Your problems are now mine

Trying to tackle the tough topic and the stigma around men’s mental health and mental health in general Not every episode will revolve around this but if you have issues that you can’t talk about Chances are we are going to talk about it on here

Something for my family

Just a short podcast today as i found myself recording a different podcast getting bait emotional so i decided to make this for my fiends and family because some of them may not have heard this or may just need too hear it more often.


Self acceptance in todays society

Today i decided to have a chat about how hard self acceptance can be in the society that we live in today


Anger Management

 lets talk about how hard it can be to come back from anger when you let loose


New years resolutions and not actually upholding them

Lets hit this year with smaller goals that help up get closer to our bigger goals


Worklife and how it can slowly be killing us

Overworking or not prioritising your life can lead to extremly bad effects on your mental state Today i sat and spoke about the effects of work and how not being happy at work can leave you feeling helpless when it comes to your mental health and even your relationships


The effects of social media on our mental health

Today i took some time to speak about all of the effects of social media when it comes to our mental health and some of the reasons we rely so heavily on social media to get through life.


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