You are not alone

If you are a military woman who has ever felt that you are alone, then the You are Not Alone podcast is for you! Join your host Lisa Carey a retired Navy Commander and life coach as she shares her experiences as well as a host of former and retired military women who will share their stories so that you know are not alone. We will provide perspective, solace and hope. You can learn from the generations that went before you. Use the lessons we have learned. Stand on our shoulders to shatter your own glass ceiling.

Episode 23 Decluttering

Welcome to episode 23 of Women you are not alone podcast. Today’s episode is on decluttering.  We talk mostly about how clutter grows on its own over the years, how each of us declutters. We even talk a little bit about why we keep all this stuff.  Please join my co-hosts today, Dianne Boettcher, Michelle Hillmeyer, Angela Middleton, Synthia Stanton Jones, Christine Mallory and Saundra King-Lee.  Come join us and find out you are not the only one with multiple moving stickers on boxes. 


Episode 22 - Annual Planning

Welcome to episode 22 of Women you are not alone podcast. It is a new year and we thought we would discuss how each of us approach planning for 2022.  We talk about our word for the year, priorities and give a hint about an upcoming episode.  Please welcome with me, Jan Hamby, Diane Boettcher, Saundra King, Susan Sherman and Angela Middleton. 


Episode - 21 Why are we always busy

We often confuse "BUSYNESS" and "BUSINESS".  The former speaks to fodder that clogs our senses and distracts.  The latter speaks to posture and purpose.  When you are about business, your whole being aligns and shifts to a greater purpose and you allow nothing to take you off course.  When have busyness, anything that comes your way is fair game.  Sometimes, we allow busyness to come our way because there is something deeper we are avoiding--being alone; inner feelings of sadness or depression; or spiritual, not being where we should and not wanting to deal with truth.  There is a grace that comes with handling a loaded schedule associated with business.  Most times people focused on business will even carve out time for self-care.  But busyness is a downward spiral. 


Episode 20 - Trusting yourself

Our last episode was on trust.  So we decided to take this episode one step further and talk about trusting yourself. I think you will find it interesting that all of us tended to trust others before ourselves early in our careers. We talk about how and when in our lives we started trusting ourselves more.  Please welcome with me today Michelle, Sindy and Angela.


Episode 19 - Trust

We directed this towards new people that need to build trust in their organization.  Being out in the organization and being approachable are key.  Get to know the people who work for you and make your expectations clear.  Knowing your job, knowing your people and communicate. That is what builds trust!


Episode 18 - Grief and Resilancy - NOTE COULD CAUSE TRIGGERS for 9/11 survivors

Welcome to episode 18 of Women you are not alone podcast. We have added 2 new guests to our panel Saundra King an Army Veteran and Deloris Gibney an Air Force Veteran.    We recorded this on September 12.  This is because several us lost shipmates in the Pentagon on the 11th and it was just too hard to do this before that date.    We Talked about all aspects of grief and resiliency.  Part of our discussion surrounded why the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 was harder for us than some of the past.  We spent some time on how we grieve and how the mourning process is different for each of us.  We also talked about some resources that will be on our resource page.  Welcome to Podcast 18 on Grief


Episode 17 - Your Service in Afghanistan matters and its OK to grieve

We felt very strongly that it was time to talk about Afghanistan.  If you or someone you know is struggling please call the National Crisis Hotline at 800-273-TALK (8255). As Diane said, you don’t have to be suicidal to call them – just struggling.  For additional resources reach out to  .  Additionally I would like to give a shout out to  Theresa Carpenter and her Stories of Service Podcast on Utube. If you like our show, I am sure you will enjoy her podcast also.  If you would like to join us live.  Please go to  and scroll to the bottom of the page where you can send us a note  We would love to have you.  Also we are working very hard to get 500 downloads by the end of August, so if you think of ANYBODY who might find the podcast helpful please send them a link. If you don’t know how to do that – send us a note – we will help you figure it out.


Episode 16 - Mental Health

Ever had something that was not meant for others to hear.  Well apparently that was what our first hour  was today, because we were not recording.  We had the most amazing conversations, but apparently the world was not ready for all of that yet.  So we spent the next hour trying to get some of that conversation back and decided to do some more in depth conversations in the future so stay tuned.My amazing hosts this week were Angela Middleton, Chris Mallory, Trish Neville, Susan Sherman and Michelle Hillmeyer. Thank you for listening to Episode 16.  Our next few episodes will be on “those damn hormones”, pain and depression, death and being strong and courageous enough to step back. If you would like to join us. Please go to  and scroll to the bottom of the page where you can contact us to join us.  We would love to have you.  Also we are working very hard to get 500 downloads by the end of August, and we are REALLY CLOSE so if you think of ANYBODY who might find the prodcast interesting please send them a link. And if you don’t know how to send a link – contact us and we can figure it out together. 


