art bell tape vault

the best of the kingdom of nye 🛸 - archive link & playlists

UFOs, Cattle Mutilations, Aliens - Linda Moulton Howe - 1994-07-31 - Dreamland

say what you want about her and her tape recorder, i do enjoy the occasional LMH show - especially this early one focusing on the cattle mutilation phenomenon, which has seen a resurgence in recent years continuing to clear out my old upload queue for the halloween szn - new playlists at


Synchronicity - Phil Cousineau - 1998-06-21 - Dreamland

"i believe in coincidences. coincidences happen every day. but I don't trust coincidences" - elim garak, deep space 9 life is busy, but i will post a few more shows i've enjoyed recently. happy october friends :)


Recovered UFO & Alien Bodies - Deek Richards - 2001-04-25 - Coast to Coast AM

reposting a couple fun ufo tales in honor of this very intriguing intelligence whistleblower making the news right now.. fingers crossed my friends | deek richards recounts his story of a ufo crash & recovery operation in the fulda gap region of germany


Black Triangle Phenomenon - Colm Kelleher - 2004-04-24 - Coast to Coast AM

(repost, this was our first upload!) colm kelleher joins art to discuss the black triangle ufo phenomenon, something art and ramona witnessed themselves years earlier. this was one of the main archetypes of sightings during the 90s-00s


The Mercenary Gabriel - 2002-05-17 - Coast to Coast AM

art invites "gabriel" to the show - a young, cold mercenary who claims his clients pay him & his team millions to extract loved ones from various types of captivity all around the world. he goes in to detail on pay, ethics, tactics, equipment, foreign contacts, some ops, and his very isolated personal life. plus a line for caller questions near the end. begins @ 44:00 | opens with ~the amazing kreskin~ making his infamous shitty ufo prediction/scam. i'll repost the follow up shows to kreskin's bullshit later


Remote Viewing - Stephan Schwartz - 2004-09-04 - Coast to Coast AM

writer and researcher stephan schwartz joins art for a great show regarding remote viewing, consciousness, the cosmos, spirituality, and more. stephan claims his interest in remote viewing lies in furthering our understanding of the mind rather than intelligence-gathering work like.. some other folk


Future Technology - Jan Hodges - 2004-02-29 - Coast to Coast AM

art talks to jan nukem hodges who he terms a "mad inventor" - jan's work and interests are spread across a wide field like robotics, the soul, nanotech, anti-gravity, space travel, AI, biocomputers, the colonization of mars, string theory, logistics, and supply chain technology. reactions range from "he's full of shit" to "he's a complete genius". interesting show!


Open Lines - Antichrist Line & UFO Triangle - Linda Moulton Howe - 1999-01-28 - Coast to Coast AM

another gem missing from the Ultimate archive - linda holds her tape recorder to the phone for a great eyewitness sighting and a report on the large, silent triangular craft like the one seen over phoenix. then art opens up the antichrist line for a night of crazy ppl with some solid attempts


Winds of Change - Robert Ghostwolf - 1997-12-11 - Coast to Coast AM

the vaguely native american robert ghostwolf discusses his accolades, spiritual traditions and culture then drops a lot of bad news. tl;dr - we’re screwed. the rambling backdrop starts around around 53 mins, then the prophecies for 1998 are around 1:20:00 and wow of the ads he ran back then..


Human-Reptilian Connection - John Rhodes - 1995-06-18 - Dreamland

crypto hunter, ufo researcher, and founder of the "reptoid research center".. john rhodes joins to discuss the classic conspiracy theory that reptilian alien imposters have been hiding amongst us


The Tampa Triangle - Capt. Bill Miller - 1997-05-04 - Dreamland

captain bill miller delivers a bit of a "Weird Tampa" episode, with talk of ghost ladies on bridges, mysterious green fogs, missing ships, and a whole lot more. we had rapid uploads over the weekend and a few more coming so be sure to scroll down and check the feed. hope you survive your mondays :)


Keith Rowland Interview - 1997-05-30 - Coast to Coast AM

 art interviews his longtime webmaster and partner in crime, keith rowland! bit of a sneak peek behind the curtain; i always found this interesting considering how popular art's website was at the time, plus he and keith were some of the early advocates for things we love now like audio streaming. i'll never forget it considering i first found him as a kid browsing around for proof of ghosts :) enjoy please ignore the Q&A section on recent episodes, spotify enabled it by default on a few uploads


Alien Contact - Albert Harrison - 1998-04-29 - Coast to Coast AM

 psychologist albert harrison talks to art about aliens, and what we might expect to happen after first contact - i'd say professor harrison had a much nicer vision than most at the time; sadly he passed in 2015


UFO Reports & Denver Sightings - Peter Davenport & Linda Howe - 1995-02-19 - Dreamland

peter davenport's first appearance as a guest on the show, plus coverage of ufo sightings over denver with linda moulton howe. happy easter! i will try to dump a few more this week before work ties up my focus again


Russian Defector - Stanislav Lunev - 1998-09-04 - Coast to Coast AM

stanislav lunev was a soviet military officer, famously the highest ranked GRU officer to defect. a critical ear can probably pick out the propaganda (expected with any defector ofc), but you’ll still be left with some interesting insights in to the conditions of post-soviet russia & the military



Guaranteed that this "Freeman" dumbfuck is a current Trump zombie now. "Name me a country that's more free," Art Bell asks this proto-fascist militia shitbird, and he goes "...well, China..." WTF? These people have been fucked in the head for DECADES. Little did I know back when I used to listen to Art Bell live that these fucking idiots were going to end up attempting a fucking coup for a goddamn reality TV show host, holy shit...

08-14 Reply


Nothing new to add?

07-27 Reply

Scott Rome

great calls in this show

07-20 Reply

Maria Lora


02-09 Reply

Big Zero

There's other more "legit" places to get this stuff but the interfaces are bad and not tuned to the smartphone. It's really too bad. Thank you for posting these shows! Art was such an important part of my life and I've been really stoked revisiting them.

12-06 Reply











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