DiscoverYou. Love. Life. - Podcast
You. Love. Life. - Podcast

You. Love. Life. - Podcast

Author: Roman Wyden

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"You Love Life" is an unconventional podcast on Intimacy that’s quickly becoming a can’t-miss listen on iTunes. Host, Roman Wyden is an LA-based marriage and relationship coach who takes a decidedly honest, uninhibited, and unconventional approach to conversations about love, marriage, divorce, family, intimacy, desire, and trust. Since launching in September, "You. Love. Life." has experienced rapid growth, surpassing the 2000 listener mark and more than doubling its audience each week.

While his guests vary wildly—a sex researcher; a transgender woman; a former porn star; an arranged marriage couple; a cross-dressing school teacher; a vitality coach—his message of trust, communication, and love remains universal. Topics are cross-cultural, already reaching audiences in 9 countries across the globe.

Wyden is shining a light on what it means to be intimate and what it takes for couples of all kinds to create fulfilling partnerships. He also turns that light on his own relationship, bravely interviewing his wife of 13 years in several episodes. As they explore their own marital challenges in real time, listeners get to play the proverbial fly on the wall for this raw and insightful play-by-play.

In between their episodes, Wyden interviews experts, friends, and VIP guests such as Elon Musk's sister Tosca Musk. The show also touches on current events, like Playboy’s recent releasing of the first transgendered centerfold...

What listeners seem to love is that Wyden isn’t giving advice, but simply sharing what works (and doesn’t work) for him.