Episode - 15 judgement part 2

An interesting discussion where we talk about all sorts of things.  Judgment and social media.  Everyone has an opinion, when do you get involved - or do you?    Do we even listen to others?


Episode 14 - Judgement part 1

These days it seems that we are always judging each other.  So I thought a series on judgement would be useful.  Speaking of judging our next taping will be on mental health.  I and others will share their experiences and we will discuss the stigma's and fears around mental health. 


Episode 13- Judgment about starting families on active duty

Welcome to Episode 13. This was originally going to be on judgement however during the last half of the taping we started talking about judgement around starting families and I thought this would be a better episode. We will talk about judgement in episode 14.  Our conversation stars with Michelle Hillmeyer and Diane Boettcher and then Angela Middleton and Frankie Mercado join us.  We talk about the Navy and the Air Force, active duty and reserves and how civilian companies are handling it.  Episode 14 will be out on July 30th.  If you would like to join us. Please go to  and scroll to the bottom of the page where you can contact us to join us.  We would love to have you.  Also we are working very hard to get 500 downloads by the end of August, so if you think of ANYBODY please send them a link to our podcast.


Episode 12 - Building your village/tribe

Join your host Lisa Carey and her panel as we discuss how to build your tribe/village.  We talk about various challenging times in our lives and those who stepped up to help us – and those who didn’t.  


Episode 11 - Part 2 of Self Deprecating humor and mentoring

Welcome to episode 11  of the you are not alone podcast.  Today’s episode is the second part on self-deprecating humor.  We had a blast doing it, and a great discussion.  Our conversation naturally morphed a little bit into talking about mentoring ,   As always I would like to thank my co-hosts – they are the BEST!  Stay tuned for Episode 11 on June 25th.#sefldeprecatinghumor#handup#boundaries#leanintolearning#makefunofyourself#disarm#affinitygroups#mentoring


Episode 9 - Discussions with Rear Admiral Danelle Barrett

Welcome to episode 9 of the you are not alone podcast.  We have a special guest today,  Rear Admiral Danelle Barrett the author of Rock the Boat: Embrace Change, Encourage Innovation, and Be a Successful Leader which is coming out on Jun 22, of this year.  We talk just about everything from leadership, risk taking, work life balance and a special “who’s on your team” and even the best way to ask for help.  


Episode 8 - privilege part 2

Come join us where we continue to talk about all kinds of privilege.  Privilege is never wondering whether or not your race, sexual orientation or gender will negatively affect how you are treated. Privilege is also not knowing what privilege is because you have never experienced anything less.We will be taking a short break for our host to move and Episode 9 will resume on April 30th.On the 30th we will have a special guest!  Adm Danielle Barrett. She will be talking about her "Mentoring with the Admiral Program"  and I'm sure we can get her to talk about her book that will be out in June.


Episode 7 - Privilege

Come join us where we talk about privilege.  Privilege is never wondering whether or not your race, sexual orientation or gender will negatively affect how you are treated. Privilege is also not knowing what privilege is because you have never experienced anything less.Come join us again on April 2nd for episode 8 to hear the rest of our discussion.  We will be taking a short break for our host to move and Episode 9 will resume on April 30th.


Episode 6 - Toxic Leadership Continued

Come join us where we continue our  talk about toxic leadership.   We add a few more people who have been in situations with toxic leaders.   We talk about what happens when you come to the end of your rope and how values play a part in your actions.  Most importantly we discuss the fact that you can learn something from everyone you work with and work for - even if it is now NOT to act like they do. 


Episode 5 - Toxic Leadership and Toxic Environments

Come join us where we talk about toxic leadership.  What it is, how it is different from being demanding and how we cope.  Learn about the "toxic triangle" and how resilience can help you through demanding times. 


Episode 3 - Self Care

Self care is always important.  These days it is critial. Come join our panel as they talk about what they do for self care, and a discussion on why they didn't do it in the past.  This session was so good it turned into two episodes.  So when you are done listening to this episode check out episode 4 when it launches where we talk more in depth about self-advocacy and self care. 


Episode 2 - Racism - Caution - could contain triggers !!!!!

Join your host Lisa Carey and her panel of women (O-3 to O-5) from the Navy and the Air Force and civilians as we discuss racism.  Our special guest Trish Neville discusses her experiences at the Naval Academy in the late 90’s.  Following that we discuss various issues around racism. An incredible episode that is expected to open lots of lines of discussion. 


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