met her husband and had her boys, she became a super mom… until that fell apart and after divorce came shared custody, and then the terrible bouts of drinking. Sophie hit her bottom. I can relate as a sober woman who used to drink my feelings of low self-worth and emotions away! When she became sober, she was able to look within and find and understand long trapped emotions that held her back from knowing her true self.So why hasn’t she written her book yet? On today’s episode we get real and honest about our journeys as moms and also as rock star women (she actually plays in a band), as well as my needling her about why she hasn’t yet written the book and why.I chat with her about:Don’t write the introduction first Understand her reader avatarAs a Certified Professional Coach, Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner and School of Life Participant, Sophie’s mission is to guide women to their strongest position: Self-Love. Join us as we find out where she is in the writing process, her many relapses with alcohol and amazing tools for self-love.You can learn more about Sophie at you enjoyed this show, may we suggest other similar episodes you may like? Check out recent episodes with Sarah Sperry, a Wellness Coach who works with women about burnout, or one of my great book clients Ethan Bach talking about his five psychotic breaks. Subscribe to not miss any upcoming guests, and if you liked this episode, I would love a review! It’s the lifeblood of podcasts.I have written a  book!  Check out No Longer Denying Sexual Abuse: Making The Choices That Can Change Your Life. I also have a 21 week series Abused No Longer.  Get full access to I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara at
A main focus of certified Leadership Coach Tanya Geisler’s work is with the imposter complex. Come on, don’t act like you don’t have one. We all do, even the most accomplished of us have that voice that tells us we need to do more, work harder and just be better.  On today’s show, I talk with Tanya about how she landed on this work as well as how the imposter shows up in her in terms of the book she wants to write but hasn’t yet. I coach her through her book idea and we debate what kind of  She has a great Iconic quiz which she created to not make people feel crappy about having the value of perfection. Why isn’t it okay that you want to show up for excellence? You can be a big vision thinker but women who own businesses, or first time authors, tend to have a intrinsic desire to belong which can be translated into a desire to belong in a tribal way. So we cap ourselves because it doesn’t feel good to be the first. Or what got me here won’t get me there, and what I need to do means I have to become a variation of myself I don’t want to be.When people we love in our life tell us they see so much for us at a young age, we can feel the onus of the broadness of that goal. So when supporting women, Tonya likes to be super intentional in her recognition of what is available for women. She talks about the book is the expression of thought leadership. Writing comes out of us to be expressed from our hearts. Sometimes we don’t understand why we want to write about what sets us on fire so we suppress it when in fact it is our greatest message.She also tells me she loves the name of my podcast with “the fire of a thousand suns” which may be my favorite statement of 2023.You can learn more about Tanya at you enjoyed this show, may we suggest other similar episodes you may like? Check out recent episodes with Sarah Sperry, a Wellness Coach who works with women about burnout, or one of my great book clients Ethan Bach talking about his five psychotic breaks. Subscribe to not miss any upcoming guests, and if you liked this episode, I would love a review! It’s the lifeblood of podcasts.I have written a  book!  Check out No Longer Denying Sexual Abuse: Making The Choices That Can Change Your Life. I also have a 21 week series Abused No Longer.  Get full access to I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara at
Chronic exhaustion and burnout can hit complete with panic attacks, seemingly coming out of nowhere. The answer at first for health seems to be medical doctors, and we can seek out all the opinions when in truth we know in our gut we have to make change to stop running on empty. The panic attacks can be painful, and really are our wake up calls.So as highly motivated women, we have to look at the lens differently. Wellbeing coach Sarah Sperry was working in the male-dominated field of finance when she hit her burnout. The problem she was having was shared by lots of women, but the company benefits were box-checking (under the guise of great services). She had never heard of burn out before until it came up on her Bloomberg terminal. She read the article, gobbled up some books and researched the condition. She was ultimately self-diagnosing. No doctor had asked