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Your Dream Business

Author: Teresa Heath-Wareing

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Hi! I’m Teresa if you are a business owner who is striving to build a business and life you dream of on your own terms and doing something you love then this is the podcast for you!

Each week I will share with you business, marketing and mindset tools and strategies that I used to start and grow my own dream business.

I also bring you the world's experts and best in the industry to share their knowledge and give you the latest tools and tactics to ensure you are marketing and growing your business! My guests have included. Amy Porterfield, Pat Flynn, Rick Mulready, Brian Fanzo, Tyler J McCall, Andrew & Pete, James Wedmore & Jasmine Star!
351 Episodes
Today’s episode of the podcast is a solo episode where I reveal the secrets behind the two most powerful lead magnets that can help you grow your email list quickly and effectively. I share personal anecdotes and expert tips on why these lead magnets are so effective and how you can create them for your own business. Whether you are a course creator, membership owner, or coach, this episode provides actionable strategies to enhance your marketing efforts and build your audience.   KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST The Effectiveness of Checklists and Templates I discuss how checklists, templates, and toolkits serve as powerful lead magnets by providing immediate value to potential clients. These resources offer quick wins and practical steps that help establish trust and demonstrate expertise. The Power of Engaging Quizzes Quizzes are highlighted as another highly effective lead magnet. They captivate attention by offering personalized insights, which tap into people's curiosity about themselves. Tips: Ensure your quiz is engaging, fun, and relevant to your audience, while also gathering valuable information that can help improve your marketing efforts. Simplicity is Key I emphasize the importance of keeping lead magnets simple, concise, and focused on delivering quick wins. Overly complex or extensive materials can overwhelm your audience and reduce the effectiveness of your lead magnet. Advice: Create lead magnets that address specific problems your audience faces, making it easy for them to see the immediate value in what you offer.   If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to Apple podcasts or Spotify and give me a review, I would be so very grateful.   LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE How quizzes can increase your email list and sales with Kylie Lang Connect with Teresa on Website, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter Transcript One of my very first lead magnets got me 800 opt ins in two weeks with only a spend of about £50. So what made that particular lead magnet so powerful that I was able to build my list that fast? Well, in today's episode, I am sharing with you The two most powerful lead magnets that...
Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Krista Miller where she discusses the evolution of summits from list builders to comprehensive launch tools, detailing how they can drive successful, engaging, and non-salesy launches. I also share my own experiences with summits, the challenges faced, and the lessons learned. Emphasis on the need for adequate planning and the benefits of following proven strategies. At Summit in a Box®️, Krista helps online business owners replace slow-growth and costly marketing strategies with high-converting virtual summits that lead to record-breaking course, membership, and group program launches.   KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST Launching Through Summits Krista Miller discusses innovative strategies for launching online courses and memberships through virtual summits. She emphasizes that summits can be more than just list builders; they can be a powerful method for successful, non-salesy launches that feel good for both the host and participants. Importance of Niching A critical takeaway is the importance of niching down for summits. Krista explains how targeting a specific audience with a clear, focused topic can significantly increase engagement, speaker interest, and attendee conversion rates. This specificity helps in creating summits that resonate deeply with the audience, making them more effective. Membership Launch Strategies The podcast delves into advanced strategies for launching memberships through summits. Krista shares how offering trials and integrating the membership seamlessly into the summit experience can lead to high conversion rates. She provides examples of clients who added hundreds of members to their memberships using these techniques, demonstrating the effectiveness of a well-planned summit.   If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to Apple podcasts or Spotify and give me a review, I would be so very grateful.   LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE How to run a successful online summit with Krista Miller Behind the scenes of my Rise Above Summit 3-day virtual summit Membership Momentum presented by Summit in a Box® Connect with Krista on Website, Instagram  Connect with Teresa on Websitespan...
