DiscoverZinc!知音人 (华语)Chinese Podcast
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19 Episodes
30岁是人生的公认为人生重要的里程碑。 电视剧【三十而已】似乎是要挑战三十而立的定义。剧中三个女主角的故事,也是我们的故事, 我们 也面对类似的挑战。剧中有许多经典的剧情和台词值得我们更深入的去探讨,我们在这里慢慢的回味。 The 30-year old mark is a recognized important milestone in life. The Chinese TV Drama series "Nothing but 30" challenges the definition of being in 30s. The stories of the three heroines are reflections of real life challenges. We discuss on the plots and some of the inspirational lines in the show.
30岁是人生的公认为人生重要的里程碑。 电视剧【三十而已】似乎是要挑战三十而立的定义。剧中三个女主角的故事,也是我们的故事, 我们 也面对类似的挑战。剧中有许多经典的剧情和台词值得我们更深入的去探讨,我们在这里慢慢的回味。 The 30-year old mark is a recognized important milestone in life. The Chinese TV Drama series "Nothing but 30" challenges the definition of being in 30s. The stories of the three heroines are reflections of real life challenges. We discuss on the plots and some of the inspirational lines in the show.
即將舉行的新加坡2020大選比平常選舉更具戲劇性和有趣 。自1965年獨立以來贏得了每次大選的人民行動黨起初看來是明顯的贏家。然而,公众认为政府在冠狀病毒有失誤導致44,000例確診病例,使選民想起了一些長期的不滿情緒 例如社會不平等,更高的生活費用等等。反對黨比以往任何時候都更有能力,尋求其政治優勢的機會 。選民將在選舉中註意哪些領域?我們應該注意哪些候選人?這次的結果會和過去幾年有所不同嗎?讓我們一起期待与留意吧! The pending Singapore general election 2020 is getting interesting as it will largely be a digital battleground due to the social distancing measures. The PAP, which has won every election since independence in 1965, looks like a clear winner. Yet the government's perceived pandemic lapses, which have led to 44,000 confirmed cases, have reminded the electorate of some long-standing grievances which opposition parties, more competent and diverse than ever before, will seek to exploit. What would be the areas that the voters will look out for? Who are the candidates we should be paying attention to? Join us in this episode to understand more.
香港在最近這幾十年來, 經歷了幾段相當動盪不安的政治,經濟和社會變化。近年來,香港的“一國兩制“的香港政治體系,還有日益嚴重的經濟不平等 再次受到關注,許多當地人對香港的未來感到焦慮不安。在這一集的知音人時間, 我們一起了解香港的時下民情和對未來的前景, 其中還包括了一段與聽眾的訪問。
Hong Kong has undergone quite turbulent political, economic and social changes, in recent decades.
In recent years, Hong Kong's “one country, two systems” and the growing economic inequality have once again attracted attention. Many locals are anxious about Hong Kong's future. In this episode, we explore the current local sentiments and their perspectives on the future of Hong Kong.
在這一集中,我們探討了種族主義,職權的濫用,警察的暴力以及歧視的影響, 及其歷史根源。
In this episode, we explore the historical roots of racism, abuse of authority, police brutality and violence and impact of discrimination.
新冠病風波, 在全世界各個企業開啟了远程办公的大规模实验。工作模式,工作場所,僱用律法,企業運作流程, 又將會如何的變化?The COVID-19 outbreak has triggered large-scale experiments on remote working in enterprises around the world. How will work models, workplace, employment laws, and business processes change and shape the new normal?
在这一集的Zinc!知音人时间, 我们做了个感言串烧, 来反映和整理我们的思绪,回顾我们在这三个月创作知音人播客的旅程。这是一个年中总结的时段,一起放空漫谈。
In this episode, we reflect on our journey of creating our podcasts and sharing our perspectives in the past three months.
由于新冠病的大爆发,旅游业陷入瘫痪。 让我们来谈谈当下与事后的旅游趋势。How would travel change as a result of Covid-19 with travel bans and city lockdowns?
新冠病疫情的爆发改变了我们的生活。 世界各地的头条新闻主要都是关注身体健康和保健以及我们日常习惯必须改变的方式-从社交隔离到戴口罩。我们要如何从这心理困境走出来?The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives. There is increasing focus on the related mental health and wellness. How can we cope?
有一群無名英雄,正在為我們與新冠病戰鬥。為我們所有人提供生命和安全保障。讓我們一起了解和體諒, 並給與他們充分的尊重和關注。
Let’s salute and acknowledge the unsung heroes who have been waging the battles with COVID-19 outbreak.
当今社会上的各种诈骗手法和最流行的技术, 千奇百怪,日新月异。让我们一起了解和识别,提高警惕。The latest and most common scams to be aware of. Let us learn on how to protect against them.
在這一集的Zinc! 知音人時間, 我們一起探討居家隔離期間與社交隔離,可能造成哪些心理現象和影響? 我們的生活方式會受什麼影響?企業和服務團體又必須如何轉變其運作方式?
As the COVID 19 pandemic makes it's way around the world, public health experts have been urging people to practice social distancing and lockdown. In this episode of the Zinc! Chinese podcast, find out how the COVID 19 pandemic will change our lifestyle? How are we affected psychologically? How must businesses and organizations change their business and operation models?
防疫宅人手記: 我們實行居家隔離時,如何有效的,有趣的,有想法的, 打發時間!
Survival Guide During Pandemic Lockdown: Interesting and creative ideas to survive stay-at-home quarantine order!
我们一起关注与人民息息相关的话题。不同政党能够针对人民关心的事项有深切的了解和想法。Where do the main political parties stand on the key issues in Singapore General Election 2020?
世界各地因冠病疫情而起, 亞裔人在言論還是在行動上已經成為歧視和襲擊的目標。我們應該如何看待與處理種族歧視呢?
There have been recent incidences of coronavirus related attacks on Asians around the world. How should we respond and manage racism effectively? Published on 21 March 2020
有效的财政预算案能够精确的反映社会民情。让我们从2020年的新加坡财政预算案来了解政府的政策和方案, 如何与我们息息相关。
An effective budget will reflect the society's greatest needs.
Let us discuss the Singapore Budget 2020 and its impact on the common people.
Published on 13 March 2020.
女性占世界人口的50%。身为女性,我们有权利站出来, 表达代表我们女性观点。
Women are half the world's population.
Let us share our perspectives and learn more about our world together.
We will create a better world for all.
Published on 12 March 2020.
母亲节是我们纪念与庆祝母亲在家庭社会中的影响。让我们来谈谈现代母亲的挑战,趋势,观点。 Mothers’ Day is when we commemorate and celebrate mothers’ contribution to the our families and society. Let's talk about the challenges, trends and perspectives of modern mothers.
2020年新加坡大选的擂台上会有那些老将新贵上场,他们又会 如何出招拆招?Let us discuss to learn who will be the main political parties participating in the Singapore General Election 2020. And how would they likely to compete and what are their visions for Singapore.
Published on 28 March 2020
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