her about her stress levels!Women in male dominated fields who are “the only” face unconscious bias and toxic work environments contribute to the burn out. They can't seek out other women in leadership roles to have counsel because they feel alone. Luckily, they can hire someone like Sarah to help them through these signs of burnout.Join me as I coach Sarah through her book idea. We debate what kind of  book she could write and the how to/self-help model to tell about the stories she hears from women could ultimately give them a new path in six steps. Women need to author a new code for living in business so they can feel not so alone, and have other solutions.You can learn more about Sarah at https://www.sperrywellness.comIf you enjoyed this show, may we suggest other similar episodes you may like? Check out recent episodes with Linda Lingo, a financial coach who rolls out the great tips for making money,  or Author Gretchen Hydo sharing about her book on how to Break Our Dirty Little Secrets.Subscribe to not miss any upcoming guests, and if you liked this episode, I would love a review! It’s the lifeblood of podcasts.I have written a  book!  Check out No Longer Denying Sexual Abuse: Making The Choices That Can Change Your Life. I also have a 21 week series Abused No Longer. Get full access to I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara at
Money! Money! Money! What a big conversation for women! Women are so inquisitive and smart, but we have a tendency to not ask all the questions about our finances especially if we are being undermined by a financial advisor, or told by a partner we don’t know anything about money.Financial Coach Linda Lingo has personal and relatable experiences that are so helpful to women. She stayed in a marriage for way too long because she liked the retirement numbers. She was so tied to the retirement plan, she couldn't sever the tie. When she did write the six figure check to leave the marriage, she found freedom. She also looked at what her ex-husband had told her about herself. That she was incapable with money, and she had taken on these false beliefs until she was on her own.She helps women to feel confident to ask the right questions about managing their money and investing. She helps them out of their education blind spots by looking at their money mindset and blocks. She also focuses as a coach on money values. By helping women to build confidence and education, they can build wealth.She wants to write books about money for the various ages. Like in your 30’s, you are in the accumulation age and typically making a decent living. She wishes she had known in the 30’s how to invest the 401k. The HR person cannot tell you what to do. There is not a lot of education out there. Listen in to hear her advice for the 40’s and older and what she would put in her book.For all ages, she asks the universal question, what is important about money for you?If you enjoyed this show, may we suggest other similar episodes you may like? Check out Why We Second Guess Ourselves with Sunday Paper Editor Stacey Lindsay or Author Gretchen Hydo sharing about her book on How to Break Our Dirty Little Secrets.Subscribe to not miss any upcoming guests, and if you liked this episode, I would love a review! It’s the lifeblood of podcasts.Looking to write a book? You can find me at as well as IG @kimoharacoach. Check out my books on and sign up for my adventures as a writing adventures at kimohara.substack.comAlso, my book is out!  Head over to Get full access to I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara at
Chris Whitney worked in construction, sold women’s shoes and was successful in insurance until one day a famous global evangelist came to his church when he was working as an usher, and showed Chris an ocean liner filled with grain headed to China to feed hungry people. This man was the first guide to plant the seed for Chris to one day open One Gen Away in Nashville that rescues food from restaurants, grocery stores, caterers and farms before it goes to waste. In 2022, his organization, with his wife Elaine, (that they started from the trunk of their car) served food to over 3 million hungry people in three states. Hope, honor and dignity shared through food is their mission.Chris also unveils great insights about service. When we serve others, we get the answers to our troubles in our heart.  When we listen to others, we discover we all have the same wants, needs and desires. He also speaks on the power of prayer: When someone has one need, they have others. If you are food insecure, you probably are transportation insecure. The prayer can be, is there anything I can pray about for you today?  