Z'He iRadio Show

One thing Z'He MAGAZINE is not, that's "closed-minded". We understand there is a wide variety of cultures, traditions, religions and ethnicities; and although Z'He MAGAZINE doesn't claim to be absolutely knowledgeable about them. We're surely not afraid to learn about them and share them with our readers and supporters. The fact of the "unknown" or "differences" may usually cause some people to immediately reject those who have cultures and traditions unfamiliar to them. However, Z'He MAGAZINE enjoys the art and excitement of learning, teaching, sharing and caring which is why this particular style of magazine is well suited for those who are bi-racial, bi-cultural or just opened minded (within reasons of course). Z'He MAGAZINE opens up a world for people all across the globe regardless of their nationalities to unite together to be one voice by expressing kindred views and opnions on matters that concerns them the most. We set the tone for diversity to neutralize the stereotypes regarding a person who may have a disability, different sexual orientation, has HIV/AIDS, live with a disease and so many other discriminative subjects.


•Why certain credit & financial secrets are untold in low income communities & educational systems? •How can foreigners without any N. American credit history get approved for luxurious cars & homes in upscale neighborhoods [communities], but many people especially “Black African-Americans” are denied approval of those things even if their credit scores are above 620? •How can some 18-24 years old Caucasian college students without established credit afford expensive homes & cars w/o parental financing? *Did you know Caucasians were intentionally targeted & charged high mortgage interest rates in certain states & communities solely due to them being "Caucasians"? *Did you know you that most life insurance companies allow you to take a loan on your life insurance benefits after paying it up for 5 years or more or having it for 10 consecutive years or more with a record of on-time premium payments?



This is one of the most amazing Neo Soul music artists out there today, D. Jonez. His voice will make any woman's heart melt.


Mental Exhaustion - Physically Drained [PART TWO]

PART TWO - Mental exhaustion can cause you to become physically drained, physically ill and even kill you. Let's talk about some different things and jobs that can cause mental exhaustion. Thank you.


Mental Exhaustion Can Cause You To Become Physically Drained

Mental exhaustion can cause you to become physically drained, physically ill and even kill you. Let's talk about some different things and jobs that can cause mental exhaustion. Thank you.


Who Are You?

Usually when most people are asked this question they tell you their job occupation, position in their families or they tell you their hobbies. Well, join Celebrities Events Host, Empress Chjazze Lewis to learn who she is & tell us who you are.


Increase of Teen Murderers

Why is there such a rapid increase of teen murderers? Being approached by a teenage whose plans is to rob you, beat you, rape your and/or kill you have to be on of the hardest things for an adult to be confronted with by a teenager because that adult knows the criminal is only a child. However, the person can't allow someone else's child take his or her life, so unfortunately a set of parents will probably lose a child. If you are a parent, then it is very disheartening just thinking about losing your child [any children] at the hand of a victim defending himself or herself and/or another teen defending himself or herself from being harmed by someone's child. What are your thoughts?  Website: www.zhemagazine.com Twitter / Instagram: @zhemagazine Facebook: www.facebook.com/ZHEMAGAZINEPAGE


Legalizing Enslavement of Blacks, Plot?

With all of the carelessness & unconcerned attitudes by both state and federal governments regarding the racism, racial profiling, senseless murdering and intentional economically-financially crippling of blacks and many neighbors with predominately black residents. It kind of make you think if there’s a plot to make enslavement of blacks “legal”, again. Join us as we talk about the various types of things that has happened that make it seems like there's a legalizing enslavement of blacks, plot.  *Visit Our Website: http://www.zhemagazine.com *Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ZHEMAGAZINEPAGE *Twitter: http://www.twiter.com/zhemagazine


Insulted For Being Bi-Racial or Mixed

It seems like people wouldn't be so racist, narrow minded and shallow when it comes to races and nationalities in these days and times. Why doesn't some people WANT to UNDERSTAND no one have the option to "chose" his or her nationality[-ies] nor race. We are born how we are borne in the races and/or nationalities given to us in our DNA, bloodline and genes. Many people are insulted for being bi-racial or mixed especially if they are mixed with African / Black African-American. Join us if you are mixed or bi-racial to share any of your experiences of discrimination or just to give us your opinion about this ongoing matter.  *Visit Us Online: http://www.zhemagazine.com *Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ZHEMAGAZINEPAGE *Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/zhemagazine


Get Over It Already?

