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Author: ニッポン放送

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世界初のバーチャルシンガー・YuNiがパーソナリティを務めるラジオです。「YuNiのオールナイトニッポンi」は月に1回のYouTube生配信と週1回のポッドキャスト配信のハイブリッドプログラムです。YouTubeのYuNi - virtual singer - アカウントも要チェック!


YuNi, the world's first virtual singer, is the personality of the radio.  YuNi's "All Night Nippon i" is a hybrid program of a monthly live YouTube stream and a weekly podcast, so check  YuNi - virtual singer - account on YouTube!

127 Episodes
YuNiのオールナイトニッポンiついに最終回! 3つ挟めば何とかなる!では最後YuNiの逃げ切りとなるか!? YuNi詠みでは自身のあの曲を朗読します!   YuNi's All Night Nippon i Finally the last episode! Three in a row, I can handle it! We'll see if YuNi can get away with it at the end! In this episode, YuNi recites a song of her own!See for privacy information.
クイズ!ASMR!ではこの時期ならではのあの食べ物をASMRします! エアASMRでは意外なお題にYuNiもスタッフも困惑? In the "Quiz! ASMR!" section, we'll be ASMR-ing some foods that are unique to this time of year! In the Air ASMR, YuNi and the staff were puzzled by the unexpected subject.See for privacy information.
クイズひとりに聞きましたではお二人のことがどれだけ理解できたかが試されます! 生配信、収録版とやっていっている中でまさかの微妙な空気に…? In the quiz Hitori ni kikatta, we will test how well we understand the two of you! As we went through the live streaming and recorded versions, there was an unexpectedly delicate atmosphere...?See for privacy information.
今週はゲストにお笑い芸人の蛙亭のおふたりが来てくれています! 2人のお悩みを解決しつつジングル作りにも挑戦します!     This week, we have two comedians, Frogmen, as our guests! We'll be solving their problems and trying to make jingles!See for privacy information.
YuNiコーナー中にまさかのやらかし!? YuNi詠みでは阿部真央さんの楽曲を朗読します!   During the YuNi corner, there was a surprise! The YuNi poem is a reading of a song by Mao Abe!See for privacy information.
先週に引き続きエアASMR! 今週もめちゃくちゃなお題にYuNiもスタッフも困惑?!   It's Air ASMR again, just like last week! This week, YuNi and the staff were baffled by the crazy questions!See for privacy information.
先週に引き続き26時のマスカレイドから江嶋綾恵梨さんが登場! まさかの江嶋さんからのリクエストによりエアASMRおかわり?!   Continuing from last week, Ayeri Ejima from 26:00 Masquerade is here! I'm not sure if it was a request from Ejima-san, but she asked for more air ASMR!See for privacy information.
今週はゲストで26時のマスカレイドから江嶋綾恵梨さんが登場! 江嶋さんのお悩みに応えつつジングル作りに挑戦します!   This week, we have a guest appearance by Ayeri Ejima from 26:00 Masquerade! We try to make a jingle while answering Ejima-san's questions!See for privacy information.
生配信版でもお馴染みになったこのコーナー! 安定の理不尽なお題にYuNiではなくスタッフの方が逆切れ?!See for privacy information.
先週に引き続きゲストで、ももいろクローバーZ から高城れにさんが登場! 2人でジングル作りに挑戦しつつ、高城れにさんのことをどれだけYuNiが理解したかが試されます!   Continuing from last week, Momoiro Clover Z's Reni Takagi appeared as a guest! The two of them tried their hand at making jingles together. The two of them will try to make a jingle together, and YuNi will be tested to see how much she understands about Reni Takagi!See for privacy information.
今週はゲストでももいろクローバーZ から高城れにさんが登場! 何かと共通点の多い2人、OPトークで大盛り上がり!?   This week's guest is Reni Takagi from Momoiro Clover Z! The two have a lot in common, and they have a lot of fun talking about OP!See for privacy information.
YuNiが得意とするこのコーナー! 今回も一瞬で解決!? YuNi詠みでは DECO*27さんの楽曲を朗読します!   This corner is YuNi's specialty! This time, it's another instant solution! YuNi will be reciting DECO*27's music!See for privacy information.
生配信版でもお馴染みとなったこのコーナー! YuNiの表現力が試されます! This corner has become a familiar one in the live streaming version! YuNi's powers of expression will be put to the test!See for privacy information.
久々のYuNiポン!シーズン2 ハードモード! 普段生配信ではゲストとばかりやっているYuNiの感覚は衰えていないのか試されます! Long time no see, YuNi Pong! Season 2 Hard Mode! We're going to test if YuNi's senses haven't waned since she's usually only playing with guests on live streams!See for privacy information.
クイズ!ひとりに聴きました!では富士葵さんの天然が炸裂!? YuNiもスタッフも富士葵ワールドに困惑! Quiz! I listened to Hitori! Fuji-Aoi-san's naturalness explodes in the YuNi and the staff were baffled by the world of FujiAoi!See for privacy information.
生配信版に引き続きゲストに富士葵さんが登場! ゲストのお悩みに応えつつ、ジングル作りにも挑戦します! As in the live broadcast version, Aoi Fuji appeared as a guest! She will be answering the guests' questions and challenging them to make a jingle!See for privacy information.
3つ挟めばなんとかなるではYuNiのスピード解決にスタッフも困惑!? どうにか陥れたいスタッフとYuNiの攻防戦が繰り広げられます!   The staff is baffled by YuNi's speedy solution. It's a battle of attrition between the staff and YuNi!See for privacy information.
クイズ!ASMR!問題の出題前にまさかのトラブル発生!? 慌てているYuNiをお楽しみください!   Quiz! ASMR! There was a problem before the question was even submitted! Please enjoy the panicked YuNi!See for privacy information.
先週に引き続きゲストにはjon-YAKITORYさんが登場!クイズ!ひとりに聴きました!では生配信と収録を経てどれだけYuNiがゲストについて理解できているかが試されます! Continuing from last week, our guest is jon-YAKITORY!Quiz! I listened to one of you! In this episode, we'll test how much YuNi understands about our guest through live streaming and recording!See for privacy information.
ゲストのお悩みにを解決しつつ2人でジングル作りに挑戦します!   The two of them will try to make a jingle together while solving the guests' problems!See for privacy information.