The goal is not trying to win them over (which is something that can be assumed about Christianity as manipulative.)If you are at a turning point in your life, and unsure which way to turn, Chris can open your eyes to a new way of living. He plans to write a book in 2023 about obedience, which involves sacrifice and deepening your trust.If you enjoyed this show, may we suggest other similar episodes you may like? Check out Why We Second Guess Ourselves with Sunday Paper Editor Stacey Lindsay or Author Gretchen Hydo sharing about her book on how to Break Our Dirty Little Secrets.Subscribe to not miss any upcoming guests, and if you liked this episode, I would love a review! It’s the lifeblood of podcasts.Looking to write a book? You can find me at as well as IG @kimoharacoach. Check out my books on and sign up for my adventures as a writing adventures at kimohara.substack.comYou can find Chris Whitney at Get full access to I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara at
Want 2023 to be the year where you get results? Sure, you have seen so many coaches say this, especially in the early months… but the key to results is to slow your mind down, and figure out what are the origins of self-defeating feelings and voices in your head.  My conversation with Leadership Coach Jenna Dillon who is all about results is very eye opening in the way that we can go after our goals, and have solid discernment about the emotions attached to your dreams. She uses a whiteboard in her sessions for clients to see what is coming out of their mouths about how they truly feel  about their dreams and the realities.2023 is already an on fire year and this interview is designed to help you sew the seeds in the soil for who you want to be by December 2023. We all have our big goals, and how fantastic to be able to acquire them this year. Transparency and our roles in our success are not to be avoided by just pushing through and being a taskmaster. Being tough isn’t the key. We can be soft and also incredibly successful as women. We talked about my mindset being the true driver of wanting to sell my book to a top publisher, syndicating my weekly column and becoming a media conglomerate.We also talked about why people hedge on investing in coaching when it could be the very conversation they need to get the results they desire. What do people need to do to maintain their dreams through the course of the year and not stop believing? Coach Jenna talks about the “being conversation.” It’s more about who you are first, diving deep, and getting rid of underlying habits and associations that are wired in our brains. It’s not the magnitude of the goal… but rather are you the person set up to receive that goal.Will Jenna write a book in 2023? She talks about how much information is in her head that she wants to put in a book, it holds her back. But I explain how book coaching is designed to tease out the best ideas that demand the spotlight and then grow the book from there.If you enjoyed this show, may we suggest other similar episodes you may like?Subscribe to not miss any upcoming guests, or check out the diverse and amazing people we have had previously on the show!You can find me at as well as IG @kimoharacoachCheck out my books on and sign up for my adventures as a writer on my newsletter at Get full access to I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara at
I met business strategist & coach (and former therapist) Diann Wingert on the Zoom screen at a women’s networking group where I just knew when she talked that she was speaking my language. Her multiple marriages, single parenting, and several careers were similar to my life course - but also the shame that can come from living out of the box.  She speaks with us today about the idea of personal evolution. Most people “pick and stick” early in life  - decide who they think they are, take the same vacation every year - and those of us who pivot and make change can think, why can’t I just stay the course?  We question and judge why we are so driven to change versus applauding ourselves for being willing to live out of our comfort zones. We even leave situations that are for all intensive purposes, successes, when we know there is more to explore.Diann is a delight to listen as she has great metaphors like a “too tight pair of shoes” and “passing for normal.” We also have a frank discussion on her leaving the Christian church, and how I just was baptized a Christian.And of course I take her through the drill of why she hasn’t yet written a book. We talk about the level of commitment as a big issue.Listen to hear more about: Why you shouldn’t “stay the course” if you are not satisfied. When it is a good idea to sit back and take some inventory of your situation. How abuse survivors can find each each other due to our chameleon nature.If you enjoyed this show, may we suggest other similar episodes you may like? Check out Dr. Bonnie Zucker, an LA psychologist, who talks about anxiety, or Author Gretchen Hydo sharing about her book on how to Break Our Dirty Little Secrets.Subscribe to not miss any upcoming guests, and if you liked this episode, I would love a review! It’s the lifeblood of podcasts.Looking to write a book? You can find me at as well as IG @kimoharacoach. Check out my books on and sign up for my adventures as a writing adventures at Get full access to I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara at
