This is a channel where you can find All kind of horse porn where people that like to have sex with horses characters with this Fantasy art writing books and stories about this kind of subjects is my new snitcher and I'm going to create a new podcast as well So if you are interested in Following please join this Channel and find my podcast .if you want to support my channel subscribe.<br /><br /> You Can and have sex with horses wild dreamed porn made up characters in the stories are young people made 👍to be involved in the storytelling comment on chat welcomed are the people who can't find their place in the world 🌎

The Bellyrider From Weimar 2 Horse Sex

Kim zooerotic stories youtube channelThe Bellyrider From Weimar I. The BaronessOder River, June 1945The Russian officer closed the documents folder with some disgust.“Baroness von Bulow? I am afraid, madam, that you sin doubly. Not only do you presume to use the old titles but also you are a German.”“Not only German, sir, Prussian by marriage. I appreciate you using the old style wording,” she said in perfect Russian.The woman was in her forties. She was haughty. Her cheekbones stood out, evidence of emaciation. The events of the last few months had given her a feral, look.“What do you mean?”The woman looked briefly around the room. They were alone except for the colonel’s aide.“You said ‘madam’, as befits and officer and a gentleman, like someone raised in pre-revolutionary Russia,” she said in French.The officer, a colonel of the guards, nodded and turned to his aide.“Captain, please leave us alone for a moment.”The colonel served himself a glass of vodka but did not offer the woman any. The woman noticed that he was missing one hand.“Let us be frank…madam. You seek passage to the west, to the American sector.”“The British will do. I have no liking for the French.”“As I was saying, you seek this passage for you and a group of refugees that followed you from the area of Posen.”“Yes, that is right. They belong to my husband’s estate.”“In other words, they were peasants held as property in the land of a Junker.”“My husband, before he returned to his regiment, instructed me to prepare the evacuation. He did not believe the assurances that came from the gauletiers that your army would be stopped. He knew the war was lost.”The officer opened the folder again.“Ah yes, your husband, a general in the Waffen SS. His division was destroyed at the Vistula. I heard he was captured and shot as a war criminal.”She paled for a moment. It was the first news she had of her husband’s fate.“My husband was inducted into the SS after July 20. And he was a convalescent, colonel, he could barely walk. I am sure you understand what that means. He really did not have to return to his division. Yet he did. I had to obey his instructions to the best of my ability. It was the least I could do.”“You organized the evacuation of your estate. And you managed to make your way through our spearheads.”“I started with 300 persons, civilians, mostly elderly, women, and children, colonel. Yes, we met your spearheads. The elderly and the children died quickly. I only can show20 survivors now, mostly men. Few women survived the mass rapes. I was fortunate to be one, colonel.”The officer lit a cigarette and looked at her fixedly through narrowed eyes.“You are Russian, madam.”“Yes, colonel, I am Russian, originally from St. Petersburg. I left the Motherland after the Great War.”“Leningrad,” he corrected her in a soft voice.“Yes, Leningrad.”“You are a White Russian exile and you married a Prussian nobleman.”“It’s a long story colonel.”“I should have you shot right away…madam…as a traitor and enemy of the people.”The colonel gave a couple of puffs to his cigarette and took another drink from his glass. He muttered briefly and threw his cigarette on the floor and put it out with his boot. Then he pulled paper and wrote a quick note and stamped it. He pushed it in front of her with his one hand.“Go on, whoever you really are. This gives you free passage for you and your group to the American lines. Do not stop! I don’t want to see you again, do you understand? Get out before I change my mind!”*****II. MarinaBerlin 1923There were two nude women laid in a mat in a stage engaged in tribadism. The two were trying, somehow unsuccessfully, to perform to the frenzied rhythm of the Black Jazz orchestra playing. There was a desperate urgency in their coupling, as if they were seeking one last orgasm before dying. One was a blond German woman and the other one was a tall, dark woman with a bodysuit tattoo and Eurasian features. Truth is the audience barely paid them any attention. Spectacles like these were common at the “Grand Duke”, a cabaret preferred by the White Russian exile population. In a dark corner that gave a good view of the premises sat Turgenev, the owner. An oily man approached and sat across the table from Turgenev. His bodyguard, the massive ex guardsman Isidor, frowned at the intrusion. Turgenev waved to Isidor and the interloper did not have his throat cut.“You have five minutes of my time, Popov,” warned Turgenev. “Use them wisely.”“I found her, the one you asked me to find. She is barely 18, perhaps 19, Mikhail Fedorovich,” explained Popov.