Your DIY Health with Sgt. Jim Ramm (retired)

Your DIY Health with Sgt. Jim Ramm (retired)
Author: Sgt. Jim Ramm (retired)
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© 2018 YourDIYHealth
Your DIY Health is a daily program that airs M-F from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Eastern time. We also have a second network, Truth Frequency Radio Network, show that airs every Thursday from 10:00 a.m. till Noon EST. Its goal is to help people to learn how they can restore their health Naturally using Science-based, Clinically verified Medical Nutrition rather than dangerous drugs and surgery! It's based on the research of Dr. Joel Wallach, B.S.,N.D., D.V.M. who proved that everyone needs 90 Essential Nutrients every day to support and maintain good health and when the body has what it needs, it'll fix itself!
1753 Episodes
Sarge is joined by Mike Gaddy, Cal Robbins and DW and they discuss the so-called 'Civil' War and much, much more! As always, lots of great information that you won't hear anywhere else!http://www.yourdiyhealth.com Ramm EA 409294
Sarge opens the show by simul-casting the My Total Nutrition webinar with Dr. Peter Glidden doing a Q&A with lots of great natural healing information. After that Sarge looks at items in the news and takes callers.http://www.yourdiyhealth.com Ramm EA 409294
Sarge opens the show with a video on the Fraud of the MMR Jab! He goes on to address the so-called measles 'outbreak' in Texas and the alleged death of a school aged girl from measles although she was allegedly in the hospital for 'RSV' and her parents were begging for breathing treatments which were denied. While there she was given a PCR test for measles which came back positive even though she had no symptoms! Sarge looks at items in the news.http://www.yourdiyhealth.com Ramm EA 409294
Sarge opens the show with a CHD.TV video covering a Las Angeles Teachers' law suit on the mandated covid jabs. This case is going to be a huge upset to the vax pushers! The video also looks at autism nutrition and a case of a 5 year old girl killed by a childhood vaccine. Sarge covers items in the news and take calls as well.http://www.yourdiyhealth.com Ramm EA 409294
Sarge opens the show with a CHD.TV video on Measles, Bird Flu and Food, and stopping the use of tax $$ to promote vaccines. After the video he looks at items in the news centering on the germ theory and many other items.http://www.yourdiyhealth.com Ramm EA 409294
Sarge opens the show by playing the recently released documentary: "The Big Picture: Life Inside the Control Grid." It contrasts the political outlook with the medical tyranny establishment and shows how they're beginning to 'tighten the noose' around the people. After the video Sarge takes callers' comments.http://www.yourdiyhealth.com Ramm EA 409294
Sarge joins Mike 'the Rebel Madman' Gaddy, Cal Robbins and DW and they discuss the many lies of Vietnam. It seems governments will do anything necessary to reach their goals of power, control and wealth and there's no one or anything they'll allow to get in their way. Listen and see for yourself!http://www.yourdiyhealth.com Ramm EA 409294
Sarge is joined by regular Thursday co-hosts: Mike Gaddy, Cal Robbins and DW and they discuss dealing with the aftermath of the "Great Lie." Dealing with the feeling of guilt that veterans have when they realize they've gone to foreign countries and killed people based on the lies they've been told by their own government.http://www.yourdiyhealth.com Ramm EA 409294
Sarge opens the show by simul-casting the My Total Nutrition webinar on Hypertension and their Q&A session. Afterwards he plays a CHD.TV video roundtable on "The Big Picture" which covers medical ethics and the control grid. Sarge also takes calls.http://www.yourdiyhealth.com Ramm EA 409294
Sarge opens the show with a report of a measles outbreak in Texas that 'just happens to correspond' with the confirmation of RFK Jr as the new Secretary of HHS! He also covers a new report showing high cholesterol is safer than low! He looks at items in the news and takes callers ending with a short video of a mom talking about what it's like caring for her vaccine injured / autistic son.http://www.yourdiyhealth.com Ramm EA 409294
Sarge opens the show by playing the 1969 Brady Bunch Measles Episode showcasing the difference between the run of the mill childhood infection (pre-vax) and the deadly, life threatening disease (post-vax). After that he addresses chlorine dioxide and other items in the news.http://www.yourdiyhealth.com Ramm EA 409294
Sarge opens the show by discussing what's necessary to produce a healthy baby' the primary factor being nutrition for both mom and dad 6 months prior to conception and then throughout the pregnancy. He then plays a CHD.TV video discussing the 1986 Act and then wraps up with what's going on with egg and poultry prices.http://www.yourdiyhealth.com Ramm EA 409294
Sarge opens the show with a CHD.TV video covering measles in Texas, the Introduction to Homeopathy, dangers of Air Pods and much more!http://www.yourdiyhealth.com Ramm EA 409294
Sarge joins Mike 'the Rebel Madman' Gaddy, Cal Robbins and DW and they discuss the question: "Is there any difference between organized crime and the federal government?" You can probably guess what the consensus was between the four of us! Lots of great information and history shared as always!http://www.yourdiyhealth.com Ramm EA 409294
Sarge is joined by regular Thursday co-hosts: Mike Gaddy, Cal Robbins and DW and they discuss some unknown heroes of the 2nd War for Independence and the existence of election from for our entire history!http://www.yourdiyhealth.com Ramm EA 409294
Sarge opens the show by simul-casting the My Total Nutrition webinar on Arthritis and then plays a CHD.TV video covering how the government is continuing to build the digital control grid. Lots of great and troubling information.http://www.yourdiyhealth.com Ramm EA 409294
Sarge opens the show by playing a video from CHD.TV about "Medical Board Drops Case Against Doctor Questioning COVID". After the video Sarge covers items in the news, reads the 'Story of Carmella' and takes calls.http://www.yourdiyhealth.com Ramm EA 409294
Sarge opens the show by looking at a book he just received: "Natural Health for Dogs and Cats" by Dr. Pitcairn. He then reads a recent Substack from Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: "Pro-vaxxers Need to Wake Up!". He also looks at items in the news and take callers.http://www.yourdiyhealth.com Ramm EA 409294
Sarge opens the show by playing a CHD.TV video interview of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny by Dr. Paul Thomas on "Why Parents are Saying NO to Vaccines." After that he plays a recording of Dr. Joel Wallach called: "Dial M.D. for Murder." He then discusses items in the news.http://www.yourdiyhealth.com Ramm EA 409294
Sarge plays the new video Premiere of "Introducing Homeopathy". This is a great video that is designed to introduce the world to the wonderful practice of Homeopathy which can help with just about any condition! Listen and Learn!http://www.yourdiyhealth.com Ramm EA 409294
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I too watched white noise last night and it was so terrible.