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Zone of the Unknown

Author: Zone of the Unknown

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Brad and Jose explore the depths of all that is weird, mysterious, and creepy in this world, and maybe a few others. If it deals with aliens, cryptids, the mysterious, the supernatural, or the crazy, we will try to get to the bottom of it.
35 Episodes
Greetings fellow weirdos! We are back this week with a new mystery, this time revolving around a series of apocryphal paintings, and a rash of house fires in the UK in the 1980s. When firefighters in Essex began responding to a string of fires, they noticed a consistent detail in the wreckage of each home: an undamaged portrait of a crying boy. UK tabloid The Sun ran with a story of tragic abuse and a history of accidental fires, revolving around an abusive painter and his young subject. But is there any basis to this story? Is the spirit of the painter's victim enacting his revenge through his tormentor's work? Jose and Brad investige.
The Circleville Letters

The Circleville Letters


Greetings fellow weirdos! We're back! Thanks to all of our listeners for their patience during our holiday hiatus. In 1976, residents of Circleville, OH began receiving mysterious letters claiming knowledge of their deepest, darkest secrets. No one knew from whence the letters came, nor who may have written them, but they would lead to a series of bizarre crimes that remain unsolved to this day. Join Jose and Brad as they try to unravel the mystery behind these sinister correspondences.
The BEast of Gevaudan

The BEast of Gevaudan


From 1764 to 1767, the provincial region of Gevaudan was terrorized by a massive, vicious monster. During its three year reign of terror, the Beast killed over 100 victims and maimed many more. Hunters and royal soldiers failed to bring it to heel. What was this mysterious monster? Why did it suddenly appear in Gevaudan to wreak havoc? Jose and Bradley discuss the facts. 
The Mandela Effect

The Mandela Effect


Have you ever firmly believed in something, only to find out that you've been deceived for years? A misremembered event, quote, or fact? You're not alone! Thousands, perhaps even millions worldwide possess such false memories, and paranormal consultant Fiona Broome has provided an explanation for this phenomenon in the Mandela Effect. Are we sliding through alternate universes and timelines constantly, interacting with alternate realities in our daily life? Or are we merely forgetful? Jose and Brad investigate.
The Faces of Belmez

The Faces of Belmez


In August of 1971, the Pereira family were stunned to discover a human face peering up at them from their kitchen floor, and their shock only grew as many more faces followed. For nearly fifty years after, this small house in Belmez, Spain has been a destination for believers in the paranormal and spiritual nature of the faces. Are they the faces of a long forgotten medieval massacre? Or are they a hoax perpetrated by a clever artist? Brad and Jose discuss their opinions in our the first episode of our second Season!
Greetings fellow weirdos! Apologies for being late with this one, and thank you for your patience. What mysterious beasts roam the dark moors of the U.K.? For decades, many have reported seeing panther or puma-like creatures stalking the English countryside, often in conjunction with mysterious livestock deaths. Are these big cats relics of bygone times or invasive predators, released by wealthy owners? Brad and Jose discuss the facts! 
The Vallecas Case

The Vallecas Case


In 1992, the Gutierrez Lazaro family called the police after a year of horror in their home near Madrid. They had lost their daughter, Estefania, after she claimed to be tormented by shadowy figures and displayed disturbing and unstable behavior. After he passing, their house became a nightmare of sinister paranormal activity. Was a homemade Ouija board to blame? Or was Estefania the victim of incompetent medical diagnoses? Were her family then tormented by her restless spirit? Jose and Brad explore the case.  
"I for one welcome our new robot overlords!" So proclaims Brad as we investigate the theories behind the technological singularity. Will an artificial intelligence rise up and make the human race obsolete? Are we smart enough to create a benevolent god in computer form? Or will humans fall in hubris before a technology that outsmarts our every move? Jose and Brad discuss the possibilities.
Mongolian Death Worms

Mongolian Death Worms


Greetings fellow weirdos! What lies beneath the sands of the Gobi Desert. Indigenous lore tells of a horrifying creature that can kill with a touch and is feared by all who may encounter it. For nearly a century, westerners have searched for for evidence of the mysterious and terrifying olgoi-khorkhoi, the Mongolian Death Worm. Does this monster still prey on those that cross its path? Or is it a legendary creature of myth? Jose and Brad review the facts! Warning: some minor audio issues in this episode.
On August 7th, 1994, the small town of Oakville, WA was suddenly pelted by a rain of mysterious gelatinous blobs, causing chaos and illness throughout the town. Such was the consternation over the mysterious event that it was featured on Unsolved Mysteries and remains one of the strangest unexplained weather phenomenons in the US. What were the rice sized blobs? Where did they come from? And was the US military lying when they offered an explanation? Jose and Brad investigate.
The Real Annabelle Doll