Today’s episode of the podcast is a solo episode where I share an honest and insightful look into the highs and lows of running an online membership for the past five years. From strategic shifts to personal growth, I reveal what worked, what didn’t, and how my mindset and experiences have influenced my business. Whether you’re a course creator, membership owner, or coach, this episode is packed with valuable lessons and actionable strategies.   KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST Importance of Niching Down Initially, I aimed to serve everyone, which diluted my focus and messaging. Over time, I learned the importance of clearly defining my target audience and tailoring my offerings to meet their specific needs. Value of Continuous Adaptation The membership evolved significantly over the years, from strategic marketing content to incorporating mindset and personal development aspects. This flexibility allowed me to better serve my members as my own skills and understanding grew. Strategic Pricing and Value Perception I experimented with different pricing tiers and eventually raised the membership fee to reflect the high value provided. I also learned that having lower-priced options could sometimes devalue the overall perception of the membership.   If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to Apple podcasts or Spotify and give me a review, I would be so very grateful.   LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Membership Momentum Dream Business Club Losing Part Of Me Podcast Connect with Teresa on Website, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter Transcript After five years of having my membership, I'm taking you behind the scenes to share what has worked over those five years and what didn't. Also, how has that membership changed over that time. I share all the mistakes I made and what I would do differently if I was to do it all again. I also share with you what the future looks like for my membership and what things I might be doing differently now. And one of the things I think you'll find surprising is how my own mindset and my own life experiences had an impact on what my membership looked like and what I offered. This is a very honest look into having an online business and running a membership. Hello and welcome to another episode of Your Dream Business podcast. How are you doing this week? Isn't it funny how sometimes things just line up without you even trying or realising? And this is exactly what's happened for the episode this week. Now, I decided I was going to talk about my membership and memberships in general, because of two reasons. One, I am speaking at Membership Momentum. Which is an amazing summit put on
This week on the podcast, I'm interviewing the awesome Jyotsna Ramachandran from Happy Self Publishing, and we are talking all about what a book could do for your business, and how to know if it is the right choice for you. So if you have ever been curious about becoming an author of a book or if you want to know more about exactly what it would involve, then today's podcast episode is definitely for you!   KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST How you can write a book, even if writing is not your superpower Self publishing versus having a publicist and what's better The costs involved in writing and publishing a book   Jyotsna is a bestselling author, book publisher, TEDx speaker, and is an international Author Success Coach who helps, coaches, trainers, speakers, and experts to build a super profitable author funnel with the help of their book. She is on a mission to elevate the consciousness of humanity one book at a time by helping visionary leaders convert their messages into bestselling books in the easiest possible way. So far, Jyotsna has helped over 1000 authors from 35 different countries through her global publishing agency, Happy Self Publishing. While Jyotsna isn’t working, this mom of 2 kids also loves to dance, cycle, plan her next family staycation and is a passionate advocate for educational rights. If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to Apple podcasts or Spotify and give me a review, I would be so very grateful.   LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Follow Happy Self Publishing on Instagram Take the Author Archetype Quiz Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook   Transcript Teresa: Have you ever dreamed about writing a book, or maybe you fantasized about being an Amazon bestseller? Maybe you wonder what a book could do for you and your business. Well, in this week's podcast, I'm interviewing JR from Happy Self Publishing, and we are going to be talking about how you can become a bestselling author, even if writing isn't your superpower. We get into what it actually takes to write a book, both time and money investment, and is it really better to have a publisher than to self publish the book yourself. We get into all that on this episode and more. Welcome back to another episode of your dream business podcast. How are we doing this week? Have you ever dreamed of writing a book? Now, it's crossed my mind a number of times, but most of the time I go, I'm not good enough to write a book, or I'm not very good at writing, so can't write a book. Now, some of you might know or remember that I was a co author of a book that hit number one in some of the...
Today’s episode of the podcast is a solo episode where I am sharing with you the 3 easy things that you can do today to boost your confidence. These steps will help you stop doubting yourself, go after big opportunities, and make your dream life and business a reality.   KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST The importance of self-integrity in confidence How to build confidence through small steps and self-compassion Practical actions to take to become more confident   If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to Apple podcasts or Spotify and give me a review, I would be so very grateful.   LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Join me at my Atomicon 'Build Your Confidence and Become Unstoppable' workshop Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook   Transcript What would you do and how would your business look if you had buckets of confidence? If you could go into every task, every launch, every promotion, every anything, speaking on stages, doing podcast interviews, putting yourself forward, with the utmost of confidence, how could your life change? In today's episode, I'm going to be sharing with you exactly how to do that, how you can build your confidence muscle. So that you are no longer held back by self doubt and you don't let those things get in your way. I'm going to be sharing with you three things that you can start to do today to build your self confidence. Hello, and welcome to this week's episode of Your Dream Business Podcast. How are you doing? If you are new to the podcast, thank you so much for listening. And if you are a returning listener, thank you so much for coming back. Today I want to talk to you about confidence. It's something that I'm actually doing a presentation on very soon. I'm doing a bit of a workshop on it, and it's something that comes up a lot in everything we do. You see, when I started my business, I knew how to do marketing. That was my thing. I had been to university. I've got a degree in it. I had worked in lots of businesses. I had marketed almost every possible type of industry you can imagine. And then I started helping small business owners. And I really quickly realized that without some of the mindset tools in place and one of them being confidence. We could have the best strategies in the world. And at the point I'm recording this, I'm actually doing this for me as much as you lot, because there are points in my business and things that I do where I need more confidence. And you might look at that and think, that seems crazy. You have loads of confidence. You do things that take a lot of confidence, like speaking on stages, putting the podcast out. putting yourself out there, but it doesn't mean that it's...