Join me and journalist Stacey Lindsay on today’s show to talk about how women can second guess themselves when it comes to asking questions and being curious. It’s not entirely the fault of the female race! The patriarchy has kept women from asking challenging and different questions for ages. Women have been afraid of what will happen when they act outside the box, and that has fed into a universal lack of self-trust.Stacey Lindsay has written for many popular outlets as a journalist and reporter, including holding the position of Senior Editor for Maria Shriver’s Sunday Paper and editorial director of September Letters, a mental health advocacy platform ( created by Jaspre Guest and Brittany Snow. Over the course of her career, she has learned how to ask the questions she feels most curious about in her stories and discovered a new level of intimacy with her subjects. At a press junket, she deviates from the standard questioning of a celebrity and discovers they have a shared narrative about grief.  Women writers and journalists that have inspired her include Anna Quinn and  Sharyn Alfonsi.Knowing she wants to write a  book, we explore what makes someone a writer, and how unknown it can be just how hard writing is. But if you have that longing and desire to put a voice to the page, you can push through and write a book that has an impact out into the world. You can read more about Stacey at you enjoyed this show, may we suggest other similar episodes you may like? Tiffany Yu speaks about her Diversability community and the accident that changed her life, and offers tips on how to lessen the blow, and Master Coach Gretchen Hydo reveals a ten stage secret-breaking system for women from her new book.Subscribe to not miss any upcoming guests, or check out the diverse and amazing people we have had previously on the show!You can find me at as well as IG @kimoharacoachCheck out my books on and sign up for my adventures as a writer on my newsletter at Get full access to I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara at
Burnout is a buzz word. Women everywhere are talking about it. But Rebecca Whitman is an abundance coach and she doesn't want women to be burnt out. She wants them to feel Balanced, Beautiful and Abundant. Yes, please!  And she sees life in a beautiful way. On this week’s episode, she dishes about finding her spouse, and building a fulfilling life that didn’t look like her original game plan a decade prior. She has also written a book How to Make Six Figures Working Part Time (which is really about living in the 7 pillars of abundance, and you will be shocked the order - finance is not first!) Her dad was who she credits on pushing her to write, and she now has the  idea that one day she may write a memoir.Join me as she gives sage advice about what holds women back from meeting their mate, her history and emotional evolution in playing tennis, and why she created coaching programs that only cost $7.If you enjoyed this show, may we suggest other similar episodes you may like? Clinical Psychologist Bonnie Zucker writes about panic and anxiety, and offers tips on how to lessen the blow, and yours truly does a stand-alone episode on Finding Your Safe Space in Writing.To connect with Rebecca, visit: Subscribe to not miss any upcoming guests, or check out the diverse and amazing people we have had previously on the show!You can find me at as well as IG @kimoharacoachCheck out my books on and sign up for my adventures as a writer on my newsletter at Get full access to I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara at
Tom Henschel is a whole a pie of amazingness– he’s not only a Julliard trained actor but an extremely successful coach helping leaders in top companies such as Disney, Netflix, Walmart, Amazon, navigate the workplace, their peers, and conflict externally and internally. I met Tom early in my coaching career and we reconnected recently over our podcasts.  Tom’s podcast, The Look & Sound of Leadership, is ranked in the top 1% of most popular. His use of dialogue with an imaginary client brings in an experiential component.  We enjoyed talking about leadership, his past TV career, the power of listening and why Tom, with good reason,  will never write a book.If you enjoyed this show, may we suggest other similar episodes you may like? Check out former manager of Britney Spears and Steven Tyler Rebecca Warfield on working with creatives, and also Ryan Farley on writing on the hit show Ozark.Subscribe to not miss any upcoming guests, or check out the diverse and amazing people we have had previously on the show!You can find me at as well as IG @kimoharacoachCheck out my books on and sign up for my adventures as a writer Get full access to I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara at