“And she is beautiful I suppose. Have you had her?” asked Turgenev.“Certainly! She is very stuck up, however.”“Ah, another grand duchess that gives herself airs and eats from the gutters?”“More or less, Mikhail Feodorovich. I don’t know if she was noble, though.”“So? She is probably a daughter of the commercial bourgeoisie that gives her the airs of a lady in waiting to the Tsarina herself! Popov, there are probably fifty true grand duchesses on the alley next to this establishment, some of them quite beautiful creatures. They all ran away from our dear Mother Russia with only their clothes on their backs. And if they are not so hungry as to bite off my dick and eat it they all will willingly give me a blowjob and swallow my semen just for the nourishment. So, what is so special about this girl?”“Well, for one, she has a large cunt, a pretty deep one. I put my hand inside her and she did not even flinch. Well, only a bit.”“Go on.”“She has survived, I grant her that. It was not the first time she fucked in exchange for a piece of bread.”“You got her cheap, Popov.”“Alas, I am not a rich man, Mikhail Feodorovich, and times are tough. That was all I could offer her. And she did take it.”The music had stopped. The main spectacle was about to start.“You have only one more minute, Popov.”“She has lovely, long, legs, very strong.”“Ah, ballerina training! That is good. I am a ballet aficionado myself. Go on.”“We talked. I was thinking of pimping her. With some nice rags she could fetch a good price in some circles. Anyways, I thought of your establishment. I showed her the sketches Marina had made, you know which ones. She was interested. I queried her. She is willing to try.”“And you say she has a big cunt?”“Yes, a pretty good sized one. You would not guess on such a girl. She is mostly legs. Not much in tits. A nice ass, though.”The two naked women on the stage had now produced a thick steel rod about six feet long and inserted one end into each other’s cunt. They lay on the mat furiously trying to push it deeper into each other clutching it with their cunts and thrusting with their hips. The orchestra had stopped playing. The lights were focused on their nude sweaty bodies. This time they had gotten the attention of the audience which watched the spectacle fascinated, issuing only occasional gasps. The only other sound was that of the two women grunting and cursing as they squirmed frenziedly on the mat.“Is she healthy?” asked Turgenev somewhat skeptically watching the obscene spectacle.“I noticed no chancres and no tubercular coughing, Mikhail Feodorovich. She is, of course, mostly bones. She could use some fattening.”“Well, if Marina survives her bout tonight she could train her.”“Marina never loses, Mikhail Feodorovich.”“I always make a point of betting against her. And I tell her I do. It’s a perverse pleasure of mine.”Suddenly the blond girl screamed. The tall dark tattooed woman apparently had a tighter, stronger, grip on the rod and drove it deeper and mercilessly into her opponent. The German girl was now howling and squirming with pain. The tall dark tattooed woman disengaged from the pole and stood up triumphant. She had driven at least two feet of the pole into the other girl’s gut. Its tip probably nested in her chest, behind her breasts. The audience applauded and cheered.“Marina has won, again,” announced Popov.“Well, I lose again,” admitted Turgenev laughing. “Damn! Marina ought to be happy.”The blond woman had fainted or was dead. There was blood pooling under her. A couple of attendants picked her up still without removing the rod driven inside her and placed her in a tarpaulin. The lights dimmed as she was roughly handled and rolled her into the tarpaulin and hauled away leaving a trail of blood and body fluids. Only her bare feet and the other end of the rod could be seen. Another attendant spread sawdust on the stage to absorb the blood.“That’s five girls she has impaled this winter,” noted Turgenev. “She is costing me a fortune.”“You will win one of these days, Mikhail Feodorovich. No one survives for long the impalement contests.”“Marina has. Her cunt is amazing. She could let herself be impaled if she wanted.”Meanwhile the tall dark tattooed woman basked in the admiration of the crowd and held a bouquet of roses a fan had provided. She strode through the audience shamelessly displaying her nude tattooed body, letting the crowd caress and poke it. Her cunt was cavernous and the labia were thick and engorged and she could will them to open wide and then closed tight, evidence of her strong pelvic muscles. Then she headed to Turgenev’s table and sat next to Popov and lit a cigarette. The smell of the cigarette, which was not that of tobacco, mixed her with her strong, not unpleasant, smell, which was more like that of a predatory beast. A waiter arrived with a bottle of champagne and served her.“Marina,” said Turgenev, “meet Valentin Andrievich Popov, an old friend. We two were in Brusilov’s staff.”Marina offered his hand, which Popov kissed. She seemed bored and handed the bouquet to the waiter for disposition.“Marina, Popov has a girl for you.”Upon hearing this, the tall dark tattooed woman’s eyes seemed to glow in the half darknes