The Real Annabelle Doll


Greetings fellow weirdos and a Happy 4th of July to our listeners stateside! This week we get topical with our exploration of the "true" story behind the successful Annabelle movie franchise. What is it about a Raggedy Ann doll that captured the attention of the most famous paranormal investigators in the industry? In a box in the Paranormal Museum of Ed and Lorraine Warren resides the most purportedly evil doll in the world, responsible for a great deal of injury and suffering. Is this story true? Or is it a fabrication of attention seeking con artists? Brad and Jose investigate!
Greeting fellow weirdos! This week we begin exploring the weird, wild and strange goings on of West Virginia. Long a hot bed of paranormal activity, Jose and Brad begin by exploring the Appalachian lore of the mysterious White Things of southern West Virginia. What are the mysterious creatures that have terrorized this region for nearly a century? Are they vengeful spirits? An albino Sasquatch? A previously undiscovered monstrous dog? Or are they escaped exotic animals? We aim to find out.
What happened to Barney and Betty Hill in 1961? In 1963 these two community leaders came forward with a tale of terror. The Hills claimed that they were forcibly taken aboard an extraterrestrial craft and subjected to numerous invasive exams before being returned to their car with no memory of the incident. Later, under hypnosis, they would recover their memories and become stars in the wold of UFOlogy. Were the Hills really abducted by aliens? Brad and Jose try to discern fact from fiction.  
The Enfield Poltergeist

The Enfield Poltergeist


For 19 months, from 1977 to 1979, the Hodgson family was haunted by an entity who played havoc in their suburban home. Paranormal investigators arrived on the scene, and thus began one of the most documented hauntings in history. Were the Hodgsons haunted by the malevolent ghost of a former resident? Did his spirit use young Janet Hodgson as a vessel to communicate with the living? Or was it all an elaborate hoax from the 11 year old's imagination? Brad and Jose weigh the options in case of the Enfield Poltergeist. 
The Dyatlov Pass Incident

The Dyatlov Pass Incident


In February 1959, nine experienced hikers and skiers mysteriously perished on the slopes of a snow covered peak in northern Russia. To this day, no one knows exactly what happened to them. What would possess nine people to cut their way out of their tent and flee into subzero temperatures without their equipment, clothes, or even their shoes? Did they flee from an avalanche? Were they victims of a violent attack? Or is the Russian government hiding the truth behind their inexplicable demise? Jose and Brad investigate the various theories surrounding the Dyatlov Pass incident.
Greetings fellow weirdos! A warning to our listeners, we encountered technical difficulties while recording this episode and our audio quality was reduced as a result. Jose's recording cut out for about 8 minutes from 37-45 minutes into the recording. We apologize for this, but we enjoyed the episode so much that we still want to share it with you. Now, come with us to the library. Filed under weird, you'll find an unreadable manuscript full of odd imagery and a massive bible, rumored to have been authored by Lucifer himself. Are the claims about these tomes true? Brad and Jose investigate. 
Greetings fellow weirdos! Get out of the water! There might be a giant shark in there...This week Jose and Brad dive into (see what I did there?) the murky, mysterious and often entertaining world of the Megalodon. Though scientists generally agree that the largest predatory shark in history is extinct, there are those who say they have evidence to suggest otherwise. Is there a terrifying prehistoric monster lurking in the Mariana Trench? Probably. Is it the Megalodon? We aim to find out. 
Time Travel

Time Travel


Greeting fellow weirdos! (Cue the Doctor Who Theme) Buckle up as we dive through the wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff of science fiction and science fact. That's right, this week Jose and Brad tackle time travel. Can we propel a human though time? Have we already done so? Have youtubers from the future already made the journey to share their knowledge? Are the boys sober enough to discuss quantum physics? Find out in another exciting episode of The Zone of the Unknown!
Shadow People

Shadow People


Greetings fellow weirdos! We have a very special episode today! Today, while Brad got so excited about our new recording setup he forgot to be funny, Jose related his personal encounters with the mysterious Shadow People in downtown Glendale, CA. What are these mysterious moving shapes, often seen out of the corners of our eyes? Are they Friend or Foe? Where do they come from? Are they just extras in a Patrick Swayze movie. Many paranormal enthusiasts have theories, but we have experience on our side. 
The Yeti

The Yeti


Greetings fellow weirdos! I apologize for the late drop, but after battling through technical difficulties and illness here it is! This week, we're going back to basics to bring a full episode on a cryptid we have previously discussed in passing. High above the snowline of the Himalayan Mountains dwells a creature of legendary strength and power. It was revered by the people who dwelt at the base of the mountains and tales of wild men inspired awe and fear. What is the Yeti? Why can't white guys properly translate his name? And, most importantly, is he real? Jose and Brad aim to find out.
Comments (2)

Kyle Hughes

hey dudes keep up the good work.

Dec 11th

Chad Becker

used to listen to this podcast because it was an escape from childish Political comments but now it's seeped into this as well. Talking down about the physical appearance of a current President that MANY of your listeners voted for isn't a very mature thing to do. You make yourself sound simple & narrow minded. keep to the cryptids because you obviously don't know anything regarding politics. thanks your listeners. one stqr

Oct 26th