Your Dental Top 5

54 Episodes
On this episode of Your Dental Top 5 Amanda Hill is joined by Brittany Duncan, Sales and Marketing Director for A Tale of Two Hygienists and The Dental Podcast Network to talk about Amanda's Journey of being a host of Your Dental Top 5 Podcast, and the top 5 things she has learned through the podcast!
“Say yes even when you don’t know what you are doing.”
“Nobody knows exactly what they are doing 100% of the time.”
“Be a learner never a knower.”
“It’s much more fun to be the helper than feel weak and be the helpee.”
“By asking for help we allow others to use their gifts.”
“The no’s are a great opportunity to learn.”
“When you know better you do better.”
“Nobody learns through shame.”
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On this episode of Your Dental Top 5 Amanda Hill is joined by Whitney Howerton to talk about curettes and building your kit to benefit yourself as a clinician and your patients alike.
“I would bet there are some hygienists out there that still have their instruments from hygiene school even if they graduated years and years ago.”
“We forget to empower ourselves and fight for the best equipment.”
“It has the ability to clean multiple surfaces of the same tooth.”
“I want to know what my top 5 instruments are too.”
“They got on”
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This week on Your Dental Top 5 your host, Amanda Hill, RDH is talking live with Mike Rust at ProEdge Dental Water Labs about what you can do to avoid an inspection!
“We are smarter together.”
“Patients are more aware than ever.”
“They will tell you what you need to do, and you better do it.”
“It is actually cheaper to hire a consultant in the long run.”
“Let's make every patient happy, every visit.”
“Show off your sterilization center unless it is ugly, in which case CLEAN IT UP.”
“If you didn’t write it down, it didn’t happen.”
“We do all these things to protect our patients, but when you document you protect yourself and your practice.”
“Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”
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This week on Your Dental Top 5 your host, Amanda Hill, RDH is talking with Nichol Schreiber, Director of Global Clinical Relations at Young Innovations to talk about reasons it is important to get to know your dental companies and how doing so can benefit your career.
“We use what we know and what we are comfortable with and by doing so we limit ourselves.”
“Get out there and learn what is new and what companies are bringing to the market.”
“If we didn't keep up on technology we would still be using port polishers and little wood wedges.”
“These instruments are made right here in Missoula, MT by 80 trades men and women.”
“We welcome you into the factory, you will be blown away.”
“We in dentistry are disposable lovers, we just keep throwing things away, we need to look at the environmental impact.”
“Staying connected to us allows you access.”
“Someone does actually win these things.”
“We as manufacturers rely so much on your feedback when we are coming up with new products.”
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This week on Your Dental Top 5 your host, Amanda Hill, RDH is talking with Linda Mench, MS, CNS about the importance of nutrition. These nutrition solutions will help your patients heal and have their best oral health.
“Listen to the whispers in the body instead of the scream.”
“When it took you a while to get there, dialing it back takes time.”
“Open up your umbrella and get under it, then you can offer it to your friend.”
“These top 5 nutrition solutions are like PPE for my body.”
“When we have diverse neighborhoods we are a better community.”
“It is really important for our gut health for us to move.”
“You don’t throw every single oral health aid at a patient, you pick one or two.”
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This week on Your Dental Top 5 your host, Amanda Hill, RDH is talking with THE Andrew Johnston, RDH about cool things to be grateful for!
“In general my health is really good, I just can’t see out of one eye right now.”
“I am a sucker for quirky marketing.”
“So we need giant toothbrushes and floss in front of our dental offices.”
“I can’t imagine what our dental hygiene license is going to look like 10 years from now, and all the things we are going to be able to do.”
“If you are bored you are not trying hard enough.”
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This week on Your Dental Top 5 your host, Amanda Hill, RDH is talking with Laurie Owens, Director of Medical Billing for Devdent about what you need to know for medical billing!
“You are helping to prolong a patient's disease by performing a perio maintenance.”
“We are not doing dental things all the time, sometimes we are, but not all the time.”
“The mouth talks to the body, and the body talks to the mouth… it goes both ways.”
“How did you do the oral cancer screening, was it with a tool? If it isn’t in your notes it didn’t happen.”