If you offer a one to one service or are thinking about it, you are going to love today's episode. Janine Coombes, and I talk all about marketing for one to one services, discussing why maybe you shouldn't niche straight away in your business, and how you can price with confidence. We also chat about why Janine doesn't buy into the philosophy of charge what you're worth, and how she advises to price with confidence at the level you want.   KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST Janine's 'Reverse Niching Principle' explained How to confidently price high-value services Top tips for selling one to one services, focussing on risk removal and social proof   Janine Coombes is a marketing and sales strategist specialising in service offer positioning, pricing and sales for ambitious coaches and consultants. She’s a dynamic and engaging speaker who has shared the stage with Deborah Meaden and regularly appears on internationally renowned stages such as Atomicon, MarketEd Live and You Are The Media. With over 20 years of experience she has an extensive background in business and marketing having worked with big brands like EE, Orange and Europcar as well as hundreds of entrepreneurs and service based business owners. Her sweet spot is helping coaches and consultants to earn drastically more from their 1:1 services without slogging their guts out or moving to a more complicated business model. She has a business degree, a post-graduate marketing diploma (CIM Dip). She’s a skilled writer and one of the most creative content creators out there having garnered international attention with her sketch style show The Secret Marketing Show. If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to iTunes and give me a review, I would be so very grateful.   LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Download Janine's '6 steps to charging more with 100% confidence' workbook Download Janine's 'Coaching Sales JetPack' Connect with Janine on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook   Transcript Teresa: If you offer one to one services or are thinking about it, you are going to love today's episode. My guest and I talk around niching, pricing, and marketing your one to one offer. She shares why you shouldn't niche when you first start, and we discuss how pricing with confidence is key and why she doesn't buy into the charge what you are worth philosophy. We also look at how you can more one to one clients. And how to successfully get testimonials from those clients you've been working with. Hello and welcome to this latest episode of Your Dream Business. Thank you so much for taking the time out to listen to learn and to grow, which is...
Today’s episode of the podcast is a solo episode where I am sharing with you how to become a guest on a top rated podcast. Tune in to hear my checklist of things that are most important to a podcast host, when choosing who they want to interview on their podcast. If you are ready to accelerate your growth, your audience and your email list this episode is a must listen!   KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST How to find podcasts to apply for How to determine if you are a good fit for a podcast Top tips for a successful pitch   If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to iTunes and give me a review, I would be so very grateful.     LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Listen back to episode 316, Audience, Audience, Audience: Proven Tactics For How To Grow Yours Download the checklist for the things you should do if you are hoping to get on someone's podcast Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook   Transcript Becoming a guest on a top rated podcast can be a game changer for your credibility, for your business, and most importantly, for your audience growth. Getting in front of someone else's audience is so powerful, but how do you get on those top rated podcasts? How do you stand out from the crowd? Why does that podcast host pick you over someone else? Well, today, my friend, I am sharing all after years of having people pitch me to come on my podcast. I have pulled together a checklist of things that are the most important to a podcast host that will help you stand out and Be picked as a guest on their podcast. If you are ready to accelerate your growth, your audience, and your email list, this episode is for you. And if you're sitting there thinking, Teresa, I'm not sure I want to go on someone else's podcast. Then I want you to listen up anyway, because getting in front of someone else's audience is such a powerful strategy to accelerate your audience and your email list growth. And as we know, building your email list is one of the most important things that you can do in your business. And I'm going to give you the confidence to put yourself forward to go for these amazing opportunities. Hello and welcome back to this week's episode of Your Dream Business podcast. How are you doing this week? I've been super busy batching a lot of podcast episodes, and in doing that, it means I'm really ahead with my guests, which is awesome in one way, but also I don't like to be as ahead as I am because it sometimes feels like, great, we did an interview that comes out in September. So it can be a bit frustrating. However, As you can imagine, I get a ton of applications to come on my podcast. I've had my podcast for a long time. This is episode 346, like that is a lot of years. And I've had a load of people on my podcast over that time. And I've also been...
Have you ever wondered what it takes to go from an employed person with a business idea to a business owner, with a £1 million turnover and products in mainstream supermarkets like Tesco, Waitrose, and Ocado?Well, CafePod founder, Peter Grainger shares with me the 3 mindset beliefs that he had when he started his business, and how it helped him to grow it to where he is today.The great news is that these three things are things that you can work on, to start to believe in yourself to grow your own businesses so tune in now and get inspired!KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST🌟 The key skills that are needed to start a business outside of your skills and expertise🌟 The learning experiences of launching a new business in a competitive industry🌟 Where to look for investors for a new business venture and how to get them on boardCafePod is a London-based independent coffee company that makes great-tasting coffee to enjoy at home. Their diverse range of exciting blends are available as Nespresso®️ compatible pods, ground coffee and whole bean. CafePod is available to buy from, Amazon, Tesco, Waitrose and Ocado.If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to iTunes and give me a review, I would be so very grateful.LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODEConnect with Peter on LinkedInFollow CafePod on Instagram Follow CafePod on FacebookThe Power of Content Marketing with Marcus Sheridan.Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or FacebookTranscriptTeresa: Have you ever wondered what it takes to go from an employed person with a business idea to a business owner with a 7 million turnover and products in mainstream supermarkets like Tesco's, Waitrose and Ocado. Well, CafePod founder Peter Grainger shares with me the three mindset beliefs that he had when he started his business and it helped him to grow it to where he is today.And the great news, these three things are things that we can work on to start to believe ourselves to grow our own businesses.Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the your dream business podcast. So this week I have a really cool interview for you. I'm interviewing Peter Grainger, who is the founder of CafePod. And when they first approached me to say, would I have him on the podcast?I initially thought how well does this resonate with you guys who are listening to this? As I've interviewed a couple of people recently who have really big businesses and, and different style businesses. It's been really good for me to understand how their brain works and what made them go into businesses that appear really difficult.Like to suddenly decide to do a coffee brand that is not like, and, and you'll hear in this that he had no experience in this. He didn't work in coffee, he didn't work in like anything entrepreneurial. He literally went from working in the city to starting a business,...
