Your Girlfriend Next Door Podcast

Hey Bestfriend, Sister, Girlfriend. Your Girlfriend Next Door Podcast is a girlfriend gathering spot for women seeking strong, truthful, and meaningful friendships and relationships. Created by Andrea Smoak, a Master Certified Coach Practitioner, is here to empower women to live the most effervescent life through exploring friendships, honesty, enlightenment, and fun, with an open ear, lots of laughs, and a teardrop here or there all in the name of life, love, and our journey. There's nothing like having a good girlfriend next door. Well, I'm here, your everyday girlfriend, to shake up your life's journey, be your best lifeship partner, friend, and neighbor. Join me weekly as we navigate through this jungle we call life. I'll provide you with a compilation of scenarios, hypotheticals, advice & The Truth that we all can relate. Join me, and let’s start this journey together.

The Foundation Of All Friendships

Hey, Best Friend, Sister, GirlfriendGenerally, whoever cared for and nurtured you, rather your mom, dad, or extended family, we all bored a foundation of love and trusted someone. However, as we move through adult life, we must decide whether or not those essential instructions ultimately work for us.Today we explore the foundation of what we've learned and how to move forward,Thanks for joining me this week!


Friendship The Energy We Put Out & Expectations

True friends improve all aspects of our lives. They give us encouragement, confidence, joy, and happiness. We must be very distinctive with our selections and what instinctively brought you together. This week understanding our friendship energy and how it affects the friendship.


Welcome Back! Your Girlfriend Next Door 2023

Are you sure what types of friendships you are nurturing? Today we are getting back to the basics of friendships and learning where and how to identify each friendship type. Learn how to treat each friend type to keep and maintain balance and harmony. Remember true friendships improve all aspects of our lives. They give us camaraderie, encouragement, confidence and joy. All the qualities that improve our health and bring happiness to us. 


Be You In 20-22 Friends and All

Celebrating being you in 2022. I'm so glad we've made it to our 1 year anniversary. This year we're showing up more authentically and staying true to ourselves. We're focused on the people and places that we feel liked, loved, and never tolerated. Raise your hand if you understand.  Life is too short not to be with the ones you love and the feeling is mutual.


Comparison Envy & Jealousy

As we approach a new year, let's leave some things behind. The spirit of Comparison, Envy & Jealousy will destroy your happiness and joy.  You are enough. You are doing well and exactly where you should be.  As Your Girlfriend Next Door & Friendship Coach, I want you to know I'm proud of everything you've accomplished this year. You are here! You have survived, and you are thriving.  We can all proclaim, "It' a new you in '22!" So say it with me, "It' a new you in '22!"  Put all fears aside and thrive!Visit me to enjoy


Friendship Marriage & Support

Discussing what do friendship, marriage, and support look like in 2021. From Gen-X to Millennials and Gen-Z, how do they value marriage and friendship? Have we moved so far away from marriage we need to redefine what supportive relationships look and feel like today?This discussion is food for thought and an open and honest conversation on life and experience.  


It's A New Season. Focus On Your Small Circle.

Friendship Coach Andrea Smoak Looks at focusing on smaller circles of friendship.It's a new season! Listen up... It's dismissal season. Let's focus on our small circles. The friends who give us balance, joy, and love.  It's ok to take away those who are draining, not helping you focus on positivity or your goals in life, dismiss and move forward.   


The Bond Of Female Friendships | A Discussion

A discussion on female relationships and bonds. How do they begin? Why aren't we taught how to maintain relationships? Why is opting out such an easy option? -Learning to create a connection and growing that connection to a friendship that lasts a lifetime.Friendship Coach Andrea Smoak and Stephanie Cortese of the "That's for Company" podcast discuss multi-layers of girlfriends. What started as an organic conversation ended in a teachable moment on friendship. How friendships start, how we learn to be friends, and how to maintain friendships. 


Friendship and Travel... Choose Wisely

Always choose your travel buddy wisely.  Girl.... this could make or break a friendship. Not understanding or choosing the wright personality could be detrimental to any relationship.  Let's chat about it! Per The Washington Post-In theory, a vacation with close friends — known as a friendcation — sounds like a great idea. But while you might enjoy someone’s company over dinner, on the tennis court or while cheering on children from the soccer sidelines, a getaway with the same person or people could be a recipe for disaster. Interests, the goal of the trip, budgets and tolerance for togetherness all factor into the outcome.Friendcations are on the rise in the experience of Krishnan Menon, founder and CEO of the Los Angeles-based marketing company Phenomenon, and several other travel specialists contacted for this story. Menon believes the trips’ popularity is driven, in part, by social media. Groups post images and stories of trips with friends, and others “then want to recreate those moments with their own friend groups or use them as a mechanism for reconnection with distant friends,” he says.But while there’s a lot of potential for things to go awry on friendcations, that doesn’t mean that they can’t be done. Here are nine tips on how to have a friendcation that’s memorable for all the right reasons.Talk honestly before even agreeing to vacation together. This is key so that you can get a better understanding of each other's travel style and decide whether it makes sense to take the trip in the first place, says Roberta Long-Kelleher, a travel consultant with Protravel International in New York, who has planned dozens of trips for groups of friends.  


