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catalystas' podcast

Autor: Catalystas Consulting

Inscrito: 3Reproduzido: 12


Catalystas Consulting is a women-led consulting firm that brings a bold, new, intersectional feminist perspective to international development, security, and policy practice.

Follow along with us as we “talk shop” informally with our outstanding team of international development, humanitarian response, policy, and finance practitioners as well as experts across the field with amazing insights into various hot-button international topics and development related practices such as:

impactful interventions in war-zones, attracting donors and hot trends for philanthropists, human-centered design, and applicable data-driven insights.

Since our work is international and often in the far reaches of the world, we're bringing you stories from the field and our on-the-ground insights so that you can get a better picture of the realities flashing across your news feed every day.
20 Episodes
Catalystas Co-Founders Aviva and Beatrice sit down to discuss Gender Mainstreaming and how organizations can put their money where their mouths are to realize truly transformative change towards gender equality, instead of just ticking a box and maintaining the status quo.
On behalf of our client Start Network, we sat down with Jessica Novia of Yakkum Emergency Unit (YEU) in Indonesia, Mayfourth Luneta of the Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP) in the Philippines, and Takeshi Komino of the Asia Disaster Reduction and Response Network in Japan, three members of the Community-Led Innovation Partnership (CLIP) program to talk about innovation, community, and disaster risk resilience.   For the full podcast transcript in both Spanish and English, click here.    
If the thought of having to go through an external evaluation fills your organization with dread, this is the podcast episode for you! Listen in as our founders pull back the curtain on the external evaluation process as senior lead evaluators themselves. We discuss how to prepare your teams and your projects for evaluations from the evaluator perspective; what will make the process go as smoothly as possible from start to finish, how to design your program from the outset with the need for a final evaluation in mind, and tips to make the evaluation experience a positive one for everyone.    
In this episode, Catalystas founders Beatrice Maneshi and Aviva Stein share the audio of their presentation on Breaking the Cycle: Donor Involvement, Evaluation, Accountability at the Online IDEAS Conference 2022 on the Power Of Evaluation: Influencing Decision Making for a Better and More Equal World. As expert evaluators, we've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to both programming and partnership dynamics between donors, implementing organizations, local partners, and beneficiary stakeholders. Listen in to hear our take on the challenges facing evaluation - and evaluators - today, and our take on how to transform evaluation processes from an underutilized, underengaged rote exercise, to a participatory, inclusive tool for learning and growth. If you'd like to see our presentation slides, or learn more about our proposed solutions, we'd love to hear from you!
In this Episode we sit down with Dr. Aneil Tripathy, PhD,  to talk green, blue, and other social sustainable bonds and their potential impacts on development and climate financing - especially in the global south. Dr. Tripathy is a cultural anthropologist working in the field of climate bonds. Listen with us as he breaks down colonialism and debt, the impact of ESG bonds on SMEs and NGOs, and discusses the impact of the Ukrainian- Russian conflict on the Green climate financial market and the EU's green energy transition trajectory.
Catalystas Judith and Ambika sit down with Priscilla Philips, founder of the independent African queer lifestyle magazine LGBT Africa, and explore the experiences of being a queer woman in Africa, starting a platform for activism, creativity, and community, and challenging heteronormative narratives in hopes of a better, safer future. 
Catalystas sits down with Simon van Melick (SPARK), Peter Knoope (CVE/PVE Expert and former Dutch Diplomat), and Brandon Oelofse (Media Development Collective) to discuss lessons learned from their ongoing prevention and countering violent extremism programming. The program, "Networks of Change", focuses on youth empowerment, media, lobbying, and political and community engagement in Iraqi Kurdistan.
Catalystas Judith and Beatrice sat down with Ms. Anne Kwakkenbos CORDAID Netherlands Expert on Gender, Peace & Security to learn more about the impacts of COVID-19 on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, especially in conflict-affected settings. In this episode, we discuss the challenges COVID has also posed to Global South advocate's ability to access international advocacy platforms and how Anne and other Global North-based gender focal points walk a fine line to promote their voices while causing no harm.
