empowEar Audiology

empowEar Audiology

<p>Communication is connecting. Join Dr. Carrie Spangler, a passionate audiologist with a personal hearing journey, as she interviews guests who are navigating their own professional or personal journey in the deaf/hard of hearing world. If you want to be empowEARed or just want to hear some great hearing and listening advice, this podcast is for you!</p>

A Conversation with Tiffany Yu, author of The Anti-Ableist Manifesto

Let's continue the conversation- send me a text! In this episode of the EmpowEAR Audiology Podcast, meet author Tiffany Yu as we discuss her newly published book, The Anti-Ableist Manifesto. Tiffany is an award-winning social impact entrepreneur, disability advocate, and content creator. She is the founder and CEO of Diversability, a social enterprise dedicated to elevating disability pride and building disability power. Tiffany’s impressive career spans roles at Goldman Sachs, Bloomberg, and...


Understanding Vestibular Disorders Across The Lifespan with Dr. Julie Honaker & Dr. Violette Lavender

Let's continue the conversation- send me a text! In this insightful episode of empowEAR Audiology, I am joined by two experts in vestibular and balance care. Dr. Julie Honaker and Dr. Violette Lavender shed light on the complexities of vestibular disorders in children and adults. Representing care across the lifespan, they discuss the impact of these conditions on daily life, advancements in diagnosis and treatment, and the vital role audiologists play in managing balance and hearing he...


Educational Audiology Awareness Week: Hearing Screening In Schools

Let's continue the conversation- send me a text! In this episode of the empowEAR Audiology Podcast, we explore the importance of Educational Audiology Awareness Week with guests Dr. Kristin Jolkowski and Dr. Tori Ashton of the Educational Audiology Association, who highlights the essential role of school hearing screenings. They discuss how early identification of hearing loss impacts students' academic success and the importance of collaboration between educational audiologists, nurses, scho...


Auditory Processing Unwrapped with Dr. Matthew Barker, Part 2

Let's continue the conversation- send me a text! Dr. Matthew Barker is the Founder and Director of Acoustic Pioneer. With a Doctorate from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Dr. Barker has dedicated his career to advancing the field of audiology, particularly in the area of auditory processing. Part 2 of this podcast series focuses in on what to do once a child has been identified with an auditory processing deficit and how targeted direct interventions can improve this skill; thus...


Auditory Processing Unwrapped with Dr. Matthew Barker: Part 1

Let's continue the conversation- send me a text! In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Matthew Barker, Founder and Director of Acoustic Pioneer, and a renowned Audiologist with a specialization in auditory processing. Dr. Barker completed his Doctorate at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in 2004, where he focused on testing auditory processing and its crucial role in language development and reading skills. He shares his insights on the significant impact of underdeveloped auditor...


A Conversation with Dr. Don Goldberg!

Let's continue the conversation- send me a text! Join me for a repeat guest, Dr. Don Goldberg, CCC-SLP/A, FAAA, LSLS Cert. AVT, as we dive into the newly released Test of Auditory Functioning which is a criterion-based test for toddlers through school-age children who are deaf or hard of hearing available from Bluetree Publishing. This episode will explore the who, what, why, and where behind this important testing protocol for professionals who work with individuals who are deaf/hard o...


An Interview With The Deaf Queen Boss, Kellina Powell!

Let's continue the conversation- send me a text! Join me for an interview with the Deaf Queen Boss, Kellina Powell! Kellina is an entrepreneur, coach and author of the book “Everyday I am Just Deaf”. Kellina loves to help people with their personal growth and educate others about the deaf community. At the age of 4 she lost her hearing in both ears. She did not let anything stop her from what she wanted to accomplish. She received her psychology degree from York University and her post ...


A Conversation with Gil Kaminski!

Let's continue the conversation- send me a text! Today, we're joined by Gil Kaminski, co-founder of Humelan, a Public Benefit Corporation dedicated to guiding individuals through hearing health and wellness. Humelan offers a person-centered approach, community support, and an AI companion app for hearing health. Inspired to address the challenges faced by those with hearing loss, Humelan's vision is to empower human potential through communication equity. On the podcast, Gil shar...


A Conversation with Dr. Jasmine Simmons!

Let's continue the conversation- send me a text! Extraordinary Dr. Jasmine Simmons is inspiring all of empowEAR’s listeners on today’s podcast. Dr. Jasmine is a deafblind audiologist and author who just published the first book in her Usher Syndrome Series called Extraordinary Jordyn and her Bionic Ears. On this podcast you will hear how Dr. Jasmine’s personal and professional experiences captivate this encouraging story about Jordyn who overcomes judgment for her cochlear implant...


A Conversation with Dr. Andrea Warner-Czyz!

