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Author: Rece Garlenski

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This is a history podcast about the history of each and every independent country in the world. My Knowledge comes from my University, Books, and Loads of internet research. This is made with the hope of educating and being entertaining. Hope You All Enjoy :)
204 Episodes
Episode 195: India

Episode 195: India


The most populous nation in the world, the home of Hinduism and Buddhism and the place literally called the subcontinent. This massive nation is home to many of the world's most well known religions, and dozens of cultures. The history of this nation stretches back at least 5000 years. One of the world's first advanced civilization's is the name sake for this country. There are over 2 dozen states, and 1.4 billion people in this nations; whatever I say about this nation will never be enough but today I try to tell its story. This is the last episode in this series. This is India.
In part 2 we explore the era of Mao and how he shaped created some of the most influential (for better or worse) policies in the nation. The story of the CCP system, modern problems and the rise of Xi Jinping. The most notable yet hidden event of the era is the Tiananmen Square Massacre, which I do mot shy away from. In the final part of this history learn all about the modern nation. This is China.
Episode 194: China Part 1

Episode 194: China Part 1


In the ancient land of east Asia is a nation that embodies history to its very core. Every architectural, cultural, militaristic and social marvel of this nation has a strong connection to its unique history. The story of how this nation went from the ancient empire to the CCP is perhaps the most interesting history in the world. There is no nation that has a longer and consistent connection to its roots. This is the 2nd most populous nation on the planet, and the home to so much more. This is China.
In the Western Hemisphere lies a nation of absolute magnitude. This nation has the largest population on its side of the globe. It has the best military and economy in the world. This nation is also home to at least one enclave of every other nation's population in the world. The story of this nation is a long and tumultuous one but it is without a doubt the most important nation in the modern world. This is The United States of America.
Episode 192: Indonesia

Episode 192: Indonesia


Just below the land continent of Asia is an archipelago that spans the length of Spain to Moscow. This nation is the largest geographic and most populous muslim nation on Earth. This nation has a long history of great empires, ethnic formation and the rise of different people groups. This nation is currently going through many changes in its rhetoric as it hopes to be one of the most successful nations in Asia. This nation is also one of the fastest growing economies in that continent and may end up as the largest. This is Indonesia. 
Episode 191: Pakistan

Episode 191: Pakistan


Massive mountain ranges, devotion to faith and one of the earliest human civilizations call this land home. The nation we study today is one of the largest muslim nations in the world. This nation’s history is rich with ancient empires, nomadic people groups and faith bringingers. This nation is heavily scrutinized because of its position against the western world but that's only half of the story. Today this nation has a story of perseverance and pride in the face of homogenization. This is Pakistan.
Episode 190: Nigeria

Episode 190: Nigeria


If there is a nation in Africa that can be used as the gateway to African culture and history it is this one. This nation had some of the world’s earliest and most advanced civilizations within its borders. Dozens of massive and unique people groups call this land home. Today, those people groups share their histories and compete for representation in this amalgamation of cultures. This nation faces deep corruption in a place where so many kinds of people need to be represented. This nation is growing rapidly and will have to adapt to all the changes that come with the growth. This is Nigeria.
Episode 189: Brazil

Episode 189: Brazil


The largest and most influential nation in South America is our focus of today. The only nation in South America swept up in the Portuguese realm has a history that is very different from its neighbors. This nation broke away from colonial rule in the least bloody independence war in all of Latin America. Today this nation has not only the largest but also the most diverse population in South America. There is a long list of problems across this nation but the citizens will not stand by without a solution. This is Brazil. 
East of the massive subcontinent that is India lies a nation with similar history but through a different lens. This nation is about the size of Florida but has 170 million people in it. This nation is muslim to the core as it the religion intersects almost every aspect of the culture and it is the reason this is an independent nation. This nation has become one of the global leaders in manufacturing which has changed it from the 2nd poorest nation on earth to the fastest growing economy in less than 80 years. This is Bangladesh. 
Episode 187: Russia