Today’s episode of the podcast is a solo episode where I am giving you an honest account of what it was like to run my first ever Virtual Summit. In the episode I share with you the good, the bad, and the ugly lessons that I learned, and what I will do differently next time!   KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST My experience of previous summits and what I did differently What I spent money on and what I did to ensure I covered costs The statistics on my registration numbers and how many people turned up If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to iTunes and give me a review, I would be so very grateful.   LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook   Transcript Today, I am taking you behind the scenes of my first ever summit. I'm going to be sharing with you what worked, what didn't, what went absolutely wrong that we didn't plan for, and I don't think could have planned for. I'm also going to be sharing with you my registration rates, my turn up rate, and what it did for my business. I learned so many valuable lessons in this process. And I'm sharing them all with you today. Hello, and welcome to this week's episode of your dream business podcast. How are you doing this week? I hope you are good. So this week I have decided to share with you all the stuff about my summit, basically the good, the bad, the ugly, the things that went wrong that we did not expect, and whether I'll do it again and what I would do differently. And whether you're looking at doing a summit or not, I think this is going to be a really interesting look behind the scenes of running something like this at this level. And some of the lessons I learned with the summit actually are going to help me in lots of other areas of my business. And actually something that kind of come up during the summit is now inspiring me to make some changes in the rest of my business. So I've written some notes. And I'm kind of hopefully going to go through them in order. As you know, if you listen to this podcast regularly, I don't script it. That's just the way I like to do it. I like to be very off the cuff. I like to have an idea of what I'm going to say to you, but I like it to be a conversation. I like to imagine that you've just said to me, Oh, how did the summit go? And I'm about to tell you how the summit went. So it is very relaxed. It's the style of the podcast. If you're new, welcome. So lovely to have you here. If you are new and you don't subscribe, then I would love it if you took a minute to subscribe to the podcast. That would be amazing. Okay, let's get cracking. So why did I even do a summit in the first place? Now, this had been on my radar for a really long time. I have been a guest on many summits over the years, and at the moment I seem to be getting a flurry of them. And my experience of them was mixed, but I would say more to the not brilliant end. And I've spoke openly before now about Fifi Mason and her summit and how that was the best one I'd ever done. She really kind of seemed to get it in her head what she wanted and how to manage it. And it was marketed really well. And it was It was just...
Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Lorna Reeves, where we are talking all about event planning in business. We cover everything from in person events, online webinars and big summits. Join us as we share they key things you need to do to get more people to sign up and show up, and how to make sure everything runs smoothly. And if you don't think running events is for you, this episode will explain why you might want to give them a shot!   KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST Why events are a powerful tool that all businesses should consider utilising What you need to think about when running a hybrid event that caters to an online and in person audience The benefits of events versus webinars for building relationships and delivering content   Lorna Reeves is an award-winning business owner & entrepreneur. MyOhMy Events is dedicated to supporting business owners and companies to create immersive, interactive evens that really pack a punch. Lorna is a force for change, driving representation and a voice for the change in the industry. As a best-selling co-author, public speaker and leader, Lorna’s solution focussed, no-nonsense style ensure her client’s events elevate their brand. If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to iTunes and give me a review, I would be so very grateful.   LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Connect with Lorna on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook Check out Lorna's free 'Fail Safe Event Planning' course Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook   Transcript Teresa: When I say the word event planning, what do you think of? I'm guessing you're thinking of big in person fancy events with fancy food or big massive online events with loads of speakers. What if I told you a webinar could be considered an event? And then what if I told you That there are a few key things that you need to do to make sure that you get maximum signup and attendees and so that your event runs smoothly. This is what we are talking about in today's episode with the amazing Lorna. And if you think events aren't for you, then this episode will share with you why you should even consider them. Welcome to this week's episode of the Your Dream Business Podcast. How are you doing? This week, I am interviewing the very awesome Lorna Reeves from My Oh My Events. So you will know that I held a summit back in March and I had Lorna from My Oh My Events help me run that summit, which I'm gonna do a podcast next week where I talk you through what went well, what didn't go so well, and what we are going to change about the next event that we do. But Lorna was the one that helped me manage the entire event, not only before, but also on the day and slotted in almost to my team, which was amazing. Now this episode, we...