Thanks for listening, thanks for subscribing and thanks for being great in life!
123 Episodes
PROUD TO BE DIFFERENT is a powerful episode with my dear friend, producer Aaron H. We both decided to dig in deep and explore love & sexuality from a bisexual point of view and see how we both felt about that particular sexual identification being a bit like a bastard child amongst the others. Aaron vulnerably shares about his upbringing and the events that shaped his sexuality in the long run. After all, bisexual men are in the minority. And society accepts bisexual women quicker, partly due to a one-sided representation on most porn sites. Listen in for yourself to see where you land when it comes to sexual orientation, gender, sex etc. From all of us to you: Happy Pride Month! For more info on this podcast, please visit
CONSCIOUS LUCK is a new episode - our first remote episode, courtesy of Covid - with NYT bestselling authors Carol Kline and Gay Hendricks. We discussed their latest book 'Conscious Luck: Eight Secrets to Intentionally Change Your Fortune' and how all of us can declare ourselves to be a VLP (Very Lucky Person) by simply committing to it. But how does it all work? How did this book come about? What are the methods we can start using as a VLP today to attract what we want in life? Listen in and join us during this insightful episode on how to create 'conscious luck' in your life. Starting today! For more information on the book and to get an exclusive bonus visit To purchase the book directly on Amazon, go to For more information on this podcast, please visit
I AM NO LONGER YOURS, I AM NOW MINE is an episode that breaks down what a 'declaration of independence' actually is and how we could transfer this powerful concept to our own lives and create the kinda lives that light us up, fulfill us and leave us with joy every moment of the day. I mean, who wouldn't want that? Declare today your independence from dependency. Take full responsibility of your life and give up victimhood for good. Why? Because it will make you happier! I promise! No matter what the circumstances! Listen in and let me know what you think. Happy 4th of July! But mostly, happy independence day to you personally! For more information on this podcast, visit Here is the Forbes article I mention during this episode:
HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!! HAPPY FATHERS MAKE FOR BETTER DAYS is a Fathers Day episode on how we as men, husbands, male partners and fathers need to take full responsibility for the way we've failed our children... today is the last day of running from responsibility and the first day of our commitment to create certainty with our partners and safety for our children. Always and All ways! We are Men, not Boys! We are Kings, not Princes. We are Here. Now. We are Ready. Now. Happy Fathers Day! Podcasts: Spotify: For more information on this podcast, please visit Shownotes: (Below are a few examples of companies offering powerful self-development and transformation workshops out there in the world that we as men can take in order to get authentic. In order to drop our pretenses. To take full responsibility for our lives and to transform ourselves into becoming the best version of ourselves as men, husbands, partners and fathers!)
THE MOVEMENT BEYOND NUMBNESS is a deep dive into racism and the current BLM movement to see what might be causing all of our pain, suffering, and confusion. My guest is de Vie, a Consciousness Catalyst who supports humanity’s awakening and creative empowerment through her Dare to Be Present® service. She is devoted to the cause of consciousness as the root spark in addressing the human condition. Her sessions are available worldwide and have helped doctors, artists, teachers, and many other people find an anchor in the Being beyond mind. She also offers Grounded Card Readings in person. de Vie can be reached through and . Videos mentioned during this interview: TED talk by Daryl Davis as a black man who befriended a KKK member: Janaya Khan of Black Lives Matters on “What White People Must Know…" For more information on this podcast, please visit
RACISM IS NOT ABOUT RACISM is a deep dive - perhaps opinionated - into the possible origin of racism. It's not racism that causes racism. We have to look much deeper! This is a rant on tracing racism way back to where it all started... join me to see what you think? Perhaps I'm wrong and I'm open to that. Perhaps you have an insight that could help us all? Perhaps you wanna share your own voice or opinion on the matter? Visit to have a constructive conversation around this topic. After all, I am committed to creating a world that works for everyone! Show Notes (Dictionary Deep Dive): Racism Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. Prejudice Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. Discrimination The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. Antagonism Active hostility or opposition. Race A race is a grouping of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into categories generally viewed as distinct by society. Superior Higher in rank, status, or quality. Unjust Not based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair. Morally In a way that is considered right according to the code of behavior of a particular society. Right Morally good, justified, or acceptable. Code A set of rules and standards adhered to by a society, class, or individual Rules One of a set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct within a particular activity or sphere. Fair In accordance with the rules or standards; legitimate. Standards Principles of conduct informed by notions of honor and decency. Honor Adherence to what is right or to a conventional standard of conduct. Acceptable Able to be agreed on; suitable. Agree Have the same opinion about something; concur Opinion A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge Judgement An opinion or conclusion Decency Behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability Conforms Comply with rules, standards, or laws Laws The system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties (Stereotype) A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.
SENSUAL LIBERATION CAMP is an in-depth discussion about ancient tantra techniques taught by Austrian spiritual psychologist Michael Perin Woggenburg who teaches his method of Tantra around the world - not only in person during his customized sensual liberation retreats, but as of recently also online to a worldwide audience. Listen in and find out how the true power of your own sexuality can be unlocked through ancient techniques and with the use of human placeholders... that's right. Human placeholders that aid in releasing past traumas that are stuck in our bodies. Michael is joined by Aaron Eisenberger who shares about his own experience after returning from a sensual liberation camp in Asia a few years ago... This is a wild ride of an episode! For sure! For more information on Michael's work, please visit For more information on this podcast, please visit
NAKED IN NATURE is an episode about how as a society we've completely lost touch with nature in the truest sense! Think about it... how often are we truly naked in nature. How often do we just stand on grass or dirt bare foot? We are so disconnected from the charge that the ground has to offer us. So, what can we do? Listen in and see what my own recent experience inspired me to explore... For more information on this podcast, please visit
DO IT YOUR WAY is a quick rant on how I feel that we should all do relationships our own way. When both committed partners agree to grow together, then every single 'stretch' in the relationship starts off with an authentic conversation about how we each feel about a topic. From there we can build our relationship our way, one brick at a time. Listen in and see for yourself how simple this could be. For more information on this podcast, please visit
SUICIDE & INTIMACY is an intense episode with guest Ashley Rivard, a certified suicide crisis counselor, creator, storyteller, and truth-seeker. She creates transformational media to challenge societal and cultural norms to create deeper connections and her purpose is to illuminate and expose the truth in taboo subjects…the stuff that people are afraid to talk about. Ashley talked to my wife Tatiana and me about her job as a suicide crisis counselor and how she learned to create intimacy with callers who were on the verge of committing suicide. Her take on 'being there' for these people is so refreshing and what Ashley's learned from her work as a counselor directly translates into all relationships in her life. Listen in and get inspired about life, intimacy, and true human connection! Here are some suicide prevention resources: Suicide prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 For all resources call 211 or visit: (this is for any resource you need including therapists in your area) For more information on this podcast, please visit
WE WENT TO A CUDDLE PARTY is a fun episode with my wife Tatiana where we revisit the experience we recently had at a local cuddle party. You may think cuddling is just cuddling? Or does it lead to more? And what comes up when you're at a cuddle party with a loved one? We moved through many spaces that night and we decided to share this experience with you, our listeners. We hope that you enjoy it and that it might even spark up some conversations with you and your loved ones. For more information on cuddle parties, visit For more information on this podcast, please visit
Episode 112 - Going Deeper