“When you are in court you don’t get your practice software, you get your note.”
“Please don’t say cracked tooth, I might choke you, say fractured tooth.”
“She might have gathered that detail but she didn’t document it.”
“Find out the demographics of your patients.”
“Realize that what you are doing is helping your patients.”
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This week on Your Dental Top 5 your host, Amanda Hill, RDH is talking with friend Lil Caperila about the top 5 ways you can make your hygiene day easier!
“Sometimes I only have time to get the numbers, but not the bleeding or recession.”
“I can give them a print out and they can take ownership of their disease.”
“Not everything works for everybody.”
“If you try to cut a steak with a dull knife you are going to have a tough time.”
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This week on Your Dental Top 5 your host, Amanda Hill, RDH is talking with Fred Joyal about the top 5 reasons for the power of boldness! Be sure to check out his latest book Superbold: From Under-Confident to Charismatic in 90 Days.
“My goal is to be as bold as possible to help people achieve their dreams.”
“Boldness can be learned.”
“Lock in their name and something else about them”
“99% of the time nothing bad happens unless you label it as bad.”
“I want you to have a more satisfying life.”
“The best things in life I have done completely scared.”
Superbold: From Under-Confident to Charismatic in 90 Days
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This week on Your Dental Top 5 your host, Amanda Hill, RDH is talking with Jackie Sanders, MBA, RDH, Chief Editor of RDH Magazine about the Top 5 ways to get published.
“There are so many smart hygienists out there that have a message in their heart that they want to get out.”
“We’ve got places to get your message out there.”
“Not everyone knows everything that you know.”
“If you are not a writer, record your voice, and then transcribe it.”
“Try to pull the ‘I’ statements out of there.”
“I use grammarly all the time, it helps me look smarter.”
“Write about what you know about.”
“Say yes, and then do it again.”
“Noone is here to judge you, we are here to support you.”
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This week on Your Dental Top 5 your host, Amanda Hill, RDH is talking with Laurel Gans, DDS about the top 5 non-clinical jobs for dental professionals. As we all know the Covid-19 pandemic changed the workforce in dentistry and Dr. Gans is going to talk to us about some alternate options.
“95% of the aerosols in your operatory are coming from your dental unit waterlines.”
“You can be in the op, but not in the op, use your education, but not injure yourself.”
“I like this check thing, it sounds good.”
I have a twin sister who is also a dentist and within a year she was having wrist trouble.”
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This week on Your Dental Top 5 your host, Amanda Hill, RDH is talking with The Latina RDH, Amber Lovatos, RDH about the top 5 things to know about the latin community.
“Brazilians are only latino because they don’t speak spanish.”
“Latino refers to a group of people, latina refers to a woman or group of women.”
“If you add 1 man to a group of 100 women you are now latino not latina.”
“LatinX is neither male or female.”
“Don’t call us Spanish, we are not from Spain.”
“There are 20 different latin countries, we are not all Mexican.”
“We all have a very high sugar diet, and we will likely need some nutritional education and counseling.”
“I didn’t know what dental floss was until I was an adult.”
Communicate with Spanish-speaking patients in your dental office
Smiles Por Vida: A Spanglish Children's Dental Book (Spanish Edition)
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This week on Your Dental Top 5 your host, Amanda Hill, RDH is talking with Barbara Tritz, RDH, BS, MSB about biological dentistry.
“When I first started as a hygienist, for the first year I hated it.”
“I fell in love with being a dental hygienist because I could finally be a healer.”
“When they see what is on the screen they want to be healthy.”
“I won’t work without a microscope, you have to know what you are dealing with, if you don’t know what you are dealing with you are just the cleaning lady.”
“Most root causes are not in the mouth.”
“As a profession we are failing.”
“If your patients are mouth breathing they are going to have perio and they are going to have caries.”
“What we learned in school is the minimum.”
“Healthy gums don’t bleed. Period.”
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This week on Your Dental Top 5 your host, Amanda Hill, RDH is talking with Debi Dencek about the reasons people buy from you and ways to communicate with your patients to get their buy in.
“I make a point to listen before I speak.”
“There is no SOP for patient communication.”
