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Your Soulful Podcast

Author: Charlotte Beswick

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Welcome to Your Soulful Podcast, the show for people who believe they can have it all! Your dream life, soul mate relationships, loving yourself, and heart-based business/career are all available to you. You can be your best self, get out of your head and into your heart and live the life you’ve always dreamed of. Hosted by Charlotte Beswick, Spiritual Life Coach, Master Energy Healer and Sprinkler of Joy. Join me as I fly solo; share my intuitive downloads, practical tips, energy hacks, the truth about the healing path and how it’s possible for you to heal. I’ll get real AF and share the highs, lows and bits in between. I also sit down with some very special and inspiring guests in the fields of spirituality, self-love, and personal development.Follow Charlotte on Instagram @charlotte_beswick - Book your virtual energy healing here -    All other courses/programs - 

117 Episodes
Life’s messy, a little bit chaotic 😵‍💫 and filled with highs and lows … it’s not about getting it perfect and aiming to be zen-like a Buddha ☯. Striving for that, will actually leave you feeling like a failure 😔.The healing/spiritual journey is about healing from the past and using tools 🛠️ and resources to move through life when the shitty shit show happens 💩. It’s about finding a natural set point and knowing that when life does happen, you've got you! 💪✨Today I share my favourite practical...
This episode isn't a fluffy, love, light, unicorns, shitting fairy dust podcast. HOWEVER… this is what I believe, is the truth about your Healing Journey.That cough cough… maybe your latest spiritual influencers don't talk about.This episode will not only support you but also let you know you’re not alone when life is life-ing and the challenges are happening! They are also part of being HUMAN!Healing isn’t one and done ‘Oh I learnt how to journal’ or ‘I did a course 3 years ago so now I’m he...
What is self-love and what isn’t it? I’m over the ‘fluff’ of what self-love is shown to be on the inter-webs. Just do some affirmations, just be grateful, just take a bath, book a massage, just love yourself… it’s not that easy. But there is some secret sauce that will help you.In today’s episode, I share -💕What self-love isn’t💕How you can start your journey now💕The 4 things that I believe are the deeper ways to long lasting transformation and to loving youIf you want more, come and join the ...
Your Past doesn’t dictate your future - you do!In today’s episode, I share 2 powerful stories on how I have alchemised some of the hardest moments in my life, to be my greatest teachers and my most powerful gifts and you can too.Have you been slipping into being a victim of your life experiences and want to change that? Then Buckle Up, because you’re about to learn how to be a beneficiary of them.Your past was not your fault; however, your healing from it is your responsibility, should you ch...
How do you have a thriving, healthy, deeply connected and intimate relationship? What does it really take? In today’s episode, I pull back the veil on my relationship and what I’ve found through mentoring hundreds of clients.What stops you from having this and how you can start to have this now, even if your partner isn’t spiritual/woo!I include 5️⃣ Things I believe it takes to have a beautifully connected relationship.I share about my own relationship challenges, from rupture to repair. To d...
How do you attract your life partner/soul-mate?If you’re ‘searching for' / ‘looking for’ and are ready to meet the one, then today’s episode is for you. Packed with nuggets of wisdom, perspective shifts and things for you to stop doing.Including -➡️ The number 1 trap I see people falling into on their journey to finding their person➡️ Why your language is so important➡️ How to be a magnet for your dream relationship➡️ What not to do when trying to manifest them or anything in your life➡️ If y...
Today is a really raw, honest and vulnerable episode (even for me)I share about my own childhood, my relationship with my Mum, the pain, challenges, lessons, learnings and the evolution that led to my healing and how this shaped me into who I am today.I believe you have the ability to heal this wound, and that doesn’t always mean that you have a beautiful loving relationship with your Mum. Sometimes the opposite.In today’s episode, I share -➡️ The traits/tendencies/beliefs of a Mother Wound➡️...
The New Era is coming… where stress, hustle, exhaustion, push push push is OUT and the new way of trust, confidence, love, freedom and flow is IN.It’s time to let the crumbling occur. Let go of the old ways and call in the new. Sometimes a house needs to crumble the new one can be built, stronger than ever and on mighty foundations!Today I cover -➡️ What has to change for you now?➡️ What shit are you drawing a line in the sand under?➡️ 3 Things you will need to enter your change era and coura...
Do you find yourself saying you’re going to start looking after you, only to stop after a week or two? You commit to creating boundaries, knowing just how important they are, and then all of a sudden you’ve become a YES person again. You struggle to commit to doing things just for you long term without so much guilt; working out, eating well, meditating, practising self-care because even though you KNOW they are really helpful, something stops you?In today’s episode, I cover -➡️ Why this happ...