As I come from a two decade run of working in the movies, chord of nostalgia is plucked in me when I get to have an entertainment writer on the show, in TV nonetheless, which I could never break into. Nick Morton co-wrote the first season of “Cooper’s Bar” for AMC which stars Rhea Seehorn from Better Call Saul and she has a 2022 Emmy nom from his writing. He is also a movie producer… remember that gorgeous film Ray with Jamie Foxx?Join us as we talk about how Nick approaches writing, and what have been some of his favorite Hollywood experiences. He shares the feeling of being in the gray area for a while when developing movies for a prestigious company, which led him to do some of his worst drinking. Now a sober writer, he was able to take his life experiences and put them into a show on a sober recovery house coming out soon on Crackle. The show stars Matthew Lillard and Blythe Danner.  He has written for many online magazines including Mr. Porter and The Scoop. He hosts the popular podcast The Drunkalogues.If you enjoyed this show, may we suggest other similar episodes you may like? Check out former manager of Britney Spears and Steven Tyler Rebecca Warfield on working with creatives, and also Ryan Farley on writing on the hit show Ozark.Subscribe to not miss any upcoming guests, or check out the diverse and amazing people we have had previously on the show!You can find me at as well as IG @kimoharacoachCheck out my books on and sign up for my adventures as a writer Get full access to I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara at
Comedian and recipe blogger Anna Vocino is super funny for someone who eats no gluten, grain or sugar. Many of us would be in a bad mood all around. She was pushed to change her diet and her life when she was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. In fact, she made a full time living inspiring thousands of people with her brand where she creates the sauces and spices from her cookbook. She is a perfect example of how we can take an illness and turn it into a gift.Listen in to hear her advice on how to best food blog (and not leave lots of money on the table - SEO 101), why recipes on line sometimes don’t work, and her journey as a cookbook writer into a traditional publishing deal.You can catch her weekly as a co-host on the podcast Fitness Confidential with Vinnie Tortorich.If you enjoyed this show, may we suggest other similar episodes you may like? Check our Naomi Joseph on writing about her long battle with Binge Eating and Ethan Bach writing a memoir about five psychotic breaks. Again, people using their adversity in their writing to help others.Subscribe to not miss any upcoming guests, or check out the diverse and amazing people we have had previously on the show!You can find me at as well as IG @kimoharacoachYou can find Anna at Get full access to I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara at
A third of people will have a diagnosable anxiety disorder at some point in their lifetime. There are also people who have subclinical anxiety which is distressing but doesn’t quite rise to the level of a disorder. So in other words, there are a whole hell of a lot of us out there feeling quite anxious and looking for solutions!Book Host Kim O’Hara met clinical psychologist Dr. Bonnie Zucker in their weekly writing cohort, where Zucker shared pieces of her book proposal for "The Anxiety Club: 7 Ways to Deactivate Your Membership.” Since Host O’Hara has a special interest in this topic, diagnosed with panic disorder, she felt Bonnie’s book was important to highlight on the show. Zucker describes the book as a general anxiety book which is missing in the marketplace that is not disorder specific, appealing to anyone who has panic or anxiety in any situation. They talk about the decision authors in the self help space make to write the book or the proposal first, and how in both scenarios there is a waiting game when it comes to the timing of getting published. O’Hara points out that some people just need to write the book to get it all out.Dr. Zucker leaves the listeners with some incredible solutions for anxiety management: Acceptance of the anxiety. There are many situations where you actually should feel anxious, and you are not alone! Validate yourself and find the kernel of truth. Identify what types of behaviors you are doing that reinforce the anxiety like reassurance.Subscribe in your fav podcast platform to not miss any upcoming guests, or check out the diverse and amazing people we have had previously on the show! Like our music on the show? Shout out to LUXXURY and the track “Somebody Tonight” (Nolita Records, Expensive Sounding Music)Want to know more about show host Kim O’Hara and the authors she has helped write books? Check out her website at Get full access to I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara at