“They will never care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
“Sometimes what we think is an obvious question, it might not be.”
“Perio disease is 100% preventable.”
“The deeper your pocket, the deeper you will go into your pocket.”
“Prestige speaks to peoples egos.”
“Have your patient become part of the dental theme.”
“I’m not going to care about your mouth more than you do.”
CordEze on Instagram
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This week on Your Dental Top 5 your host, Amanda Hill, RDH is talking with Kathy Forbes, RDH, BS about dental insurance and coding!
Episode Highlights
Kathy’s background
Kathy’s top 5
“The general public including staff tend to not understand what insurance is.”
“Dental insurance is a totally different animal from medical.”
“Dental insurance is not really insurance.”
“You either use it, or you lose it.”
“I’m so sorry your employer didn’t negotiate for better benefits.”
“Know your top 10 plans you are seeing come through your office.”
“To take a 20% cut in your fees is to take a 50% cut in your profits.”
“They are covering it because we submitted it.”
Dear Patient Your Insurance Company Doesn’t Care About You
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This week on Your Dental Top 5 your host, Amanda Hill, RDH is talking with Top 5 ways to be an educator with none other than the Hygiene-Educators from Hygiene Edge, Shelly Brown and Jessica Atkinson.
Episode Highlights
Shelly’s Background
Jessica’s Background
Hygiene Edge Top 5
“Our faculty at large is an aging faculty and we need people to step into those roles.”
“I think networking is the key to anything you want to do.”
“Make it known and start off small.”
“The association gives you a view of what dental hygiene can be, and is really inspiring.”
“Beef up your resume.”
“If you didn’t write it down, it didn’t happen, you didn’t do it.”
“Education doesn’t stop when you leave the classroom.”
Hygiene Edge
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This week on Your Dental Top 5 your host, Amanda Hill, RDH is talking with Stephanie Botts, RDH, BSDH, CEAS about safer economics practices to practice safer dentistry… and life in general!
Episode Highlights
Stephanie’s Background
Stephanie’s Top 5
“When you are in pain you are not giving the best to your patients, or yourself.”
“Establish your neutral posture, and adjust the patient to fit you.”
“Involve the patient in your care.”
“These micro beaks and stretch breaks throughout the day are very important.”
“Blood carries nutrients and oxygen and other healing properties to the muscle.”
“Give up that overhead light and use a headlamp and loupes.”
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This week on Your Dental Top 5 your host, Amanda Hill, RDH is talking with Amber Auger, RDH! Amber and Amanda talk about the top 5 ways to thrive in the operatory!
Episode Highlights
Amanda’s Top 5
Amber’s Journey
“I started dental hygiene with carpal tunnel.”
“Watching patients change from disease to health is the coolest thing ever.”
“It was supervised neglect 100%.”
“I said ‘I know you don’t want to hear it but I am under oath here.”
“I know you have that little black lab who is your buddy, and I want you to live a long and healthy life with him. The man started sobbing and went through with treatment.”
“I always avoid the drama triangle.”
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This week on Your Dental Top 5 your host, Amanda Hill, RDH is giving you her top 5 keys to curiosity! Join Amanda as she outlines 5 pathways to curiosity.
Episode Highlights
5 Pathways
“The one trait any one of us needs to have a successful career is curiosity.”
“Choosing to be curious is choosing to be vulnerable.”
“Let go of being right, and lean into getting it right.”
“When you lose sight of who you are, that is when you start to burnout.”
Curiosity Revived the Cat: Digging into the Most Important Trait for Patient Communication and Career Fulfillment
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This week on Your Dental Top 5 your host, Amanda Hill, RDH is talking with Jennifer Stanley, RDH about the top 5 reasons to temp!
Episode Highlights
Jennifer’s Top 5
Discovery and Growth
Reignite Your Passion
“Jennifer is a full time temp.”
“I usually carry at least one full cassette of my favorite instruments.”
“My body enjoys a half day of hygiene.”
“Temping can help you with what your next chapter will be.”
“So many people feel like they are stuck.”
“Temping is a forced growth.”
“I promise I know how to cook, I am just cooking in someone else's kitchen.”
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