There are some things in life that will NEVER EVER change because it is just simply a part of "life's cycle"; and as long as people and this world exist certain things just won't change, so get over it already. Some people make themselves miserable, bitter, grouchy, grumpy and unhappy trying to control things they have no rights nor power to control like interracial marriages, the race / nationality of others nor women dating younger men. How pathetic must a person be to try to control those sorts of life cycles? Listen-in & call-in to share some of the things you feel people show just "get over it, already". Thank you for your support! Visit our website: www.zhemagazine.com Follow us on Twitter & Instagram: @zhemagazine Join us on Facebook: ZHEMAGAZINEPAGE



Why are more & more police officers becoming murderers hidden behind police uniforms? Why aren't these political leaders nationwide ignoring this SERIOUS problem? Why are the National Guards that consist of our family members and dear friends being used against us when we demand these senseless murders to cease? It seems like these police officers are mainly targeting "black men" although we know men of other races and nationalities [especially the Hispanic men] are being singled out & targeted. Zimmerman completely disobeied the instructions of the dispatch policer officer to NOT follow Trayvon, but he ignore the order causing an unnecessary comfortation with Trayvon. Zimmerman ASSUMED he would be able to over power Trayvon because he's much larger; however, when Trayvon was whooping Zimmerman's butt. Zimmerman shoot & kills Trayvon in cold blood. Our tax dollars are being wasted by putting Zimmerman in protective custody. We shouldn't be funding the protection of a malicious killer. If Zimmerman truly felt his life was in danger at the moment & time he and Trayvon were in a physical fight, then Zimmerman shouldn't have NEVER EVER followed Trayvon. Zimmerman's disobedience to the law put him in that situation NOT Trayvon. Michael Brown was INTENTIONALLY targeted because he is a young black man. Therefore, these bullies in police uniforms decided to confront him harassing him although he wasn't violating ANY laws at the time they approached him. Now, this young man is dead due to murderers in police uniforms. Eric Gardner has a lengthy criminal history according the news reports and many police officers purposely target "black men" particularly who have such record to try to justify their reasonings for harassing & killing them.


Men vs. Women [one of the battles of all time]

What is the exact problem? Is it a simple solution or is it complicated? Why have the battle of the sexes been an ongoing battle for centuries? What is the concrete root problem to the creation of this battle? From the work place to the bedroom. From the talents, skills and abilities to the egos, pride and confidence. Let's have a talk "respectfully". NO OBSCENE GRAMMAR PLEASE OR YOUR CALL WILL BE DROPPED. Feel free to follow us on Twitter/Instagram @zhemagazine and join us on Facebook @ZHEMAGAZINEPAGE - Visit our website www.zhemagazine.com - THANK YOU!!!


Dreadlocks & Afro Controversy

Why is there still such a huge controversy & discrimination against afros & dreadlocks? What's the big threat about those particular hairstyles? Did you know it was an European man who created "perms" for Africans to make their hair straight like European women & men? Certain people's hair textures aren't a choice at birth. Why do society discrminate so much against what's natural for certain nationalities or race of people, but they are quick to want to steal their ideas & concepts to capitalize on them without giving them proper credit, acknowledgment nor compensation? Tune in to hear what we have to say about this matter. Feel free to follow us on Twitter & Instagram @zhemagazine and join us on Facebook @ZHEMAGAZINEPAGE. Our website is www.zhemagazine.com. Thank you for your support.