Horse Belly Riding Enrique Forced By Sisters

Chapter 1–Enrique winced painfully. This was the first time in his life that anythinghad been put into his butt anything bigger than his own finger. And that hadonly been when he had been experimenting during masturbation. No, this wasn’tsmall, like a finger, this was a full-sized erect horse cock. Enrique’s twosisters, Enez and Catalina had been tormenting him all afternoon. Ever sincethat morning when they found out he had a crush on Catalina’s friend, Maria,his life had been hell. Brazil was always a warm place for him and his familyto live, but he felt like he was on fire.Maria was a few years older and quite a bit more mature than Enrique. She wasalmost as tall at Enrique but Enrique was scared to death of her. She wasbeautiful and quick witted. She definitely kept Enrique on his toes each timeshe would whip through the living room of their family’s modest home. Enriquewould try to study and Maria would poke fun at him. He couldn’t stop thinkingabout her.So when he let it slip to his sister’s they immediately saw how greatly he feltfor her, and that was all they needed to make him their slave. Enrique’sMother was a belly rider and would be gone for days at a time with her horse.Enrique had never known his mother in any other way. He had long ago learnedthat she loved her husband as a friend and to help her produce children, buthad taken a horse as her true lover. It wasn’t common for women to do this inhis village. Most of the women who became belly riders did so without taking ahusband. Enrique’s mother wanted children and her husband wanted Enrique’sMother, in whatever way she would have him. She only left her saddle when sheabsolutely had to. Earlier in life she had managed to spend enough time outfrom under her horses to have sex with her husband. Enrique’s Dad loved hiswife more than anything and was willing to put up with her curious obsession.She eventually bore him three children and then decided the rest of her lifewas to be devoted to her true lovers. She spent every available waking momentmilking it’s huge cock with her tiny body.Catalina had begun her belly riding classes too. She was getting to be quitegood, but had opted not join the belly riding school until following year.That gave her plenty of time to torment her 18 year old brother after hestupidly announced his interest in her best friend. Catalina had immediatelycome up with a rather cruel punishment for trusting in her. Catalinaimmediately told Enrique that she was going to tell Maria.Entrique’s eyes widened and he pleaded with her not to. Catalina and Enez bothrealized that he was theirs. They contemplated loudly what they should ask himto do for them. Catalina got a perverse idea. She told him that her horse hadnot been ridden all day and that she didn’t plan on riding him. She toldEnrique that he must ride her horse for her. Enrique didn’t think that soundedso bad, until he realized what she meant. She meant under the horse. Hefigured it wouldn’t be a big deal, they’d just strap him in, and make fun ofhim for a little while and then let him go. The girls even promised that hewouldn’t even have to take off his clothes.Finally, worn down, Enrique agreed. Enez felt that he gave in a little tooeasily but it didn’t sink in at that moment. Both girls laughed and giggleduntil they finally got settled. They got him into her Catalina’s saddle. Theystrapped his legs and feet in and there he swung, under a horse, with his handsand feet bound. He pronounced that he did what they asked, now they had topromise not to tell Maria. That’s when Catalina went into the house. Enriquewas puzzled, but felt uneasy. His sisters weren’t being especially nice tohim. Enez was poking fun at him while Catalina walked back from the house.Enrique noticed something glinting in her hand. It was a pair of sizzors.Enrique tried to fight against the restraints, but they were far too strong forhim to get away. Catalina returned with a smile on her face. Despite hisprotests she began to cut away his clothes.After several minutes of fighting, she finally freed him of everything but hissocks, shoes and his underwear. Enez began to undo his shoes as Catalinaasked, “Should we take his underwear too?” Enez laughed and said sure.Enrique felt the last of his clothes finally get freed from his body. There hewas, naked and bound to a horse. “Now” said Catalina, “Time to take him insideof you, so you can be a real belly rider.”Enrique didn’t have a vagina. He had had plenty of opportunities to see hismother’s and Catalina’s vagina on display as they had sex with their horses,and he didn’t see how this would work. Catalina said, “You do have a hole, andthat’s where his penis will go.” Enrique frowned until he figured it out. Hissister intended for him to let the horse have anal sex with him. Enriqueprotested, but the more he protested the more the threats increased. Finallythey