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Your Opinion is Trash

Author: Party People

Subscribed: 0Played: 35


Some people with very strong opinions discussing what is the best...
Every week there will be a different topic from pop culture or music or movies or food or really anything.
Nothing is too niche.
The possibilities are endless.
So are the opinions.

Cover art by Matt Phelan
Original music by Kaye the Beast
Edited by Matt Jackson
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100 Episodes
School Supply

School Supply


Hey y’all! We’re back again! Only took two weeks this time!! Call us butter, cause we on a roll! This week Claire, Keith and Natalie are discussing what is the best school supply. Not gonna lie tho…the first half of the episode is mostly just talking about Armageddon. Sorry not sorry. Enjoy! --- Support this podcast:
Reason to Stay Indoors

Reason to Stay Indoors


Helloooooooo party people! We have come back from our much too long hiatus and it’s just in time for the worst part of summer. Join us! Won’t you? On this delightful episode of why we should stay indoors and never leave the couch again. --- Support this podcast:
Met Gala?

Met Gala?


Helloooooooooooo it’s been so long friends! Sorry for the unintentional hiatus, life got nuts! But this week claire and Natalie decided to just talk about the Met Gala and other pressing issues like Joker 2 and other things that bum us out. It’s not a normal episode but, it’s something, and it might be entertaining to someone. Promise we’ll be back soon with a real episode. Until then. Love your best lives we love youuuuu --- Support this podcast:



Helloooooo friends! We are back with a very stupid episode….What is the Best Oscar??? What does it even mean?? Give it a listen and tell us how dumb this topic was. Love y’all. Mean it. Follow us on Instagram @youropinionistrashpod --- Support this podcast:



Happy New Year! This week the whole team discusses what is the best cake! It takes a turn and somehow we get on the subject of placenta. But. It ends strong, I think. Enjoy! Eat some cake! Live your best life. Follow us on Instagram @youropinionistrashpod or donate some money to us at: --- Support this podcast:
Christmas Song

Christmas Song


Hey y’all! The whole gang is back for this end of the year episode! We missed you! Have you missed us? Have a happy holiday season and hopefully 2023 won’t be a complete dumpster fire. Love y’all. Mean it. --- Support this podcast:
Pasta Shape

Pasta Shape


This week….Keith, Natalie and special guest Leslie discuss the incredibly important topic of what is the best pasta shape! This is a relatively safe subject because as all cool people know…there is no such thing as bad pasta. Follow us on Instagram @youropinionistrashpod or become a member of our Patreon! --- Support this podcast:



After and unplanned month off…the whole family is back! Lolz sorry y’all. We got slightly busy with dumb life shit. But we’re back! And just in time for spooooooky season! We discuss what is the best witch! Real or cinematic? One or a whole coven?? Listen to find out! Follow us on Instagram @youropinionistrashpod and become a member of our Patreon! --- Support this podcast:
Monarch Performance

Monarch Performance


This week…the queen died…so the whole team is here to discuss what we think is the best performance by an actor playing a “monarch”. And as per usual…we use the word monarch VERY loosely. Follow us on Instagram @youropinionistrashpod or become a member of our Patreon! --- Support this podcast:
This week….Keith, AJ and Natalie discuss who they think is the best character on the beloved HBO show, Game of Thrones. Spoilers abound. So if you’ve never seen it….don’t listen to this because you won’t be interested and it’ll ruin it for you if you ever decide to join the rest of society. Follow us on Instagram @youropinionistrashpod or become a member of our Patreon. --- Support this podcast:
This week…we lost another true gem in the pop culture world and Claire, Keith and Natalie decided it would be smart to discuss and decipher the best bop from Olivia Newton-John. Follow us on Instagram @youropinionistrashpod or become a member of our Patreon. --- Support this podcast:
Mobster Movie

Mobster Movie


This week…AJ, Claire, Natalie and Keith discuss what is the best monster movie! We got the whole family together this episode in order to pay tribute to all the old, awesome actors who played mob guys who have recently passed away. And stick around for the whole episode so you don’t miss our Post Credits Scene…RIP Ray Liotta, Paul Sorvino, James Caan, and Tony Sirico. Follow us on Instagram @youropinionistrashpod or become a member of our Patreon. --- Support this podcast:
Hey y’all…this week is a ladysode with just Claire Bear and Natty Lite. They’ll be objectifying some hotties and they’ll have zero regrets. Follow us on Instagram @youropinionistrashpod and become a member of our Patreon! --- Support this podcast:
Animal Movie

Animal Movie


Hey y’all! It’s been a rough couple weeks. Lolzzzzzz but we’re back this week! AJ, Claire and Natalie are all here…discussing what is the best animal movie. What exactly IS an animal movie, you may be asking yourself? Good question. We all have different definitions. So. Figure out what it means to you and pick your favorite! Our mostly involve dogs because dogs are way better than people and right now people are the worst. Follow us on Instagram @youropinionistrashpod or become a member of our Patreon! --- Support this podcast:



This week…Keith, Claire, Natalie and a very special guest discuss what is the best “dinosaur”. We are using that term fast and loose this week, because….well…you’ll understand when we actually get to the discussion. But. Yes. We talk about DINO DNA and it’s the best. Hold on to ya butts, we get real dumb. Follow us on Instagram @youropinionistrashpod and become a member of our Patreon. --- Support this podcast:
Theme Park Ride

Theme Park Ride


This week…EVERYONE IS TOGETHER AGAIN. Keith, claire, AJ and Natalie are all back and discussing what is the best theme park ride! We also all give our current tv recommendations…Staircase Spoilers EVERYWHERE. Follow us on Instagram @youropinionistrashpod and become a member of our Patreon. Or donate to our dumb show at the link below. --- Support this podcast:
This week….Keith and Natalie discuss a really important development in Taco Bell news. Follow us on Instagram @youropinionistrashpod and become a member of our Patreon! --- Support this podcast:
Mass Produced Cookie

Mass Produced Cookie


This week….AJ(finally back!), Natalie and Shauna (friend from Muppet episode!) discuss what is the best commercially/mass produced cookie! Get a package of your favorite kind and get super judge-y with us. We recorded in Mom’s Day…so, this is for all y’all mamas out there who constantly bribed us with cookies if we would just shut up for thirty seconds. Follow us on Instagram @youropinionistrashpod and become a member of our Patreon! --- Support this podcast:
That’s Got Platt!

That’s Got Platt!


We did it! We finally recorded an episode all about Oliver! Claire, Keith and Natalie discuss the best things about Mr. Platt…mainly, his best performance. Bu,t also just how amazing he is in general. If anyone knows Oliver Platt…can you please pass this podcast along to him? We’d love to get his thoughts and we have sooo many questions. Follow us on Instagram @youropinionistrashpod and become a member of our Patreon! --- Support this podcast:
This week…Keith and Natalie finally get their wish and get to discuss their high school theatre antics at LENGTH. This is easily the dumbest episode we’ve ever done because about 4 people know what we are talking about. But. If you are interested in learning how these two very cool teenagers spent their time in the early 2000s…this is the episode for you. We promise to do a real topic again soon. Lolz. Follow us on Instagram @youropinionistrashpod and become a member of our Patreon. --- Support this podcast:
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