Today’s episode of the podcast is a solo episode where I am talking all about the practical steps you need to take to set yourself up for success in quarter two. I am so excited to share with you the exact process I go through, and some of the key things you will want to think about when doing it for yourself - because trust me when I say that it is absolutely key to the growth and success of your business.   TUNE IN TO FIND OUT: The practical steps I take to review quarter one The questions I ask myself to move forward into quarter two How I review my annual goals to ensure I am still on track   If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to iTunes and give me a review, I would be so very grateful.   LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Buy a Full Focus Planner Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook   Transcript Hello and welcome to this week's episode of Your Dream Business podcast. How are you doing this week? I hope you are good. I just want to say a little thank you for tuning in and listening. I really do appreciate it. And just as a quick reminder, if you have not already subscribed to the podcast or reviewed the podcast, I would be so, so grateful if you would do those things. It really helps not only me by my podcast being heard more, but also helps other people because they get to discover the podcast. So I'd really appreciate that. Okay. So this week, I don't have an interview. I am doing a very quick solo on some practical steps to reviewing your quarter. So at the time you're listening to this, we've not long come into quarter two of the year, and my quarter one was the crazy. If you've been in my world, you will know that I have done a lot of stuff this year already. So I launched another podcast. I started a beta group program. I've relaunched that program. I have done a massive summit with thousands of people and 38 phenomenal speakers. So I have been like smashing out the work in the first quarter. So it's a great time for me to review what I've done and also maybe walk you through the steps that I do at the end of every quarter and I do with my executive club members and with my club members. So what I'm going to do is just walk you through the questions that I ask myself and If you've got a piece of paper and a pen, then maybe make a note of these questions and give yourself some time to go through it. I promised you anything like goal setting, anything like reviewing and looking at where you are is never ever wasted, ever. So the very first question I ask myself when I look at the previous quarter, so first of all, remind yourself what happened in quarter one. So January, February, March, what did you do in those months? Now, one of the things that I do, which really helps is I have a full focus planner, which we'll put a link to in the show notes. I'm a big fan. They were a sponsor of the summit. So basically Michael Hyatt and a team have put together this amazing planner that I've used for years. And one of the things it does is every week it asks you to celebrate your wins. So that
Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Karen Cheong, where we have a fascinating conversation about what is blocking you from having your dream business, no matter how hard you're trying. In this episode we dive into the power of frequency work for personal and professional growth and the importance of freewill in spiritual growth.   KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST What distortion patterns are and how to release them How to rise above fear and limiting beliefs to access higher possibilities Why you might be fearing success and not enjoying it when you achieve it   Karen Cheong is an international transformational speaker, writer, champion for self-empowerment and healer who has worked with thousands of people worldwide. If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to iTunes and give me a review, I would be so very grateful.   LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Connect with Karen on Instagram or YouTube Check out Karen's website Access Karen's free online workshop & meditation on how to quiet your mind Access Karen's ebook, audio book + 15 minute morning meditation to start your day off in the highest frequency resonance (value $55 but free with coupon: DREAMBIZ) Check out Karen's free vlog/podcast "Mastering Your World Through Frequencies" Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook   Transcript Teresa: Hello and welcome back to this week's episode of the your dream business podcast. I hope you've had a great start to your week if you're listening to this on Monday. So today I have a really good guest and I'm very, very much looking forward to today's conversation because I selfishly read. what she could talk about and was like, I want that. I need that. So today I have Karen Cheong on the podcast. Who's an international transformation speaker, writer, champion for self employment and a healer who has worked on thousands of people worldwide with not on, she might have worked on them. We'll find out. After a health crisis in her early 20s, capitalized on her spiritual journey, she was driven by curiosity to explore the mystic and energetic systems that govern our experience of ourselves and others and life itself. As always, everybody, I've done a terrible job reading it, but you're not here for that, thank goodness. So please welcome to the podcast, the very lovely Karen. Karen, how are you doing? Karen: I'm doing great. Thanks for asking, and thank you for having me on your show. Teresa: I am excited to have you on the show. I hate the reading bit. Like, I...
Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with the very funny and very clever Dan Knowlton, where we chat about all things business, marketing and public speaking. This episode is not only filled with some really valuable and practical tips and advice, it also has some funny stories and lots of laughs in it too - and I know you will love it!   KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST Marketing strategies that have worked for Knowlton Tips and advice for pitching to big brands Techniques to overcome fear and impostor syndrome in public speaking   Dan is the Co-Founder of Knowlton, a business that he started with his brother back in 2015. Knowlton is a creative video and social media marketing agency based in Kent, UK, and they are on a mission to rid the world of crap marketing! Knowlton help businesses to generate a trackable ROI from their marketing with their creative social media management and thumb-stopping marketing campaigns. They've generated millions in trackable sales for some of the world’s leading brands like Wahl, Buy Whole Foods Online, Boston Consulting Group, and BBC Storyworks! If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to iTunes and give me a review, I would be so very grateful.   LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Connect with Dan on LinkedIn Check out the Knowlton website Watch the Steven Bartlett parody video Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook Transcript Teresa: Hello and Welcome to this week's episode of the Your Dream Business Podcast. How are you doing this week? So this week I have. a very dear friend on the podcast and a fellow podcaster. He has his own podcast as well, but his on the whole is a little bit more funnier than mine, which I'm a bit gutted about because I think I'm funny, but no, his is definitely funnier than mine. So this week I am very, very excited to welcome to the podcast, the very lovely Dan Knowlton. Dan, how are you doing? Dan: Oh, good. I'm really pleased. I can't believe I've never been on your podcast. Teresa: Never. I can't believe it. I don't know how. Dan: Yeah. Yeah. It's good to be here. Nice. Really, really good to be. I don't know how funny our podcast is that you've kind of built it up a bit. Teresa: Oh, so I was doing my research this morning, right. And I was listening to some of your episodes. Now I do listen to your podcast, but I have to say as a podcaster, I don't know about you, but I am a bit rubbish at listening to other people's podcasts. And also when I do listen to podcasts, I tend to listen to health related podcasts or like I listened to Andrew Huberman, Huberman's lab. Do you listen to that? Dan: I don't, but I watch his content on TikTok and stuff. Yeah....
Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Louise Miller, where we are talking all about a new, human-first definition of productivity, and how business owners who struggle with procrastination and self-sabotage can overcome this to take action in their business. In this episode, Louise shares some incredibly useful practical tips and advice, including her treehouse analogy, that she passionately believes is your fastest route to success.   KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST The re-definition of productivity that all business owners need to embrace How to balance productivity with maintaining self care Why productivity actually happens before you take any action   Louise is a productivity mentor, the founder of Make It Happen Club and host of the Unfrazzle podcast; and she is on a mission to change the world by helping her clients change the world. Described by her clients as a soothing balm and a magician, her experience of work-related stress and anxiety led her to develop a slower, more mindful approach to productivity, which she uses to help her clients get the important things done. If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to iTunes and give me a review, I would be so very grateful.   LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Download Louise's 5 Step Guide To Go From Frantic and Frazzled to Focus and Flow Tune in to Unfrazzled, Louise's podcast Connect with Louise on LinkedIn Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook   Transcript Teresa: Hello and welcome back to another episode of the Your Dream Business Podcast. How are you doing this week? I hope you are good. Okay. So this week I have an interview and as I was prepping and reading, when someone comes to an interview with me, I get them to fill in a form. And in that form, They tell me, you know, various things about what's important or what we can talk about, what questions I can ask and all that jazz. And the way this guest filled out the form and the details she gave does not surprise me one little bit when it comes to what she does, because it was an excellent, it's making my life very easy, which as you will find out in this episode. That is her job and she does it brilliantly. So today I am interviewing Louise Miller and she is on a mission mission to change the world by helping her clients change the world. She partners with coaches, consultants, and community community builders who have a big exciting vision, helping them land their ideas into reality. She's reaching more people and making a bigger impact whilst take caring of everything they're juggling day to day. Cause as we all know, as business owners, We are not just running our businesses. If only that's the easy bit and being kind to themselves along the ways. Louise is a productivity mentor and the founder of the make it happen club, and also the host
Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Nikita Williams, where we are talking all about how to run a successful business whilst living with a chronic illness. In this episode, Nikita shares her own personal experiences of living with chronic illness and how she found alignment and capacity through business ownership and personal growth. Nikita shares some incredibly valuable tips and strategies to help anyone else living with a chronic illness to not only manage every day tasks, but also to run a business that thrives.   KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST How to stay productive when dealing with brain fog How to approach decision making whilst managing flares The power of finding strength in accepting life with chronic illness Nikita is an award-winning Business and Mindset coach, Certified Professional Aromatherapist, speaker, and host of the top-ranking global podcast Crafted to Thrive. She aims to help all entrepreneur women - especially those with chronic illnesses - share their stories and empower them to use those stories as fuel so they can be successful, create the life they deserve, and, most importantly, thrive. If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to iTunes and give me a review, I would be so very grateful.   LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Connect with Nikita on Instagram Listen to Nikita's podcast, Crafted to Thrive Find out more about working with Nikita Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook Transcript Teresa: Hello and welcome back to another episode of the Your Dream Business Podcast. I hope you are doing well. So, this week I have an interview with the very lovely Nikita Williams, who is an award-winning business and mindset coach, certified professional, aromatherapist, speaker, and host of Top ranked Global podcast, Crafted to Thrive, which I've been a guest on a long time ago. She's been featured on Rising Title and the Jasmine Star Show, which I'd just picked her brain to find out how. And she was diagnosed with endometriosis back in 2009. Fibromyalgia in 2010. These diagnoses inspired her to use her previous entrepreneur, community and corporate experience to jumpstart her career as a business coach. She aims to help entrepreneurial women, women. I am terrible at reading these things. You know, I am a lovely listener, especially those in chronic illnesses. I think I must've had something when I was a kid, like someone must've scared me when reading out loud because I do not like it and she shares their stories and empower them to use their stories. So, as fuel so they can be successful, create a life they deserve, and most importantly, thrive. Well, I've done a terrible job of doing her bio. The interview will be so much better. Nikita, welcome to the podcast. How are you doing? Nikita: I am doing great, Teresa. It's okay. I am the same way....
Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Ailish Lucas, where we are talking all about why the old way of working through and hustling till you burnout doesn't work. In this episode, Ailish shares her personal experiences of burnout and the strategies she now uses to prioritise her health, whilst still building a successful business. Ailish is a Mindset + Business Coach who has extensive experience helping female entrepreneurs + high achievers train their brain to change their life, transform their business and make a life not just a living without getting burnout.   KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST How to identify the signs of burnout and prevent it from happening Using Positive Intelligence to reduce burnout and improve well-being How to manage personal and business challenges with a positive mindset If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to iTunes and give me a review, I would be so very grateful.   LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Connect with Ailish on Instagram Check out Ailish's website Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook Transcript Teresa: Hello and welcome to your dream business podcast. How are you doing? I am good, except I've just messed up about four takes of this episode, which is funny because I'm normally pretty good. I mean, you would think after 330, I think this is going to be 335 that I would actually know how to start a podcast, but apparently not. We're all learning. Today. I have a lovely, lovely friend with me and I am so grateful that she's decided to join us on the podcast. Her name is Ailish Lucas. If you've been in my world, you'll know I talk about Ailish and she is a mindset and business coach who works with female entrepreneurs. She helps them to train their brain, change their life, transform their business and make a life not just for living, but without getting burnt out. So today we're going to be talking about the key things about burning out. What is it? How do we know we're doing it? And how more importantly, do we stop it? Because apparently, She's written, when we are happy, we perform 13 percent better and when we are coached, our productivity increased by 66%. Is that true? Amazing. Welcome to the podcast, Ailish. Ailish: Oh, thank you so much for having me. Teresa: Thanks for putting up with my terrible starts to the vodka. Uh, you know, we've been here for about five minutes trying to start this podcast, but we're here now. We're doing it. And I am really glad to have you here. Ailish: Oh, I'm so excited to be here. I love chatting with you. Teresa: And well, this was the problem because we got on this call about 20 minutes ago and we just started chatting and then we're like, Oh God, I've got a podcast to record. But yes, Ailish has been in my life for some time and I'm very, very blessed to have Ailish as a friend. Because, When you are a coach, and Ailish knows this...
Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Danielle Cobo, where we are talking all about how to overcome challenges and achieve your goals. In this episode, Danielle shares her own personal experiences of this, as well as some wonderful tips and advice on how to break through the roadblocks that are stopping you from achieving your goals. Danielle is the best-selling author of Unstoppable Grit: Break Through the 7 Roadblocks Standing Between You and Achieving Your Goals, hosts the globally top-rated podcast, Unstoppable Grit Podcast with Danielle Cobo, and creator of the Attract Your Dream Job Master course. As an international keynote speaker, best-selling author, and podcast host, Danielle channels her expertise into her passionate mission: igniting transformation in others and helping them develop the grit and resilience to succeed professionally and personally.   KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST Why having a personal definition of success is key to overcoming perfectionism Why it is important to focus on progress rather than just the end goal The importance of aligning personal and professional aspirations for a fulfilling life If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to iTunes and give me a review, I would be so very grateful.   LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Connect with Danielle on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or TikTok Listen to the Unstoppable Grit Podcast on YouTube, Spotify or Apple Buy the Unstoppable Grit Book Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook Transcript Teresa: Hello and wWelcome back to another episode of the Your Dream Business podcast. How are you doing this week? So this week I have a really good conversation for you. I'm excited to talk to the very lovely Danielle and talk through her new book and how she overcame some of her challenges and how she achieves her goals. So Danielle, please welcome to the podcast. Danielle: I am excited to be here. Thanks for having me on the podcast. Teresa: I am excited about our conversation. I've been doing my research, having a look at everything, and I'm excited to see where it goes. I always leave these conversations very fluid and just let's see what happens. So I'm excited about that, but...
Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Ryan Deiss, where we are talking all about how to scale your business for true freedom and growth. Ryan kindly shares his very honest stories of scaling his own businesses to achieve huge success, how he had to get out of his own way, and the conflicts he experienced between building a business and sacrificing family time. Ryan Deiss is a serial entrepreneur, author, and investor, and according to Shark Tank star Daymond John, “His companies practically own the internet.” He is the Founder and CEO of The Scalable Company (,, and a Founding Partner at Scalable Equity, LLC, an equity accelerator that builds, acquires, and invests inB2B media, services, and software brands. Ryan is also the founder and host of the Traffic & Conversion Summit, the largest digital marketing conference in North America. He also quite literally wrote the book on modern marketing, Digital Marketing For Dummies (Wiley), which is now in its second edition.   KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST The evolution of online marketing and adapting to changing times The key differences between growing your business and scaling your business How to define your target audience for effective marketing If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to iTunes and give me a review, I would be so very grateful.   LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Buy Ryan's Book, 'Get Scalable: The Operating System Your Business Needs To Run and Scale Without You' Connect with Ryan on Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn Connect with through their website, Instagram or Facebook Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook   Transcript Teresa: Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the Your Dream Business Podcast. I hope you're doing well. So this week I have another interview and I'm very excited and honored to do this week's episode. It's always lovely when I get asked to interview someone when I've not reached out to them and their name is pretty big and I know it and I'm like, Oh wow, they're asking to come on my show. And this week's guest is exactly that type of person. This week I'm interviewing the amazing Ryan Deiss. Ryan Deiss is a serial entrepreneur, author, investor, and according to the Shark Tank star, Damon John, his company practically owns the internet. Ryan is the founder and CEO of scalable company, digitalmarketer. com. That's probably where you know his name from. And the founding partner of Scalable
Today’s episode of the podcast is a personal account of the honest and sometimes uncomfortable struggles that I faced last year, that resulted in 2023 being a complete flop for my business.   KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST What happened to me in 2023 and the transformation that followed The one goal I am so proud to have achieved last year Why I am starting a new podcast, that launches today I would like to thank you in advance for listening to this podcast, and for your continued kindness.   LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Listen to my new podcast, 'Losing Part Of Me', right now Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook   Transcript Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the Your Dream Business Podcast. Okay. I feel very nervous today about what I'm going to talk about. I feel like I've ridiculously teased it and built it up, maybe for you guys, but a lot in my own head. But I, and I've written no script. I've written, not that I script my podcast, because you know, I can't read things in public. But I normally have a few notes about what I'm going to talk about, whereas today I have nothing. So I really hope to goodness, this is not the first episode you're finding from me because otherwise it's going to be quite an unusual one. I have started a new podcast and the reason I've started a new podcast is because last year my business and my life did not go how I expected. In fact, it was probably financially one of the worst years in my business, but I'm not at all concerned or bothered by that because I did something so ginormous that nothing else could have been dealt with in my world apart from me dealing with this one thing. So basically, Last year in 2023, I spent the year getting sober and I have decided that I want to start a podcast, which is only going to be one season at this point. I don't know whether it will be more ever or not, but it's one season of a podcast and the podcast is called losing part of me. Because getting sober wasn't just a nice thing for me to do and it wasn't just a I would feel so much better if I didn't drink scenario. I had an addiction to alcohol. I choose not to use the term alcoholic. I don't like it and I don't find it helpful for me. I'm sure there's people out there who find it helpful for them, but not for me. But the truth is I had an addiction to alcohol. And I have decided to share this with the world, which now I'm regretting slightly, but I have decided to share this with the world for a couple of reasons. The first reason is From a business point of view and from a you listening to this podcast point of view, I pride myself on being authentic, on being vulnerable, being honest. And that is one area of my life that I've not been, not even to myself. And it's really hard for me to go through something so massive in my world and not share it with you lot and not share it with the people who are in my world, which is you listening to this podcast. I know that obviously. I do share lots. I do share lots about me. And I said before many times that my aim is to share the scar and not the wound. So when I was in it last year, literally...
Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Becci Hollis, where we are talking all about how she stopped trading her time for money and created an online business that has meant she now has the freedom to be able to work from anywhere in the world. In this episode, Becci shares her story so far, what was necessary to have in place to create the online business she has today, as well as some invaluable insights and tips for people who want to work more passively. Becci is a nail technician, beauty educator and the owner of Blossom Academy. She started in the beauty industry just over 9 years ago and built her business from doing clients in between and after university lectures, to being fully booked and completely self employed. She became an educator so that she could pass on her knowledge and passion to help others to create their own successful beauty business.   KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST The importance of passion, hard work and being willing to invest, if you want to succeed The lessons Becci has learned and the key behind being able to scale an online business The marketing strategy behind Becci's success If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to iTunes and give me a review, I would be so very grateful.   LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Connect with Becci on Instagram Find out more about Blossom Academy Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook Transcript Teresa: Hello and welcome back to the Your Dream Business Podcast. How are you doing this week? I hope you're good. So this week I have another interview and  I have a very dear friend who I have known for a very long time. I was like, I said this the other day actually on an episode that I've been just interviewing people that I love, which is awesome because I just have conversations and like, I'd love to know what you lot think. Cause I think it makes a better. A better, I can't speak a better interview because we're just having a chat and I enjoy it more anyway. So today I am interviewing the very lovely Becci Hollis, who is a nail technician and beauty educator and the owner of Blossom Academy. She started in the beauty industry over nine years ago and has built her business from doing clients in between and after university lectures and now is fully booked and completely self employed. She then became an educator Educator. I hate reading as you well know everybody. So she could pass on her knowledge and her passion to help others and create their own successful beauty businesses. Becci Hollis, welcome to the podcast. Becci: Hello. Thank you for having me. Teresa: I am very happy to have you Becci. Not only am I happy because this is the last podcast I'm recording today, which as much as I love them, what I've done a lot. I'm happy about that. But because to have you on, because like, you're Becci Hollis, like, and people who are in my world and have been in the club will know Becci...
Comments (4)

Carrie Reagh

Seriously one of my fave episodes! Big fans of both Teresa and Michael. This is an episode to share, learn from, and emulate! thank you, Teresa!

Dec 13th

Carrie Reagh

hmm...i don't see the "see pages feed" on FB?!

Aug 11th
Reply (1)

This episode was so good! Can't wait to have my own FB group in 2019! Tune in everybody!

Dec 24th