Have Patience With Your Friends

Hey Best Friend, Sister, GirlfriendToday I wanted to share my heart. With the state of the world we have to lend each other grace.  It's important to be patient with your friends. Learn to read their energy.  Learn to be ok with simply being ok. It's important to allow friendships to breath. As we all know breathing gives of life and balance.  Much like most species or plant we must feed, give water, and allow light for them to flourish. This serves true in friendships and relationships too. We must give them what they need to allow them to grow. Again, be patient with you love ones, allow them to have what they need without you getting into your feelings.I dedicate this episode to every soul that is going through torment or loss. 


Trauma Bonding

You have to ask yourself-- Do you have a healthy friendship or trauma bond?  Trauma Bonding friendships can occur and you're not aware.  You may have formed a connection based on a painful experience or shallow things you may not be proud of.  Be careful when meeting people during a difficult time in your life, it may not have the positive outcome you're seeking.  This could easily become known as a "Toxic Bond." 


When You've Done All You Can. When Should You Throw In The Towel?

Hey Bestfriend, Sister, Girlfriend We are taking on the challenge to getting past the hurt in a relationship and moving to the other side of happiness, clarity, and understanding.  Join the conversation as we explore what to do when we've exhausted everything within us.Your Girlfriend Next Door & Friendship 


Girl! Take A Solocation. You Deserve It!

Your Girlfriend Next Door & Friendship Coach, explains why its so important to love your own company. Spending time with yourself in a place you love is healing. Discovering a new experience alone and sharing it with others when you return can be refreshing. Try going somewhere and doing it on your own terms. Just you, simply you.


Girl Chat: What should we expect in relationships today?

Friendship Coach, Andrea Smoak and Meronda Chenault of I'm Bougie Girl, continue their girl chat. This episode takes on what relationship expectations are versus the reality of what most people are not prepared for.  Hey ladies! Are our expectations unrealistic? Are we able to live up to what we're asking for?  Website: frienshipcoaching.comYoutube: Your Girlfriend Next Door & Friendship Coach On Instagram:@yourgirlfriendnextdoor@friendshipcoach@ygndpodcast


Friendship Over Forty, Fun and Fabulous

As we move through the decades things aren't quite so simple. It's more of a challenge to make friends as an adult because this group of people is often in the prime of their lives building their career and families. Eventually our schedules work around children's schools and sports schedules, plus have their own work schedules, and some adults take on caregiver roles for their parents. Managing the day-to-day family unit is tough enough, let alone trying to find time to squeeze in a social life and friendships seems impossible. It's evident that making and keeping friends as an adult becomes harder and harder. Let's talk about it. -Friendship Coach, Andrea Smoak   


Moving On When A Relationship Has Hit The Expiration Date

 Friendship Coach, Andrea gives you pointers on how to overcome the hurt, pain, and sadness of loosing a long relationship or friendship. Breaking up with a friend can feel worse than splitting up with your partner—at least after a union ends, you’ve got your girl or guy to turn to. And while everyone acknowledges the trauma of romantic breakups, people rarely talk about the feelings after a platonic fallout.It's been said your brain doesn’t know the difference between a romantic or platonic relationship. A breakup is a breakup. There was intimacy and trust, and then there wasn’t. It takes time to deal with the devastation of losing someone you always thought you’d have by your side.Surviving a best friend breakup isn’t easy, but here’s how to start the process.


Find Love Past The Lakes and Rivers | Look Beyond The Boarders

Let's look beyond the rivers and lakes and look across the oceans to find what's right for you. Opening your mind to what's possible in love, could be the best decision you could make. 


How To Start Friendships and Relationships

Hey Best Friend Sister Girlfriend It's Your Girlfriend Next Door with a new episode! This week we're talking about how friendships and relationships start and what we should look for.  It's important for us all to know what we really desire before starting any relationship.  What energy are you putting out, and what are you receiving?  Let's chat about the best ways to garner what you want, from the people and situations you surround yourself with.Your Girlfriend Next Door & Friendship CoachAndrea


It's Time To Work On Trust

We've made it! It's officially 2021 and Your Girlfriend Next Door and Friendship Coach door is open. Welcome to the neighborhood. Every good friendship and relationship begins with TRUST. We will explore building a sound foundation before we allow anyone in or around us. Are you ready? 



Hey Best Friend, Sister, Girlfriend, the neighborhood is finally constructed, and you're welcomed any time. Brought to you by, Your Girlfriend Next Door & Friendship Coach, Andrea Smoak. Here to shake up the the neighborhood. Welcome to the neighborhood....Friendship CoachingIs a place of fun and refuge to chat all things friendship, life, love, marriage, work, relationship, and more. As your Friendship Coach, I’m here to support and partner with you on achieving your life goals. I’m your soundboard and confidante here to assist and help you resolve what’s blocking you from becoming your best self and living a life you love. I’m here to offer sobering advice on friendship, life, love, and everything in-between. We explore friendship’s ups and downs, and how to come out better on the other side.Your Girlfriend Next Door, Friendship Coaching Philosophy: Utilizing self-knowledge to enhance empathy and understanding and to develop goals for self-improvement in friendships, relationships, partnerships and personal arenas of growth.


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