YunTraining Fitness & Nutrition Podcast

Jason Yun shows you how to make healthy recipes, burn fat with done-for-you exercise routines, and shows you the latest and greatest exercises on the scene to help you with all of your health, fitness, and nutrition goals. Yun is a Bootcamp instructor from Columbus, OH. For more information please visit his home page at

Tabata Pumpkin Workout

Jason Yun shows you a quick Tabata circuit that you can do at home with the orange vegetable, a Pumpkin. Pumpkin's can work just like a medicine ball. The exercises are Russian Twists for the core and obliques Thrusters for full body Pushup bridge for the core floor press for chest, shoulders, and triceps Good Mornings for the hamstrings, low back and glutes.


Healthy Recipe- Chicken Creole Jason Yun cooks up another healthy meal for you. Chicken Creole. Very tasty Ingredients 4 chicken breasts 14 oz canned tomatoes Chili Sauce or powder 1/4 cup of onion 2 cloves minced Garlic Olive Oil 1/2 cup celery Parsley Salt Crushed Red Pepper


Hotel Room Workout Part 2- Resistance Bands Training

To get your own bands and utility strap go to either or Jason Yun performs workout #2 in a hotel room with some serious resistance band training. With 2 light bands from Iron Woody and the band utility strap from Dave Schmitz he performs an interval fitness circuit of 40/20 for 5 rounds. Rows, chest press, and standing abs are the exercises performed. To get your bands DOn't forget to subscribe to the videos and like up the video


Healthy Recipe- Sweet Potato Fries Jason Yun prepares sweet potato fries using just olive oil and cinnamon. Very easy. very tasty, very delicious. Give it a try. let me know what you think. Don't forget to like the video and subscribe to YUNTRAINING


Hotel Room Workout Part 1 Jason Yun does a interval style workout in a hotel room. This is part 1 of 2. In the video Yun does 2 continuous 30 circuits. Each exercise is performed for :30, 4 exercises are done in a row for 2 minutes work time and then rest 1:00. The music being played is Workout Muse, the interval soundtrack.


Healthy Recipe- Tomato and Feta Cheese Scramble Jason yun cooks up a healthy recipe. Feta Cheese and Spinach Scrambled Eggs. Ingredients 3 eggs or egg whites Spinach, 1/4 cup feta cheese 1/2 onion 1/2 tomato This is a delicious recipe, if you try it let me know what you think. Don't forget to rate and comment on the video. If you have a recipe for me to make or turn healthy let me know DOn't forget to subscribe to the podcast


Chocolate Protein Pudding- Dairy Free Jason Yun of Yun Strength and Fitness Systems of Columbus, OH shows you how to make a great healthy dairy-free chocolate pudding. The original recipe can be found on Balanced Bites. The ingredients you will need are 1 avocado 1 banana 3-4 tablespoons of cocoa 2 tablespoons of almond or coconut milk 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract Dash of cinnamon Pinch of sea salt 1 scoop of buybulkwhey protein powder- natural ( Mix everything in the blender or food processor and enjoy. It tastes better of chilled before eating. Let me know if you tried it and what you thought,


Healthy Morning Protein Smoothie

Jason Yun of shows you how to make his fav smoothie. The calories may be a little high for you, the solution is simple-- 1. cut the ingredients, or 2. drink it as 2 or 3 meals throughout the day. Ingredients: 8 oz orange juice 1 egg 1 lite yogurt (I only use plain yogurt now) 1 banana frozen spinach frozen berries 2 tsb olive oil 3 servings oatmeal 1 scoop whey protein Total calories 900-1100 Order natural whey protein here Don't forget to follow me on Twitter: YunTraining Feel free to pass this along or embed this anywhere you like. Please let me know what other videos you'd like to see. And please don't forget to subscribe to my videos. Thanks for watching!


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