Episode 112 - Going Deeper


GOING DEEPER was a fun yet in-depth conversation with Christina Weber, a relationship activist and founder of Deepen, a platform leading the development of the human connection industry. At you'll find a variety of social and transformational experiences guided by the greatest facilitators of human connection of our time. Having launched here in Los Angeles in January, Deepen has built traction, proved demand, attracted a team, and recently raised their first round of funding with plans to spread to 40+ cities over the next 6 years. At the time of this recording, Christina is totally immersed in Deepen, driven by what she believes is her life's work - to help create more meaningful and loving relationships worldwide - for herself included. Check it out at and on IG at @wedeepen. Personally you can find her at @christinaweber. For more information on this podcast, please visit
PASSION IS ENERGY is a super fun episode with one of my most passionate guests ever; Laleh the Health Coach! Laleh is a wife and a mother of 3 (her kids are ages 7,6 and 4). She is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach based in Los Angeles and my wife and I call her a 'Holistic Revolutionary'. Laleh helps families Preserve their health and prevent diseases using food, lifestyle factors, and proper supplementation. She's a huge advocate for all humans to find and follow their passion! More passion, more energy! For more information on Laleh's work, visit or find her on: IG: laleh_the_health_coach E-mail: For more information on this podcast, please visit
THE HEART HEALER is a powerful episode with Melissa Rebronja, a Hypnotherapist with over 18 years’ experience helping people heal and empower themselves. Melissa's modalities include Hypnotherapy, Relationship, and Life Coaching, Breath-work, Energy Healing and more. She holds a safe space for people to relax into their Authentic Presence. Melissa has traveled a long way to be the light she is today. She was raised in a harsh culture and abusive family environment, in a country eventually destroyed by war. She learned that the only way out… is through; feeling and forgiving the past, surrendering and trusting the future, living fully in the present, here, now, today. It is her mission to help heal our collective heart, helping us all to live, love and prosper by being our most authentic self. Melissa and I talked about love, intimacy, sex, music and most of all healing our hearts. Listen in for a good time, a deep dive and lots of golden nuggets of wisdom! For more information on Melissa's healing. work, please visit Melissa's IG: For more info about Melissa the Musical Artist, visit For more information on this podcast, visit
WHY GET MARRIED? is a quick rant about the reasons NOT TO GET MARRIED... but it's not what you think. Listen in and see if you agree! For more information on this podcast, please visit
MEDITATION VS. MEDICATION is an episode I felt like I needed to post after I had proposed the concept on social media a few months ago. I got a lot of heat from people who are currently or have been in the past medicated for a mental 'disorder'. So, I wanted to make it clear that I am not talking to the 10% of our society who need medication to function in this world... but rather to the 90% of us who are so quick to take a pill or search for a band-aid rather than treat the root cause. Let me know your thoughts at
INTIMACY & ADHD is an episode in which I share a recent revelation I had around intimacy and ADHD. I would've never thought that these two subjects could come so close to each other and even overlap the way they do in my new theory. And even more so, I would've never thought that a lack of intimacy - internal and external - could potentially be a huge factor in triggering ADHD traits in a child or an adult... if this sounds intriguing, listen in. For more information on this podcast, please visit
HOW TO FALL BACK IN LOVE AGAIN is a wonderful rant on how righteousness can take us right out of love and put us into battle mode with our partners. Whether this is romantic, platonic, family or business, falling out of love with someone happens to all of us all the time... almost daily. So, how then do we get back 'into love'? Listen in and discover that it's actually not that hard. For more information on this podcast, visit
HOW TO STOP FIGHTING is a powerful episode with Faith Deeter, a licensed marriage and family therapist, author, and transformational trainer. Faith specializes in the areas of personal development and relationships with an emphasis on using principles found in nature to help people create change. We talked about how to make any relationship work or repair it with tools that are available to us. Through counseling, transformational works, books and more... we all have the power to transform ourselves and our relationships. Faith is a committed listener, a giver at heart - she used to lead workshops to inmates at the Lompoc prison. Listen in on our wonderful conversation and hear for yourself... maybe you're ready to stop fighting in your relationships, maybe you're ready to transform your marriage or your family! For more information on this podcast, visit
LOVE IS A VERB is a rant about the fact that love and attraction have to continuously be generated inside any long term committed romantic relationship. There is no auto-pilot, there are no everlasting butterflies and there certainly are no warranties on marriage certificates! Listen in to hear about a recent adventure that my wife Tatiana and I had in the bedroom where we experienced what 'generating' past the negative dialogues in our heads created for us... For more information on this podcast, visit
Comments (4)


Thank you for this ❤

Nov 14th
Reply (1)

Chris Woodson

I absolutely appreciate you guys for talking about this topic. I hope to grow spiritually the way you have with my husband and especially with myself. I would love a part 2 on this topic. Thank you!

Jun 28th

Jose Lozano

I ran into your recent webcast today. I started listening and commented only to later realize that what I commented was in line with the basis of your podcast. Was it serendipity or shall we thank the algorithms?? 😂 I've been on a journey of exploring the very same concepts that you discuss in your podcast. I just wanted to thank you for your work in sharing your knowledge and experience but also for creating a conversation about these matters. Thank you and I look forward to listening to more of your content.

Jun 10th