said they would take him straight to Maria the way he was if he didn’ttake the horse. Enrique couldn’t imagine that, so he reluctantly agreed.That’s when the pain started. Enrique felt his sister trying to force thegiant horse penis into his tiny anus. Enrique shouted and told her to stop.Catalina stood up and frowned. She had an idea and ran into the house, leavingEnrique, naked under the horse, with Enez standing over him. She snuck a peakat his tiny penis and balls. He was obviously scared and not turned on at all,because it was cold and without much work he could have had an inny. Aftera few moments Catalina returned with something else in her hand. The large tubof petroleum jelly would make the job much easier.He felt his sister’s hand touch his anus tentatively, and then with a littlemore force. After a few rubs she began to push a finger inside of Enrique’sbuttocks. Enrique twisted and tried to get away again, but they threatened togo to Maria again, and he calmed down. She continued. When she was thoroughlyconvinced that her little brother was completely lubed up she began to do thesame to the horse. She lubed up the stallion’s huge cock head and shaft. Thenshe began to push the head against Enrique’s exposed buttocks.After some more wincing Enrique felt the head began to push into him. It washorribly painful, but he couldn’t imagine Maria seeing him so he went alongwith it. He even pushed back just to get the pain over with. Finally the hugehorse head popped into him with a searing pain. Enrique winced and grimaced asthe huge head pushed deeper into him. Enrique couldn’t believe he had managedto get that giant horse penis into him. He wasn’t gay and had never eventhought about having sex with another man, but a horse was different. Itseemed less wrong somehow.Finally after a few seconds he began to relax a little. It didn’t hurt as badonce he started to relax. Catalina stood up and smiled. “There!” She wasobviously very proud of her work. “Now let’s walk you around. My horse needshis exercise.” Enrique didn’t like the sound of this, and the first few stepsproved to be very painful as the thick horse flesh giggled and worked back andforth in his highly lubricated ass.His sisters continued to poke fun at him, telling him he looked cute like thatand if Enrique didn’t start relaxing they would tell Maria. Enrique did startrelaxing. There was no way for him not to. He was dizzy from being upsidedown, and the massive cock in him and the fact that he was naked was all toomuch for him. Despite himself he began to have an erection. Not just anyerection, but the hardest erection he had ever had. It was painful andthrobbing and engorged with a crimson red color. The skin of his member wasshiny because it was so taught.Enez was the first to notice. “Look, Catalina! He likes it!” The girls fellall over themselves laughing at Enrique’s predicament. Enrique could feel histesticles tightening. The more he fought his body’s feelings the more he wasat the horse’s mercy. The huge penis in his butt was rubbing against hisprostate and it didn’t take much to arouse him at that age. He began to shakeas he held it in as hard as he could. Even though nothing was touching hispenis, he was on the brink of an intense orgasm. His whole body tensed andshook and before he could yell to have them stop the horse his butt flexed andhe erupted.Streams of hot white sperm exploded from his 18 year old body. It gushed inwaves after waves, hitting the belly of the horse, and spurting all over hischest and stomach. It was like it would never end. As if it wasn’tembarrassing enough that he was getting extreme enjoyment from being sexuallystimulated by a horse penis, his body betrayed him again by having a veryprolonged orgasm openly in front of his own sisters. Rope after rope releasedfrom his body, against his will. It was the most powerful orgasm he had had inhis life. His body finally began to relax, but he could still feel his anuspulsating even a minute later.The girls thought that was amazing and laughed as the sperm dripped off of thehorse’s belly and back onto Enrique’s already cum soaked stomach. He was acomplete mess. The girls giggled insanely. It was just too much fun, they hadto do it again. Enrique pleaded with them not to. But just like before hissisters walked him around in circles ignoring his protests. After another tenminutes his erection returned.The dizzying effect of swinging under the horse made him totally loose hissense of direction. He wondered how his sister and mother had learned to steerthe horses from underneath. He had no idea where he was anymore. His penisseemed to be his only driving factor at this point. It was hard and it neededaffection. It was covered in sperm, and the sperm from his stomach and chesthad streamed uncomfortably around and down his sides and now dripped off of himand dried on his naked body. The drying semen was about to get replac