Let's continue the conversation- send me a text! Join me with Dr. Andrea Warner-Czyz for a conversation about the role of social skills and emotional regulation as it relates to children and adolescents who are deaf and hard of hearing. Dr. Warner-Czyz is an Associate Professor in the Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing in the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences at The University of Texas at Dallas. In this engaging episode, Andrea shares about her research, peer victi...


Becoming a Certified Coach: A Conversation with Dr. Kari Morgenstein

Let's continue the conversation- send me a text! Have you ever wanted to take your career to a new level? Do you feel stuck in your personal and professional life? Take a listen to the latest episode of empowEAR Audiology with guest Dr. Kari Morgenstein. Kari is the co-founder of dB Coaching group which focuses on championing and supporting healthcare professionals so they can thrive in their personal and professional lives. Dr. Morgenstein has utilized her life experiences ...


The 3 A's of Health Literacy - Accurate, Accessible, & Actionable: Sydney Bassard, The ListeningSLP

Let's continue the conversation- send me a text! The 3 A’s of Health Literacy - Accurate, Accessible, and Actionable. Today’s episode with Sydney Bassard (The ListeningSLP) takes a deeper dive into the importance of health literacy from a family and professional perspective. Sydney is an ASHA-certified speech-language pathologist. She received her B.S. in Public Health and her Masters in Speech-Language Pathology from the University of South Carolina. Her clinical focus is w...


Valli Gideons: Through the Fog

Let's continue the conversation- send me a text! Join me as I talk with Valli Gideons who is an author, speaker, and mother of two teens who were born with hearing loss. Valli is a repeat guest (go back to episode 29 and hear more of her story). In this episode, we chat about her book “Through the Fog: Navigating Life’s Challenges While Raising Kids with Hearing Loss. Valli shares the parts of her book navigating through the fog as a mom and how even when the future seems un...


Educational Audiology Awareness Week!

Let's continue the conversation- send me a text! Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify Listen on Google Podcasts Click here for a transcript of the episode Get excited about the first annual Educational Audiology Awareness Week! empowEAR Audiology and EAA have teamed up to kick off the week with an overview podcast!! On today’s episode Dr. Tori Ashton and Dr. Kathi Riley, leadership from the Educational Audiology Association, share exciting activities and advocac...


A Conversation with Erika Gagnon & Erin Thompson!

Let's continue the conversation- send me a text! Did you know that one of the most significant predictors of receptive and expressive language for children who use cochlear implants was the age at which they achieved full-time use of their devices? Achieving full-time use can be a challenge. Join Dr. Erika Gagnon, Au.D., and Erin Thompson, M.S., CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert AVT as we take a deeper dive into the research, factors that impact full-time use and how to use the counseling concep...


A Conversation with Jace Wolfe, Ph.D.!

Let's continue the conversation- send me a text! Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify Listen on Google Podcasts Click here for a transcript of the episode Take a listen to the latest empowEAR Audiology episode with Dr. Jace Wolfe, Ph.D. who is the Senior Vice President of Innovation at the Oberkotter Foundation and Hearing First. This conversation will highlight the exciting audiology-focused pediatric learning opportunities that are planned for the Hearing First community ...


A Conversation with Dr. Sarah Sydlowski!

Let's continue the conversation- send me a text! Join me for a conversation with Dr. Sarah Sydlowski as we dig deeper into why cochlear implants are NOT the last resort for patients with the expanding criteria. In this conversation, we discuss the current referral guideline and walk through a case study to help dispel some of the common misconceptions about referrals. Dr. Sarah Sydlowski, AuD, PhD, MBA, ABA Certified, CISC, is the Audiology Director of the Hearing Implant Program, Audio...


A Conversation with Dr. Lindsey Tubaugh!

Let's continue the conversation- send me a text! Have you ever met or worked with someone who experiences Misophonia or Annoyance Hyperacusis? Join me for a conversation with Dr. Lindsey Tubaugh who has been practicing audiology for 20 years. She is the co-founder of Little Heroes Pediatric Hearing Clinic in Utah. Dr. Tubaugh specializes in tinnitus and sound sensitivity disorders. Her passion is helping patients understand that sound sensitivity, while sometimes debil...


A Conversation with Thibault Duchemin, the Inventor of AVA

Let's continue the conversation- send me a text! Thibault Duchemin grew up in Paris, France as the only hearing person in a deaf family. Sign language was his first language, and he experienced from a very early age the multiple challenges that deaf and hard-of-hearing people face in understanding and communicating with the rest of society. Helping his family navigate between the hearing and the deaf worlds led Thibault to found Ava, a mobile-based artificial intelligence that empowers people...


A Conversation with Donna Sorkin!

Let's continue the conversation- send me a text! Join me for an interview with Donna Sorkin, the executive director of the American Cochlear Implant Alliance, a national organization devoted to expanding access to cochlear implantation for all who may benefit. She has had a long career in advocacy for people with hearing loss at for-profit and non-profit entities. She has had a cochlear implant for over 30 years and brings her personal experience and enthusiasm to her work in the ...


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