DiscoverYour Best Self- TURNING THE TIDE, (The Journey of Releasing)
Your Best Self- TURNING THE TIDE, (The Journey of Releasing)
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Your Best Self- TURNING THE TIDE, (The Journey of Releasing)

Author: Brenda Shoshanna, Ph.d.

Subscribed: 8Played: 144


This podcast will take us on the Journey of Releasing. It will show us how to release and let go of painful feelings and difficult memories, which cause so much stress and obstacles in our lives. As we do so, clarity and insight comes naturally, our vistas are widened and many new possibilities appear in our lives. Not only can health and well being be restored, but all our relationships uplifted.Based upon the teachings of Lester Levenson, an original teacher of mine, we will see how our lives can be brought back into a natural rhythm and balance as we stop grasping and clinging to our pain.This wonderful practice offers a New Direction in life. It eliminates struggle, as we learn to welcome goodness and love. In this process, we are giving ourselves an Invitation to Live and to Love.
44 Episodes



It's very easy to get pulled in and believe whatever we see or hear. One moment good news comes and we're elated. Another moment, something upsetting and we're tied up in knots. Yet, the very nature of life is that one moment come after another, some pleasant, some otherwise. To jump on the bandwagon, and get tossed around by all the changes takes not only our peace of mind, but compassion and clarity from us. Here is a wonderful step in the journey of releasing. It shows us how to stay cente...



We can't wait to take trips of all kinds. They feel adventurous, exciting, as if we are living fully. But so many trips we jump into take us in the wrong direction, or leave us feeling upset and scattered when they're over. Our thoughts, emotions, also take us on trips of all kinds, causing so many crashes. In this wonderful step, we simply don't take the trip. We stop, stay where we are and watch the invitation we are being given and where it truly leads.
Most of our time is spent looking either backwards or forwards, and in this way we become stuck. We try to understand, complete or repeat the past. Or, control every aspect of the future, be careful not to make the same mistake. This wonderful step in releasing, offers a way to stop the uproar within, and return to this very moment where all answers, healing and happiness are waiting for you.
Most of the time we are filled with cravings, unfulfilled hopes, and disappointment. We do not stop and take a moment to fully realize what we have been given, and are being given moment by moment. Or to give thanks for it. We also do not take a moment to notice what we are giving, or the difficulty we may be causing others. As we practice this new step on the Journey of Releasing, we put an end to the blindness that keeps us feeling empty and incomplete.
In order to feel safe and in charge, we get involved with all situations and relationships. We poke our hands in, try to fix, adjust and change things. Or we use our hands to bring something towards us, or perhaps push it away. This only pulls us in further, entangling us in painful ways. When we do the opposite, take our hands off and observe, magic starts happening, and so much distress dissolves.
Most of the time our first reaction to whatever comes, is to say no. We refuse. Unless what happens suits our images, needs and fantasies our energy goes to fighting it, refusing to experience what life has brought. Not only does this tie us up in knots and drain our energy, it prevents the natural flow of happiness and freedom that is our basic birthright. As we stop refusing, it becomes natural and easy to ride whatever inner or outer wave life brings. Not only is it easy, what might have s...



We feel so many things in our lives didn't turn out as we hoped it would, relationships, jobs, vacations, encounters. Much of our time and energy is spent thinking of ways to correct whatever happened. We feel deeply disappointed and blame ourselves and others for it. Feel like failures. This wonderful new step in the Journey of Releasing offers a new way.
There are so many conditions we place upon a person or situation before we are willing to embrace it fully. To welcome it and even go a step further and give it love. In this pivotal step in the Journey of Releasing we explore how to embrace a situation or person, even when it seems unwanted. Including ourselves. Then, as we do this, our usual notions about others and our life changes naturally, and we become part of the healing, uplifting, and endlessly supportive flow of love.
Our lives consists of moments, one after the next. Usually they race by without our even noticing. Instead, we are busy holding onto one moment or not allowing the next to comment. Or we listen to our racing mind, judging our moments, rejecting them or trying to fix them up. But this is the way we miss our true life. This wonderful step in releasing stops all that. We step out of the whirlwind of our mind and really take a moment. We let it be just as it is, taste it thoroughly. Then, we allo...