Catalysta Sofía Cossar sits down with Alessandra Sollberger, the founder of Top Tier Impact and author of Blockchain Mavericks, on a small island in Thailand to discuss innovation and the effects of COVID-19 on the stability of international financial systems and democratic governance structures. What does the pandemic mean for decentralized finance and cryptocurrency? How do we balance the effects of this sudden global shift when it comes to sustainability and protecting vulnerable communities? Tune in to find out.    
Catalysta Aviva Stein sat down with Ms. Safia Youssouf, a major influencer in the Chadian entrepreneurship scene, while on mission in Chad's capital, N'Djamena. Catalystas spoke with Safia about her experiences working in the private sector, the NGO sphere, and the Chadian government, and discussed where her new projects on women, agriculture, technology, and business are headed. 
In October, Catalystas Beatrice Maneshi was in Iraq and had a chance to sit down with our clients at the Center for Gender Development Studies (CDGS) at the American University of Iraq in Sulaymaniyah in Iraqi Kurdistan. Although CDGS is an academic institution they are vested in the community and local development and empowerment. We got a chance to talk about their work in Iraq supporting gender equality, LGBTQA rights, and development.
17 days into the 2019 revolution in Lebanon and one-months since the devastating forest fires that swept through the country the world wait to see what happens to "Paris of the Middle East". Catalystas has had a chance to sit down with Mr. Sammy Kayed of the Nature Conservation Center (NCC) at the American University of Beirut to talk about the impact of the forest fires that burned over 3000 hectares of land, the subsequent revolution taking place across the country, and the impact all of this has on local communities and rehabilitation efforts.
Catalystas Aviva and Sofia sat down with Gijs Verbossen and Grace Ellis from HiiL (The Hague Institute for Innovation of Law) for a  gripping legal-tech talk. HiiL is a social enterprise devoted to user-friendly justice. That means justice that is easy to access, easy to understand, and effective. How far are we today from this ideal? And how to we get there? Listen to our podcast to find the answers!
An in-depth interview with Ms. Fatou Baldeh, Founder and CEO of Women In Liberation and Leadership. WILL aims to address violence against women and girls in The Gambia, with a particular focus on combating female genital mutilation (FGM). Catalysta Sofia sat down with Ms. Baldeh to discuss her journey, the effects of culture, tradition, and religion on women's rights, and the ongoing work of WILL. 
Catalystas had the opportunity to interview Dr. Nirmala Nair, Founder of the child health, human trafficking and women’s empowerment organisation Ekjut, that operates out of Panwar Jarkan Province. Ekjut has won countless awards on raising child mortality improvement of maternal, newborn, child health and nutrition of partnering underserved, marginalised communities, through their empowerment, community-based interventions and influence good governance for improving access and quality of services. In its Jarkan one of the most improvised provinces, today they are preparing to apply their medical and community expertise to other regions in India. Founder Dr. Nair tells us more about Ekjut’s work that has saved countless lives since 2002.
Catalystas Aviva and Sofia sit down with Arjan Hehenkamp, current Deputy Director of the Dutch organization Stichting Vluchteling (Refugee Foundation) and former operational director and general manager of the Dutch Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Office in Amsterdam, to discuss past experiences, lessons learned, and new approaches to humanitarian aid. 
UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), Ms. Cecilia Jimenez-Damary, joins Catalysta Aviva to discuss the roles of the UN, the state, and NGOs when it comes to supporting the needs of IDPs. 
An interview with John Jal Dak and Matthew Lam Joar, two youth leaders from South Sudan, on conflict, community building, and youth empowerment at the One Young World Forum, presented by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
What is Feminism? Catalystas defines what feminism means to us and why we believe it is the key to a more inclusive and effective development agenda.
Introducing Catalystas Consulting and our experience in development, security and policy practice and implementations. Often in our field, we operate in male and patriarchal dominated spaces, what does this mean for the world of economic, political and social improvement? In this episode, we will discuss why is there s need to women-centered program design a shed some from the far reaches of the world field-insights to provide real-world examples and context to provide tips.