When I jumped into the interview with ice cream brand Coolhaus founder Natasha Case, I didn’t expect our conversation would run so wide a gamut of topics. While the impetus was to lay out the story of how she came to found a LGBTQ woman-run ice cream business, we delved into some of the more discreet parts of being an entrepreneur. She discovered her desire to create an innovative ice cream business pursuing an education in architecture and a love for food. When an assignment to create student housing came out more like a model of a layer cake, she ran with it.  She speaks about the road to raising money, and while few queer women would speak about benefits in a white man’s world, but she did see she had more of a seat at the table than a straight woman because she was less of a threat to the wives.When we spoke about her writing a book (or books) on her journey, she revealed her passion in the exploration of less traditional couplings in relationships. She is currently, in fact,  in a thruple with her partner, co-parent and woman of color co-founder Thea. She would also speak about her desire to expand her reach in politics, and the transferable assets from being an entrepreneur to success as a politician. She is considering a bid for Mayor of Culver City, CA, where Cool Haus has its headquarters. What’s the parallel of politics and entrepreneurship? A smart entrepreneur sees the value and importance of building a community and contingency… which is what a savvy political candidate builds their platform on.If you haven’t tried Coolhaus ice cream, no longer stand in the frozen aisle at Whole Foods or Ralphs in a decision daze. Grab their latest unique flavor, you won’t be disappointed.Subscribe in your fav podcast platform to not miss any upcoming guests, or check out the diverse and amazing people we have had previously on the show! Like our music on the show? Shout out to LUXXURY and the track “Somebody Tonight” (Nolita Records, Expensive Sounding Music)Want to know more about show host Kim O’Hara and the authors she has helped write books? Check out her website at Get full access to I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara at
On today’s episode, host Kim O’Hara talks with Nu-disco song-writing wizard and DJ Blake Robin about his career creating dance music for adults with his brand LUXXURY, as well as songs for film, TV and gaming. He shares the nuances of creating live DJ sets on location in places like Mexico City, as well as curating his Spotify playlist Good Morning, Disco! with gems that span four decades of groove-first music.  He is currently known for his viral TikTok videos about “Interpolation” that go “Inside the Song.” A musicologist of his own kind, he explores stems of classic hits and “reports” on his findings.Blake, who started as a pop song writer, has a “newfound earnestness of expression but a lifelong love for the craft of disco.” His debut album “It’s Not Funny” (Nolita) blew past 6 million streams on Spotify. Last Call with Carson Daly audiences were treated to luxe live renditions of "Take It Slow" and "Hold On." SPIN praised the music's sensuality. Complex said it sounded like Nile Rodgers DJing a rave. You can find him at in your fav podcast platform to not miss any upcoming guests, or check out the diverse and amazing people we have had previously on the show!Want to know more about show host Kim O’Hara and the authors she has helped write books? Check out her website at Get full access to I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara at
Comments (13)

Death Doula ☠

"Sometimes you say yes and you don't know where it's going to lead..."

Sep 12th

Haley Slaughter

what the hell does be uncomfortable mean? please explain. I will do anything. I want the way out!!!!

Sep 9th
Reply (1)

Death Doula ☠

When you are ready, the universe provides the teachers.

Apr 18th

Death Doula ☠

Great episode on trauma. Agreed, sometimes the universe prescribes us the problem.

Apr 18th
Reply (1)

Death Doula ☠

supportive and validating...yes

Apr 18th

Death Doula ☠

...soften the desire to put up fences

Apr 18th


we choose to believe what our brain tells us. love it!!!

Oct 30th

Valerie Strawmier

Hello, I'm a new listener and this is one of my favorite episodes so far! As a writer of short inspirational books myself, you've reminded me of the importance of letting a ten minute piece just be a ten minute piece. Also, there is a nearly finished book in the wings for me and I need to make time to complete it, and this has inspired me to go ahead and take advantage of the short period of times I have and do that. Thank you so much!

Oct 27th
Reply (1)

Dana Pharant

If you are looking to connect with me....

Oct 9th

Dana Pharant

So much fun to re-listen to this conversation.

Oct 9th
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