The Belly Riders., Chapter: Part 1 The Belly Riders of The Islands

Story: The Belly Riders., Chapter: Part 1 The Belly Riders of The Islands It had been a little over sixteen years since Harry and Jean had been down to Brazil and he worked for the Alfalla ranchero, crop spraying and Jean won the derby for belly riding that year. Things had changed drastically for them, but mostly for their good. The had bought the two hundred fifty acre island, and built a log home, stable and eighteen hundred foot landing strip. Added a riding path all the way around their land when they returned from South American and now had their home, a very luxurious log cabin facing the downstream side of the wide river all around their island. The grass runway was long enough for Harry to land on with ease in his new Super Decalathon aircraft and a beautiful training ring for their stable full of horses. The barn was air conditioned and heated in the winter time so that old ‘Macho‘, Jean’s favorite belly riding horse, could live his life in ease as he grew old. There were several new palomino two year old stallions that Jean still trained and would ride belly style when their two twin daughters were at school and not on the island. Oh yes, there were children in the home now, two beautiful fifteen year old daughters that were exact copies of their petite mother. They were twins so close alike that it was impossible for anyone to tell the difference and even their father couldn’t tell, but Jean could. Harry was amazed at the two young teen agers. They even sounded like their mother when they talked and were just as swift to learn anything they could about life. Their curiosity was at its peak at this age and he had to be careful about what he talked about around them now. He started teaching them how to fly just as soon as they were old enough to understand what he was saying they were tall enough to reach the rudder pedals. Now they could fly an aircraft just as well as their mother. They had their own ultra light aircraft that they used to fly to the local airport and catch the bus for school and return home in each day. They even used the Easy Flight ultra flight aircraft to fly back and forth when they went on dates which only occurred on the week ends, but horses were their main interest. Both girls were superior riders in any style that they wish to do. They used both the English saddle and the Western saddle. It just depended on what they were going to do during the ride. They spent hours training their horses for horse shows and that was their main interest. Their rooms were full of cups that they had won during the many shows they entered. The beautiful red Super Decathleaon buzzed the house and then did a slow one eighty over the river and side slipped down to the end of the runway and landed on all three wheels as gently as you would put a baby down in the crib. It gunned its engine and spun around in front of a big metal hanger just off of the runway but out of site in the tall pine trees off to the far side of the log home. Then a petite blond woman ran out to the man walking towards the house and flew into his arms. “Hi, honey. I missed you all day.” Jean whispered to him as she pulled away from his face after the long passionate kiss. “I missed you too, sweet cake. I was thinking about you all the time when I could. It’s been a busy day for me.” he told her as he carried her in his arms back to the house. She was only five feet tall and didn’t weight over one hundred pounds, an easy load for her muscular husband to carry. “Where are the girls?” Jean’s husband asked. “I think they are in the barn, grooming, Shadow and Prince, as usual. You know they spend all of their time in the barn with those animals. It’s strange that they haven’t discovered boys yet. I thought sure they would be going nuts over the boys that keep calling for dates and wanting to come over her to visit but they just aren’t interested. Their main interest is the stallions ever since they were fourteen.” “You are right. They do spend a lot of time with those two stallions and I haven’t ever heard them mention a boy. You don’t suppose they are gay, do you?” Harry asked. “My God, I hope not, but it is good they learn to take care of their stock and take pride in them. I have to take them to a horse show next weekend and I guess they are getting the two palominos and their gear ready. We will leave the mares home this time. I think they are ready to foal.” “Is supper ready, I hungry baby doll?” He asked his wife. “In about an hour the roast will be ready.” And the answer he got made him grimaced. “Well, if I have to wait that long, I think I will walk down to the barn and see how the girls are doing with the two stallions.” he replied. “Okay, but don’t stop them from working. Leave them along and come back in about an hour and I will have your supper on the table.” Jean told him. The father wasn’t a tall man, but he was very muscular. He had wide shoulders and it was easy to see that his hands were very powerful. He walked with a kind of rolling gait like a sailor which wasn’t unusual. He had been a sailor for many years, flying for the US Navy before he got out and started his own crop application business many years ago