Senseless Killings By Police Officers Going Unpunished

Year after year over 500 innocent lives are taken by armed police officers who are abusing and misusing their authority. Why haven't our Federal Supreme Justice of Peace courts and U.S.A. government stepped up to stop and harshly punish these police officers who are using their positions, badges and authority to KILL so many innocent people? The U.S.A government doesn't seem to have any problems sending our U.S. military to other countries to help them fight against the malicious killings by the authorities and terriorists in their countries, so why won't they do it here on U.S.A soil even if it is "Americans" in authorative positions doing the senseless killings? This has got to stop. We want to put Dillon Taylor in the spotlight along with Michael Brown because they were both young unarmed males who were brutally killed without just cause by certain Ferguson Police Officers. Join us at 6:30pm EST as we discuss this matter. Thank you. Feel free to join us on Facebook @ZHEMAGAZINEPAGE & on Twitter | Instagram @zhemagazine


Nicki Minja New Song: Is it to harsh or disrespectful?

True enough the music industry as we know it has changed drastically and it has really lost a lot of its supporters confidence to deliver amazing, quality music in beats and lyrics that people would love and enjoy. As we know, for YEARS many male artists particularly in the Rap and Hip-Hop genres have "choice" words to use when referring to "females"... b**ch, h**, slut, nasty, freak [not in a good way], chicken heads, just another "h**" and many other degrading and insulting lyrics to describe, talk about and refer to females. However, that "type" of music had become acceptable and appropriate to many record labels. Although there were other female Rap artists who really had some harsh words for males. Nicki Minja's new song "Lookin Ass Ni**a" is uncut and straigh forward. Some probably feel it's inappropriate because she is a "female". Some may feel the language is to vulgar or some may feel she's another "mad black woman" lashing out of hurt. Whatever the case is. Do you feel her song "Lookin Ass Ni**a" is to harsh or disrespectful? Call-in to let us know what you think 1(213)559-2956


Empress Roli - Multi-Award Winning Bajan Female Reggae Artist

The winner of the "Peoples Choice 2012 Award" and nominated for the "Best Reggae Artist" of the year for the Barbados Music Awards,  Empress Roli is a budding reggae artist from barbados. Tune-in as we  have the honor to interview this amazing Empress.


Violent Teens

More and more teens are committing horrific crimes including murder without second thought. What's really going on with these teens? Why are they so angry, mean and hateful? How can we help teens stay focused on positivity and good works? Call-in to share your thoughts.



Having sex isn't the same as being sensual and being sensual isn't about "sex", but about appreciating, embracing and identifying with oneself in mind, body, spirit and soul. We're all adults, so let's talk about this respectfully, maturely and truthfully.


Peoples Choice Award 2012 Winner Empress Roli, Reggae Artist - Live Interview

The winner of the "Peoples Choice 2012 Award" and nominated for the "Best Reggae Artist" of the year for the Barbados Music Awards,  Empress Roli is a budding reggae artist from barbados. Tune-in as we  have the honor to interview this amazing Empress.


Family Courts Discrimination

It isn't a secret that most Family Courts automatically sides with the "mother" of a child especially if she has been the custodian parent and primary one taking care of the child[ren]. However, not in all cases is the "father" willingly being "absent" from his child[ren]'s life. Sometimes the mother intentionally prevent the father from being an active part of the child[ren]'s life due to a bitter break up/divorce, he's moved on and is currently in a relationship with another woman and/or she still has a lot of anger/unforgiveness towards the father of her child[ren]. Are those valid grounds to prevent and deny a man access to be a stabled and awesome father to his child[ren]? No! Let's discuss this in more details. Tune-in and call in 1(213)559-2956 on January 3rd, 2014. Visit of website - http://www.zhemagazine.com and join us on Facebook - ZHEMAGAZINEPAGE Thank you!



It is a very scary feeling to step out of your comfort zone to make a change for the better. It's Transition Time. It's a very true saying if you keep doing what you have always done, then don't expect a different outcome.Just imagine seeing a dog chasing its own tail. It's hilarious, but it's also pathetic at the same time. When you stay stuck in one gear you are like a dog chasing its own tail running around in circles getting nowhere making no real progress. Tune in with me, Chjazze Lewis as I talk about making a transition for the better. Call-in# 1(213)559-2956.


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