Episode 187: Russia


The Motherland, the land of the Rus, The Largest Country in the World. This nation is an arctic tundra that has been one of the most influential nations across all of Eurasia. This nation has seen the invaluable influence of the Mongols, the vikings, and has influenced dozens of people groups. This nation was the heart of the Soviet Union and today holds dozens of republics within its massive borders. This is Russia.
Episode 186: Mexico

Episode 186: Mexico


In the southern hearth of North America is a massive nation with history just as expansive. This nation saw some of the earliest colonial influence from nations like Spain, France and the US. Before that some of the most sophisticated civilizations in the pre industrial world called this nation home. This nations is a beacon of independence, great cuisine, deep rooted culture and so much more. This is Mexico.
Episode 185: Japan

Episode 185: Japan


Samurai, Shogun, Feudal Lords and Cultural Globalization define this nation. This is one of the most famous nations in the world for its history. This nation has a storied culture that is expressed through unique art, music, sports and comics. This nation has the story of recovery and expansion after it was isolated for a century and then one of the strongest countries within that century. This is the land of the rising sun, this is Japan. 
In Asia Pacific lies an Archipelago with a long history of different people groups, nations and resilient moments. This nation has seen influences from Europe and the US which have made it a home to boxing, catholicism, and a plethora of other cultural features that are unique in this area. This nation has 3 of the top 5 most densely populated cities in the world. This nation has a massive population and it is not declining anytime soon. This is the Philippines.  
Episode 183: Ethiopia

Episode 183: Ethiopia


The beacon of African independence, the first Christian kingdom, and the home of coptic Christianity, is our focus for today. This nation is a very historical country that has seen millennia of changes and influences to weather. In the fact of colonialism and internal conflict this nation has maintained its culture. This is Ethiopia.
Episode 182: Egypt

Episode 182: Egypt


The term history may have been created to describe this nation. The most famous landmarks, structures, leaders and events all happened here. Since all of us were little kids we have studied this nation but today I hope to go deeper than ever before. This is the land of pyramids, pharaohs and the sphinx. This is Egypt
Episode 181: Vietnam

Episode 181: Vietnam


The final boss of Southeast Asia is our nation of today. This country has a culture with roots connected to the religions of India and the governance of China. Resistance, rebellion and grit have all defined this nation for centuries because of how much oppression the citizens have seen. This nation fought one of the longest and bloodiest wars of the 20th century against the US, and somehow came out on top. Since then this nation has evolved into a manufacturing giant and economic leader. This is Vietnam.
In the very heart of Central Africa is a nation of jungles, materials and a massive river. this nation has truly seen some of the worst moments in human history. This nation also had the largest open conflict since WW2. Today one of the worst humanitarian crisis lies within these borders all because of cobalt. This is The Democratic Republic of the Congo
Episode 178: Turkey

Episode 178: Turkey


Home to over one hundred million people is a massive peninsula that has connected thousands of people groups across history. From the legendary stories of Persia to the modern politics of this nation, there has not been a dull moment. Oh, this nation was also the home of the Ottoman empire. This nation has many names Anatolia, Asia Minor, and the one we know it as today, This is Turkey.
Episode 177: Germany

Episode 177: Germany


Innovation, Romanticism, and Mastery can all be used to describe this nation. here is one of the most important forefathers of Europe. This nation has led in every measurable stat across this continent. Horrendous acts of terror and disgust have been committed by this nation. Simultaneously, this nation had the greatest comeback into a main stage of Europe. This is Germany
Episode 176: Iran

Episode 176: Iran


Persia, the land of great empires and cross continental influence. However that is not the nation of today. In present, this nation is an islamic republic with a big reputation for the way it starts and ends regional conflicts. This nation is Shia in nature which means it has a lot of conflict with the Sunni muslim nations and pretty much the entire western world. Nonetheless, this nation is a bulwarks of culture that has withstood multiple millennia of change. This is Iran.