So many unwanted moments come to us during our lives, illness, trouble in relationships and sudden news that disrupts our plans. These moments can stay for a long while, causing us to whirl around and around in their grip. The pain is prolonged, we stay stuck, and the memory of the moment returns again and again. But there is a way to end this.During this episode we discover a new step for freeing ourselves from the moment, and freeing the moment from us. We learn how to let go of wanting thi...



We all feel that we know what is going on in this incredible confusing world of illusion. And, the moment we perceive something dangerous or negative a huge wave of feeling arises within. Most of the time these feelings take over, causing actions and speech which only make everything worse. In this pivotal episode, we take a moment to look at the very nature of these feelings that seek to drown us again and again.
Let The Tide Turn

Let The Tide Turn


The Tide in life turns as it does. A great step in the Journey of Releasing is to see that, allow it, enjoy it even. Rather than take it personally, reject it, feel we are being attacked, or punished, we can learn to see it differently. See each changing tide as an opportunity to grow stronger, wiser, have a fuller more meaningful life. As soon as we ask ourselves what we are learning from this, the pain and fear disappear. Our focus changes. The pain and fear do not come from the tide, but f...
Take A Step Back

Take A Step Back


It's easy and natural to become entangled in difficult situations. We so often feel accosted by life as it comes to us. But a wonderful step in the journey of releasing is to stop in your tracks before your react and take a step back. This step back is a wonderful way to gain balance, perspective, and sanity. It stops chaos from intensifying and plants us in an entirely different place. Step back physically, or emotionally and become an observer of what's going on. Look at it from a lar...
There are so many ways we look at others and at life. We can look through the eyes of need, upset, disappointment. Unconsciously we are dwelling upon painful memories. We can look through the eyes of hopelessness, feeling that person or situation will never give us what we need. Or we can change our filter entirely and look at everyone the way we look at someone we dearly love. Come listen in and find out how
Our first response to almost everything and everyone is to oppose it. We automatically say no, refuse, push against it. Seems we know better, or perhaps are afraid of the natural flow of life. Can’t trust it. This beautiful step in our journey of releasing frees our energy, heart and stress. It opens our relationships to all we’ve ever wanted.
Don't Interfere

Don't Interfere


Usually we feel it's up to us to make everything right. We have something to say about everything, decide what is and isn't right. But as we interfere, we often take actions that get in the way and mess things up. In this beautiful, simple step, we learn how to take our hands off, step back, not interfere. We stay present, do not withdraw, but allow the natural intelligence of life and events to hold sway.
The Art of Allowing

The Art of Allowing


A new step in our Journey of Releasing. The art of allowing is a simple, but powerful tool for releasing anxiety, becoming energized and harmonious. This step allows us to see clearly and know the best steps to take. When we stop fighting life, fixing and simply allow people and eventst to be what they are, not only do we see the beauty of it, but the best next steps to take.
We feel that resisting life keeps us safe and secure, in charge of the change that comes upon us. But oddly, the opposite is true. Resistance keeps us stuck and tied up, draining our precious energy. In this episode we discover how to identify the feeling of resistance and easily allow it to go. We also see how much strength and clarity is restored then, including a sense of ease and peace.
Most of the pain, tension, frustration, illness and ruined relationships is due to our compulsion to control everything in our world. When we are in the grip of this painful feeling, we are unable to see what is before us, respond with kindness or ever feel at ease. The craving to control all aspects of our lives actually puts us out of control. This wonderful step in the journey of releasing, shows us how to identify this feeling as it comes over us and how to let it go.
Much of our lives is driven by the craving for approval. This desire is so powerful in our lives and shapes so much of our behavior. It could even be called an addiction. We confuse approval with love, which it isn't. No matter how much approval we receive, it never truly satisfies. We always want more. We intensify the feeling by telling ourselves stories about how awful it is not to be approved of. We base our identity upon it. We allow it to generate feelings of revenge. Basically, we clin...