Belly Riding At The Vet

had intrigued her and she had sent in a note under Julie’s name saying she was interested. The article in the paper said, “Interested in trying something sexually different? Think bigger is better? Email me.” The response Rebecca got back were instructions on the fact that they were selling themselves at auction to learn how to do very kinky things. The very kinky things were not spelled out in the email but it intrigued Rebecca enough to say that Julie would go – all without Julie knowing anything about it.Rebecca finally spilled the beans that Julie was supposed to go to a warehouse on the edge of town at midnight and wear something slutty. Julie laughed, “Yeah right.” “No seriously, you should try it. It sounds wild. You never do anything wild. Besides, that shit-head husband of yours is probably screwing every girl in every port.” “Rebecca! Seriously! He’s just really busy. That’s why he’s not calling.” Julie didn’t take it seriously at all, but Rebecca was insistent.


belly riding family vacation-002

Horse riding under the saddle in harness wild penetration of riders a story of a family vacation


Zoo-erotic Storyline Girl who loves Horse Fucker! 2

Podcast every week subscribe to the podcast This is a channel where you can find All kind of horse porn where people that like to have sex with horses characters with this Fantasy art writing books and stories about this kind of subjects is my new snitcher and I'm going to create a new podcast as well So if you are interested in Following please join this Channel and find my podcast .if you want to support my channel subscribe. You Can and have sex with horses wild dreamed porn made up characters in the stories are young people made 👍to be involved in the storytelling comment on chat welcomed are the people who can't find their place in the world 🌎


Blowing a Horse! Girl Who Became Horse Fucker!

Over the years I've developed lots of fetishes, two of which are extreme sized dicks and horse dick suck and swallow. have been a horseback rider I don't own a horse of my own (orally sperm extraction of course by stallionmountme). I thought I would try something new by making a new podcast and see if it is any interest online As a horse sex zoo-erotic and long-time lurker, I thought it was time to tell this story.Over the years I've developed lots of fetishes, two of which are /d/ sized dicks and animal/monster fucking. as an adult beastiality bely rider, I own a horse of my own (male of course). I thought I would try something new and audio books publications online at YouTube and podcasting the zoo-erotic stories podcast


Zoo-erotic Stories Girl Who is Horse Fucker!

This is a channel where you can find All kind of horse porn where people that like to have sex with horses characters with this Fantasy art writing books and stories about this kind of subjects is my new snitcher and I'm going to create a new podcast as well So if you are interested in Following please join this Channel and find my podcast .if you want to support my channel subscribe. You Can and have sex with horses wild dreamed porn made up characters in the stories are young people made 👍to be involved in the storytelling comment on chat welcomed are the people who can't find their place in the world 🌎


Adam Eizen

Too bad every audio link on this channel seems to be dead, the stories looked interesting.

11-01 Reply

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