I really struggled to ask these three words… but when I did my entire life changed. This was the start of my awakening journey and that then led to the most transformational changes in my life.Today I explore -➡️ If you struggle to ask for help - why you do this.➡️ What’s possible for you when you have the courage to ask.➡️ How to start asking and receiving the help and support you need.➡️ What your beliefs are that prevent you from asking.➡️ Re-writing your story with loving action steps.I h...
The 'S' word can send you running for the hills and bring up a lot of resistance. There is a knowing that surrender can be so helpful for your journey, but how the hell do you do it?Today I share why this is so challenging for you.The mantras and lines I used to support me to surrenderWhy control is a huge block in surrenderingIs it your mind/ego telling you a storyAre you so attached to the outcome that you’re not trusting in the universe?Enjoy and don’t forget to share this episode.Book a V...
Why do we accept less? From others, ourselves, the world? Have you become conditioned in some way to believe that you don’t deserve more? More abundance, love, joy, pleasure? Maybe scraps, bad behaviour, toxicity, and people pushing your boundaries is what you’re used to. Time to create a new way.In today’s episode, I invite you to look if there is somewhere in your life where you are buying into old stories and beliefs that ‘this is just the way it is’.How can you start to raise your standar...
It’s a hot topic right now, and I’m seeing it more and more, with new clients coming to me. If you’re feeling exhausted perpetually, then this episode is for you.Of course, nutrition, diet, health, sleep and waking up with little humans all play a part in your energy levels. So does the recent cosmic activity and solar flares. However, it all comes down to the same thing - YOU. 🫵Today I share reasons why as a collective we are feeling so so exhausted 🥱. Where has this go go go, push forward, ...
When we grow, change and evolve old parts of us die and new parts are born or re-born. This is reinventing yourself, it may happen over a period of days/weeks/seasons/months or even years. 🌱After the Eclipse Season and Mercury Retrograde 🌒, there has been an energetic shift. Shit is changing, individually and energetically, it is opening up who people really are now and what they are available for. ✨Who are you now?What do you stand for and against?What are you calling in?What season are you ...
Are you feeling the squeeze? Like, life just keeps getting busier and busier. More things on the list, more things to do, more things to learn, more jobs, just more, more, more. 😓Today I share -Why it’s all too muchHow you can come back to you & your body for more peace and calmLet go of some of the overwhelmHow shit has GOT to change to create new ways/feelings in your lifeLife is a lot, it’s so much for our human hearts so the time for change is here. A new era of less is more, more slo...
Why do we repeat patterns? Why do we ignore the signs and messages from the universe, when deep down we want something different? What if those signs are for your evolution?Today I share all about my own journey and some questions about you evolving in a new way rather than repeating old patterns.I also share -Trusting in YourselfBeing CourageousBreak Up with Beating Yourself UpRadical Honesty with YourselfPower Vs PleaserDiscomfort of EvolutionIf evolution is your vibe, you are really ready ...
After an energetic reset and a pause on the pod, this week it's back with a juicy Post-Eclipse, Mercury Retrograde Expansion and Awakening Episode. I share my own identity shifts, awakening to my new spiritual gifts and claiming a new version of myself. Whether you’ve been in the thick or still are this episode is for you. ✨In today’s episode -Practising what I teach/shareOwning your humanityWhat expansion looks and feels likePushing things away vs moving through your fearsClaiming a new Iden...
Holy Crap - We made it!🤩🥳100 Episodes of Your Soulful Podcast. 🥳It feels like a HUGE milestone to hit 100 and to celebrate today I'm sharing the 10 Powerful Lessons from 1000 Hours of Coaching and Healing just for you.I couldn't have made it here without you - listening in each and every week, sharing this with friends and family, rating and reviewing the show. 🥰 Thank you deeply from the bottom of my heart. It means the world to me and allows me to keep these episodes coming to you. If you h...
Today comes from 13 years of living a courageous life and facing fears. It’s time for you to stop letting your fears dictate what you do/don’t do! You get to take action, move through your fears and use them for your evolution.💪In today's episode, I reveal what I feel is a human flaw that actually makes us so afraid to make moves and take action (Lesson 3 is juicy and my personal fave!)💡Imagine if you didn’t feel afraid to take action, imagine you had so much belief in yourself that you COULD...
What if the thoughts, the stories, the beliefs, the way you judge yourself can be changed? What if a lot of the way you talk to yourself, isn’t even yours to begin with?🔄There is nothing wrong with you if you have some self-judgement but let’s work on reducing this so you can feel better and grow up as your best self. 💪Today I dive into 📝-➡️ Why I feel we judge ourselves so harshly and how it’s ok to some degree because everyone does.➡️ What is going to support you in reducing this and what d...